8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by kates_crush »

Did Shari graduate high school yet? I didn’t realize she’s already 17, when does she turn 18? What if one of her kids... like Russell is still in grade 12 when he’s 18, does that mean he has to move out of the house while still in high school?
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by mikaydean »

No, she's going to 12th grade, right? she will turn 18 in March.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by tebbyvines »

https://www.insider.com/8-passengers-yo ... ily-2020-6

I think you all need to read this. Damage control springs to mind!
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by imoverit »

kates_crush wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:17 am Did Shari graduate high school yet? I didn’t realize she’s already 17, when does she turn 18? What if one of her kids... like Russell is still in grade 12 when he’s 18, does that mean he has to move out of the house while still in high school?
I think when Ruby said she makes them move out at 18 she means after high school is over. That’s usually what that means, and I think even she isn’t mean enough to kick them out during high school, not for no reason at least. But she’s a witch so I’d put nothing past her.
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8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by mollybaby »

tebbyvines wrote:https://www.insider.com/8-passengers-yo ... ily-2020-6

I think you all need to read this. Damage control springs to mind!
Woah.. thanks for posting! I agree, everyone should read this. This article is full of lies from Ruby and Kevin. Everything they are saying is to cover their asses and they manage to make themselves look bad in the process.

When talking about Eve forgetting her lunch:

"My heart broke for her," said Ruby. "And I told her, 'Oh honey, my darling, I am so sorry. You're going to be hungry. And I am so uncomfortable with this with you. I'm going to be uncomfortable alongside you because I know you are so capable of picking up your lunch off the front door rug and taking it with you when you go get in the car.'"

Ruby says what viewers didn’t see is that the school is 45 mins away and she only had two hours left. Ruby was too lazy to drive to school, we knew that. How was she uncomfortable with her? She literally made Eve uncomfortable by not letting her eat so that she could be comfortable not driving 45 mins to school!!

"She came home two hours later and had a wonderful, fulfilling snack," Kevin said. "And you know what? She never forgot her lunch again. So it's a way to teach our children how to live responsibly and to be masters of themselves rather than dependent upon somebody else to always take care of them."

Kevin talking about CPS showing up..

"When they walked in unannounced, Eve and Ruby were baking bread together and doing a puzzle," said Kevin. "Hardly the evidence of an abusive home."

According to Kevin, the workers said they were embarrassed they had to visit at all, and apologized for the stress inflicted on the family.

Ohhh hardly evidence of abuse because bread was being baked! Of course, because everyone who bakes bread and does puzzles certainly must not be abusive. They knew CPS was going to show up sooner or later so they made sure to be fake for the week.

The whole article is just Kevin and Ruby being defensive, lying and justifying their actions. They want a pity party and try to say their kids are getting harassed in an extremely serious manner in order to gain sympathy from the reader. I never agree with harassing children and Kevin and Ruby should remove their family from the internet immediately if this is the case. This in and of itself is putting them in danger. If people were telling my children to kill themselves, I’d click that delete button and be done for good! Kevin and Ruby are harmful parents. Also, people have tried to contact BYU to get Kevin fired.

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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by McGuinness_ »

My very brief breakdown of their article written with "Insider"

"The problem is when individuals who aren't familiar with the narrative, don't get the entire story, they fill in the unknown with their own narrative. And that's really where this blew up."
Yup, of course. They are playing the victim ONCE AGAIN! Who would have thought??? The narrative was already filled before anyone had a chance to "fill their own" and you know it. Stop deflecting.

"He also removed the doors to the room in an effort to be transparent and help regain his parents' trust, they said.
"I said, 'Well if that's your choice, I'll support you in that,'" said Ruby. "But at any point, you can move around. You just can't be sleeping with your brother."
I cannot believe they actually stated CHAD wanted his doors gone! Well, maybe I can actually. The fact they are trying to say that Chad wanted both his Bedroom AND Bathroom doors gone is beyond unbelievable. What child would want to rid themselves of that type of privacy and allow their siblings to be able to see them showering or using the facilities??? Disgusting...

