BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by mama_atl »

Smallfri111 wrote:
mama_atl wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:55 pm Just had to add... you know how I know Britney knows Fletcher’s DMD status? It’s bc she told CBM that she’s more worried about what people will think of *HER* if and when she reveals if he’s positive/negative. Excuse me?! Aren’t you worried about... umm... you know... the TERMINAL DISORDER that could be afflicting your son?!

She got an amnio around 16 weeks. Go back to her vlog on March 29th where she talks about her “important” prenatal appointment she has coming up... not a “regular” one... an “important” appointment she can’t cancel. She mentions it in the first minute.

She’ll tell everybody one day bc she always caves and then sugarcoats reality so that her audience won’t turn against her.

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To answer this and another poster that asked, Britney claimed that fletcher HAS NOT been tested for DMD yet. She also explained why she couldn’t have it done while pregnant (although I forget the reasoning). I ain’t a supporter, but I believe this statement. I think they’re terrified of knowing the potential truth and will put it off for a while.

CBM drove me absolutely bananas. She interrupted so much. Stupid me sat through the whole thing though.
You’re entitled to your opinion, but I believe she’s lying. They didn’t act surprised or even seemed to care about the gender after Fletcher was born. Sorry, but I’m not convinced by Britney’s word and a $20 Cora name card that the gender was a surprise.

She reveals EVERY other gender... but not Fletcher’s. Talked about prenatal screening with Harlow and Scarlett... but not Fletcher. I don’t believe her. Agree to disagree.

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Lalalilylove »

Mamadrama wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 2:28 pm Again, providing for your family is what any dad should do, just like when they call it babysitting when a dad is literally just watching his kids like he SHOULD be. We all have a different idea of what a good dad is according to maybe our own childhoods and backgrounds, I’ll just leave it at that.

Back to her “interview”. I can’t believe she defended that onion head. Is she really that stupid to forgive him for that cold careless dick move he did “father of two!” Comment? Is that pure denial or is she just putting up a front? Because either way that’s just so fucked up. If that was my husband something in me would forever be broken and it could never just go back to normal. Her lame ass defense “we were headed in the road with no return” yeah but you weren’t really... it wasn’t official.

Plenty of stepdads still love their step kids even after a divorce and still consider them their step kids, they even walk them down the aisle. You can’t just unlove your kids, if he ever really considered them his kids.
Ok... so then shouldn’t a mother provide for her family if the dad is required to take on both roles by your standards? It should be equal and you seem to expect more from ean than you expect from Britney. Britney has never worked and she doesn’t even read to her kids as babies (a bare minimum requirement to be a “good” mom) so she failed in all aspects. Ean cared for his kids AND worked, so to say he was doing the bare minimum is unfair. No one knows what his life with the kids is like now so to assume he is doing the bare minimum because he is a man is sexist.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by catmom »

Takeaways from the surgery vlog:

Frank asking all that shit about "do i need to clean her" and "what do i do for her" gave me major controlling gypsy rose vibes. He just is so creepy.

Brit is SO codependent but still cant hide how annoyed she gets with franks attention. Makes me think he forces her to act more needy than she is.

Brit is a whiney baby. Sorry, birth vlog and this combined.... she just is a whiney brat.

Why is alyssa NEVER on camera? V weird.

Frank at the end "you are SO beautiful" i literally died from CREEP
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by averys5 »

New vlog with Frank doting on her and recording their texting conversation just gives me the impression he’s trying HARD for people to see him as the “sweet southern accent” guy again since he knows he tarnished his image with the Fatherof2 thing. I think it’s weird as hell B is making a point to defend the slap at her kids but he won’t speak a word about it or “explain himself” when he’s the one who did it lol.

Saying Ean has always done the bare minimum seems crappy IMO. He worked multiple jobs, long hours just to give B the lifestyle she wanted all while she got to sit at home all day and make videos as a hobby and put him and his tired face on camera and go to target to buy home decor and makeup. She even stated back then her income was only enough to pay one bill, if that. Which eventually turned into her full time income, if she had to be working full time as well because Ean wouldn’t work more hours I doubt her channel would be where it is today.

