Kyra is a year younger than me and I can’t even imagine having even 1 young kid!LmaoThesePeople wrote:Oscar spent his birthday mountain biking rather than with his family and he left his 8 months pregnant fiancee with their 3 exhausting kids. That says it all
Kyra is a year older than me, and i can't imagine having three (four) kids at this age... you get straight from school to having kids. Where's the fun in between? I mean, depends on a person, but i wouldn't have so many kids so soon...
And kyra saying "it's getting harder the more kids we have" yeah no shit kyra. Having children isn't just all sunshine and rainbows and pretty clothes and cute pictures. That's why people don't just go and have 4 kids in a 5 years span.
And p.s. Levi is so annoying. I know, most children his age are, but holy shit
But she also didn’t go to school so it’s not like she spent her time doing that.
She went straight from dropping out to popping out.
I’ve always thought Levi was annoying I’m so glad people agree haha.
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