"He said, 'No, I am open to sharing this,'" she said. "But if I had foreseen the anger, I probably would have [cut it out.]"
To me, this does not even remotely sound like CHad or even the way he constructs sentences. This whole interview was probably scripted.

"My heart broke for her," said Ruby. "And I told her, 'Oh honey, my darling, I am so sorry. You're going to be hungry. And I am so uncomfortable with this with you. I'm going to be uncomfortable alongside you because I know you are so capable of picking up your lunch off the front door rug and taking it with you when you go get in the car.'"
Can we all acknowledge how her tone and language completely differs from the clip that we have all seen of her in the car? Her use of "honey, my darling" is so unbelievably fake it makes me GAG! Oh and hey! The school is 45 minutes away, so clearly we can let our 6-year-old daughter go without food for another 2 hours and 45 minutes (The time until school ended and how long it would take to get back, as stated in the article) because I am a stay at home mom with absolutely nothing else to be doing!

"I'm going to be uncomfortable alongside you because I know you are so capable of picking up your lunch off the front door rug "
What I am getting at here is that she, rather than be uncomfortable because A) the teacher must think that these parents are insane. B) Her 6-year-old is going to go hungry without food for the whole school day, regardless of having to wait another "2 hours" or C) She is going to feel guilty for leaving her child without food for a whole day at school, she seems to be more uncomfortable at the fact her daughter forgot it as she "knows she is capable" to lift it herself... uhm hello? Delusional much?

"Having that need for electronics is the introduction into disconnect," said Ruby. "And that is why people are so uncomfortable with me showing a connected family. It rubs them against their shame and they project what they're seeing onto me." WOW
WOW, JUST WOW!!! Did Ruby, ONE AGAIN, blame MILLIONS of people's outrage on their OWN insecurities and "sHaMe" rather than take the heat for her own actions and decisions? Is she seriously continuing to use that delusional, narcissistic, and self-centered narrative because "she must clearly be the one in the right" and the millions of people sharing the same opinion and outrage are the ones filled with shame? Does she even know what shame means because I see her using it freely a lot to describe everything and anyone that disagrees with her, including her kids. Like come on Ruby... "Rubs them against their shame." What the f*ck does this even mean? How is it because you cannot take the blame you deflect onto others??? GROW UP!

"It was just so malicious," she said. "They knew what they were doing was out of context. They were purely seeking to throw hate. That was their only objective. A reasonable person would not have seen that video and thought: she is a child abuser."
Yes, because their DEFINITELY isn't multiple other clips that show and state far worse than this Ruby, showing how you left your daughter hungry, made your child go to a wilderness camp, or how about that clip that I posted myself showing you CLEARLY stating you neglected Julie to the point she didn't stop crying and "stunk of pee. We wouldn't think u are a child abuser from that one clip, but with an abundance of clips that you still claim are "out of context" we can clearly see the full picture being painted. Here is the video clip by the way:

"All of this is really ironic," Kevin said. "So many of these individuals are coming and they're intending to do us harm by accusing us of exploiting children for money, yet they are here exploiting my children and my family for their own personal gain." Kevin, this is coming from the most absent father I have ever seen. No one who genuinely cares for the safety or wellbeing of your children is putting them down or telling them to "kill themselves" mind you the only child who could see it as they are the only ones with technology and social media is Shari. Then again, you are pulling the exact same move Ruby has, you are deflecting, you are focusing in on the loud minority and calling them out because you don't want to face up to the actual problem. Stop it.

"Does that sound like they're really worried about child abuse?" Ruby said. "It does not sound consistent with what they're saying and it's because they're not being honest about their motives."
No, it doesn't, but then again, deflect some more onto the small, loud minority rather than the majority of people looking out for YOUR kids!

"When they walked in unannounced, Eve and Ruby were baking bread together and doing a puzzle," said Kevin. "Hardly the evidence of an abusive home." Can someone educate me on whether CPS is even allowed to show up unannounced? I have always thought that they have to be in contact with them. Which would massively explain how they just so happen to be "baking bread and doing puzzles" just as Kevin stated. Have they not seen the multiple videos showing the complete disregard for their children's human rights and the emotional manipulation they have endured? The constant gaslighting? Or what about Ruby always telling her children how they should feel???

