Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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WaterLover wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 6:06 pm can this thread come back please omg
omg yes please!
just watched the video where paislee copied kass' diet and it gave me anxiety. i don't have kids and i'm not the motherly type of person, but that was awful to watch. those poor kids probably ate nothing but unhealthy food and basically snacks the whole time the stayed there. if i was their mother i'd never let them stay with kass ever again.
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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i refuse to watch any of kass' videos or any where i know she'll be heavily featured because i can't stand her lol but my god i just can't get over how unbelievably spoiled these kids are !!!! their back to school shopping videos are ridiculous. new backpacks and new water bottles (all name brand of course, they can't cheap out) for every single kid every year. do they just throw everything out at the end of each year??? with so many kids you can easily switch things up... you dont need a new $40+ water bottle for every child. i happily used the same water bottle for a few years in a row as a kid, until i inevitably lost or broke it. multiple pairs of new shoes and clothes. i understand getting some stuff but my god their spending is so exorbitant on such simple things, it's so wasteful. not to mention that they only use plastic kitchenware to eat off of. i understand doing dishes for 16 kids must suck, but you also have 16 helpers, and using disposable crap for every meal is ridiculous. i just can't get over how much shit these kids have and how much they continue to get for absolutely no reason. i swear they get like new bikes or ipads for every holiday including like the fourth of july lol. and then they post their haul videos like "HOW MUCH WILL IT COST?!?!" and it just infuriates me.
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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haterade wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:47 am So DeLayNee was originally KenLeigh (named after her sisters), ElleCee was Kelly (also after her sisters), and Beckham was Tuff Knight Image. I'm starting to think the Nelson names might not be so bad.

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I think that was Saidee....but isk
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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blnkr wrote: Tue Sep 22, 2020 1:26 pm
Brazilnut wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:49 am I didn't know Journee had special needs. I'm now very curious for their next video and to know if her "friend who is a boy" also has special needs. It seems like she's in a program at a "special school"?
i have the feeling that shes somewhere in the autistic spectrum. i have noticed that she has some trouble when it comes to emotions, but im not sure... she was kinda "awkward" during her room reveal, like she didn't really know how to act or feel. she might be just anxious or shy tho!
I do too honestly.
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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haterade wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:04 pm
Missy1393 wrote:This thread needs to be way more active. I cannot believe the disclosures made about Navee's (SP?) birth mother and her foster care adoption story. This woman is a narcissist! She is the main character in these stories about her children's trauma. When she talks about Navee being in an unsafe situation and exposed to drugs it's "sad". When shes faced with Navee going back to her mother because she was doing well its heartbreaking and we get a story of how she coped with it. This is inappropriate and exploitative.
THIS. The goal of foster care is reunification and Tiffani makes every story about how the birth parents are the "bad guys" trying to take her babies away.

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YES. I've noticed that as well
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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thesemouse8 wrote: Sat Nov 28, 2020 12:17 pm I have so many thoughts about this family.

I personally find them much more tolerable than many other families on social media, but here are my qualms

- clearly their content, especially the older stuff is meant for children, so I understand I'm not the target audience. But I much prefer the videos where the mom is talking and that are more just showing their lives than doing some sort of challenge or skit

- I. Cannot. Stand. Kass. why did they chose objectively the most annoying member of their family to be "in charge" of the vlogging??? I would much rather see the mom or Kenn, Jaine, LiLee, or ANYONE else other than Kass vlog.

- with all those kids, one of them has to be gay (my money is on Luke)... how would they feel about that? my guess is not great

- In the videos, especially on the JustKass channel, they either don't wear masks, wear them wrong, or complain about it the whole time. Also, on Jaine's Instagram, she posted something about how she lives in a small town where cases have been low, but based on the research I've done, the area they live is not doing so hot.

- The whole parading around of Jaine's boyfriend is getting real old real quick. In her room makeover video, they add to the title "BOYFRIEND HELPS!!!" but he wasn't even in the video, they just mention his name

- I am all for not going on LDS missions, but I am genuinely curious about why Kass came home from hers early and why other kids (JourNee, Trey, Bridger) haven't gone on them. I know that Kenn and Kass both went and that Jaine plans to go, so is it only biological daughters that they have serve missions?

- The whole video was about giving PaisLee "The Talk" I wanted to scream/go rescue that child. The whole thing culminated in them giving her a purity ring and while they didn't call it that and talked about it being about trust and honesty with her parents, they then talked about how there was a ruby in it because "A woman's virtue is more precious than rubies" aka peak purity culture. Ew.

Anyways someone pls snark with me!!