It’s 2020 - I don’t think it’s fair to say the financial burden rests only on the Dad’s shoulders and that Ean working sun up to sun down so B can stay home was “bare minimum”. I’m a POC and I don’t see Ean as a “privileged white guy.” I see B as a spoiled brat who lives in a bubble and think we all breathe her air.
And she shouldn’t be praised for the one being there all the time - of course she is, she has a work from home job and uploads once a week.
I’m a stay at home mom, my husband works so I can be home with our family - just like Ean did. I don’t consider my husband a “part time Dad” or doing the “bare minimum he HAS to do for his family.” It’s not his job to provide for us, it’s both of ours. Any man or woman who works twice as hard to make their families lives better/easier is a great parent in my opinion - which is exactly what he did.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by ellabelle »

Anne Bonny wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:09 am
ellabelle wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:38 am I was excited about the video and quickly realized it was a waste of time. I skipped through big chunks of it because of cherry bomb mom not shutting the hell up. She didn't ask any good questions and coddled Brittany with every single one. She also talked about herself every other minute. IDK about others but I go over the MDA thing years ago. She clearly at some point made the donation. I just decided I will never support anything she does again, especially if she claims it for charity, and she's the one that has to sleep at night knowing what she did. All the questions were about "controversies" we have all discussed at length years ago. What about her not being registered to vote? What about her husband's clearly conservative views and the impact it has on her LGBT sister? What about taking her kids on a non-sponsored trip? What about the suspicions about Frank leaving his job not just because he could help around the house but because he violated some parts of the fire department's policies? What about Frank deleting pictures of Nolan when he went on his "father-of-two" nonsense? What about the money that was raised for her dad's procedures that she never showed receipts for? What about her ingesting oils when even the most oil obsessed can agree that it's potentially dangerous? What about getting a dog walker when she and Frank are home full time? What about her avoidance of getting the girl tested as potential carriers of DMD when it can have consequences on their health?
I only was able to get through a bit of it but yeah, this. So many good questions that didn't get asked. And then there was no rebuttal for responses. For example, she talked about having kids after Nolan's DMD diagnosis and compared it to someone who is already pregnant facing a terminal fetal diagnosis and whether they are considered selfish for continuing the pregnancy instead of terminating and CBM replied by saying, "thats a good point" with no follow-up. Uh, no it isn't. Because she is purposely creating these pregnancies and conceiving these children INTENTIONALLY knowing that if its a boy, there is a high probability that he will have a terminal diagnosis (even though she has the money to do genetic counseling and IVF to avoid it) and that isn't anything near the same as someone who is already pregnant and surprised by a unfortunate diagnosis.

Also, I'd really like to get some tea on the dynamic between conservative redneck evangelical Frank, airheaded but left-leaning agnostic Britney, and Alyssa (liberal AND a lesbian). In the beginning, it seemed like she was trying to assimilate and "consider" his faith and stuff but as time goes on it seems more like it was a hard pass. With the election being as heated as it was (and I would bet cash on Frank being MAGA), I can't imagine there wasn't any fighting in that house.
ellabelle wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:38 am I literally could go on and on. She got someone who was going to kiss her ass and ask the "hard" questions that none of us are actually asking. I was actually angry that I wasted my life watching that video (even skipping huge parts of it I watched for at least an hour). She is clearly never going to be really honest with us. The only person who will probably tell us the truth will be Frank when they inevitably break up and he makes a tell-all video because we all know he's not leaving without destroying her. She better be prepared for that day.
Part of me wants the dirt and was waiting for that drama but this also makes me sad because I think for many women, fear of having things they confided in a partner or their secrets aired to people they know is a reason that they stay in toxic relationships and I imagine its amplified when you are a YT figure like she is with more to lose and more people to judge you when you fall off the pedestal. I hate to think that that might be why she is trying to make it work when it is clearly not work.
Oh I agree it is terrible that Frank sharing all of her secrets is something she has to worry about. I would prefer that he didn't if only for the kids sake. However, I think we all know Frank's true colors. He will pull a "Drake from JesssFam" and tell everyone everything. I hope that when (because let's face it they are on thin ice) she leaves she and the kids are safe and she has emotional support for herself and her children.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by ellabelle »

mama_atl wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:11 pm
Smallfri111 wrote:
mama_atl wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:55 pm Just had to add... you know how I know Britney knows Fletcher’s DMD status? It’s bc she told CBM that she’s more worried about what people will think of *HER* if and when she reveals if he’s positive/negative. Excuse me?! Aren’t you worried about... umm... you know... the TERMINAL DISORDER that could be afflicting your son?!

