Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by pineberry »

banterific wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:08 am
Deesker wrote:
WheresMyCoffee wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:23 am

I dont know, these people expect us to buy products that they endorse/link. We know every detail about their pregnancy, births and children yet its too much for them to publicly support black lives matter? A simple sharing of some photos/links or even posting a video saying "I stand with you. I support BLM, but I dont feel educated enough to talk more on the subject and I look forward to educating myself" would be great. We are all human and we are all going through whats happening in the world together.
ALL lives matter.
Girl shut the fuck up. This is a tired statement. BLACK lives matter right now and always. Black lives are being taken mercilessly every single day and it is up to everyone to make change happen.

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Right? Can't actually believe people STILL use that statement and think it's relevant or valid in any way. Literally noone is saying that not all lives matter, but people of colour are the ones that die each day at the hands of racist fucking idiots, and have to put up with discrimination, prejudices etc all of the damn time. It's so disgusting and unbelievable that it's fucking 2020 and racism is STILL a thing... and then to have these dumbfucks going "but aLL liVeS mAttEr!!!!11". Like, shut your annoying white privileged mouth thank you very much (and yes I'm white too).

Billie Eilish said it best:
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by pineberry »

lmmomSD wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:32 am
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Thank you. Yes, "all lives matter". But if white people get shot jogging, it doesn't take months to arrest the people who admitted to shooting them. A white man got knocked down by police in Buffalo, and the cops were in trouble within hours, whereas the men who killed George Floyd weren't arrested for a few days.
All lives matter, but people of color are killed in disproportionate numbers.
Back to Brittani-- she could say _something_. It doesn't have to be perfect or eloquent, but if she expects us to swipe up on all her stupid Target purchases and help support her self-absorbed lifestyle, she can try to find something worthwhile to say.

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Not to mention the fact that the ONLY reason these cops were prosecuted in the first place, is because of all the public outrage and protests.. so they were forced to arrest them. If not for all the protests, nothing would have happened to these cops as ALWAYS. A disgrace.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Bakersdozen4me »

Deesker wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:41 am
Bakersdozen4me wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 4:58 pm
Deesker wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 7:12 am

She didn't even get in the helicopter that transported him to the hospital. I don't know of any mother that wouldn't be with their child unless they're guilty of something.
Why can't dad go? He's as much a parent as she is. It's a little presumptuous to assume only the mother should go. Maybe she was too distraught - you cannot med-evac anyone who is too distraught, it is a liability for the medics.
Oh ok. Right. Quit drinking the kool-aid.
LOL why? 1. You cannot have hysterical parents on air transfers (I'm an ER nurse so I also have to vet parents for transfer along with the medical transfer team and pilot - if you're a risk to self/others because of behaviours you cannot fly with them) 2. maybe you don't have a lot of good dad/husband experiences? 100% dads are as involved in care/parenting/loving their children as moms. To think otherwise is really quite sexist of you.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by WheresMyCoffee »

Deesker wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:27 am
WheresMyCoffee wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:23 am
ThisIsMyNameYouRead wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:35 am
I agree. I hate that people are expecting and pressuring these YouTubers to make statements.
I dont know, these people expect us to buy products that they endorse/link. We know every detail about their pregnancy, births and children yet its too much for them to publicly support black lives matter? A simple sharing of some photos/links or even posting a video saying "I stand with you. I support BLM, but I dont feel educated enough to talk more on the subject and I look forward to educating myself" would be great. We are all human and we are all going through whats happening in the world together.
ALL lives matter.
Ya no fucking shit. That's the point. Black lives ARE lives and until a black person can go jogging or drive down the street without being murdered we will continue to shout that black lives MATTER.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Andielina0984 »

Deesker wrote:
WheresMyCoffee wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:23 am
ThisIsMyNameYouRead wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:35 am I agree. I hate that people are expecting and pressuring these YouTubers to make statements.
I dont know, these people expect us to buy products that they endorse/link. We know every detail about their pregnancy, births and children yet its too much for them to publicly support black lives matter? A simple sharing of some photos/links or even posting a video saying "I stand with you. I support BLM, but I dont feel educated enough to talk more on the subject and I look forward to educating myself" would be great. We are all human and we are all going through whats happening in the world together.
ALL lives matter.
Shut the fuck up with that bullshit. Racist much?

