Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by namalot »

This is all so comical. 62 hours of labor and counting, at what point do we do a sweepstake for the final number of hours labor?

If they admit she's not in labor this time and reset the clock, ya'll know down the line this 62 hours (or more) will be added on to attempt 2's count.

Birthvlog prediction - just before baby is born it goes to a slow mo sentimental reel of old footage of them crying, to transfer day, pregnancy test, words on the screen 'thousands of tears, injections etc etc, and 100+ hours of labor later' cut back to jesus II being born.

I wish them a safe and healthy birth when the time comes, cant deny am enjoying this current display of drama in the meantime!
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Scoobs212 »

I'm happy for them. 62+ hours of labor will give them plenty of time to prepare the manger.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Tangie77 »

I don’t know who needs to hear this but Alex is not in labor! I need her to stop with labor started 3 days ago. Also, for someone so crunchy she took that morphine real quick
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by afwifeykins »

I posted about prodromal labor and got someone telling me you don't dilate and efface, so I quoted the fucking website I found it on and she tried telling me she read it 3 times and isn't seeing it at all. Bitch you are fucking blind. I screenshot that shit and she tells me "oh sorry I guess I skipped that part".

I'm gonna need more popcorn for all this bullshit.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Jupiter »

FlowersTar 68 wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 10:25 am
Jupiter wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 10:21 am What on earth is going on with this forum or tapatalk. I've been unable to access the site for over a week either by app or web. I finally got on Chrome, searched YTMD Phil and Alex and found the boards. I've logged in now. Is there a problem with the system? My error message is always "network error". Anyone else having issues???
I haven't been able to access YTMD via Tapatalk for about a week now. I can use Tapatalk for other forums I use though.
Could a moderator help please.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by spicy_dreams »

God I'm fucking cringing so hard for these two. I'm actually embarrassed for them. You guys think they'll ever admit they've been wrong about the labour or are they in too deep?

PS. I'm convinced that it's really likely that their content has been posted to preggo-porn sites and they've now got a bunch of creeps creeping on them. I bet they'd love this shit, it's more authentic than just straight up porn and Phil and Alex seem to have a pregnancy fetish themselves, and no shame, so they're just putting it all out there. If I were them I would NOT be comfortable with that. Why is it that so many of these family vlogger wives think that as soon as they get pregnant, modesty goes out the window? I know pregnancy is a wonderful thing and the female body is incredible blah blah blah. But do they have to lift up their shirts and rub their bellies all out of breath talking about how big they are every five minutes? Rachelle did that too. Like, just because there's a baby in there doesn't mean it's not your body anymore. We can still see that you're pregnant without you lifting your shirt and rubbing yourself. And why they gotta get these camera angles that make their bellies look much bigger than they actually are? That thumbnail of Alex with her shirt pulled up and ultrasound jelly all over her absurdly large stomach was... Too much.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by sondraK »

Scoobs212 wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 4:21 pm I'm happy for them. 62+ hours of labor will give them plenty of time to prepare the manger.
And to get the hay ready,too.LOL
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Justpeachyy »

If they knew phil had heart issues and genetic abnormalities as a couple, why the fuck would they transfer biological children. If their child isn't strong enough to live or struggles in any way, the grief and fear is pretty much self inflicted.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Justpeachyy »

FlowersTar 68 wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 11:00 am First time they've slept in multiple days apparently
Watching her navigate around in her final moments of pregnancy is like watching a man carry a child. Does she even know how the female reproductive system works? Does she realize that during the last moments of pregnancy you can be extremely restless and uncomfortable without going into labor? That you can already be dilated to a certain point?

Very convinced that this is "Phil and Alexander" instead of "Phil and Alex" Doctor Hatch must've installed a uterus prior to the transfer. If she thinks those are painful, she has no idea what's coming next
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Dani_465 »

afwifeykins wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 4:42 pm I posted about prodromal labor and got someone telling me you don't dilate and efface, so I quoted the fucking website I found it on and she tried telling me she read it 3 times and isn't seeing it at all. Bitch you are fucking blind. I screenshot that shit and she tells me "oh sorry I guess I skipped that part".