She got an amnio around 16 weeks. Go back to her vlog on March 29th where she talks about her “important” prenatal appointment she has coming up... not a “regular” one... an “important” appointment she can’t cancel. She mentions it in the first minute.

She’ll tell everybody one day bc she always caves and then sugarcoats reality so that her audience won’t turn against her.

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To answer this and another poster that asked, Britney claimed that fletcher HAS NOT been tested for DMD yet. She also explained why she couldn’t have it done while pregnant (although I forget the reasoning). I ain’t a supporter, but I believe this statement. I think they’re terrified of knowing the potential truth and will put it off for a while.

CBM drove me absolutely bananas. She interrupted so much. Stupid me sat through the whole thing though.
You’re entitled to your opinion, but I believe she’s lying. They didn’t act surprised or even seemed to care about the gender after Fletcher was born. Sorry, but I’m not convinced by Britney’s word and a $20 Cora name card that the gender was a surprise.

She reveals EVERY other gender... but not Fletcher’s. Talked about prenatal screening with Harlow and Scarlett... but not Fletcher. I don’t believe her. Agree to disagree.

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To be fair, you can get the prenatal screening and not find out the gender. I'm a labor and delivery nurse and when I look through the patient prenatal records I sometimes see the prenatal screening and "find out" the gender before the parents know (unintentionally, I just like being throughout with records so I read through most to make sure I haven't missed anything). When they call you with the results they even ask "do you want to know the gender?" before they tell you. However, do I think Brittany knew it was a boy anyway? Probably. I also don't think there is anything wrong with saying "we know but we aren't telling anyone". My cousin is doing that right now with her third baby (already has a boy and a girl so this is a secret between her and her husband). I suspect only she and Frank knew and they lied and told everyone they didn't to prevent the DMD question.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by samanthaking »

She said she needed the money from the MDA fundraiser because she wasn't rich at the time, didn't she say somewhere that leaving Ean wasn't a big deal financially because she had been supporting the kids financially alone for a while, she basically implied that Ean didn't pay a dime for anything the kids needed.

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Bree0217 »

She said she was the "sole breadwinner" and that Ean wouldn't say any different if he were sitting right there. Honestly I think Ean was too good of a guy to call her out because it would effect her income to provide for the kids now that they weren't together.

there was no way she was the sole provider. that would mean Ean didn't have a job and was home all day and didn't pay one bill, which we all know he did. I think her idea of solely providing for them was her paying for all their extra stuff (toys, arts & crafts, swimming etc), their birthdays, maybe groceries, and their clothes....while Ean paid the bills that mattered like rent, utilities, credit cards, etc.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by averys5 »

No, for awhile she was making enough for the electric bill - I’m pretty sure that was it, or the cable bill. That was years of him being the only one carrying the financial load.
Later on I remember after Harlow she said she paid for the kids things she got at target, like all their sippy cups and big clothing hauls while Ean paid for the rent, other bills, most groceries, etc.
Once she started making more $ she saved to leave and left.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Bree0217 »

rightttt. I remember now. I do remember her doing a lot of sponsorships before she left too, and then saying she had enough money to buy a house if she wanted. she blindsided that guy completely.

I didnt watch her tell all video, but IMO its not a tell all when you're the one posting the video itself and being interviewed by who you pick. thats her controlling her narrative yet again.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Breathtaking_views »

catmom wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:31 pm Takeaways from the surgery vlog:

Frank asking all that shit about "do i need to clean her" and "what do i do for her" gave me major controlling gypsy rose vibes. He just is so creepy.

Brit is SO codependent but still cant hide how annoyed she gets with franks attention. Makes me think he forces her to act more needy than she is.

Brit is a whiney baby. Sorry, birth vlog and this combined.... she just is a whiney brat.

