BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Daffodil82 »

Britch is probably loving the break from not posting on social media right now. Imagine having a sibling move in, issues in your marriage, a newborn, 4 other children, an ex you need to stay in contact with and social media platforms that you need to post on daily. Honestly I don't know how influencers keep up. They must really show a fake persona. Trying to be perfect on the outside yet dying on the inside. I can imagine after such an extensive break that it's gonna be hard to get back in the routine of picking up the camera. Only issue is....she's gonna have to lol!!! No real job and no hubby income.

Sucks to be her right now. I'm here for it 😁🤗
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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by MarvelMama »

I think Cueball cheated. Either that or quarantine has made it so Britney can’t hide her disgust and annoyance with him anymore, I don’t think she’s ever felt this deep everlasting love she always goes on about. She’s lost her patience with him multiple times in videos especially during their first Christmas together.

I think she only let herself be impregnated by Frakenweenie and stuck with it because of status, also because he’d give her the vLoGgeR fAmIlY she’s always wanted. She was probably dumb enough to let him know she was a YouTuber and one of her requirements was that her man would be apart of it.

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Evian »

Buckeyebaby wrote:Totally not doubting a political spat between frenk and Alyssa, but why would he change his bio to “father of two” because of that?

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I think that's what happened too, but the tension might have been really strong because Alyssa is living with them and then Britney was caught in the middle between the fight. If she took Alyssa's side then frank was pissed and left to go be with his grandpa and family.

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Evian »

I really think Britney is the master manipulater in relationships. Let's see she was first attracted to frank because he was a firefighter. She eventually chipped away at him until they made the mutual (?) decision to end his career, to do the channel full time. Now Britney has the upper hand because britneyandbaby is her baby... She created it, I'm sure she knows she is the main bread winner, that probably imasculated frank a bit, especially now that they are in a fight, so he is doing anything he can to keep an identify for himself (father of 2)...which is disgusting for him to abandon the other kids.

I also do think it was a fight to do with Alyssa, and Britney was caught in the middle and frank wasn't having it. Having her live there is probably rubbing him the wrong way as it is.

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by blabli »

I think this might be a really unpopular opinion in here, but either way.

I have barely watched her videos the last 2 years because I was busy with work and studies and being a mom, but at the same time because I didn't really enjoy the way Frank appeared more and more often on them. It seemed like he slowly took over her channel, in that charismatic-wanna-be guy but that on many ways reminded me of my father who was a big psychologic abuser. Everyone used to fall for how great he always looked to the outside world and was missing on what was going on behind closed doors at home.
With that said, I don't mean that he is an abuser and I won't get into what might or might not be the behaviour I saw, but he did very obviously enjoyed appearing more and more on a public spot and took very easy on being a public figure, none forced him to appear there and if someone did, he is one hell of an actor.

Also, She did seem back when Nolan and Harlow were younger a lot more independent and able to take care of the kids on her own just fine, obviously, the more you have, the harder it gets. But in fact, I used to think her kids on camera were very polite, like on the videos on the back. I have watched now after I realised all that is going on some videos, and this might be because I remember a different Britney but like, she is not like that. It seems like he has to have an opinion or say or hand on everything.

Also I'm surprised at the ones who say that he was manipulated into leaving his job, (actually this is the only reason I created my account). This is a fully functional adult who was able to become a firefighter and have a full-time salary for years. Who is now 'working' from home on a business she created from the scratch. None forces you to leave a job, and if you choose to do so, you deal with the consequences. And his consequences were very promising and sweet looking so I'm sorry but I fully disagree with that he was lead to leave it. She always seemed very capable of taking care of her kids before he appeared, regardless of how many other mistakes she had made. In comparison with most youtube moms (that I know of anyway, so like 3?) she was just fine before, other than obviously scared at being alone. But he got very used to the fame really quickly and wanted more, as well as easy money.

And another popular belief is that she is the one causing it. I think when you are in a relationship, and something like this happens, whatever it is, to an extent, it's both responsibility and maybe at some point both were adding fire to the issue. But whatever has happened, it does seem like maybe she didn't marry into the husband or family she thought she had.
She is a youtuber, and she cashes in on publishing her and her kid's life. But when Vanessa years ago had published something about her, or hinted at something I remember them having issues because she was private about it. Now, obviously, you publish your life every day, but I suppose you want to have control over it and not let others do it for you. I can't imagine my husband acting the way the guy is doing without me getting pissed off, and I'm not a YouTuber. Changing bios in IG, hiding and showing Fotos, having an in-law shadowing me.. I mean... what a kiddish circus.
And also, what a fame-hungry bunch of people. So I think that whatever happened, made it so that she was not able to set aside or brush off any more him or his family,and maybe now she is quiet because she is trying to sort her life out before continuing a 'normal' life.

