Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by bcuzimnosey »

That is far from the standard in their state. Alimony would not be granted to either of them due to both of them having been self employed this entire time, which they both benefitted from and did not have to solely care for the children while the other provided for the family. Even if it were granted by some miracle to either of them, it would only be for 5 years. Also in their state, custody is not automatically awarded to the mother. It’s 50/50 out of the chute and it’s up to each parent to explain to the family court why they cannot be with their child atleast 50% of the time. At 50/50 child support is not awarded. All things are split 50/50 as well, such as medical needs. Sure they can agree to anything other than the standard formula but it’s got to be an agreement that they both come to. In Alabama, long gone are the days of the mother gets everything and the father has to fight for anything more than every other weekend. Public education is the only requirement so the court will not order them to pay private school tuition however they can mutually agree to it and have it put into the final order but it’s not a court ordered requirement.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by WatchinTheWreck »

Mento290 wrote: Thu Oct 08, 2020 4:43 pm
wishes wrote: Thu Oct 08, 2020 1:52 am Major eye roll about her of all people explaining to not criticize what a child puts on their plate/mixes with other food. It doesn’t matter as long as it’s all eaten. My 4 year old dips her fruit in chick-fil-a sauce. Sure, it’s not something I would do but if she likes it, who cares?

And seriously, stop with the noodles already! The kids needs to be served what the adults are eating to expand their palette and not to cater to their (Gaines) needs. How the eff did Katie get a degree in child psychology?! My child eats whatever we’re having because we tell her she is not getting anything else before bed. And guess what? She eats it AND likes it! She is not a picky eater at all.

I just can’t with her.... uughhhhhhh.
I was just coming to say that Katie just can’t resist ripping on Brooks. I saw her talking about the strawberries and noodles and I was like so what, I didn’t even notice he did that until she had to call him out. And yes she needs to serve other things, the set up they are using to serve dinner may work but they need to serve other foods. I want to see some meals with no noodles or cheese
Yes to all of this! I am sure the pediatrician stated to serve what you eat, NOT put out their favorite food at every meal so that is all they eat. There is no reason those kids aren't eating the same thing Katie and Cullen are. We have given our daughter the same dinner have eaten since she was eating table food. If it was spicy we would keep something out without spices, but at Gaines and Brooks ages, they could totally try spicy food, and given that they love mexican so much, they probably like a little spice and flavor. Regardless, noodles/pasta and cheese should not be a part of every meal. Why not grilled chicken, with baked potato and some grilled squash or carrots? Maybe add a fruit on the side? It also shocks me how shocked Katie is at the amount of food Brooks eats. He is a growing boy, and needs nutrients to feed his body. Some days he will be a bottomless pit, others he will pick and have a bite here and there. Same for Gaines! This is how children are!
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Tayloch00 »

Im sorry that QA video was horrible. Yeah living in florida is fun don't get me wrong, but were full already and its expensive to live here. Im sorry but I think its selfish to uproot the kids because they already used to the schools they are in and on top of that you are taking them away from family. Im sorry those two are completely selfish people and they both deserve each other.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Boymomma123 »

Well based on that q&a I think they somewhat realize that they cannot afford a big new house to rent down in Florida. They also mentioned looking at the Alabama coast instead. Which would make sense since it would be cheaper. I don't understand why they would want to move from the decent school districts to southern Alabama where they schools seem worse. They have no rental lined up which seems super crazy if they are pretty close to closing.

I get what they are saying about the kids being young so uprooting them is not a big deal. However I do think it is a bigger deal than they seem to think it is. My son was supposed to have the same teacher and speech therapist as last year. At the last minute he got a new teacher and therapist. He was devastated and all though he had adjusted it was rough for the first few weeks. He was at least at the same school and same classroom with the same kids. They are moving to a new state, new school, new teachers and friends. Let alone we are in the middle of a pandemic! The last thing I would want to do is move to a new state during all of this.

Katie dismissing hurricanes rubbed me the wrong way. No Katie a tornado is not that same as a hurricane hitting your home when you live on the coast. I get people live in these areas and accept the risk but that doesn't negate the danger.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by lmmomSD »

Especially now. Hurricanes are coming more often and stronger. And living inland and dealing with the rain and some wind is not the same as living on the coast and dealing with deadly storm surges and being without power and having to boil drinking water.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Ducklings4 »

Katie dismisses anything that goes against her desires and way of thinking. Honestly, most YTers do. Cullen seems to always have a glazed look on his face. He really ought to pay attention to what’s going on in their lives. I know, preaching to the choir.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Tayloch00 »

Katie just wants that luxury lifestyle that she always have since she's been born. Now im not knocking down well to do people because I know some very nice people that are well off, but the fact of the matter is that they are broke. Katie can't handle that she made huge financial mistakes and now has to deal with the downfall. They should have never bought that house they are in because lets be honest until this year they have never taken care of it and could never afford it. Cullen is just a wimp and instead of putting his foot down and saying to her hey we need to take a step back and deal with our money problems you or I need to get a job like right now. They could easily have a garage sale and sell a
the stuff that they wont be taking like that extra washer and dryer, kids clothes they grew out of, and a just other little things that they don't use. They don't think clearly and it shows like ok you have potential buyer and you don't have a rental lined up like come on you have to think especially with kids in school and going back and fourth on where to live should have been sorted out months ago like come on think a little bit.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Hereforthemamadrama »