Why is alyssa NEVER on camera? V weird.

Frank at the end "you are SO beautiful" i literally died from CREEP
The care and concern seemed very fake and forced...too much acting and not genuine imo.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Joie de Vivre »

Frank was ABSOLUTELY playing to an audience in that vlog. He knows that people look at him differently since the "Father of 2" thing, so he's being extra "lovey" to show how great a husband he is. At the end of the vlog when he's gushing over "how beautiful" she is, I wanted to throw up. He is so transparent and obvious.

However, I do give her props for actually going through with the surgery.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by TopazBlues »

I believe they did find out the sex of the baby while she was pregnant, but I don't think they had him tested him yet. I fully believe Britney is in denial about Nolan's diagnosis and she'll ignore signs for Fletcher as well for as long as she can. I don't fully blame her for being worried, but come on now. It has to be done at some point. Cherry berry or whatever her name is, she was all "and I knooowww people are going to say that if she doesn't want to share the results that means he has it, but that's not the case." Yeah, it actually is the case. Britney agreed to making it public when she has gotten Fletcher tested, but is not yet sure if she will share the results. That 100% tells me she intends on only telling people if she can have the "see! in your face!" kind of moment. If he has it, she'll either keep saying she hasn't gotten him tested, or she will say she got him tested but doesn't want to share the results because "we're trying to keep the kid's information private." As she sticks her phone in their face.

Britney was trying to say she isn't in denial, she is just hopeful since Nolan's not declining rapidly. Hopeful but realistic would look more like "I know DMD is a very serious, terminal illness. I know there is a hard future for my son. Right now he is doing pretty well and we're taking him to x doctor and looking into x trial drug and doing x therapy. His medical team says things are looking good at the moment and x research is being done." Denial is what she was doing: "some people live until 40, some people..." She takes the exceptions and inflates their likelihood. If she wasn't in denial, she wouldn't have trouble explaining the reality of the disease. I know it can't be easy saying your child will have a tragically shorter life due to his disease, but the quicker she gets real, the better prognosis Nolan has.

I've mentioned before that my neighbors have two boys with DMD who are in wheelchairs. Their mom is incredibly active in raising awareness for DMD. She has fought for the FDA to keep approval of the trial drug that has kept them walking (to some extent), she posts on social media frequently, she has posted in the newspaper multiple times, and sets up fundraisers. Britney may follow MDA on instagram, but I don't ever see any reaction. She said they sent her a cease and desist when the drama with that was going on. You'd think she'd reach out and try to rekindle that relationship now since time has passed. Or find a research study to help raise funds for. Or anything really. She has so much exposure and could do so much for her son's condition. She could have even talked to the millions of brands she does sponsorships for and said she'll promote their product if they match a donation of hers or something.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by seadenam »

mama_atl wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:55 pm Just had to add... you know how I know Britney knows Fletcher’s DMD status? It’s bc she told CBM that she’s more worried about what people will think of *HER* if and when she reveals if he’s positive/negative. Excuse me?! Aren’t you worried about... umm... you know... the TERMINAL DISORDER that could be afflicting your son?!

She got an amnio around 16 weeks. Go back to her vlog on March 29th where she talks about her “important” prenatal appointment she has coming up... not a “regular” one... an “important” appointment she can’t cancel. She mentions it in the first minute.

She’ll tell everybody one day bc she always caves and then sugarcoats reality so that her audience won’t turn against her.

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Just like they knew it was a boy I think they already know he has DMD in my opinion. They would have announced it earlier if Fletcher was a girl or announced that he didn't have DMD in a sort of FU to everyone who criticized them for not doing IVF and thinking they would never have another child with DMD.

My theory has been that the fight partially had to do with the DMD.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by seadenam »

mama_atl wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:55 pm Just had to add... you know how I know Britney knows Fletcher’s DMD status? It’s bc she told CBM that she’s more worried about what people will think of *HER* if and when she reveals if he’s positive/negative. Excuse me?! Aren’t you worried about... umm... you know... the TERMINAL DISORDER that could be afflicting your son?!

She got an amnio around 16 weeks. Go back to her vlog on March 29th where she talks about her “important” prenatal appointment she has coming up... not a “regular” one... an “important” appointment she can’t cancel. She mentions it in the first minute.