So again, more unpopular opinions.. I actually enjoyed her with Ean, and while she briefly was single, so to be honest, I don't wish her any bad, I hope everything passes so she blogs again because if things go back to normal, I might go back to watch her.
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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

kabuki wrote:Anyone remember if she was this quiet when she planned her secret split with ean? I feel like I remember her still posting pretty frequently

Also I have to laugh at how frank messaged Sloan to take the video down, and instead Sloan just made another video about his message. Lmao he must be pissssed
She never stopped posting, she posted nonstop for 2 months before they split and continued to post normally on IG. She only went a few days w/o posting on YouTube when she had already moved out but that’s it. No one even knew Ean and her were having problems til she posted her sit down video, this is why I don’t believe they ever had any real issues. This time around she’s not even pretending to hide the issues they’re having, which is funny because according to her sHe nEvEr kNeW wHaT LoVe wAs TiL sHe mEt FrEnK.

They’re both morons but Britney is the biggest one of all because there’s no way she can come back from all of this & act like nothing happened. None of this would’ve happened if she would’ve put her big girl panties on and focused on her kids after she left Ean.

Now look at her...5 kids deep with a failed marriage, no friends, no support system, no work experience, no one to help pay all her expenses....she literally has NOTHING going for her. She’s also stuck with a piece of shit baby daddy that doesn’t even care about her other kids because look how quick he dropped them already?
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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Yogabbagabbat »

I really really doubt Britney’s unfollowing has to do with politics. Her only loyalty is to herself. Frank’s has always seemed like a trumper and his family posts extremely hateful things, so it’s not like Britney didn’t know about it.

Britney is ignorant when it comes to politics and social issues, so I doubt girlfriend is going to suddenly grow a spine over it. She would never choose alyssa over frank. She didn’t even choose her own children over frank lol.

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by abosley9 »

Anyone else find it disrespectful that she hasn’t came out of hiding to tell her fans (ya know, the reason she has been able to stay home and make tons of money off youtube) that everyone is okay? Just a simple “Hey guys. Going through some personal things and need to take a little break from social media. Everyone is fine and doing good though!”

How hard would that be?

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Wylee »

There have been a lot of red flags with Frank. He immediately made himself indispensable to her by always taking care of baby Harlow... he chose most of the house finishes .. he talked her into that penis car for himself.. he chipped away her independence from the start. Right down to the point where she feels like she can’t drive anywhere alone and can’t navigate city traffic. This is what abusive people do. They make themselves essential and chip away the independence of others. Remember how distraught she was about having a sonogram without him? It was her fifth child she didn’t need him there- but he made it all about him and probably scared her into not wanting to go alone.

The Alyssa thing. I watched Alyssa’s life a little back in the day and she is a maladjusted bully who has more than once caused grief and chaos in the lives of others. When she moved in I felt a lot of dread for them all.

I hope Frank is still at the house finishing closing in that bonus room. It would suck to lose your abusive husband AND have a half done project 🙃

Also. Him quitting his job. I do not believe Britney had anything to do with this. She was very invested in the fire wife life. I think he quit his job because he’s a spoiled baby. If you watch that video again you can tell his real reason for quitting was conflicts at work.
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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Xoangelicchic »

You don’t wake up one day and suddenly it’s over. Whatever it is boiled for a while. They probably had problems before her sister got there and everything escalated. Add 5 kids on top of that and virtual schooling. That’s enough to set someone off. Their whole “when you know you know” was not only trying to convince people that it’s gonna last, but also them trying to convince themselves. Everyone says poor Britney but poor Frank too. That fool just wanted to get laid and knocked her up on the first go round. And she’s always wanted to be married and shit. They can delete all they want on social media but they will be in each other’s lives forever.
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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Wylee »

abosley9 wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:37 am Anyone else find it disrespectful that she hasn’t came out of hiding to tell her fans (ya know, the reason she has been able to stay home and make tons of money off youtube) that everyone is okay? Just a simple “Hey guys. Going through some personal things and need to take a little break from social media. Everyone is fine and doing good though!”

How hard would that be?

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Lol lol lol 15 minutes after you posted this she did exactly this on IG. Good job!
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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Amandaaa »

I don’t ever recall her announcing a break or needing privacy but I guess it went without saying. She was still on social media but I guess what she means by break is not posting frequent pictures. Idk. At least she is somewhat acknowledging there’s something going on.

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by MarvelMama »

I feel like Frankenweenie was already pretty materialistic but couldn’t do all of what he wanted until he got with Bridiot and fed into her already horrible shopping habits. I do stand by my belief that he’s been happily spending the shit out of her money.

You know how celebrities date each other for publicity? I think this relationship is similar to that. They were both just seeing dollar signs imagining all the money and content they would eventually be able to make. She honestly probably really does resent Ean for not feeding into it and helping them “reach their true potential” the way Frank did. Didn’t they go through that whole BE+3 crap before they broke up? Ean was vlogging his drone footage and biking, he was trying to give into what she desperately wanted.

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

What social media break? She’s been on IG non stop blocking comments, archiving/unarchiving pictures, and unfollowing/re-following Frank all week long?

