Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by Bettymcwiggan »

Where are all their in person friends?? Oh wait ... tiffani is a fking psycho and cant hold any friendships for more than a year or so. And her husband, a pathetic no balls no spine flaccid d*ck of a man, he hasnt been allowed to keep any friendships if she doesnt approve. She starts imaginary pr0blems in her head with other women and puts herself in competitions with them. GFY beastons
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by fantasticamy »

If the dad podcast gave a shout out people will come read here and hopefully see the light!!!!! There will be some dumb idiots that are still 2 stupid to see who Tiffani really is, we all know that!! But the child exploitation needs to stop. It’s disgusting!!!! They aren’t sharing their lives to help anybody but themselves.
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by Pinkcakes0 »

HOLD t.lies is donating half of her planner sales? First off, the planner was a flop. Nobody hardly bought that ugly thing because you can get one for $1 at the dollar store. Second, OF COURSE this asshole is doing something that benefits her.. otherwise she wouldn’t do it. She gets more planner sales and half the money from it. She is the definition of human trash. Calculated greedy scum. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by Pamomma8422 »

Questions about donating breastmilk to a stranger... 1. Is tiffani getting paid to 'donate" her milk. I read that alot of moms sell their milk. 2. Is that even sanitary to use milk from a stranger? I guess you have to weigh the risks with the positives. Did they store it properly? Are they clean, and their bottles?
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by Babyjen1012 »

Pinkcakes0 wrote: Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:47 am HOLD t.lies is donating half of her planner sales? First off, the planner was a flop. Nobody hardly bought that ugly thing because you can get one for $1 at the dollar store. Second, OF COURSE this asshole is doing something that benefits her.. otherwise she wouldn’t do it. She gets more planner sales and half the money from it. She is the definition of human trash. Calculated greedy scum. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!

Yes!! Its just a way for her to remind people about her garbage planner that nobody wants. Shes about 10 years to late with her dream to sell one of her own. Who even uses them anymore or would spend that kind of money on one. Andddd I am loving the Dad Challenge on YT!! So thank you ladies for mentioning him. He rips Bri apart & Beastons are next!!!!! And now we wait.....
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by Vanillacupcake »

For people that are so beyond obsessed with looks and constantly need to be told they are "hot" to feel validated, it appears Baby Evil isn't living up to the expectations. I don't care how symmetrical she is. woahhh.
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by Mearlynn »

The Dad Challenge is going after Tiffani today at 12:30pm eastern!!
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by jazieg »

Dad Podcast has one on Tiffani coming out today.

Tiffani Beaston Makes Bad Videos and She Should Feel Bad

Shit show is starting. Lol, I may just watch her IG again to see any reactions...

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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by meanmuggin »

Watched the Dad challenge. There’s so much more he could go into but I am so glad he pointed out that there are SO many people who hate this girl. She is foul and has always been foul.
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by Deuces »

OMFG I am dying with the Dad Challenge podcast. Literally spit out my drink with some comments. Dude, we could give him SO MUCH INFO and he would just rip her apart. PLEASE let us!! He thinks she's a shitty human being now, just wait until we give him what we know.
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by Ohnonotme »

The Dad Podcast vlog was boring AF. Isn’t his channel about bringing down family channels, yet of all the hundreds of videos the Beaston’s have made, he chose one where she’s not with her family. And from two years ago! Most of it was criticising her cinematography, editing, and font. Really? A few digs at their carryings on, but generally lame as.

I don’t watch any of the other women on the trip, and if I didn’t know who Tiffani was, and just came across his vlog by random, I’d honestly think why is this guy getting so heated over a group of women on a trip away. I would not know anything about what a horrible, lazy, lying, controlling person she really is. His “analysis” was boring and didn’t out her in any way. In fact, I think it made him look petty. Thats half an hour of my life I’ll never get back. It reinforces why I can’t ever get through one of his videos when I do try and watch.
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by judgyqueen »

Ohnonotme wrote: Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:48 am The Dad Podcast vlog was boring AF. Isn’t his channel about bringing down family channels, yet of all the hundreds of videos the Beaston’s have made, he chose one where she’s not with her family. And from two years ago! Most of it was criticising her cinematography, editing, and font. Really? A few digs at their carryings on, but generally lame as.

