T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by palmtreemomma »

Ah here she is again on IG stories, stoking fear with her fake anxiety saying she will never feel safe being out again? Like really?? Way to be strong for your kids and positive for your “following”. This chick has no clue. It’s AlL SoOoO ScArY but wait! Swipe up on my Easter haul! Enough with this girl get her off the internet please. I have to believe that these 2 realize they are doomed at this point, people don’t have the $ to spend frivolously the way they do right now and sponsorships will dry up after all of this is over, companies will not have the budgets for such nonsense.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Xoangelicchic »

Fake tears on IG about her dog. Bitch looking for money and pity.

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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by BlondeQueen96 »

Trashi reminds me of this girl I knew and to this day hate. Copies everything everyone else does, cant think for herself, get pregnant to trap men, selfish and insecure. I really really hope Chris leaves her. She could use the title "single mom of 4" or "divorced mom of 4" "He left me with 4 kids I dont even want except ewwa" lol so many opportunities come on Chris. Gain your brain back.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by ApothicDrunk »

mommyto3 wrote:
Gossipgurl wrote:She got shrimp to take out her stinky extensions .. add that onto his resume!
Yes! So gross! Her greasy, black roots were awful, that the extensions were "weaved" into! It's obvious that she was copying "Okbaby", because Kyra had Oscar take her extensions out of her hair with pliers, too, just the day before on YouTube. Like so many people have said, she doesn't have an original bone in her body. She only knows how to copy someone else.
Also, someone said a couple threads back (sorry, I can't remember whose name it was) that Krystal was a hairdresser at one point. Why doesn't T.Jealous ask her sister to do her hair? Especially now, when T.Haughty is complaining about how she can't go to the salon to get her roots done (God forbid )Image. Another thing that she could do is ask Krystal what bottled haircolor would work for lightening up her roots, from the grocery store. Oh, the horror, if she would have to actually have to do her hair herself.

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Because Krystal wasn’t a good hair dresser.

And no dye from the grocery store would work on bleach blonde hair. It would be yellow, brassy, and probably break.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Cam375 »

she looks hideous when she cries. My gosh stop girl
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by ApothicDrunk »

Sorry but she posted that crying about the dog for attention. If you are really upset, last thing you think of is putting it on your Instagram story.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by GGnella »

Did she really just post herself crying about the dog ! So the first thing you think of when your dog is dieing is to make sure you pick up the camera and film yourself .. omg this is so low so gross so embarrassing to watch
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Damask1988 »

Skiphopshutup101 wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:18 pm Just to add some insight.. I have exact numbers on t.cheeks’s channel right before she announced her pregnancy. Her views were down by 53%, subscribers were down by 46% and views were down by a whopping 59%. And than bam, she’s peeing left and right having an anurism over getting a postive. She knew her channel was going down.. all that information is readily available to her. I checked back after her announcement and title choices and everything is back up. Long time t.dentures fan turned annoyed about a year ago.
Ok, we need to see this picture now! I agree, her teeth are weirdly perfect. Like made in a laboratory perfect.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Megyevans34 »

All for attention!! If my pet was dying, I wouldn’t be on social media trying to get attention from strangers. That’s how insane she is.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Gossipgurl »

That's what happens with you neglect your pets, sorry. I would never wait months to take my dog to the vet if they were constantly throwing up. They have clearly been too busy on social media to give their dogs the care they needed. Take your crocodile tears elsewhere.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by disney8 »

Gossipgurl wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:11 am That's what happens with you neglect your pets, sorry. I would never wait months to take my dog to the vet if they were constantly throwing up. They have clearly been too busy on social media to give their dogs the care they needed. Take your crocodile tears elsewhere.
Ya!!!! 🧐 If the dog was showing symptoms of being sick for a while why wasn’t it taken to the vet? How sad for the dog.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Bluecoconut »

I sure hope her kiddos were not in the room while she was on her public display of hysterical attention. Like others said why aren’t u spending time with ur dog? Why are u on Instagram crying for attention????? Horrible about her dog no doubt..... but she handles things so inappropriately.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by minniemickey23 »

When I saw she was crying, I laughed. It looked forced.

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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Skiphopshutup101 »

Who else noticed that in two of their newer vlogs she referred to tanner as “that kid”. I guess to anybody else it’s not a big deal but noticing what we have, it makes me sad for that little boy.
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Wipes »

RealityBites wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:51 am
Jennaleeds19 wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:29 am Wait... can we get back this.... Chris “shrimp” beaston cheated on tiffani??? By a woman at his old job? More info plz!
Yes. He hooked up with a friend of one of my friends. They used to work together. She said he is a big flirt and used to flirt with any semi attractive women at work. Not sure who would want his tiny self but there is someone like Trash Bag out there for everyone I guess.
The only reason I don’t believe a word you’re saying is because if he cheated, it sure as hell wasn't with a W O M A N lmao come on now. He’s the poster child for being on the down low
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Wipes »

She looks so fucking stupid trying to cry on her stories lolllll. Not one tear squeezed out 😭🤣
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by fantasticamy »

Tiny husband is in the comments on her post about the dog thanking people for their support. Goes to show it’s really all they care about! Constant attention. Shouldn’t they be off the internet spending time with their dog? Just a thought. Get ready for many more posts because one photo’s worth of “I’m sorry’s” won’t be enough for the Beastons!
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by LazyLadybug »

I finally figured out what is so strange about her huge horse teeth.. She has two sets of canine teeth. Then you can see her real teeth... smaller and brown. Everything about this women is fake FAKE FAKE
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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Salamisammich »

I forgot this bitch even had dogs up until very recently they were never shown, probably locked up, mentioned every once in awhile. This is the most perfect drama for her channel to bring views in. She’s probably low key happy she has something to talk about because those daily vlogs were boring as hell

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Re: T.Beaston: Who cares if the kids are always sick, I'm too busy trying to drain Shrimps dick | Part 13

Unread post by Brookemaxson »

I was scrolling through & saw her IG post. A comment at the top said “why can’t u just give him essential oils” lol either that’s a joke OR her followers really are that stupid. I’m gonna go with they are that stupid. I’m not watching her stories..like others said why is she even on there right now. Priorities 🙄

I don’t watch her anymore but I see where people are saying this dog has been throwing up for a while?

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