Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Whatongodsgreenearth »

“I couldn’t have picked that date if I tried” THE LIES THE LIES. I guess Mr. Potato head said no more kids and she was so desperate for a girl. I’m not suggesting anything but damn it looks suspicious.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by WheresMyCoffee »

I am in no way comparing a miscarriage to the death of your infant, but I had a miscarriage a few weeks ago and I have been coping by keeping busy. Granted, I havent moved or gotten pregnant and my kids didnt even know about the pregnancy/miscarriage but I understand the need to keep busy. I wnt back to work a week after the miscarriage just to BE busy. The quarantine has been extra hard because I just cant run out to Home depot for supplies but regardless, I get it. What bothers me about this situation is the kids, they lost their brother, their home and now a new baby is coming in to the mix all within a few months, PLUS covid-19. That is SO much for the average ADULT to handle let alone a bunch of kids. I worry the kids are going to have alot of attachment/trust issues. Even in the best circumstance, if Jeff and Brittani were the very best parents they can be, the kids still need therapy.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by WheresMyCoffee »

Sorry, apparently I have all the feelings. When I was pregnant one of my favorite things was scrolling pinterest for "reveal" ideas and now having lost my baby I am just so acutely aware of how painful it is to go on social media and the first thing you see is an ad for baby related things or someones pregnancy announcement. While I dont think it is others responsibilities to not "hurt my feelings" (nobody but friends/family even knows) I just cannot imagine her having gone through such a loss and now plaster her announcement everywhere? I dont know.. maybe I am way off base.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Justheretogossip »

Like someone else above if this was anyone else I think people would be happy for her.
It’s Britts actions since Crew passed away that irks a lot of people... it’s like as soon as he passed she thought hmm well let’s get pregnant again maybe this time it will be a girl. I just hope to god she actually practices safe sleep. I’m so infuriated with the blatant lie about saying it was SIDS. Did we ever see Crew being put to sleep in safe sleeping conditions? I don’t think so, always admitting to co sleeping and then leaving him in her bedroom on her bed while she did whatever. She needs to use a co sleeper bassinet and a swaddle/sleep sack and follow all safe sleep or else she will get a lot of backlash.
Her belly seems pretty big I’m surprised she’s kept it hidden so well.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by jessbless »

Here’s the thing that gets me.. if Crew were alive he’d be almost 8 months old. You cannot convince me that she’d consider getting pregnant with an 8 month old, whose existence (along with her other kids) clearly overwhelmed her. I’m not saying she wouldn’t have had another kid eventually. But the timing of it all is what’s suspect. And then playing it like it was some miracle gift from Crew. Babies are a gift from God, for sure, but this woman is so calculated it would almost be impressive if it weren’t so sick.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Deesker »

misspersonality wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:07 am The heck with grieving, BBL been getting her groove on.

I’m blown away.

And.. it’s probably a girl. I can feel it.
(A little girl “sent to mommy from Crew” of course)
She's so pathetic. Just no words. Like she doesn't have enough kids already and God had no part in her having this baby in Dec. She never even gave her body enough time to recuperate from childbirth in December. It's all for the money and followers. Nothing more. She's reprehensible. Just a baby machine. A Joanna Gaines wannabe who never will be. Pathetic person.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by babyshark »

According to Social Blade, she has already lost 704 followers just today hahahaha. People aren't buying it.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by kmarie »

I really hope she has a girl. She is already overwhelmed with the kids she has, and seemed so overwhelmed when Crew was a newborn. If she has a girl I’m pretty sure she’ll be done having kids. I think she should have waited at least a year, but I’m not surprised. I just can’t stop thinking about how depressed and stressed out she seemed when Crew was a couple months old. 4 kids (five on weekends/part time) is a LOT. Her youngest two seem like handfuls, Cash is still in diapers, why not wait until they’re a little older?
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Celia »

Yeah... this is really disturbing. I got bad vibes from her from the start when all this went down, and I was harshly judged until people realized she was insane. This just screams “replacement baby”. She needs to take a step back, not only from social media but from everything and get some counseling. I feel bad for this child, and I also feel bad for her other children who will be pushed to the back burner for this baby.