"One of her daughters told her people were only spreading rumors because they were looking acceptance."
We already know this was Shari, and after her whole bread thing with Julie and shaming her for what she eats, (Which from videos and her slim build proves isn't much) I really don't think she would be helping her case. If it is Shari, then of course they used the golden child to speak on behalf of everyone else. She CLEARLY doesn't take charge and try to control everyone anyway.... *sarcasm*

"Kevin said he's in a "wonderful place right now," with a good group of friends and a healthy outlook on life" I am pretty sure what was said in the vlog about him having no friends completely contradicts that, or are you doing some damage control and the only reason you even put him into football was to make "friends" in order to prove something?

I might have gone a bit over the top with this but them playing the victim and deflecting all the anger and their shitty parenting has gotten me very riled up.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by McGuinness_ »

My very brief breakdown of their article written with "Insider"

"The problem is when individuals who aren't familiar with the narrative, don't get the entire story, they fill in the unknown with their own narrative. And that's really where this blew up."
Yup, of course. They are playing the victim ONCE AGAIN! Who would have thought??? The narrative was already filled before anyone had a chance to "fill their own" and you know it. Stop deflecting.

"He also removed the doors to the room in an effort to be transparent and help regain his parents' trust, they said.
"I said, 'Well if that's your choice, I'll support you in that,'" said Ruby. "But at any point, you can move around. You just can't be sleeping with your brother."
I cannot believe they actually stated CHAD wanted his doors gone! Well, maybe I can actually. The fact they are trying to say that Chad wanted both his Bedroom AND Bathroom doors gone is beyond unbelievable. What child would want to rid themselves of that type of privacy and allow their siblings to be able to see them showering or using the facilities??? Disgusting...

"He said, 'No, I am open to sharing this,'" she said. "But if I had foreseen the anger, I probably would have [cut it out.]"
To me, this does not even remotely sound like CHad or even the way he constructs sentences. This whole interview was probably scripted.

"My heart broke for her," said Ruby. "And I told her, 'Oh honey, my darling, I am so sorry. You're going to be hungry. And I am so uncomfortable with this with you. I'm going to be uncomfortable alongside you because I know you are so capable of picking up your lunch off the front door rug and taking it with you when you go get in the car.'"
Can we all acknowledge how her tone and language completely differs from the clip that we have all seen of her in the car? Her use of "honey, my darling" is so unbelievably fake it makes me GAG! Oh and hey! The school is 45 minutes away, so clearly we can let our 6-year-old daughter go without food for another 2 hours and 45 minutes (The time until school ended and how long it would take to get back, as stated in the article) because I am a stay at home mom with absolutely nothing else to be doing!

"I'm going to be uncomfortable alongside you because I know you are so capable of picking up your lunch off the front door rug "
What I am getting at here is that she, rather than be uncomfortable because A) the teacher must think that these parents are insane. B) Her 6-year-old is going to go hungry without food for the whole school day, regardless of having to wait another "2 hours" or C) She is going to feel guilty for leaving her child without food for a whole day at school, she seems to be more uncomfortable at the fact her daughter forgot it as she "knows she is capable" to lift it herself... Uhm hello? Delusional much?

"Having that need for electronics is the introduction into disconnect," said Ruby. "And that is why people are so uncomfortable with me showing a connected family. It rubs them against their shame and they project what they're seeing onto me." WOW
WOW, JUST WOW!!! Did Ruby, ONE AGAIN, blame MILLIONS of people's outrage on their OWN insecurities and "sHaMe" rather than take the heat for her own actions and decisions? Is she seriously continuing to use that delusional, narcissistic, and self-centered narrative because "she must clearly be the one in the right" and the millions of people sharing the same opinion and outrage are the ones filled with shame? Does she even know what shame means because I see her using it freely a lot to describe everything and anyone that disagrees with her, including her kids. Like come on Ruby... "Rubs them against their shame." What the f*ck does this even mean? How is it because you cannot take the blame you deflect onto others??? Why is it that you think your family is "connected" when we can clearly see in multiple instances that this is far from the truth?! GROW UP!

