Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Tiger27 »

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Alex so fired up before and I have to admit it was a little funny. Phil’s stupid ass speech about fear made me want to reach though the screen and slap him. I can’t stand the people who think SCIENCE and FACTS are equal to fearmongering. Or all those science deniers who don’t believe in the pandemic because it’s inconveniencing them. Do I think it sucks that they both can’t be there 24/7 with their baby? Absolutely. I’d be upset too. Would I throw a hissy fit and declare the rules pointless because i don’t like them? Definitely not. It’s not just about you Phil and Alex. It’s not like they’re practicing social distancing or wearing masks so I sure as hell wouldn’t want them bringing extra germs into the NICU. The rules were put in place for a reason based on evidence, access to PPE (a hospital would be using up two sets of both parents were always allowed) and local infection rates. My hospitals allowing both parents in the nicu. I can see Alex deciding to deliver somewhere else despite this clearly being the best place for the baby. She’d be the one to downgrade the heart care so she could get a more idealistic birth.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by isthisnormal »

Tiger27 wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 10:41 pm I don’t think I’ve ever seen Alex so fired up before and I have to admit it was a little funny. Phil’s stupid ass speech about fear made me want to reach though the screen and slap him. I can’t stand the people who think SCIENCE and FACTS are equal to fearmongering. Or all those science deniers who don’t believe in the pandemic because it’s inconveniencing them. Do I think it sucks that they both can’t be there 24/7 with their baby? Absolutely. I’d be upset too. Would I throw a hissy fit and declare the rules pointless because i don’t like them? Definitely not. It’s not just about you Phil and Alex. It’s not like they’re practicing social distancing or wearing masks so I sure as hell wouldn’t want them bringing extra germs into the NICU. The rules were put in place for a reason based on evidence, access to PPE (a hospital would be using up two sets of both parents were always allowed) and local infection rates. My hospitals allowing both parents in the nicu. I can see Alex deciding to deliver somewhere else despite this clearly being the best place for the baby. She’d be the one to downgrade the heart care so she could get a more idealistic birth.

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With their parents joining them and all the risky stuff they have done, they don't realize its not just unicorn baby in the NICU. They could kill other people's kids who aren't full term like she perpertually brags about.

They say there are willing to do anything for the baby but won't even wear masks and burn up hospital supplies by not wearing their own when they walk in.

So self centered, the Godly preaching is so inauthentic.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by sondraK »

Did they ever stop to think of all the medically fragile babies in NICU when complaining? NO
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Veruca_Salt »

It’s been very interesting to watch Alex, a NICU nurse, contaminate her own mask/wear it and adjust it improperly so many times. Then again she’s so “crunchy granola,” that being a nurse isn’t a good fit anyway. Nurses do have healing hearts but they also need to follow science to be competent.

It was also very interesting to see how ANGRY she got about the the visitor restrictions to NICU as a result of covid-19. Just jump in with two feet like you always do, Alex. You’re the unbothered. You take on more than anyone should handle, let alone someone with the foreboding issues your family is about to see. Let’s see how the garden, chicks and two beautiful daughters do while you try to navigate the whole Nicu endeavor.

I just find it funny that they’ll purposely complicate situations as it pleases them and then get mad when things feel too complicated.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Here_2_talk »

So, this is the Alex that doesn’t get stressed but throws a hissy fit upon learning that a serious and deadly pandemic, that’s known to affect the already vulnerable population, the elderly, ones with pre existing condition (heart, lung, etc), caused all hospitals including NICU wards to implement even stricter visitor guidlines... wow! Just wow! I understand it’s not what you want, and it’s far from ideal, but your newborn and other’s life is at risk! You might know how to handle yourself to keep your baby and others safe. How would you feel if someone brought in a bug that infected your miracle baby, and god forbid it cost her her life.

