The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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"Toddler" in the title gets more views than "child" or "preschooler"...1

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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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Every single thing about raising kids seems like a chore for Sam. Have we ever seen him cook a dinner that didn't him throwing something unhealthy in the oven or microwave? The kids have most of their teeth rotted with cavities because they let them start brushing before they can even hold a toothbrush. He even has Alexa reading his kids bedtime stories because he is too stressed. All that planting must be really wearing him down. He will need to hire a second yard man so the poor guy doesn't have to sacrifice any video game time.

Nia can't handle Juliet's distracts with homeschooling so she sends her off with a babysitter. But I'm sure a newborn will be no problem at all. These 2 are barely above functioning level when it comes to decision making.

Anyone else shocked he didn't keep the 3 inch fish he caught for another tacky mount in the cabin?
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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Liz_444 wrote:I can't get over how stupid they are!! So, Nia expected Juliette to be "excited" about leaving with a STRANGER to go on some outings??? The child is what.....4 years old??? Good grief! Nothing like setting up your child to go with strangers when they ask!! How about you let her spend a few days with both of you before you expect her to LEAVE with a STRANGER!!! OMG, is she brain dead??? Nia's happy she went after the stranger bribed her with food....I just can't with this woman!

What is it with YT parents calling their PRESCHOOL children TODDLERS?? A toddler is a child under the age of THREE.

Nia, your vlogs are exhausting to watch....not everything is SO FRIGGEN EXCITING!!! You know the kids are coached when one of them said they 'loved stairs" when they were going up the stairs.....face it, life can be boring, and going to the dentist is just one of those mundane chores.

Also, it's not fair that Abram has to go last for everything just because he's a boy. They're children!

Sam, you need a trellis for your cucumbers. That pot is WAY too small.
I haaattteee defending them, but Lily isn't a stranger. She used to babysit when they lived in the blue house, I think she was their neighbor? Or she might go to their church but I'm not sure. But if Juliet is such a problem there's no way any homeschooling is going to happen once the new baby arrives.

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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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Liz_444 wrote:I wish everyone would report their video from yesterday (dental appt). Abram was not only in just his underwear, he was clutching his penis!!

You don't have to watch the whole vlog. It happened at 9:33.
I just reported it. I just noticed too they've changed the thumbnail and title from yesterday. When I first saw it the thumbnail was of them watching the movie, and the title said something along the lines of, showing my kids jurassic park for the first time

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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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They need to stop sharing their backwards ideas with the camera! Now Nia thinks that it is just as offensive to say that she thinks a certain way because she is from the south as it is to make assumptions about people because of their skin colour. Your geographical location does not compare to racism Nia! Apparently we cannot assume she supports Trump (even though they have said so many times on camera and Sam has gone to MAGA rallies) because we just don't understand her. Of course we understand her. She is a scammer, a hypocrite and a subordinate to Sam.
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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It amazes me what a hypocrite Nia is, makes some big speech, in the hallway of the wolf place, about the bible saying to obey (or something like that)rules, about wearing masks, then running around either with no mask or the mask is under her chin.

Not sure why Nia thinks we don't know how they feel, I really can't see her going against or opposite of how her husband feels, since he is the leader/head of the household......and you know she is rejoicing about the nominee for the supreme court, so YES Nia, we know how you feel/think.

Anyone else notice in her Insta stories, Nia says everyone in the household is sick.........I mean Nia you are pregnant and not wearing your are an idiot.
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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Wow, was it worth it?? Clearly they’re “paid” in hotel credits to go to this nasty water park, force their sobbing child onto the rides, run around without masks during a global pandemic, and now they’re all sick. Who knows who they gave it to between the hotel and today, probably both sets of grandmothers, their church group, extended family, everyone at hobby lobby and chik fil a, and their friends with babies. Usually their irresponsible antics only hurt themselves and their kids. Now they’re weaponized!
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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It's about time they cut Juliets hair, it's looked awful for so long. Symphony sounded like she was already getting sick while they were still at great wolf and she was running around everywhere maskless.

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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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baskinrobbins wrote:Wow, was it worth it?? Clearly they’re “paid” in hotel credits to go to this nasty water park, force their sobbing child onto the rides, run around without masks during a global pandemic, and now they’re all sick. Who knows who they gave it to between the hotel and today, probably both sets of grandmothers, their church group, extended family, everyone at hobby lobby and chik fil a, and their friends with babies. Usually their irresponsible antics only hurt themselves and their kids. Now they’re weaponized!
You couldn't get me anywhere near a water park, especially an _indoor_ one, for a million dollars.

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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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Awwwww, Nia I am so sorry that Covid ruined your girls weekend..............could you be any more shallow....your friend gets Covid and all you think is that it ruined your weekend. Not a word of the 210,000 people who have died from Covid, not even prayers for your friend, and why blur your friends face, on the vlog, very weird?

