BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by hopelesslysoulful »

I don’t know why she doesn’t sit her kids down and have them write Santa a wish list. It would be a fun activity to engage all the kids and it would help her see what the kids want for Christmas.

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by nurseemilyy »

js2013 wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:52 pm
Resting_Bitch_Face wrote:So now Britney’s getting a half sleeve tattoo....lawwwwwwwwwwd that’s a mid life crisis if I ever saw one. She’s gonna look so fucking cringy with that because that does NOT go with her oatmeal personality.
Also, let's use some common sense....

You shouldn't make big life decisions (getting a tattoo) during or even right after a depressive episode. Come on girl....

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I'm wondering if that's her attempting to make herself feel better and bring her out of the depressive episode or if that could be the start of a manic episode. Not diagnosing her, just wondering. When was the last time she went to therapy? Was she officially diagnosed with depression? I think she needs to be evaluated again
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by WheresMyCoffee »

You guys. She probably already bought her kids Christmas gifts. Sge does this only for engagement. She misses alot in those weeks she wasn't posting and with less engagement means IG doesn't post her on the homepage or on peoples feeds. She could GAF about peoples opinions but now not only will people answer her people will ask to see the responses and she can post swipe ups
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

Omg are ya seeing how cringeeee Frank and Britney look trying to bond with the kids?! When have they EVER shown themselves with the kids like this time (9pm)...? It’s soOo incredibly disingenuous that it literally gives me second hand embarrassment for them. She’s really working overtime so show everyone that they’re sooOooo happy and in love
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Nik_8989 »

So it’s just back to being a big ole happy family again?

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Joie de Vivre »

Resting_Bitch_Face wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:31 pm Omg are ya seeing how cringeeee Frank and Britney look trying to bond with the kids?! When have they EVER shown themselves with the kids like this time (9pm)...? It’s soOo incredibly disingenuous that it literally gives me second hand embarrassment for them. She’s really working overtime so show everyone that they’re sooOooo happy and in loveImageImage
You could tell this was only done for IG by the way the kids reacted. They were surprised and genuinely excited that their parents were engaging with them. I cringed SO HARD at Frank feigning interest in Aria's game. Why film it??? Why not just be with your kids, you clods!
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by TopazBlues »

Does Aria have a friend over or something? In that story, there's another young girl there. I am glad Aria at least has friends. Probably a neighbor friend.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Wylee »

SeriouslyCurious wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:48 pm I'm sorry, I just have to say it..... and I know its been said before.... BUT.... Aria, Nolan and Harlow, gorgeous kids. Scarlett and flech, not so cute, oops! Yes I said it. Yes that sounds so mean but just stating the facts.

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Nolan and H are beautiful. Aria was beautiful before she developed crazy eyes. I’m undecided on Scarlett and I think k fletcher is a cutie.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by SeriouslyCurious »

I cant with frank! I'll never view him the same... I don't watch their vlogs rigorously or ever for that matter. But whatever went down with them..... frank will never be viewed the same. He was so quick to change his insta to #fatherof2 . Frank is garbage now. I use to follow and watch vlogs randomly. Now I havent watched in months and won't give them a view. #FrankYouRuinedYourMoneyTree
Disgusting. Wont contribute to that bs. Britney and frank grow up. Sorry those poor kids have the short end of the stick because you 2 dumbasses want to portray your fake lifestyle for youtube. How will you explain that to your kids when they grow up. Oh wait, you don't care

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Cuddlefish »

averys5 wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:33 pm New vlog Harlow has a black eye from running into counter right after Scarlett has injuries from jumping off the barstool.
Okay, maybe it’s just me, but my kid has had scraped knees from playing outside, but she’s never had a black eye, goose egg, big bruises or any major accidents, and she’s always running, jumping and playing. Does it really happen this often with more than one kid? (I’m pregnant with number two so now I’m wondering if I should be prepared for so many injuries lol). It just seems so excessive. It’s like every other day someone in that house has a black eye or a bump on their heads.
Honestly? No. My kids do a lot of activities: gymnastics, dance, hockey, tennis, martial arts ... not even counting constant jumping around and wrestling each other. Not once did anyone got a black eye. It’s such a weird injury cuz ppl instinctively guard their face and especially eyes from damage. It might be a sign of poor coordination, balance and muscle tone😑
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by 131618 »