"It was just so malicious," she said. "They knew what they were doing was out of context. They were purely seeking to throw hate. That was their only objective. A reasonable person would not have seen that video and thought: she is a child abuser."
Yes, because their DEFINITELY isn't multiple other clips that show and state far worse than this Ruby, showing how you left your daughter hungry, made your child go to a wilderness camp, or how about that clip that I posted myself showing you CLEARLY stating you neglected Julie to the point she didn't stop crying and "stunk of pee. We wouldn't think u are a child abuser from that one clip, but with an abundance of clips that you still claim are "out of context" we can clearly see the full picture being painted. Here is the video clip by the way:

"All of this is really ironic," Kevin said. "So many of these individuals are coming and they're intending to do us harm by accusing us of exploiting children for money, yet they are here exploiting my children and my family for their own personal gain." Kevin, this is coming from the most absent father I have ever seen. No one who genuinely cares for the safety or wellbeing of your children is putting them down or telling them to "kill themselves" mind you the only child who could see it as they are the only ones with technology and social media is Shari. Then again, you are pulling the exact same move Ruby has, you are deflecting, you are focusing in on the loud minority and calling them out because you don't want to face up to the actual problem. Stop it.

"Does that sound like they're really worried about child abuse?" Ruby said. "It does not sound consistent with what they're saying and it's because they're not being honest about their motives."
No, it doesn't, but then again, deflect some more onto the small, loud minority rather than the majority of people looking out for YOUR kids!

"When they walked in unannounced, Eve and Ruby were baking bread together and doing a puzzle," said Kevin. "Hardly the evidence of an abusive home." Can someone educate me on whether CPS is even allowed to show up unannounced? I have always thought that they have to be in contact with them. Which would massively explain how they just so happen to be "baking bread and doing puzzles" just as Kevin stated. Have they not seen the multiple videos showing the complete disregard for their children's human rights and the emotional manipulation they have endured? The constant gaslighting? Or what about Ruby always telling her children how they should feel???

"One of her daughters told her people were only spreading rumors because they were looking acceptance."
We already know this was Shari, and after her whole bread thing with Julie and shaming her for what she eats, (Which from videos and her slim build proves isn't much) I really don't think she would be helping her case. If it is Shari, then of course they used the golden child to speak on behalf of everyone else. She CLEARLY doesn't take charge and try to control everyone anyway.... *sarcasm*

"Kevin said he's in a "wonderful place right now," with a good group of friends and a healthy outlook on life" I am pretty sure what was said in the vlog about him having no friends completely contradicts that, or are you doing some damage control and the only reason you even put him into football was to make "friends" in order to prove something?

I might have gone a bit over the top with this but them playing the victim and deflecting all the anger and their shitty parenting has gotten me very riled up.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by imoverit »

tebbyvines wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:11 am https://www.insider.com/8-passengers-yo ... ily-2020-6

I think you all need to read this. Damage control springs to mind!
I'll refrain from my rant, but what's the most enraging about this article to me is the superiority that Kevin and Ruby feel over everybody. They generalize everyone who is giving them negativity for this as 13 year olds so that they can talk down to them and say they're just projecting, they must not watch all the videos and judged them only off of the Chad bed one. That's just not true at all, there are plenty of adult long-time viewers who can clearly see the problems in this family. And they're just showing the fact that they know how young their audience is, their videos should all be demonetized and the whole channel marked "for kids". Kevin just thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. So arrogant the way he said the cps workers apologized for coming at all, that's disgusting. Hopefully their issue with getting sponsors follows them forever.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by sheltiefan »