It’s the same with wearing a mask. You do it to protect others. You have the same rule for everyone (very rigid, duh! That’s why it’s hospital policy!) to protect everyone. Including your very fragile baby. You think you are so special and can’t do no wrong, fine! Maybe it’s true. Should they allow everyone in to visit?! Are they perfect?!? Have they been in perfect quarantine?!

Alex, you just got your hair done, you could have been exposed and not know before you give birth.


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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Here_2_talk »

Fired up Alex is the true Alex, I can see how she may have mistreated/injured that NICU baby, cause she knew better.

Also Alex’s mum is looking so fragile, if I were Alex, I’d be worried about her mother’s health.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by IVFwarrior »

I loved this video. She lost her normal calculating composure. I mean, WE all see her for what she really is, but she normally hides it behind some sickly sweet, passive aggressive, good girl Christian image. Which for some reason lots of people fall for.

But this time she let loose. She still tried to cover it with a "this is my opinion" statement, but when you give your opinion with pure vindictive hatred towards anyone that disagrees with you, it's not just an opinion. You're just an awful person.

She is going to be a nasty piece of work towards the staff in the NICU.

Never once has she considered all the sole parents, the parents who have to go back and work real jobs when their kids are the the NICU, parents who have no family support so have split up to look after the other kids at home, or women whose husbands are deployed overseas and don't have the luxury of having their partner there next to them in a bedside vigil. And I think they would find the idea offensive that their absence are causing trauma to their babies and will never be able to bond. It's another piece of evidence that shows Alex has this perfect view in her mind of how things have to go. In her mind, she won't ever feel the bond she thinks she's meant to feel unless A, B and C happens.

I cannot believe how selfish and self-centred she is. Wait.....I can.....she's always like that.....
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by IVFwarrior »

Look where they dumped their biological waste (ie used mask). On the hand washing basin where other people go to clean their hands.

They really do not care about anyone else.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by FlowersTar 68 »

I haven't watched the vlog yet but going by the comments here, she's absolutely nuts! Both are very selfish. Doesn't she realise there is a pandemic? I'm in the UK, she's lucky she's not here as her and Phil's parents would not be allowed to to travel to them and stay in their house. We can't even go into another person's garden to speak to them. I drop shopping off at my parents house, I have to leave it on the doorstep, knock, then go to the end of the garden till they pick it up.
People haven't been able to be with their dying loved ones here, havent been able to attend funerals as there has been a limit on who can attend.
These two are unbelievable, those babies are in the Nicu for a reason, they are vulnerable. I'd like to see how Alex would be like if the shoe was on the other foot and still working as a Nicu nurse and have to deal with a Phil and Alex and their precious 8 year infertility 2 daughter magical unicorn baby.
Don't get me wrong, I do sympathise that they will be going through tough times with the baby but they need to realise there'll be other parents in that unit in exactly the same position.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by rd_valo »

What a vile person Alex really is. That baby needs to go into nicu to be given the best chances, and she's bitching about how awful it is that they won't let both parents in to see it. In the middle of a viral pandemic, it won't just be her baby in there. They are trying to keep all the babies safe not just princess Alex's brat. She doesn't give a shit, as long as they get their way. So selfish.
Watch this baby get treated like royalty and get every bit of medical help needed, but has callie had any help for her hips yet? I haven't watched in a while so genuinely don't know but I suspect the answer will be no

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Scandiqueen »

Scoobs212 wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 3:10 pm I'm asking because it's been discussed here but I can't bring myself to sift through their vlogs. Did Alex actually confuse Braxton Hicks with real labor contractions? If so, I can't wait to watch her birth video with a giant 5 gallon bucket of popcorn. She's in for a real treat.
Long time lurker here, and just joined just to comment on this. Absolutely agree! She is going to be in for a shock.