I don’t watch any of the other women on the trip, and if I didn’t know who Tiffani was, and just came across his vlog by random, I’d honestly think why is this guy getting so heated over a group of women on a trip away. I would not know anything about what a horrible, lazy, lying, controlling person she really is. His “analysis” was boring and didn’t out her in any way. In fact, I think it made him look petty. Thats half an hour of my life I’ll never get back. It reinforces why I can’t ever get through one of his videos when I do try and watch.
I thought it was awesome, but I definitely see your point. It's hard to pick what to snark on with her because there's SO MUCH. I do think his overall point is that she has no talent. None. Whatsoever.

Regardless, the comments are full of people thanking him for covering her. I hope her stans see it. They may never find us but they'll probably see that YouTube at some point then hopefully all of the comments from people who have woken up to her bullcrap.
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by Dannirou »

I hope he does another with more info from here. Pleeeease expose her the way she deserves!!

Also can we pick a thread title soon? I know we had a few suggestions and the petty bitch in me needs an insult at the top of the page lol
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by NotAnotherUserName »

I think his whole point is that these people make hundreds of thousands of dollars for bullshitting around all day and putting out shitty videos and their fans will eat it up. They truly don’t care about how bad their content is because they don’t have to, they’re laughing all the way to the bank. We shouldn’t be watching this shit and giving them more views and money because they don’t work hard and they don’t deserve it.

Anyways, only 50 planners are left guys, after being for sale for 10 days! 🤣 Trash hyped it up so hard and said get on the preorder list, it’s dropping on the 23rd at noon EST, there’s a limited quantity and it might sell out! 🤣🤣🤣
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by icant »

The dad challenge guy’s face at her pregnant bikini dancing is amazing. She’s so gross and his face is absolutely priceless! She’s dumb and gross either way, not just whilst pregnant. He made a good point that these idiots literally film their feet so feet fetish freaks will watch their videos. THE SAME VIDEOS YOUR CHILDREN ARE IN! So you are okay putting your kids online for all types of filthy sex freaks and pedophiles. I’m sure that’s why she seductively rubs her naked ass stomach in videos. They literally sell their souls to “work” from home. Vomit.

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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by sunshine616 »

First of all what makes me cringe is how much she praises God and has the audacity to post bible verses all over. What you did for one of mine you did for the least of these. Please. How much is she worth? If she is worth that much she should be blessing people in need. We don't have a lot but what we do have I have gifted over 100s of dollars to friends who have less than I do. This is the season of giving, and we should give all year long. It makes me sick because I know people who have nothing. The sad thing is the people who gifted her these things probably work 60 hour days and make a fraction of what she does.

Hey Tiffani, start giving to others this year please.

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
John 15:1‭-‬8 NIV
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by disney8 »

Her bible quotes make me sick. She’s the most non Christian person. She posts those to hide who she is.. deep down she knows the things she said and did to people. Posting bible verses on Instagram proves nothing Tiffani.. but it does show what a scam you really are.

Ya know what t.lies.. maybe own the shit you did and said. That’s what a REAL Christian would do.
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by Mearlynn »

I wish The Dad Challenge would do more research before he goes after someone. It is sometimes pretty obvious that he is just throwing together his videos. Not only that, if he is only doing this to "take down" family YouTubers, why did he choose to start with this video?
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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by icant »

Mearlynn wrote:I wish The Dad Challenge would do more research before he goes after someone. It is sometimes pretty obvious that he is just throwing together his videos. Not only that, if he is only doing this to "take down" family YouTubers, why did he choose to start with this video?
You have had 3 posts on here. The first 2 are promoting the dad challenge by telling everyone to check it out. Now this? ImageImageImage

On another note, to all: my theory is that this dude from the dad challenge is one of these newbies on here asking what happened between T.beast, Myka and Bri. And if that’s the case, WELCOME, SIR!!! There’s enough Beaston bashing on here to make yourself a pretty Penny, and I’m here for it! I just stared watching and I don’t skip adds. I’d much rather support the person calling these idiots out!

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Re: Beauty and the Beastons | Part 18

Unread post by dannirog »

I haven’t posted in a while and I don’t watch anything of Beaver Fang Tooth Beaston... but I see nothing has changed! Lol in fact it appears she’s worse.. as if that was possible 🤣

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