TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTV - Part 19

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by proudmama »

Found this gem of a comment on an article written about A&J:

Curious the way they don’t bump into any actual Irish people. I’m assuming this show is being broadcast from the future post-apocalypse and they are the sole zombie survivors.

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by lisa123 »

in the blog post anna said that there are no signs of teeth yet but a couple of weeks ago E was teething...if she was teething and that uncomfortable a couple of weeks ago shouldnt there be some signs of teeth by now?
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by proudmama »

lisa123 wrote:in the blog post anna said that there are no signs of teeth yet but a couple of weeks ago E was teething...if she was teething and that uncomfortable a couple of weeks ago shouldnt there be some signs of teeth by now?
Yeah, I noticed that too. When babies get fussy from teething, they continue to fuss until the teeth come in. It's not like they fuss for a day or two and then no teeth for weeks. It just doesn't work that way. For example, my baby has been fussy for about a week now and his top front teeth are about to come through any day now (I can see it peeking through). Anna just doesn't understand why babies cry. In the past, every time Emilia cried in the vlogs, Anna would assume E was hungry, even though babies cry for many different reasons. She just assumes teething because she's not smart enough to figure out what else could be wrong.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by daisy85 »

proudmama wrote:
lisa123 wrote:in the blog post anna said that there are no signs of teeth yet but a couple of weeks ago E was teething...if she was teething and that uncomfortable a couple of weeks ago shouldnt there be some signs of teeth by now?
Yeah, I noticed that too. When babies get fussy from teething, they continue to fuss until the teeth come in. It's not like they fuss for a day or two and then no teeth for weeks. It just doesn't work that way. For example, my baby has been fussy for about a week now and his top front teeth are about to come through any day now (I can see it peeking through). Anna just doesn't understand why babies cry. In the past, every time Emilia cried in the vlogs, Anna would assume E was hungry, even though babies cry for many different reasons. She just assumes teething because she's not smart enough to figure out what else could be wrong.
Yet again she incorrectly diagnoses. She is such an idiot! Just like Emilia is "trying to crawl" :? No she isn't you muppet, she can barely even left her head up! Doesn't she know all babies kick their legs?! How does she not know! Honestly, there are no words
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by daisy85 »

I also cannot stand how Anna keeps saying "Emilia is napping in the swing" - why can't she put her down to nap in her crib? She is probably so used to the swing now that she sleeps best when flying about 100km/hr.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by geekinthepink »

proudmama wrote:
lisa123 wrote:in the blog post anna said that there are no signs of teeth yet but a couple of weeks ago E was teething...if she was teething and that uncomfortable a couple of weeks ago shouldnt there be some signs of teeth by now?
Yeah, I noticed that too. When babies get fussy from teething, they continue to fuss until the teeth come in. It's not like they fuss for a day or two and then no teeth for weeks. It just doesn't work that way. For example, my baby has been fussy for about a week now and his top front teeth are about to come through any day now (I can see it peeking through). Anna just doesn't understand why babies cry. In the past, every time Emilia cried in the vlogs, Anna would assume E was hungry, even though babies cry for many different reasons. She just assumes teething because she's not smart enough to figure out what else could be wrong.
when do babies normally start to teeth?
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by sylwi »

Someone commented on the vlog that gnome is getting fatter while beige is getting skinner,
it's some twisted mechanism, it looks like she loses every pound he puts on...
I've got my theory on it, they both have huge eating issues, Jofatso is big time comfort eater, he won't handle giving up carbs, he would collapse emotionally, I guess he compensates Anna's frigidity towards him with food.. he won't lose weight without seeking some coaching concerning those issues, even if he does, the day he achievies his goal weight he will eat all the forbidden foods as a reward;/
with Anna on the other hand, her body is the only thing she can control at the moment, she has nothing to say about how her life looks like, jofatso decides, she is trapped with the baby indoors, without driving license, job, friends etc, what is she left with? what goals can she set for herself? the easiest answer- weight, se totally lost it, without makeup her face is yellowish, looking unhealthy, she drinks huge cupes of strong unsweetened black coffee and so on,
some of you worry that she will get pregnant soon, she won't, not with that diet, her body is exhausted after pregnancy and breastfeeding and she really eats nothing... she admitted that she is already skinnier weight-wise than before pregnancy...she won't be seeing her period for long unless she gives up her "healthy" ways of eating.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by Dandelion »