Well ditto to all that has been summarized thus far!! If one good thing came out of the deal is sponsors did cancel their contracts with them! Maybe that's the route folks can go with YTbers. I have said it before but the vlogs since coming back are scripted just to counter what was said in the other people's vlogs and this article confirmed it to me. At least for a while, we are going to see Ruby and Kevin on their best behavior. Both of them think it's all on other people and they didn't do anything wrong-no surprise!
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by Happy+Charlie »

No other words than just, UNBELIEVABLE with that Insider article. They are so full of shit! The defense they take to most of the things that were pointed out in this article is humorous as anyone who has watched the vlogs (before removed) can attest to different content than what they are saying. Dang I hope just one of these kids breaks away, happily, and writes a tell all putting those ass parents in their place. It seems to be happening to the Duggars and it can happen to the Frankes too. Maybe Ruby will have learned from this, if you don't want people to assume, then don't put the content out there. This would save her children from a lot of exploitation. Those kids get choices.....we see how they are given choices like being able to keep items special to them, or Ruby throwing them away.....having their bedroom the way they want it, or the way Ruby expects it to be because it is "her" room and they are only using it; Chad being given the choice of public school or private and then when he chooses public, he is punished by not being provided for with clothes and book-bag. We just saw an example this week of making the grocery list, the other girls are giving their ideas (I think Abby said peanut butter and jelly), not heard, it's what Ruby and Ruby jr. decide. Maybe this fall out will have helped because now they know they have to be more careful of how they portray things.......well, maybe not.

and, boo hoo, they lost sponsorships. GOOD!
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by boychik0830 »

I wish that article didn't exist as people who don't know a lot about what happened are going to think that all of the claims that people made up about 8 passengers aren't true and they will believe what 8passengers said. There is no reason why she couldn't have brought eve a lunch. I understand the school is 45 minutes from where you live but there is no reason why the teacher or someone else at the school couldn't have bought eve lunch from somewhere. The kids don't have a "choice" at all and ruby just pretends that they do. Whenever the kids don't pick her choice they get punished. Ruby is clearly covering things up. She obviously had them prepare for when CPS or anyone else came to check on the family. It was obviously staged. While I've never met them I know a lot about them from their videos and stuff that I should not know about but I do. All of the kids need to rescue from ruby and kevin. I think Shari is forced to go to byu and her parents want her to think that she has a choice in what college she goes to. I think she should go to college somewhere on the east coast so she can get away from her dictator parents. Shari get away with everything because she follows ruby rules without making any mistakes. Food, clothes and a room are not privileges they are a right. These kids should be allowed to get all of their electronics back especially chad and abby. How is ruby allowed to film them and post stuff to YouTube but they aren't allowed access to any electronics. Someone needs to get 8 passengers shut down and the kids rescues from ruby.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

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I find it hilarious that Kevin said it's everyone else that's exploiting his kids for their benefit, not him and Ruby doing so. All the "drama" videos I watched did not say the kids' names and did not show their faces, they put the blame on the parents for everything, rightly so. Meanwhile Ruby (and Kevin doesn't stop her) puts each and every one of her kids on blast for every embarrassing moment of their lives, every detail of puberty, every mistake they make, all for peers and friends not to mention the rest of the internet to see so that she can get views and make a quick buck. But yeah, it's the people respecting your kids' privacy and trying to help them by exposing their neglect that are exploiting them....... sure Kev
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by 131618 »

imoverit wrote:
tebbyvines wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:11 am https://www.insider.com/8-passengers-yo ... ily-2020-6

I think you all need to read this. Damage control springs to mind!
I'll refrain from my rant, but what's the most enraging about this article to me is the superiority that Kevin and Ruby feel over everybody. They generalize everyone who is giving them negativity for this as 13 year olds so that they can talk down to them and say they're just projecting, they must not watch all the videos and judged them only off of the Chad bed one. That's just not true at all, there are plenty of adult long-time viewers who can clearly see the problems in this family. And they're just showing the fact that they know how young their audience is, their videos should all be demonetized and the whole channel marked "for kids". Kevin just thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. So arrogant the way he said the cps workers apologized for coming at all, that's disgusting. Hopefully their issue with getting sponsors follows them forever.
This exactly. All I got from their repsonses was a sense of smug superiority.

