Hello! I’m new to this forum, but NOT new to Jesssfam.
I’m only going to speak my opinion based on recent years, and not so much her back in the day. I think she acts like a teenager and it’s strange because before she blew up, she acted like a normal 19 year old, in fact, maybe a little more mature considering she had babies to take care of. I remember the change was around the time Chris came in the picture, but before Addie. I can’t describe what exactly but that’s the timeframe I remember seeing this newer version of her. After Addie, it just continued but she was still recognizable and I was unaware of her shady past so I was still liking her. Then, some point after she stopped breastfeeding Addie, is when her ditzy persona came out. I know it’s for the clicks and views, but it honestly discredits her so much. I know she feels like she missed most of her 20’s for her kids, because she aims up that teenage girl attitude. She also acts like she is clueless to how things work sometimes that make even me cringe. Like, the water leaking situation. I don’t own a house and I know that stuff starts to mold QUICKLY. Yet, she states that she HOPES it doesn’t mold...good luck!
As for opinions on the children, I probably stand with the popular opinions of them. Lillia is such a nice girl, but I feel like because of her being overly hyped, it’ll end up hurting her in the end. Imagine being told your whole life everything you do is GREAT, PERFECT! And then all it takes is that ONE time where she isn’t, and then she’ll either be too cocky to agree, or it’ll make her world crumble. I don’t think she is immature for her age, I didn’t have a phone until I was 15, and I was playing with toys until I was 13-14.
As for the twins, I prefer Kyson 100% and he honestly is one of my favorite children. He just seems self aware, emotional but in a good way, kind, he can be wild but it’s more tame and normal for a child. I also am in the minority because I like the man bun..only because Jesss kind of made a backhanded compliment about him getting one in the hair cutting video. Caden has to be one of my LEAST favorites. It’s not even because he is hyperactive, he is rude, he is pushy, interrupts and joins into adult conversation, and he talks like he has marbles in his mouth! I had to go to speech therapy for 5 years in elementary school because I spoke the same way, very glad my mother did that.
Landen, I love this kid. I will say it’s strange how he went from Jesss’s star baby into just another kid. A recent vlog showed he had to do school at the kitchen table because of being distracted but then she doesn’t mention Caden who literally is the distractor LOL. Landen I feel like gets picked on more and it kind of makes me sad. He also still speaks like a baby, I know he looks cute Jess, but doesn’t mean he has to “speak cute.”
Addilyn. I honestly don’t like her. I used to play with makeup too as a kid, but my mom would never let me walk out with overlined red lips! It gives me dirty cake face vibes, when babies get cake on their face and parents think it’s cute to take photos...it’s not. Also, I think she uses her a lot as click bait because she is the younger and “funnest” to see grow up, but I think she is used as bait for ped0philes. I don’t think she does it on purpose, I’m not implying that. I just think showing your daughter half naked, in crop tops, wearing makeup etc at that age isn’t a good idea. I think Addy got the curse of being spoiled by both Chris and Jess so her attitude reflects it. She is also so pissy towards strangers and even people she knows! I think Jess likes her as one of her top kids because she looks almost identical to Jess as a toddler/kid.
This is just my quick thoughts to get myself involved on the forum, thanks for listening