The only reason she hasn’t posted like she normally does is because she embarrassed herself and needs to get her story straight cz she has never and will never keep it Image.

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by ladyju28 »

Knew she was gonna come with her privacy bullshit

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by ThisIsMeCeej »

Wylee wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:44 am There have been a lot of red flags with Frank. He immediately made himself indispensable to her by always taking care of baby Harlow... he chose most of the house finishes .. he talked her into that penis car for himself.. he chipped away her independence from the start. Right down to the point where she feels like she can’t drive anywhere alone and can’t navigate city traffic. This is what abusive people do. They make themselves essential and chip away the independence of others. Remember how distraught she was about having a sonogram without him? It was her fifth child she didn’t need him there- but he made it all about him and probably scared her into not wanting to go alone.

The Alyssa thing. I watched Alyssa’s life a little back in the day and she is a maladjusted bully who has more than once caused grief and chaos in the lives of others. When she moved in I felt a lot of dread for them all.

I hope Frank is still at the house finishing closing in that bonus room. It would suck to lose your abusive husband AND have a half done project 🙃

Also. Him quitting his job. I do not believe Britney had anything to do with this. She was very invested in the fire wife life. I think he quit his job because he’s a spoiled baby. If you watch that video again you can tell his real reason for quitting was conflicts at work.
I couldn't agree more with you. Especially about the Alyssa thing. I remember back when Britney's address was leaked, and Alyssa went on Vanessa's channel and was attacking her... at the time, no one, not even Britney, knew who did it. It's so easy to find a persons address and such... but, Vanessa was blamed. I think Alyssa causes a lot of issues for Britney.. I mean, she is a huge reason she went on that dating app and met Frank as well.

And Frank didn't seem at all upset to leave behind firefighting.. definitely his idea.
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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Wylee »

Lol the part of IG where she says “don’t believe anything you don’t hear from me”. Belly laugh times infinity. I ESPECIALLY don’t believe anything that comes right from her mouth.
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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Romeoxsavexme »

“Don’t believe everything you see on the internet.”

So you just scrubbed frank from your IG and Facebook for fall cleaning? We’re not that stupid.
I don’t delete my husbands photos off of everything because we had a small disagreement.
You do that because either one you are going through a SERIOUS divorce and the thought of seeing them makes you sick or two you are just a shady fucking person and you are doing this for clout.

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Linnyem__ »

dazzled wrote:
NigheanDonn wrote: Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:26 pm I know Alyssa doesn't want to be talked about anymore and I was trying to respect that because she seemed like she was growing up to become more mature than her sister. But I just have to say I'm annoyed by what she posted. She was sort of on a spiritual/new age (hate the term new age but whatever) kick for a while. But her actions regarding politics say the opposite. Telling people to unfollow if they don't support the same candidate? Not very spiritual of you. If she was really digging deep into this stuff she would see what a huge distraction it all really is. But instead she's basically spreading hate.
Yeah, it's crazy that she doesn't want people who vote for someone who constantly attacks her rights to follow her. Sorry to break it to you, no one is obligated to be nice to those who'd like to take away their rights. Not even spiritual people.
That’s very childish of her imo. If she has followers that support trump what does it really matter? They follow her because they obviously are interested in what she posts and care to keep up with her day to day. It just reminds me of a little kid telling another kid “you can’t play with me because you have blue nail polish and I hate the color blue!” What the hell does it matter?? Believe it or not, not ALL Trump supporters support everything he stands for, they just think he’s the best option in their opinion. Same with Biden.

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Re: BritneyandBabies: Divorce on her High Horse (Part 77)

Unread post by Lalalilylove »

Linnyem__ wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:02 am
dazzled wrote:
NigheanDonn wrote: Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:26 pm I know Alyssa doesn't want to be talked about anymore and I was trying to respect that because she seemed like she was growing up to become more mature than her sister. But I just have to say I'm annoyed by what she posted. She was sort of on a spiritual/new age (hate the term new age but whatever) kick for a while. But her actions regarding politics say the opposite. Telling people to unfollow if they don't support the same candidate? Not very spiritual of you. If she was really digging deep into this stuff she would see what a huge distraction it all really is. But instead she's basically spreading hate.
Yeah, it's crazy that she doesn't want people who vote for someone who constantly attacks her rights to follow her. Sorry to break it to you, no one is obligated to be nice to those who'd like to take away their rights. Not even spiritual people.
That’s very childish of her imo. If she has followers that support trump what does it really matter? They follow her because they obviously are interested in what she posts and care to keep up with her day to day. It just reminds me of a little kid telling another kid “you can’t play with me because you have blue nail polish and I hate the color blue!” What the hell does it matter?? Believe it or not, not ALL Trump supporters support everything he stands for, they just think he’s the best option in their opinion. Same with Biden.

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What a dumb analogy. Blue nail polish vs human rights 🤦🏻‍♀️

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