Its JUST a tattoo

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Lalalilylove »

That’s some major damage control she is trying to do on her Instagram. Wow she’s so predictable. Also... the tattoo plans? Yeah she’s def planning to leave Frank soon - before she left ean she tried to dye her hair blonde and styled it to look like keren, got a nose ring and that tattoo with Alyssa. She’s in the middle of a manic episode for sure. She needs help before she fucks up her life even more
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Mamadrama »

Oh she actually got that nose ring way before she left Ean actually. She’s a Leo, I’m guessing she just loves the attention it gets her.

I was just watching her old vlogs with Ean, like a month or 2 before leaving him. The one where they go tree shopping and a few other ones and my god, she looked way way happier. Like I forgot because they broke up a long time ago now and you start seeing and remembering their relationship differently cause you’re thinking “oh you both let each other go!” But the drastic change in her energy and happiness and just over all bubbliness is crazy.

Maybe bec now she’s facing way more criticism than with Ean or maybe just burdened by having more kids, I don’t know... but she was so much happier then. I bet she watches these videos and think “it was simpler back then, I was happier... why did I leave?”

I think she loved Ean more than Frank. She only “loves” Frank because she thinks he makes her life easier.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Crazymess1215 »

Half sleeve? The fuck? Running out of things to spend her money on I see. She is so dumb all those insta stories were so cringe with the constant touching of her chin and Frank's ugly ass laugh with his gross frizzy pubic hair beard. He's so nauseating to look at.

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by ThisIsMeCeej »

I didn't see where she said anything about a half sleeve, I've not watched any of her IG or YT past 24 hours... so, is she trying to get a half sleeve to cover up her ANH tattoos she got, so she can do something else to incorporate Scar Scar and Fletch Lives? (I don't know about anyone else... but, I always hated the tattoo she got for ANH... it just was so.. eh, and I would want a tattoo like that in a place I could always see it... not where she put it)
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Hannable971 »

ThisIsMeCeej wrote: Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:24 am I didn't see where she said anything about a half sleeve, I've not watched any of her IG or YT past 24 hours... so, is she trying to get a half sleeve to cover up her ANH tattoos she got, so she can do something else to incorporate Scar Scar and Fletch Lives? (I don't know about anyone else... but, I always hated the tattoo she got for ANH... it just was so.. eh, and I would want a tattoo like that in a place I could always see it... not where she put it)
It’s on her instastories I just watched it a little bit ago so it’s still there right now if you want to watch it unless you’re blocked then you can’t see it lol
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Commonlove »

Lmaoooo half sleeve??? What is she thinking? With her greasy hair, bad eyelash extensions, orange skin and flipflops she's going to look like a trashy single mom of billion kids. Britney please don't do that.

I don't get the black eye thing. It looks like someone punched Harlow straight to her eye. My daughter has once had a black eye when she fell out of bed and there was something on the floor she hit her head. And it was rather her cheek not the eye. How about some supervision? No??
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Jjsmommy »

Random but has britney ever mentioned an estimate about how much it cost for them to build their house?
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

Now they’re gonna go and take their staged family picture lol man it only she put in this much effort into her kids lol. Also who does she think she is with this hat lol did Keren wear a hat like this because she doesn’t wear shit like that.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by LilSeb1010 »

Resting_Bitch_Face wrote:Now they’re gonna go and take their staged family picture lol man it only she put in this much effort into her kids lol. Also who does she think she is with this hat lol did Keren wear a hat like this because she doesn’t wear shit like that.
She wore a hat like that in their spring photos and it looked so awkward on her because she never actually wears hats lol.

But of course they’re taking whitewashed “happy family” photos right after their reconciliation. Everything they do feels so fake and performative now. It’s obvious that they’re miserable together.

I see she’s back to manic behavior. Putting a deposit down on a half sleeve when she doesn’t even know what she wants it to look like?? Sounds like Frank was getting one so she decided to get one too because she has no personality of her own.

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