I'm really irked about the latest video, they are incredibly offended, but at the same time would be also (understandably) angry if Covid suddenly started infecting babies in the NICU. The rules are there for a reason. Plus, were they both planning on spending every second there and leaving the girls for weeks(?) On end with grandparents?
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Scandiqueen »

sondraK wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 11:12 am Yes,of course you are up after an epidural.I had 2 of them,and they have you go to the bathroom to make sure they don't need to cath you,which was as soon as I got back to my room
This! She honestly has no idea. I had an epidural with my first and walked straight out of the birth suite carrying him. She has no clue 🙈
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Haulnarse »

Good luck to them

My friend had her baby a few weeks ago. She had to have a csection as baby was breech. Her husband had to drop her off in the carpark. He was phoned when baby was born and had one hour with baby after it was born. Then he had to leave and collect them 3-4 days later from the front door.

This is from a country (New Zealand) with only 1500 cases nationally, (probably only had about 800 cases at the time) and no cases in our area, no one in hospital being treated.

It wasnt 100% a covid issue. Its so that PPE doesnt get wasted. I see nurses in the US have to reuse PPE, that wouldnt fly here at all, we have enough to go around, without throwing it away.

If she visits the nicu 4-5x a day - thats 4-5 sets of PPE (gown, mask, gloves maybe?). Add another parent and that’s another 4-5 sets. But miss alex isnt going to go to the nicu and stay the whole day, shes going to come and go like its her personal private hospital. She is going to waste precious precious resources. Nurses are reusing items that shouldn’t be reused because of supply issues. They are reusing items so that a parent can visit their child. They are putting their own health at risk so that patients get the care they need.

If she dares whinge about anything post birth, god help her. She needs a swift kick in the arse and a wake up call. Shes lucky that there are doctors and nurses still turning up to work each day, doctors and nurses that will be caring for her child.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Goodgirl »

The comments on her IG are insane. I was searching to find anyone disagreeing with her and found only support. I am honestly shocked and am also very disappointed that so many hundreds of people are also not taking this seriously. Disgusting.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Littleo »

I created an account just to comment because she really outdid herself. 1. I agree: it is a silly rule that only one parent can be there for 24 hours and then the other can come. She is right in the sense that it doesn’t logistically make sense because the back and forth and allowing both really introduces more risk. With that being said, it would make more sense for just one parent to be allowed at bedside and that’s it. There is no back or forth. They keep commenting about how they aren’t going to go near someone else’s baby but Alex, being a NICU nurse herself, should know that it is actually more about protecting the other parents and mostly the staff! My mom is a NICU nurse and maybe the rules are so strict because of where we are located (NYC) metro area and the number of cases is very high, but only one parent is allowed for the NICU. The hospital is providing sleeping arrangements and meals for the parent so they do not have to leave. My mom is in active chemo so grateful that they have taken precautionary measures to better protect the staff.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

This is Phil and Alex in a nutshell. They can't comprehend that hospitals are making hard decisions in order to protect staff BECAUSE they need those skilled, trained doctors and nurses healthy at work IN ORDER to care for NICU babies. In addition to needing to protect vulnerable babies. At the same time, Phil and Alex are not practicing social distancing or being responsible. And they wonder why hospitals need rules to mitigate the spread of this virus. No, Phil and Alex would rather stomp their feet and cry about how unfair this all is, because they've thrown their adopted children on the back burner and built up this biological baby/pregnancy experience in their heads to the point where any deviation in the "dream" or the "plan" is unacceptable. Well, that's not real life.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

As an addendum to my post above, I get being dissappointed, I don't get being irate and ranting. Sometimes protecting the lives of hospital staff and patients by limiting the number of people in the NICU at a given time during a deadly pandemic supercedes your wishes and your experience. Frankly, I think it's pretty generous that they are even permitted to trade off as the designated visitors after 24 hours. The hospital recognizes that each parent wants an opportunity and that one parent may need a break, even if it's increasing their risk and exposure. So they are trying to balances the wishes of the families with what is safe. Most levelheaded adults can process that. And it would be a tad less hypocritical if Phil and Alex weren't blantantly disregarding social distancing. I'm more concerned by the trauma this child is going to endure by having these two nutcases for parents.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by IVFwarrior »