Also... and this is a personal pet peeve and I get not everyone will agree, but I hate when people say a deceased child/parent/relative... whatever, handpicked and sent a new baby to them. No. No they didn’t. And that’s a LOT of pressure to put on an unborn child.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Backyard Chicken »

It’s one of those situations where you are not shocked but still are. My brother lost a child at two months ( she was born not breathing for unknown reasons and passed 8 weeks later) even as an Aunt I was completely shattered. I was a mess for months. My whole family was. Eventually, They decided after two years to try again and were blessed with two more miracles.
I know everyone grieves differently. I do. But I’m just blown away that her coping mechanism was to almost immediately get pregnant again. I know I would want another child. I completely understand. It’s just so calculated and odd. But hopefully everything goes well and she has a healthy baby. I just wish she would seek professional help as well because the emotions she will go through when the baby is born will be a lot.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by mssqueen233 »

Hahaha they just like to have sex all the effin time I hope to god Jeff gets fixed just wait til her bladder doesn’t hold up hahah she’ll be peeing her self all the time SHE WILL NEED DEPENDS

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by bcuzimnosey »

In addition to social media fame or any attention for that matter, it’s a competition. BBL, TBeaston and Bri are all pregnant at the same time. Granted Trashy Beaston and Bri announced before BBL but you will never convince me that BBL would not have announced as early as they did if she could have been the only one to announce. They are all due within a week of each other.... the competition has really amped up now that BBL has put her announcement out there.

FFS this is a shit show all around.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by anxietyqueen »

Damn, looks like they started trying as soon as she got her cycle back. Y’all are good! Brittani definitely doesn’t know what to do with herself if she’s not pregnant / taking care of a newborn.

I’m surprised she’s announcing so early after having lost a baby and having had a miscarriage in the past. She’s 10 weeks right?

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by blahblahblahhh »

I don’t have a problem that they’re having another baby, per se. My problem is the timing and that I think there HAS to be underlying issues that should be treated to the best of their abilities before bringing another human in to the world, which in and of it self will most likely be triggering for her. She clearly had PPD issues after Crew, and wasn’t there a post before his passing where she said she had PPD issues with a few/all of her children? So that’s something added on top of the devastating trauma of burying your infant... and they were trying to conceive on Valentines? That’s not even 2 most after Crew passed. AND Crew was just born in September. I had PPD after my last baby and it took almost 2 years to resolve, and that’s without the trauma of burying my infant. I just feel like this cannot be smart, and I think it just shows that Jeff is scared to say no to her. I can’t fault her for wanting another baby... but doing it so soon is so reckless.

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by LonelyTown »

Well. We knew it folks. We called it.

I don’t know. I don’t like BBL. I think she’s been behaving like an asshole. I worry she hasn’t healed. But I can’t judge. If my baby died I’d want another one regardless of how healthy or unhealthy it is.

I hope she has a healthy pregnancy and practices safe sleep habits from now on.

For all the people who say she’s been medicated - I guess she hasn’t. Not many meds are safe in the first trimester. So either she’s a sociopath or she has come to peace with crews death.

Due in December. That’s wild.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Rkp65i »

If having another baby In December makes their Christmas a little bit easier than Im happy for them. Instead of sadness those kids will have happiness surrounding that month. Having another baby doesnt replace Crew. You’re all just assuming that. She made sure Crew was in the announcement. No one is happy with that. If she had not mentioned him in the announcement then y’all would be pissed. We all knew it would happen. We have been talking about it for weeks. Why be shocked? Do I think she did gender selection? Lol cmon. Doubtful. Do I think she rushed into a baby to try to make herself feel better? Absolutely. I dont think theyre ready. I think she will be overwhelmed. I hope that she doesnt get PPD and I hope she learned from Crew and puts this baby in a crib with no extras. Time will tell. Im happy for them and worried for them.

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Mommy359 »

She’s pregnant and I’m not surprised. I think she’s farther along though.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Snarkybetch23 »

I don’t know why this triggers me so much. I’m no way am I comparing my living child with Crew, but I had an incredibly hard pregnancy, then gave birth 8 weeks early which meant a NICU stay. I have other children thankfully but just that birth experience made me never want to have another child because of the trauma I went through....and Brittani who had a child die, got knocked up within weeks of his death. She only wants a girl and part of me is hoping it is so maybe she will stop popping out kids but the other part of me thinks Sydney and those boys will be pushed to the side for this baby (especially if it’s a girl) Do they even have an extra room? Will Sydney have to give up her room? Or will the boys (all 3) have to share a room again? I’m just extremely annoyed by all of this. I do hope she has a healthy pregnancy and that she starts practicing safe sleeping habits when the baby gets here.

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by babyshark »

One of you savages commented back to Taking Cara Babies with “Maybe you can teach her a thing or two about safe sleep?” Hahahahahahaha incredible.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by JellyBean55 »

babyshark wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 2:49 pm One of you savages commented back to Taking Cara Babies with “Maybe you can teach her a thing or two about safe sleep?” Hahahahahahaha incredible.
I agree that was savage!!😂
Her having another baby so soon is bad news for that girls mental health. She needs to take the time and get her shit together. Hopefully the new baby will cause her to get that damn pacifier out of that kids mouth!!!

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