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by mrs_phay_01 »

Ok holy cow - enough with the political debate.

Long time lurker, first time poster. Hi nice to meet you. I am the first to say I cannot STAND BBL. I have never seen such a narcissistic display in a human as I did when her baby was dying. She's gross. She cranks out children for money and social media gain. And fwiw, I'm sure this next kid that she had no business conceiving so soon is another boy so good friggin luck to her. However... she is not obligated to post ANYTHING. If people are unaware of current events, apparently they live under a damn rock. It's not up to BBL (or any of these youtubers) to hop on the bandwagon in the name of "awareness." They can post (or not post) whatever they want.

Also, apparently a damned if they do damned if they don't situation since on the Brianna K thread (another idiot mother, by the way) people are complaining that she IS posting nothing but items related to this movement and saying she's fake. So again, for the people in the back, these "influencers" can post or not post, whatever they want. Same goes for you on your personal pages. If you feel compelled, your instagram page is your page to do whatever you want with.

(Oh and before anyone freaks out and claims I'm a nAsTy RaCiSt!!! - I never said anything political. I am looking at the fact of the matter that nobody, regardless of "social media influence" is required to post about literally anything).

Now can we get back to how refreshing it is to have a break from watching this utter moron babbling on about cold brew while allowing her toddler to zip down a street on a scooter in nothing but a diaper? Cool.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Lala »

She’s posting on Facebook so the no social media thing long?...just long enough to take the heat off for posting bathing suit swipes up instead of commenting on blm?
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Itsnotmyfault »

What FB? Is she using a different name?? I don’t see anything.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Deesker »

And there she is! Ms. Brittani is back everyone! Exactly 7 days later. She's had some revelations and is really concerned now for her mental health. Like someone has had a gun to her head making her post non stop on IG. No. She is your classic narcissist who can't stay away. She needs the attention and there she is in a pic with Meat Loaf. Brilliant. And lets everyone know Cooper had her phone and took the pic. Thanks for coming back, Brittani. The world missed you! F*** idiot.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Courtneyshayne »

Woooooowwwwwwwww. So just like that huh? And zero mention of the literal shit storm that has been occurring in our world the past week? Just about HER mental health!? This is too good! Either her comments are being heavily monitored or this world is worse off than I thought. So, she's just allowed to resurface after a week and no one is questioning her stance or her SILENCE on BLM? She has a bigger "platform" then all the rest of them! Aaryn must be seething!
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Andielina0984 »

Annnndddd the attention whore is back

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Sharphole2000 »

Deesker wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:08 am And there she is! Ms. Brittani is back everyone! Exactly 7 days later. She's had some revelations and is really concerned now for her mental health. Like someone has had a gun to her head making her post non stop on IG. No. She is your classic narcissist who can't stay away. She needs the attention and there she is in a pic with Meat Loaf. Brilliant. And lets everyone know Cooper had her phone and took the pic. Thanks for coming back, Brittani. The world missed you! F*** idiot.
HA HA HA! This comment pretty much sums up what I was thinking this morning! BBL is back so get ready for endless swipes and links for shit nobody wants. Cue the gender reveal which will be ONLY available to view on her you tube channel. Coop wanted to snap a candid pic of his mom and meatloaf? BS. She propably told him he couldnt have his morning sugar haul until he took a picture. Welcome back peabrain.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by mssqueen233 »

lmmomSD wrote:I'm sorry-- a lot of these people claim the title "influencer". So when the sh*t is hitting the fan, people expect them to say something besides "swipe up to get the latest gadget I bought from Amazon!".
They are perfectly happy to use their platform to make money and get ass pats, but when a man is murdered by police officers, all of a sudden they don't have anything to say? This is what happens when people are worshipped/paid way too much money for not contributing anything to society except an ability to amass a following.
As far as I'm concerned, this whole Instagram/YouTube "influencer" culture can't go away fast enough.
Rant over.