Again, Sam cannot be alone with the kids, has his mother come over, THEN GOES FISHING, how pathetic, so his mother can watch 3 kids, at her age, but he cannot.

Thank you Nia, for vlogging you washing a front door mat........never been so riveted watching a vlog, then Sam washing the pool filters..........I guess you two have finally realized that your lives are boring.
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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Hahaha video opens with her trying to convince her girlfriend to come to the cabin even though she was exposed by someone who had covid. She is pregnant and she fought hard for this girl to come. Kind of hard to tell for sure but it seems that the other girls advocated for the covid-exposed one to stay home. Fast and loose, Nia. Really losing hope they’ll get a wake up call about this disease before it’s too late for someone they love.
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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baskinrobbins wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:05 pm Hahaha video opens with her trying to convince her girlfriend to come to the cabin even though she was exposed by someone who had covid. She is pregnant and she fought hard for this girl to come. Kind of hard to tell for sure but it seems that the other girls advocated for the covid-exposed one to stay home. Fast and loose, Nia. Really losing hope they’ll get a wake up call about this disease before it’s too late for someone they love.
I had to mute the sound when her girlfriends showed up..........and you thought she screeched a lot around the house, OH MY GOD..

They really don't get the whole pandemic thing, her friends getting exposed and one getting it and they still are hugging and not distancing each other............just really really stupid at this point, especially being pregnant. Again, Nia why are you blurring your friends face on the vlog, you don't even do that when filming other people you don't know, are you ashamed that your friends are getting covid?

Yes, you can tell, that Nia was fighting for her friends to show up, exposed or not, I am getting the feeling that they really don't believe in the covid at all....I really hope nothing happens to Bebo, since she is really at risk, but I am sure they will blame it on someone else, if it does.

Why is it that Sam cannot take care of the kids, and why are they having more, I feel really bad for Symphony, I see her turning into the carer of Abram and Juliet....shades of the Duggers..where the kids take care of the kids. I see school going out the window, since they skip more days now then would ever be allowed in public school, any excuse to not have school...Nia sickness, Nia girls trip away, vacations, Sam headache (OH yeah, he does no teaching...LOL) and any old excuse not to learn.
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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Why did she bleep out the names of the ones who have covid when it is so obvious who is missing from her group?
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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flightlessbird wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:15 pm:?
“tHeY UnDeRsTaNd tHe rIsK” a lady who doesn’t vaccinate her kids
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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flightlessbird wrote::?
Ugh. People like that piss me off. It's not just about her. She can give it to someone else who dies from it. It's not "living in fear". It's practicing what science says to help slow the spread of a disease.

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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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flightlessbird wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:15 pm:?
Must be nice not to be immunocompromised and to be selfish enough to have no one else's health in mind but your own. She's absolutely idiotic. It isn't about "living in fear", it's about being respectful and keeping other people safe. If her mother or Sam's mother gets sick, it's going to be their fault.
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

Unread post by 1finn »

Awww Sam, can't finish the woodwork in the house, but spend lots of time and money on your bucket gardens.....kinda weird that you put the buckets in the middle of the yard, you know where your kids could play.

Todays vlogs showed Abram peeing in the yard....and had to show it twice, just weird, having your kid peeing in the yard, must be a Texas or redneck thing. LOL

Yes, Nia, wearing clothes means there will be laundry, get over it.

Funny that Sam is complaining about the house being too small, for 4 children, being a 3 bedroom house, why did you buy a 3 bedroom house, and he hates the pool.

These people are idiots.
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

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Sam has no interest or investment at all with this pregnancy. He has been to zero appointments. Nia is scouring garage sales for baby things while Sam just collects more junk for the walls at the cabin. He won't even cover a single day of homeschooling when she hasn't been able to get out of bed. Can you imagine when she has a newborn?

Sam has these constant moods of fixating on certain things for periods at a time where nobody or nothing else matters. Now it seems to be this garden he has going which takes 100% of his attention. As soon as he will flip to another thing, he just abandons the other task completely. His woodworking just abruptly ended halfway through replacing all the trim in the house. He is always calling himself a perfectionist, but I think he is the exact opposite and lacks the focus to stay dedicated to one thing. We will start to see him crash in a few weeks and I bet the garden will die off. It's such a scary cycle he's in and I don't know how anyone would be happy in that type of marriage where the other person in refusing to get help when it is clearly impacting the entire family.
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Re: The Rader Cult Where No one's an Adult Part 7

Unread post by baskinrobbins »

I have a hard time watching videos about pregnancy complications, can someone just confirm this is clickbait garbage so I don’t have to bother?

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