I'm gonna need more popcorn for all this bullshit.
I read that lol. I was wondering if one of us was in that thread lol.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Jupiter »

By the time this mongolian clusterfuck is over, you'd think they had given birth to Jesus, Mohamed and Buddha all rolled into one. She's is labor...she's not...she is....she's not. Go home..go back...go home...go back. Morphine! Didn't know that was an option back in the really old days when I was having my kids. Believe me, I would've asked! What happened to not taking drugs that could effect an unborn child. If sister girl thought she was going to take a little stroll, squat and push that baby out like having a decent poop, she's in for a really big surprise. I'm bracing myself for Phil's spirituality laden synopsis of the whole thing. In slo-mo.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Scandiqueen »

Justpeachyy wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 6:39 pm If they knew phil had heart issues and genetic abnormalities as a couple, why the fuck would they transfer biological children. If their child isn't strong enough to live or struggles in any way, the grief and fear is pretty much self inflicted.
This is so incredibly true, but they wouldn't give up until they had their special unicorn bio baby. They fact they they couldn't do it naturally (and struggled doing it with IVF too) says a lot - if I was in their shoes I'd stick to the adopted kids. I wonder if they will have more bio babies after this one?

62 hours of labour! This is going to be the longest labour ever at this point. If you're blow drying your hair and putting make up on you're not in labour. That's why I look like shit the photos after my kids births 😂😂
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by NowAndThen87 »


I cannot with these two. When I saw that I literally laughed out loud. I am not in the medical field and I’ve never had children yet I know she has not been in labor for 62 hours! How are these two so dumb? Is it willful ignorance? Are they actually smart and know their followers are dumb so they are stringing them along? Is it just about attention?

At this point I feel dumber for continuing to watch this. It’s become a car wreck I can’t look away from. I hate giving them this attention but my god I have to see what bullshit comes out of their mouths next.

In the full 62 hours of mild/early/active labor (just pick a word you two!). I have not seen ONE mention of their two children. Think about that. You are just sitting on a ball bouncing, worshiping with your creep husband, eating and now sleeping but not once could you have spent some time with the girls? Explained to them what’s happening and get in every precious second you can with them because you know soon you’ll be gone for a long period when this baby is born?

Besides Myka Stauffer I’ve never seen two adopted kids pushed aside faster for a bio kid in my life. I just hope the grandparents are giving them all the love and attention they need while mommy and daddy prepare for baby Christ with the unicorn blood.

Any name predictions? I think Hope, Faith, Journey something like that.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by FlowersTar 68 »

I was thinking a name like Hope too, something meaningful relating to their "hardships"

Oh, I know the perfect name..... and it involves their 2 daughters too.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Carol »

I have noticed that they no longer are referring to it as Morphine as the drug she took while in the hospital. It is now referred to as "the medicine" that she was given.

I also don't get why not just say you thought you might be going into labor, with the long drive, medically fragile daughter you wanted to play it safe. When you got to the hospital, you were not in labor and went home. I think most people would have understood. It is the constant trying to have drama (ie content for their channel) that they are doing this 62 hours of labor so far! crap.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by sondraK »

I'm thinking Grace Hope,or something like that.Anything beats "baby girl".I think Alex had the embryo named the moment she found out it was a girl
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Scoobs212 »

According to Phil's insta, they are now 3 days into labor (HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA) and he needs tips for how to make Alex more comfortable. Um, she's gonna get a whole lot more uncomfortable before all is said and done.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by wildwild94 »

Like others, I haven’t been able to access GG in DAYS!! And of course, right as she enters “labor”. I’ve been dying to know y’all’s take on it!

I can’t thank comments yet, but there are many that I want to, and agree with. Especially about the stories of her worshiping on the ball at 1 cm dilated... she’s in for a ride!

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by your_illusion »

Sorry but if I was in that much pain I’d have my water broke and induced and be in the hospital already to make sure baby is doing okay.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Tiredofspoiledbrats »

I’m sure even though she’s admitted that the contractions have become further apart (but has to throw in that they are stronger so people still pity her) they’ll still count this as labor time. They have too.. because they always have to have it worse than anyone else. Just like their “8 years of infertility” and the number of miscarriages they claim to have. They just always have to have it harder than everyone else

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