Littleo wrote: Sat May 23, 2020 3:56 am I created an account just to comment because she really outdid herself. 1. I agree: it is a silly rule that only one parent can be there for 24 hours and then the other can come. She is right in the sense that it doesn’t logistically make sense because the back and forth and allowing both really introduces more risk. With that being said, it would make more sense for just one parent to be allowed at bedside and that’s it. There is no back or forth. They keep commenting about how they aren’t going to go near someone else’s baby but Alex, being a NICU nurse herself, should know that it is actually more about protecting the other parents and mostly the staff! My mom is a NICU nurse and maybe the rules are so strict because of where we are located (NYC) metro area and the number of cases is very high, but only one parent is allowed for the NICU. The hospital is providing sleeping arrangements and meals for the parent so they do not have to leave. My mom is in active chemo so grateful that they have taken precautionary measures to better protect the staff.

I think the rule makes perfect sense. Like Haulnarse said, this is about resources and PPE. The hospital does not have the capacity to medically screen and provide PPE for more than 1 visitor per patient, per day.

Based on past personal experience, I’ll be the first person to say that their upcoming situation is awful. And the visitor restrictions will make it even more awful.

But their inability to accept this pandemic as real and just suck it up, like billions of other people they share this planet with, is unbecoming.

Never mind that they can’t comprehend that THOUSANDS AND THOUSAND of new parents every year - even before COVID - find themselves in situations where they can’t just sit at their baby’s bedside for months at a time. Most people have real jobs for starters.

They are so out of touch.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Tiredofspoiledbrats »

I was a nicu mom after many years of infertility. My daughter spent 6 weeks in the nicu and I’ll say right now it was easily the hardest time in my life. Like a lot of you said I totally agree with her feeling disappointed.. this is obviously not what they planned or envisioned when they found out they were finally pregnant. That being said, a viral pandemic doesn’t go around their birth plans. I can understand getting upset and saying hey this sucks but to be so angry and to even say it will cause trauma to the baby and the baby won’t bond is offensive on so many levels and so wrong. People have babies in the nicu for long periods of time and like my husband had to, people have to go back to work. The world doesn’t stop, your bills don’t stop. So to insinuate that my child went through trauma and didn’t bond with my husband because he couldn’t be there every day or at the same time as me is so wrong.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by IVFwarrior »

Littleo wrote: Sat May 23, 2020 3:56 am I created an account just to comment because she really outdid herself. 1. I agree: it is a silly rule that only one parent can be there for 24 hours and then the other can come. She is right in the sense that it doesn’t logistically make sense because the back and forth and allowing both really introduces more risk. With that being said, it would make more sense for just one parent to be allowed at bedside and that’s it. There is no back or forth. They keep commenting about how they aren’t going to go near someone else’s baby but Alex, being a NICU nurse herself, should know that it is actually more about protecting the other parents and mostly the staff! My mom is a NICU nurse and maybe the rules are so strict because of where we are located (NYC) metro area and the number of cases is very high, but only one parent is allowed for the NICU. The hospital is providing sleeping arrangements and meals for the parent so they do not have to leave. My mom is in active chemo so grateful that they have taken precautionary measures to better protect the staff.

I think the rule makes perfect sense. Like Haulnarse said, this is about resources and PPE. The hospital does not have the capacity to medically screen and provide PPE for more than 1 visitor per patient, per day.

Based on past personal experience, I’ll be the first person to say that their upcoming situation is awful. And the visitor restrictions will make it even more awful.

But their inability to accept this pandemic as real and just suck it up, like billions of other people they share this planet with, is unbecoming.

Never mind that they can’t comprehend that THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of new parents every year - even before COVID - find themselves in situations where they can’t just sit at their baby’s bedside for months at a time. Most people have jobs.

They are so out of touch.

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