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ImageImageImageImage Agree with you are they care about is money and there selfish to say the least.

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

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Candid photo my ass.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by sah010315 »

I honestly hate hearing about these influencers and their mental health issues. Yes mental health is a very valid concern for millions of people, and you need to pay attention to it. But I think a lot
Of these girls play it as a quick and easy card to get out of things and get attention. It’s become such a taboo thing to question someone when they bring up their mental health, that these girls use that as a card to play when it will benefit them. Not saying that none of them actually have it, but most people I know with true mental health issues don’t go around talking about it constantly. They are constantly working to get it taken care of.

Also, most of the mental health for these moms would be solved if they would get a real job and start taking care of their life and families outside of a camera.

Just me two cents.

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Deesker »

Sharphole2000 wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:48 am
Deesker wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:08 am And there she is! Ms. Brittani is back everyone! Exactly 7 days later. She's had some revelations and is really concerned now for her mental health. Like someone has had a gun to her head making her post non stop on IG. No. She is your classic narcissist who can't stay away. She needs the attention and there she is in a pic with Meat Loaf. Brilliant. And lets everyone know Cooper had her phone and took the pic. Thanks for coming back, Brittani. The world missed you! F*** idiot.
HA HA HA! This comment pretty much sums up what I was thinking this morning! BBL is back so get ready for endless swipes and links for shit nobody wants. Cue the gender reveal which will be ONLY available to view on her you tube channel. Coop wanted to snap a candid pic of his mom and meatloaf? BS. She propably told him he couldnt have his morning sugar haul until he took a picture. Welcome back peabrain.
5/5 for best comment! LMAO!
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Deesker »

Bakersdozen4me wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:54 am
Deesker wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:41 am
Bakersdozen4me wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 4:58 pm

Why can't dad go? He's as much a parent as she is. It's a little presumptuous to assume only the mother should go. Maybe she was too distraught - you cannot med-evac anyone who is too distraught, it is a liability for the medics.
Oh ok. Right. Quit drinking the kool-aid.
LOL why? 1. You cannot have hysterical parents on air transfers (I'm an ER nurse so I also have to vet parents for transfer along with the medical transfer team and pilot - if you're a risk to self/others because of behaviours you cannot fly with them) 2. maybe you don't have a lot of good dad/husband experiences? 100% dads are as involved in care/parenting/loving their children as moms. To think otherwise is really quite sexist of you.
You must be new. Have you been following Brittani? Sorry. Don't agree. No mother that I know wouldn't not get on the helicopter. No way. She didn't care about that baby.
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Adhbrh91 »

Both things she posted this morning had a pink heart emoji....
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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by webby »

Adhbrh91 wrote:Both things she posted this morning had a pink heart emoji....
I don't think it means boy or girl. the Image emoji is supposed to be throbbing and it j happens to be pink.

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Re: Brittani Boren Leach: Part Six

Unread post by Deesker »

pineberry wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:39 am
banterific wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:08 am
Deesker wrote:
ALL lives matter.
Girl shut the fuck up. This is a tired statement. BLACK lives matter right now and always. Black lives are being taken mercilessly every single day and it is up to everyone to make change happen.

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Right? Can't actually believe people STILL use that statement and think it's relevant or valid in any way. Literally noone is saying that not all lives matter, but people of colour are the ones that die each day at the hands of racist fucking idiots, and have to put up with discrimination, prejudices etc all of the damn time. It's so disgusting and unbelievable that it's fucking 2020 and racism is STILL a thing... and then to have these dumbfucks going "but aLL liVeS mAttEr!!!!11". Like, shut your annoying white privileged mouth thank you very much (and yes I'm white too).

Billie Eilish said it best:


All lives matter. End of story. White privilege. That's hilarious. Only white people say that. Racism is the new craze. Everyone is a racist. Brittani is a racist bc she doesn't speak about BLM. What a f*** world we live in today. 6 mos from now, none of you will be talking about BLM. You'll be on to the next craze.

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