daisy85 wrote:I also cannot stand how Anna keeps saying "Emilia is napping in the swing" - why can't she put her down to nap in her crib? She is probably so used to the swing now that she sleeps best when flying about 100km/hr.
Hahaha, so funny! :lol:
But how tragic.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by geekinthepink »

sylwi wrote:Someone commented on the vlog that gnome is getting fatter while beige is getting skinner,
it's some twisted mechanism, it looks like she loses every pound he puts on...
I've got my theory on it, they both have huge eating issues, Jofatso is big time comfort eater, he won't handle giving up carbs, he would collapse emotionally, I guess he compensates Anna's frigidity towards him with food.. he won't lose weight without seeking some coaching concerning those issues, even if he does, the day he achievies his goal weight he will eat all the forbidden foods as a reward;/
with Anna on the other hand, her body is the only thing she can control at the moment, she has nothing to say about how her life looks like, jofatso decides, she is trapped with the baby indoors, without driving license, job, friends etc, what is she left with? what goals can she set for herself? the easiest answer- weight, se totally lost it, without makeup her face is yellowish, looking unhealthy, she drinks huge cupes of strong unsweetened black coffee and so on,
some of you worry that she will get pregnant soon, she won't, not with that diet, her body is exhausted after pregnancy and breastfeeding and she really eats nothing... she admitted that she is already skinnier weight-wise than before pregnancy...she won't be seeing her period for long unless she gives up her "healthy" ways of eating.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by Lea »

According to developmental psychology, having an independent baby is a bad thing. It means that they'll probably be distant and cold as adults. Obviously this is only a theory and every baby is different but from what I've studied it's not a good thing. But then one of my little brothers was very independent as a baby and he's secure and happy now.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by Nadezhda »

Lea wrote:According to developmental psychology, having an independent baby is a bad thing. It means that they'll probably be distant and cold as adults. Obviously this is only a theory and every baby is different but from what I've studied it's not a good thing. But then one of my little brothers was very independent as a baby and he's secure and happy now.
I don't think it means anything.. I was a very needy baby/infant & as an adult i'm still the same, albeit to a lesser degree. Only time will tell as to how Emilia has been affected by her upbringing.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by geeklove »

Lea wrote:According to developmental psychology, having an independent baby is a bad thing. It means that they'll probably be distant and cold as adults. Obviously this is only a theory and every baby is different but from what I've studied it's not a good thing. But then one of my little brothers was very independent as a baby and he's secure and happy now.
I think it's very different depending on the age. I don't think independence should be a goal before they become really mobile. When they're less than 4 or 5 months you shouldn't be trying to make them independent. If they're content, that's one thing but leaving them alone a lot is not a good thing.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by poisonprincess21 »

With regards to A's diet/relationship with food. It reminds me of how I used to be transitioning between school and university. At school I ate exactly what I wanted because I was in the running club and never put on any weight. When I got to uni I stopped running so much and my friends and I did a lot of partying and I noticed I was putting on weight. So I used to limit my food intake. I had a tiny portion of porridge for breakfast, a tiny lunch (if I had lunch at all) and just tiny portions of everything but drink LOTS of coffee. I did this most of the time so that I could go on big binges as a "treat". When I was binging I would eat anything in sight. I was utterly miserable. My portions were so small I was never full and even though I was so hungry it was painful I would deliberately leave food on my plate. I used to like it when people commented on how little I ate. I definitely wouldn't be surprised if A was gorging on junk when the cameras are off. The type of food she eats definitely reminds me of the type of things I used to eat. Sticking to the same things every day for safety as I knew they kept me thin. If she is using food in the way I think she is, I can see why she is so lethargic and miserable all the time (add living with J on top of that as well)!
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by daisy85 »