I don’t see the big deal of them wanted to move on the coast some hurricanes can be bad but overall if you do want that beach experience when it comes down to it moving to a hurricane prone area is it really that bad I personally live on the beach I have three kids all under six we own our home so it is more expensive for us with all the insurance and flood insurance being in a flood zone overall we definitely enjoy it it’s great for our family time Collin and Katie will be renting so there’s no extra cost to them or a risk to losing a house I think this move will be a big wake up call for them
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Boymomma123 »

Obviously its not a big deal to live in Florida and a lot of people do it. My issue was her just glossing over the risk or hurricane and comparing it to a severe thunderstorm. They are a hot mess express all the time. They thought it was a big deal and terribly inconvenient to back up for a house showing. I cannot even imagine how they would handle evacuating for a hurricane.They also have their daughter to think of who has severe storm anxiety. Could you imagine Gaines in a hurricane?

This just all seems like a giant midlife crisis that is going to blow-up in their faces. People who live near the beach still have work and stress. All they know of Florida is life for a week or two in a large beach front home. I don't think they will actually end up in Florida. They will claim they couldn't find a pet friendly rental and end up somewhere in their current area.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Romeoxsavexme »

I’ve lived in Florida for a year now. I moved from California and wow it was the giant wake up call here. It’s nothing like I expected it to be The beaches are nice but we don’t spend nearly as much time at them as we would like. Hurricanes are terrifying when you are prepping for one.
It’s not just a major storm. She’s literally crazy.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by thatonemom »

Boymomma123 wrote: Mon Oct 12, 2020 2:46 pm Well based on that q&a I think they somewhat realize that they cannot afford a big new house to rent down in Florida. They also mentioned looking at the Alabama coast instead. Which would make sense since it would be cheaper. I don't understand why they would want to move from the decent school districts to southern Alabama where they schools seem worse. They have no rental lined up which seems super crazy if they are pretty close to closing.

I get what they are saying about the kids being young so uprooting them is not a big deal. However I do think it is a bigger deal than they seem to think it is. My son was supposed to have the same teacher and speech therapist as last year. At the last minute he got a new teacher and therapist. He was devastated and all though he had adjusted it was rough for the first few weeks. He was at least at the same school and same classroom with the same kids. They are moving to a new state, new school, new teachers and friends. Let alone we are in the middle of a pandemic! The last thing I would want to do is move to a new state during all of this.

Katie dismissing hurricanes rubbed me the wrong way. No Katie a tornado is not that same as a hurricane hitting your home when you live on the coast. I get people live in these areas and accept the risk but that doesn't negate the danger.

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I bet they will be living at the beach house and here is how the story will play out. They looked for rentals in the panhandle and Alabama coast and couldn't find anything within their price range that allows 4 animals, too. They will live at the beach house while they continue to look for a rental. We all know these two have terrible credit so even if they could afford it, they would have a hard time finding someone to accept them. They said that the closing is supposed to be around Thanksgiving?? If that was the case, wouldn't you already be looking for a rental?? No mention of them actively looking right now. I do agree it would probably be almost impossible for them to keep Gaines in the same school district as they could not even afford to rent a home in that area. I know that the district they are in right now, is good. What a mess these two are...time to grow the f up!!
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Boymomma123 »

We though about moving to roughly the same area of Florida a few years ago and we vacation there every year. I have looked at rentals in the surrounding area and most only accept one small dog and require an extra deposit and sometimes more per month. I simple Google search shows that most 3 bedroom homes within the general area are $1500-2000 per month plus utilities and extra pet charges. I just don't see how they can afford it of their $3400 mortgage was such a large stretch for them. I see an apartment in their future and Katie getting a big helping of humble pie. How have they not had a huge yard sale yet? Florida homes don't have basements or a ton of storage compared to the monstrosity they have now. They mentioned renting a storage unit as well. Seems like a waste of money if you are trying to get out of debt.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by thatonemom »

Boymomma123 wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:55 am We though about moving to roughly the same area of Florida a few years ago and we vacation there every year. I have looked at rentals in the surrounding area and most only accept one small dog and require an extra deposit and sometimes more per month. I simple Google search shows that most 3 bedroom homes within the general area are $1500-2000 per month plus utilities and extra pet charges. I just don't see how they can afford it of their $3400 mortgage was such a large stretch for them. I see an apartment in their future and Katie getting a big helping of humble pie. How have they not had a huge yard sale yet? Florida homes don't have basements or a ton of storage compared to the monstrosity they have now. They mentioned renting a storage unit as well. Seems like a waste of money if you are trying to get out of debt.

