They are all liars.Pinky34 wrote:Had to remove image but it’s the screenshot from IG of Papaperv saying what Tysin did was not pedo related - that’s a half truth and this poster is psychological depraved or something to that effect.
Thank you for posting this! Why would his precious daughter release a statement saying she’s embarrassed and struggling to express her feelings, she’s shattered, lost, she needs grace, space etc if this were not true it doesn’t make sense! Tysin also released a statement saying he was embarrassed for hurting his wife. I guess they are in denial with the truth of what the screenshots said and sticking to the story of he was just speaking to young fans but that doesn’t match her statement of being embarrassed, shattered, lost, etc.
Remember how Papaperv said they were working on their marriage a few weeks ago? If he was just chatting with young fans then why would they need to work on their relationship? Sorry Pops you can’t have it both ways. You Weisenburgers are a piece of work. You love to say the haters are a bunch of derelicts with psychological problems but the finger you point at us actually has three fingers pointing directly back at you and I personally believe you are projecting your own psychological mumbo jumbo on yourself! Your daughter and son-in-law are proven liars and you are proving to be the King of half truths yourself there Mr Wacky Weisenburger! You may want to refreshen your marketing skills because honesty goes a long way when you are trying to sell something and nobody buys from liars. I would think a man that professes to be such a marketing professional would know this!
I wonder how they girls are doing not having to perform on camera. I hope that is having a positive influence on them.
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