Can I just say though Ruby and Kevin that YOU are the ones choosing what to show? Y'all always say "you only see 15 minutes of our day".... make wiser decisions of what to show us then!! You're damn right Kevin that people called you out for exploiting your kids - because you DO. All of you show things that will earn views and then turn it around saying its out of context because YOU were too ignorant to realize exploiting your children this way IS abuse.

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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by rulatows000 »

I am curious how they managed to get Business Insider to write an article about them. Everything they say there is so, so fake. Why would Chad choose a beanbag to sleep on over a pullout or inflatable mattress? A beanbag has got to be too small and uncomfortable for him to sleep on, why would he forgo an actual mattress of some sort for that? Same as with the door thing. Why would any teenage boy ask for his doors to be taken away? Also, I'm sure if a therapist did recommend Russell and Chad be separated, they probably recommended Chad have his own private space, not that he get his room taken away and be forced to sleep on the floor in the family room.

There is no justification for letting your five-year old go without lunch. In fact, they way they describe it sounds worst. It sounds like she did make her own lunch and literally just forgot to grab it on her way out. I'm an adult and I've done the exact same thing - made my lunch for work and forgot to take it on my way out. How is that her fault in any way if she simply forgot to grab it?

The one quote that really stuck out to me in the article was this one where Ruby was commenting on what's it's like to be in the middle of a Youtube scandal, "People who aren't in a healthy mindset, it could drive someone to suicide, easily," she said. "I can see now, having gone through it, that it could take your life." What? If that's the case then why in the hell is she putting her kids online and leaving them at the mercy of the internet? If she realizes that the criticism and scandal of Youtube is enough to drive an adult to suicide, then why is putting her vulnerable young children in a position where the same thing can happen to them? She acts as if her Kevin have suffered so much - what about her kids who all have public Instagram pages and get sent messages and who see Tiktok videos and comments attacking them? It's just ridiculous. She's admitting to the harm of being on the internet, but chooses to leave her kids on it. Shows that her kids' emotional and physical well-being means nothing to her. She complains about the stress of being on the internet and being part of a Youtube scandal, but cares nothing if her kids face the exact same thing.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by nesland300 »

"My heart broke for her," said Ruby. "And I told her, 'Oh honey, my darling, I am so sorry. You're going to be hungry. And I am so uncomfortable with this with you. I'm going to be uncomfortable alongside you because I know you are so capable of picking up your lunch off the front door rug and taking it with you when you go get in the car.'"
This is a straight up lie. It's 100% incompatible with saying you hope no one gives her food so she can learn her lesson.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by tebbyvines »

The comments on Ruby's latest Instagram posts are either from brainwashed people or paid people.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

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tebbyvines wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:31 pm The comments on Ruby's latest Instagram posts are either from brainwashed people or paid people.
You can't comment on them or reply to comments. There isn't even a way to submit a comment to be considered for approval, so they're all being hand-picked or probably commissioned in some why by Ruby.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by fayeav »

nesland300 wrote:
tebbyvines wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:31 pm The comments on Ruby's latest Instagram posts are either from brainwashed people or paid people.
You can't comment on them or reply to comments. There isn't even a way to submit a comment to be considered for approval, so they're all being hand-picked or probably commissioned in some why by Ruby.
She only allows comments from people she follows. You can do that from the settings.

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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by imoverit »

Funny how Ruby is promoting that article on Instagram. The middle bit with the quotes from a psychologist talks about using natural consequences versus “discipline and punishment”, saying the latter are all about power and authority. I don’t know if the author of this article is trying to use that to say what Kevin and Ruby do is the natural consequences option which is the good option. Because it is extremely clear that Ruby’s method is discipline and punishment, and she goes on a total power trip with it, so to me that paints them in a bad light.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Emotional Abuse Galore & Making Kids Sleep on The Floor | Part 17

Unread post by Liz_444 »

I can't read the Inside article due to my ad blocker. Can you comment on the article, or is it just to read?

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