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The reason they say they are renting is because they want to get out of debt before buying a house. You are correct, rent would be at least 2,000/month. I understand there are good reasons to rent but in general, you are just throwing money at something that you are not getting anything back from (outside of a roof over their head). They are renting because of their terrible credit, but terrible credit doesn't get you a rental either. They will release a video soon saying they are moving into the beach house. I'd bet the family cow on it!! lol
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by lmmomSD »

The thing is that they are doing what is known in AA as a "geographical escape". Ellie just did the same thing with forcing the move to St. George. Notice that every time they go to the beach, Ellie talks about moving to whatever beach they're vacationing at? Vacations are inherently fun and relaxing. And these idiots think that if they move to the place they vacation at, life will be a vacation all the time.
What they don't get is that you take your problems with you. Wherever you go, there you are. Once the novelty of living in the new place fades, they're still going to be drunk, miserable and broke.
And the houses they were looking at last time they were in Florida were WAY out of their league. Katie needs a big dose of reality and Cullen needs to wake up and start participating in the decisions.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by lmmomSD »

thatonemom wrote:
Boymomma123 wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:55 am We though about moving to roughly the same area of Florida a few years ago and we vacation there every year. I have looked at rentals in the surrounding area and most only accept one small dog and require an extra deposit and sometimes more per month. I simple Google search shows that most 3 bedroom homes within the general area are $1500-2000 per month plus utilities and extra pet charges. I just don't see how they can afford it of their $3400 mortgage was such a large stretch for them. I see an apartment in their future and Katie getting a big helping of humble pie. How have they not had a huge yard sale yet? Florida homes don't have basements or a ton of storage compared to the monstrosity they have now. They mentioned renting a storage unit as well. Seems like a waste of money if you are trying to get out of debt.

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The reason they say they are renting is because they want to get out of debt before buying a house. You are correct, rent would be at least 2,000/month. I understand there are good reasons to rent but in general, you are just throwing money at something that you are not getting anything back from (outside of a roof over their head). They are renting because of their terrible credit, but terrible credit doesn't get you a rental either. They will release a video soon saying they are moving into the beach house. I'd bet the family cow on it!! lol
Renting might be just "throwing away money", but you can't just stroll up and buy a house. They're getting out of the current house with nothing. They _can't_ buy, and not just because of bad credit. They likely have nothing for a down payment. It's not a matter of choosing to rent because they want to get out of debt. No lender is going to give them a mortgage. They'll be lucky to have enough for a security deposit on a rental.
They definitely aren't choosing to rent. The only reason they had money to buy the first house was that Doc and Dolly banked the "rent" they were paying and gave it back to them. They have never had to take responsibility for saving money. Ever.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Kataja »

I so much hope that their parents aren't going to help them this time. It is time for them to grow up.

I think they have finally realized the situation they are in. They mentioned that they've lost the down payment and also, when they were talking about their old house, they said that they are looking for even smaller places than that and they have to downsize a lot.

Renting is not a choice, it is a necessity. And I suppose they might have hard time even finding rental. I think looking for rentals now that their house is finally under contract has been eye-opening for them. The pets aren't the biggest issue with them finding a rental.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Ducklings4 »

I assume they will find they have to downsize to a 2 bedroom place and the kids will have to share a bedroom. Pet charges can be expensive. They even admitted they will probably rent the rest of their lives.
People mention her parents estate. Her parents may choose to do a generation skipping trust, a type of trust that designates a grandchild, great-niece or great-nephew or any person who is at least 37 ½ years younger than the settlor as the beneficiary of the trust. The goal of a generation-skipping trust is to eliminate one round of estate tax. Just a thought.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by auntasaurus19 »

The timing seems awfully coincidental that they were hanging out with the whole family at GrandDolly’s house this past weekend. It looks like an attempt to get back in good graces with GrandDolly and GrandDoc so they can stay at the beach house for free. Definitely think that’s the plan...

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Boymomma123 »

I honestly don't see how they could afford a house to rent in that area when you factor in extra pet deposit/rent and utilities. Is it customary for renters to also procure renters insurance? I don't have much experience with renting and didn't know if some require it of their tenets. I mean 2 bedroom apartments are $900 a month! I can hear the complaining from Katie now about how terrible it is for Gaines to share a room with Brooks. I am super surprised they were not actively looking for rentals before. I know they didn't want to "get their hopes up" but it seems very irresponsible to wait this close to being out of the house.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Tayloch00 »

Boymomma123 wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:59 pm I honestly don't see how they could afford a house to rent in that area when you factor in extra pet deposit/rent and utilities. Is it customary for renters to also procure renters insurance? I don't have much experience with renting and didn't know if some require it of their tenets. I mean 2 bedroom apartments are $900 a month! I can hear the complaining from Katie now about how terrible it is for Gaines to share a room with Brooks. I am super surprised they were not actively looking for rentals before. I know they didn't want to "get their hopes up" but it seems very irresponsible to wait this close to being out of the house.

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Try here in florida a 2 bedroom apartment at least in my area is 1600 a month. Everyone is right they will live rent free at the beach house for like I say 2 years. I don't think they understand that renting they want you to make 3 times the rent and a lot of rentals don't want pets. They are very irresponsible to not have anything lined up or are actively looking for a place, they just bank on her parents.

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