Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by ChickyChickyParmParm »

Sorry, I'm not buying Phil's story that he's the one who insisted on the epidural. Since when does Alex do anything she doesn't want to? She wears the pants in that relationship. She calls the shots. Hell, she's the one who proceeded with IVF when Phil didn't want to!
And doesn't getting an epidural this early increase the odds of a C-section? Heaven help that medical staff. They're in for a long night.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Here_2_talk »

I have a suspicion that she may have drank that cocktail to endure labour. Castor oil? She said they were going to try everything to get natural labour going.

I agree, she’s going to have a c section. But it will be labelled ‘emergency c-section’ you know, cause things happen to poor little Alex...

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Haulnarse »

GGF1987 wrote:I feel a c-section coming...I honestly always had a feeling for some reason it would end that way. But doing an epidural when she's not even in labor and letting her rest and then starting pitocin...yep I'll be really surprised if this doesn't end in a c-section. Her body is sending clear signs it's not time and it's not ready. This is great entertainment but it is really kind of pathetic. I guess the hospital was just tired of listening to them.
And at this point, a csection is probably the safest option for baby. Get baby out safe and sound and whisked away to nicu. This baby is going to have enough to contend with without being in distress during labour/delivery.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by disneylover23 »

I hope she doesn’t have a c section. You’ll never hear the end of it. I had a true emergency crash c section. I felt being cut at the beginning and then put in twilight sedation. Not fun. Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. That’s pain she will not be able to handle.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by GGF1987 »

disneylover23 wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 5:30 pm I hope she doesn’t have a c section. You’ll never hear the end of it. I had a true emergency crash c section. I felt being cut at the beginning and then put in twilight sedation. Not fun. Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. That’s pain she will not be able to handle.

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I'm not wishing for her to have a c-section for the record(and I agree we'll never the end of it, what has happened will be bad enough). I just know when you start pushing labor before your body is ready you raise the chances of it.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by IVFwarrior »

She's gonna have a chubby baby too, with all her take-out food she ate at 2am.

It will get stuck, and Alex won't push.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by skiingmama1 »

I agree with others that Phil’s pregnancy fetish is just weird and creepy and he makes no attempt at toning it down for the camera/videos... it’s almost like he equates Alex’s sex appeal with her ability to carry life in her precious womb. There’s been so much said that implies he views her as “becoming” a mother and he’s made it crystal clear how strong and supernatural it makes her seem to him🤢... uhhh did none of that apply when she became a mother through adoption TWICE? Is he forgetting that she has already gone through the newborn phase TWICE? She also referred to herself as a first time mom in one of her Instagram stories about first time moms having long labors.... I understood what she was saying but it was very insensitive language. It is her first time GIVING BIRTH not her first time being a MOM.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by DatBee »

Here_2_talk wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 5:17 pm I have a suspicion that she may have drank that cocktail to endure labour. Castor oil? She said they were going to try everything to get natural labour going.

I agree, she’s going to have a c section. But it will be labelled ‘emergency c-section’ you know, cause things happen to poor little Alex...

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The only reason she has been admitted to the hospital and got an epidural at 3cm dilation is: she accepted being induced.
No other way in hell anyone would admit a woman that is clearly not in labour.

They're giving epidural before pitocin because once that goes is pretty intense and painful.
And she can't clearly handle it. No shame, either would I!!! I got my epidural at 6cm and it was enough for me 🤣
I think they need a lot of therapy. And again, no shame in that. Buy they obviously have a lot of unsolved problems and are obsessing over everything. I wish they will find peace at some point.

And I sure hope Callie and Kinsley will not suffer too much because of this.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Amsouthernbell »

For the Record you can wait with the epidural when you are on pit. But you gotta grit your teeth...I did that for 7ish hrs before it was enough.

I predict a c-section because the baby is gonna be stressed with the pit and the epidural to an extent.the drs are not gonna play fuck around for too long if Alex is not able to push properly.
And most likely they didn’t give her a light epidural either(with mine I could feel and move my legs without big problems but was feeling no pain)

I wonder if they set it higher to be prepared for a spinal in case they have to go in fast and rescue the baby
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by skiingmama1 »

