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Post Approval

Unread post by HerefortheTea1 »

How long does it take for a post to be approved?
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Re: Introduce Yourself Here

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Charlie - I can’t reply to anything

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here

Unread post by ADMIN »

2rcmeeksrichards2 wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 12:15 pm Charlie - I can’t reply to anything Image

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what do you mean you can't reply to anything? and who is charlie?
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How do I even get started?

Unread post by Boxiebabe333 »

Please bare with me as I try to even get out this basic post. To be honest with you, I'm not even sure that I'm posting this in the right place!

I just signed up for your site a couple of days ago. Is there some place you can refer me to that will teach me how to use your site? I am talking about the bare bones basics of how to use it.

I can't figure out how to search for a YT Mama. I can't figure out how to see new topics because all I see are a bunch of jumbled dates with no order to them. When I am actually lucky enough to find a topic I am interested in, as soon as I click on it, the screen goes very dark and it asked me to pick between Chrome which is the browser I am on and something else called Tapatalk. I don't even know what tapatalk is. When I click on Tapatalk, it takes me to a blank page and goes nowhere. Regardless of the selection I make, my screen is very dark and I can barely read anything on it.

Clearly I have no idea what I am doing on here and need some Kindergarten instruction on how to use your website. In case you haven't already guessed it, I am not a 20 year old that knows every in and out about social media websites. I need a little(?) more instruction than most of your subscribers probably do.

Heck, even if I have managed to post this, even if I have managed to post it in the right place, I don't know that I would ever be able to get back here to see if anyone replies. Seriously.

I sure would appreciate any help you can give.
Thank you!

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Re: How do I even get started?

Unread post by ADMIN »

Boxiebabe333 wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 6:09 am Please bare with me as I try to even get out this basic post. To be honest with you, I'm not even sure that I'm posting this in the right place!

I just signed up for your site a couple of days ago. Is there some place you can refer me to that will teach me how to use your site? I am talking about the bare bones basics of how to use it.

I can't figure out how to search for a YT Mama. I can't figure out how to see new topics because all I see are a bunch of jumbled dates with no order to them. When I am actually lucky enough to find a topic I am interested in, as soon as I click on it, the screen goes very dark and it asked me to pick between Chrome which is the browser I am on and something else called Tapatalk. I don't even know what tapatalk is. When I click on Tapatalk, it takes me to a blank page and goes nowhere. Regardless of the selection I make, my screen is very dark and I can barely read anything on it.

Clearly I have no idea what I am doing on here and need some Kindergarten instruction on how to use your website. In case you haven't already guessed it, I am not a 20 year old that knows every in and out about social media websites. I need a little(?) more instruction than most of your subscribers probably do.

Heck, even if I have managed to post this, even if I have managed to post it in the right place, I don't know that I would ever be able to get back here to see if anyone replies. Seriously.

I sure would appreciate any help you can give.
Thank you!

Not exactly sure how to address your lengthy question. However, you seem to be doing just fine. We did have to move your post to a more appropriate section, as you may notice, but besides that you have figured out the basics. If you have further questions, refer back here and reply to this post and it will notify us to respond. Also for your own information Tapatalk is an app on mobile devices that also can read our forums. Some people find it easier than the website version, so it has been enabled for as long as we can remember. If you look towards the top left of the website, you will find the search function or you can just click here search.php

We hope that helps, if not, feel free to let us know!
Please be sure to specify YTMD for all inquiries.
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Re: Post Approval

Unread post by ADMIN »

HerefortheTea1 wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:25 pm How long does it take for a post to be approved?
Generally about 24 hours or less.
Please be sure to specify YTMD for all inquiries.
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