Precisely! It’s a simple question! I’ve said it before, the reason I’m here. I can answer the question. Why can’t they?sparkledglitter wrote:When I defend Cam, it’s not because I see her as «MY QUEEN», it’s because the things you are saying about her is freaking insane. I know what its like to be blamed for someone’s suicide. I’ve been blamed for 3 different deaths in the past and it hurts af. And I know it does for Camryn. But people are freaking here om this forum, you are older than Cam and basically y’all are bullying her, blaming her and you notice every single thing she does on the internett. It is CREEPY how obsessed you are. Because that’s what you are. You are obsessed. You’re saying that she shouldn’t get any attention or money, but why are you following her on social medias? Youtube? Instagram? Watching her videoes? For every person who follows her, she gets the benefit and the money. So if you can’t stand her than what are you doing following her? Or even worse, what are you doing HERE? It is creepy how you sit behind a screen talking sh*t about someone and trying to blame them for everything and basically stalking them everywhere. And then you say that I am obsessed with her because I don’t tolerate the bullying you’re coming with. No, I’m a supporter, you are obsessed. There’s a huge different let me tell you that.
The worst part was also back in August when Landon died, some of you all tried to blame it on freaking Delilah. Delilah!! Who was an innocent sweet little 3 months old! She has done nothing wrong and yet you all are «Yeh he was depressed after Delilah», now how the hell can you all, who implies you’re mature and grown ups sit behind a screen and trashtalking a little BABY?! Are you in your right minds? Then you’re saying that Camryn loves the attention she gets and she’s happy Landon’s is gone. Yeah sure she is happy struggling with ptsd after she found her bestfriend and soulmate since she was 13 y/o hanging, and she is sooooo happy that her kids are growing up withoit their dad. Exactly what she wants. Yeah.
We are not some 10 year old sitting her and thinking she is our queen. Because we do understand how PTSD can ruin someone and what a screwed up mental health does to a person. I found my mom dead in her bedroom after she OD’d and had hung herself and you have no freaking idea what it did to me. I was being blamed by my own siblings and uncles, cousins, aunts etc. Or when 1 of my 2 bestfriends commited I was also blamed because I had dropped her off and she went inside and shot herself, and I lost all my friends because they said I should have seen it coming and that I should have stopped her. Luckily I didn’t get blamed for my second friend commiting, but I have a feeling that some people blame me but they don’t want to say it loud to my face. I had to, and still have to, live with that and when I see Camryn getting these hate comments I get sick to my stomach because I know that hearing you’re responsible can really ruin you. I feel so bad for her omg you have no idea. People like you are in your sick mind, there’s NO EXCUSE to blame her. Now if you want to blame her, then you should know the whole story and meet her in person and tell her that. But you don’t got the guts do you? No because you’d rather sit behind a screen telling how awful she is ans how it was Delilah’s fault.
So this is why I defend her. If that makes me a stan, then I’ll take that thitle but I’ll never stop defending her. Now if that makes you laugh or whatever then too bad. I’ll laugh of you who thinks its funny bullying a 19 year old who found her husband hanging and has to raise their kids alone. Want to blame someone? Then blame Landon. At the end of the day, he took the choice.
If you’re annoyed by Camryn, and us «stans», and you’re against Camryn being famous and rich then answer this one question. What-the-hell-are-you-doing-here?
I arrived here when the drama between cam and Zoe went down. I came here as a fan wanting to know more information because I missed it all. Since this is a drama and gossip site, I figured it would be a good way to keep up with the tea because TEA is fun and interesting. Blaming a teenager for a suicide and all the other vile shit said here is not. THATS the difference
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