What is up with their unrealistic obsession with Alex constantly needing long, restful nights of sleep? I realize a healthy amount of sleep is healthy and great but literally everything seems to rotate around Alex needing good sleep. Plenty of women give birth after having labored all night and are exhausted by the time their baby arrives. Sure it is great to sleep if possible but plenty of women survive not getting a restful nights sleep. She’s also about to be a mom of 3 who plans on breastfeeding. Does she really think she’s going to get a full nights sleep every night for the rest of her life? Seems like if Alex doesn’t get her 8 hours a night the world comes crashing down and and is unable to function. Good luck with a newborn !
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by afwifeykins »

Honestly I know she'll end up with a c-section most likely but I really hope not because we will never hear the end of how traumatic it was for her, and how it spiraled into PPD and she has PTSD because of it.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by NowAndThen87 »

Soooooo her 60 plus hours of intense labor didn’t get her past 3cm? SHOCKER. She should’ve just been induced the 3rd trip to the hospital and not taken the morphine. You’d probably have the baby by now.

I can’t honestly tell if they are this ignorant to labor or what is going on. Again I’ve never had a baby but a quick google search showed me the early stages of labor are totally normal and can get intense then settle back down and can keep doing that for days. It’s not a hard concept.

She really, honestly thought she had the pain tolerance to go natural lol. Like come on Alex. People watch your videos we all guessed where this was headed. Granted I thought through pure stubbornness you would’ve made it until at least a 4 or 5 because calling it. And making your husband fall on the sword is cowardly. No one would fault you for not wanting to be in pain. If you hadn’t been an insufferable twat about going all natural we wouldn’t even be talking about it.

Hopefully another round of 12 hours of sleep will get the party going!
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Jjsmommy »

Her paint tolerance is something else.
She talked a BIG game for someone who went into the hospital like 3 times over Braxton Hicks.

I had an induced with pitocin, epidural free vaginal birth and it was fine. I came in at night, so they could start slow and I could sleep, and by morning I was ready.

They have to make the smallest things insane and overreacted. This is your first bio baby, your first birth, chill out. Enjoy these moments. Breathe.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Kromine »

With my 1st u was 3cm at 32 weeks, with my 2nd I was 5-6cm for 3 weeks before I delivered, with my 3rd and 4th I was 4cm from 30 weeks until I finally delivered. I had prodromal labor for weeks with all of them. I never progressed past 6cm on my own. Once my OB broke my water I would dilate fully within a couple of hours.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by IVFwarrior »

I know everyone likes to compare their birth stories, and whose was longer, hurt more, dilated slower or whatever....

At the end of the day, none of this comparison over birth stories matters. It's Alex. She was NEVER not going to have an epidural. She lies in bed FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK when she has a cold or upset stomach.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Mookiel »

Omg these two are INSUFFERABLE! I’ve had 3 all natural births. I honestly didn’t find it all that painful until transition hit and by that point it’s almost over. I just can’t even believe she was so certain she would have an all natural birth and now she’s had an epidural before even starting active labor. Hope this is humbling for her. She is just soooooo full of herself and so obnoxious about everything. Always telling the camera what a great mom she is. No you’re not Alex. And apparently you’re not this crunchy granola mother goddess you thought you were either.

I predict either a c section or she will claim the epidural didn’t work and she felt evvvverything (ahem Rachelle).
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by Kjlm208 »

If you all want to barf for five minutes straight, watch the vlog they somehow just uploaded during labor...... He wants her fat!!!! She totally justified too! It's gross!!!!!
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by disneylover23 »

Kjlm208 wrote:If you all want to barf for five minutes straight, watch the vlog they somehow just uploaded during labor...... He wants her fat!!!! She totally justified too! It's gross!!!!!
You were right. I regret watching that. Vomit.

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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by IVFwarrior »

These 2 really do contort their logic and thinking so they can convince themselves they aren't liars or hypocrites.

1. Alex never saying she didn't want to be be pregnant = Alex hasn't complained once.
2. Alex being fat and chunky = The problem is that she was too skinny before pregnancy.

Can't wait to see the emergency C-section with the 10lb chubba.
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Re: Phil and Alex: clickbait, vlog’s late, & kids they don’t appreciate | Part 8

Unread post by nahthxx »

disneylover23 wrote:
Kjlm208 wrote:If you all want to barf for five minutes straight, watch the vlog they somehow just uploaded during labor...... He wants her fat!!!! She totally justified too! It's gross!!!!!
You were right. I regret watching that. Vomit.

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Oh my god that was so awful to watch. Incredibly creepy ImageImageImage

Also fuck you alex for saying “whale” and “huge” and everything else. I hope she doesn’t lose any of the baby weight with her giant sausage fingers Image

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