Suntropics wrote:What is the show they were talking about at the beginning of the vlog? Dublin something? Interesting that Anna says she won't pick her favorite "because she's friends with them". More lies I am sure, how delusional is this woman? It's getting ridiculous!
Anna probably tweeted them or liked their facebook page which obviously makes them BFFS FoR LiFe!!!!! <3
It is actually so sad how the only "friends" she ever mentions are all youtubers whom she has never even met. She's 25! Why does she not try to get to know other Irish youtubers/bloggers etc? A and J's relationship is so unhealthy and they are stuck in such a comfortable, safe, boring little beige bubble that I don't see either of them ever wanting to leave it, even if it were in a small way such as having some independence and going to a class alone where they could meet people. I just cannot wrap my head around how she can be satisfied essentially doing nothing day in, day out. No wonder she wants to get pregnant asap, so she can have a new plaything to busy herself with :?

PS Anyone else find it weird how they were liKe SoOoOoO suPeR eXciTedDdD for Emilia's arrival, so excited that they scheduled her birth, they couldn't wait to meet her, yet just 4 months in Anna's interest seems to be fading fast and she only cares about outfits and making sure her instagram photos of Emilia are cute.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by dolliedays »

sylwi wrote:Someone commented on the vlog that gnome is getting fatter while beige is getting skinner,
it's some twisted mechanism, it looks like she loses every pound he puts on...
I've got my theory on it, they both have huge eating issues, Jofatso is big time comfort eater, he won't handle giving up carbs, he would collapse emotionally, I guess he compensates Anna's frigidity towards him with food.. he won't lose weight without seeking some coaching concerning those issues, even if he does, the day he achievies his goal weight he will eat all the forbidden foods as a reward;/
with Anna on the other hand, her body is the only thing she can control at the moment, she has nothing to say about how her life looks like, jofatso decides, she is trapped with the baby indoors, without driving license, job, friends etc, what is she left with? what goals can she set for herself? the easiest answer- weight, se totally lost it, without makeup her face is yellowish, looking unhealthy, she drinks huge cupes of strong unsweetened black coffee and so on,
some of you worry that she will get pregnant soon, she won't, not with that diet, her body is exhausted after pregnancy and breastfeeding and she really eats nothing... she admitted that she is already skinnier weight-wise than before pregnancy...she won't be seeing her period for long unless she gives up her "healthy" ways of eating.
She is getting quite scrawny looking ( in my opinion.. I'm not trying to offend anyone who is naturally thin) I don't see an hour glass shape at all. I didn't notice how thin she was getting until she did her jumping/dancing around thing. That probably wore her out for the entire day as she is completely out of breath by doing any type of movement for more than 20 seconds. She's probably only around 105-110 pounds now. :?
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by beautyish2 »

From her facebook!


Nooo! Emilia has a cough!!! :( I'm a terrible mom & have lost the will to live! ;(
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by geeklove »

Emilia's getting sick. They both should've gotten flu shots especially with how bad this flu seasons. Can't the flu kill babies or the elderly?
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by beautyish2 »

geeklove wrote:Emilia's getting sick. They both should've gotten flu shots especially with how bad this flu seasons. Can't the flu kill babies or the elderly?
yep sure can..but they don't care. They are in a bubble you know.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by geeklove »

I think they should make her a doctors appointment within the next couple days if she spikes a fever because of how bad this flu season is.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by beautyish2 »

geeklove wrote:I think they should make her a doctors appointment within the next couple days if she spikes a fever because of how bad this flu season is.
I agree

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