She’ll tell everybody one day bc she always caves and then sugarcoats reality so that her audience won’t turn against her.

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Just like they knew it was a boy I think they already know he has DMD in my opinion. They would have announced it earlier if Fletcher was a girl or announced that he didn't have DMD in a sort of FU to everyone who criticized them for not doing IVF and thinking they would never have another child with DMD.

My theory has been that the fight partially had to do with the DMD.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Kataja »

Here some facts:

''Prenatal genetic testing is genetic testing carried out during a pregnancy, and used to determine whether the unborn child has inherited a dystrophy-causing gene. Such tests can be performed though either chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis''

''An amniocentesis is performed when a woman is between 15 and 20 weeks gestation.''

You can find out the sex also by doing amniocentesis.
I do not believe one second that they didn't know his sex in advance, or his DMD status. When you know, you know ;) ;) ;)
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by BrokenHeart410 »

Kayla wrote:Did anyone else have that small sliver of hope that Ean would be the one interviewing her when she said that someone from her past that we wouldn’t be expecting would be the one to ask the questions?

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

mama_atl wrote:
Smallfri111 wrote:
mama_atl wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:55 pm Just had to add... you know how I know Britney knows Fletcher’s DMD status? It’s bc she told CBM that she’s more worried about what people will think of *HER* if and when she reveals if he’s positive/negative. Excuse me?! Aren’t you worried about... umm... you know... the TERMINAL DISORDER that could be afflicting your son?!

She got an amnio around 16 weeks. Go back to her vlog on March 29th where she talks about her “important” prenatal appointment she has coming up... not a “regular” one... an “important” appointment she can’t cancel. She mentions it in the first minute.

She’ll tell everybody one day bc she always caves and then sugarcoats reality so that her audience won’t turn against her.

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To answer this and another poster that asked, Britney claimed that fletcher HAS NOT been tested for DMD yet. She also explained why she couldn’t have it done while pregnant (although I forget the reasoning). I ain’t a supporter, but I believe this statement. I think they’re terrified of knowing the potential truth and will put it off for a while.

CBM drove me absolutely bananas. She interrupted so much. Stupid me sat through the whole thing though.
You’re entitled to your opinion, but I believe she’s lying. They didn’t act surprised or even seemed to care about the gender after Fletcher was born. Sorry, but I’m not convinced by Britney’s word and a $20 Cora name card that the gender was a surprise.

She reveals EVERY other gender... but not Fletcher’s. Talked about prenatal screening with Harlow and Scarlett... but not Fletcher. I don’t believe her. Agree to disagree.

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Image there’s no way she didn’t know, let’s not forget all the times she slipped and said “he”. They also didn’t guess the gender when they did their weight/height guesses for Fletcher. Then when he was born not one of the them were surprised at him being a boy. They knew they just didn’t want any backlash from ppl asking her why she’s having another boy when he could have DMD. I also think they know the results and it’s positive and that’s what theirs fighting
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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by webby »

remember the one video where she mentioned she needed "another test" to see if the baby has "spina bifida" ??? no mention of that ever again....
why would you opt for testing for Spina bifida but not opt for Duchenne testing?

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Re: BritneyandBaby: When You Know, You...Oh. (Part 78)

Unread post by re_berk »

Bree0217 wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 4:37 pm She said she was the "sole breadwinner" and that Ean wouldn't say any different if he were sitting right there. Honestly I think Ean was too good of a guy to call her out because it would effect her income to provide for the kids now that they weren't together.

there was no way she was the sole provider. that would mean Ean didn't have a job and was home all day and didn't pay one bill, which we all know he did. I think her idea of solely providing for them was her paying for all their extra stuff (toys, arts & crafts, swimming etc), their birthdays, maybe groceries, and their clothes....while Ean paid the bills that mattered like rent, utilities, credit cards, etc.
Oh yeah bs that she was sole provider. Countless times she would say with this pretentious attitude that she didn’t need you tube income, it was only an extra. To imply she isn’t reliant on viewers and they were only “gifted” with her spare time. This girl is the biggest f ing liar.

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