Yeah, I think Luke could be.....
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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vintagechildhood wrote: Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:50 pm I think their house would be a hard sell too. It's not built like a normal house. I also think they were just house hunting for content.
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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itslaurlmao wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:26 pm okay.... this family is seriously going on a trip to disney world with 16 children during a pandemic ?????
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

Unread post by Diamond »

haterade wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:07 am
CamilaCabello wrote:
her name was Unique before she was adopted. Destiny was her middle name i believe. Regardless, Nayvee picked her new name.
Yeah her name was originally Unique Destiny. They definitely could have done DestiNee or some bullshit, but NayVee said her mom gave her a list of names to choose from. The top contenders were NayVee and CeciLee (no idea if that was the spelling).

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I agree about DestiNee
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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itslaurlmao wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:07 am
Brazilnut wrote: I'm very inclined to thinking the bullying is due to his perceived sexuality. He has mannerisms that are traditionally associated to being gay, whether he is or not, and that could definitely be a reason for bullying. They mentioned he spends a lot of time with girls at school: he grew up with so many girls in his family and so is more comfortable with it, but it's also something that tends to happen with gay boys. We've seen him care a lot about his appearance, dance very well and do his sisters' hairs. Again, these are all stereotypes, but they're probably the biggest gay stereotypes ever: the gay hairdresser with all his female friends who loves to dance and cares about the way he looks, and so there really could be something behind it.

However, I grew up identifying with most of the lesbian stereotypes and everyone around me, friends, teachers and family thought I would turn out gay, but I'm just a tomboyish straight girl, so I don't want to jump to conclusions here. When I was his age, EVERYONE would say without a shadow of a doubt I was / would be gay.

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Okay yes those are both very good points! Especially as someone who’s doesn’t identify as straight and dropped out of school Image I was pretty quick to speak about it not being the best idea for him to home school. I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes.

That being said, I do still worry about the gay of it all. As stereotypical as it is, I’m pretty sure he is gay. It just breaks my heart seeing kids in these super religious families potentially be terrified to be themselves or come out. He’s still quite young and this family (in my opinion) isn’t nearly as bad as most, they’re mainly just cringy lol. But they push these heteronormative “relationships” on their super young kids and it’s so bothersome, especially Kass. Let them be kids why are you asking 8 year olds about their boyfriends??? I feel so bad

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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

Unread post by Diamond »

sneezepuff wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 11:50 am Hey everyone. I was so annoyed by Kass' morning routine video that I had to make an account on here.

I try not to watch her videos because I can't really stand her, I watched this one bc I was super bored. Please don't get me wrong, I would never say that doing YouTube fulltime isn't a proper job. But she's literally living off her familys fame, pretending that this was a full work day? Come on. This could flop any minute and she'd have to live from her parents money for the rest of her life.

Also Luke's situation is super worrying. I also got those gay-vibes from him, which obviously doesn't have to mean anything, but could be of course. I'm also pretty sure in the vlog where he stayed home from school he said something like having many friends that are girls since he's so used to be around girls. This sounds so much like his mum or siblings told him that this could be a possible reason for maybe being "just friends" with all those girls and he's telling that himself.
But I really love how Tiffany is thinking of homeschooling him. At first I got mad but after she said it would only be for a few months, I liked that. A lot of kids that are bullied or having a hard time at school could need a parent like her to stand up for them.
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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Sorry for possibly spamming replies to other posts, I'd been reading this before I created an account and I saw things I wanted to reply to.
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

Unread post by UhohRomeo »

Literally just made an account today after being sucked down the NEN rabbit hole on YT so I could say a hard AMEN to everyone complaining about KassaDee (ick that spelling) being unbearable to watch and the problematic way the parents glorify themselves and use their brood as supporting players. Overall they are easier to watch than many others but I have so many concerns for those kids I don't even know where to start. I also agree that Luke and even several of his bio sisters have "trademark" LGBTQ+ signs (obviously not going to say they are or aren't) but it IS something you are born as and many many kids show signs early on before they are even aware. I hope the parents would be able to support any of their children coming out in the same way they support them choosing their own schools. But the purity culture part is a huge red flag, I do not believe they are "progressive Mormons" if that's even a thing at all. Lavishing the kids with insanely expensive presents means nothing if they can't support them being who they actually are.
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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Thank You.
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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Im not trying to sound rude but it's Janie and not Jamie
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

Unread post by Paislee_nelson511 »

LuckyCharm wrote: Fri Mar 19, 2021 8:59 pm Does anyone who has followed them for a decent about of time know- are the two young ones with red hair from the same birth parents as Lilee & her 2 siblings? I’m confused lol
Yes the two ones ElleCee and Beckham are from different fathers than LiLee, SaiDee,Luke, and DelayNee :love2:
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

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Ok - I am utterly confused. I just say the cheer tryout video where they said that Lilee made the Senior 5 team. How is that possible when she doesn't even have solid level 3 skills (not even sure if she has a tuck). I know that sometimes exceptions are made (like if they really need a strong backspot or base to make a tricky stunt happen) - but most people on a level will at least have one skill for that level (and this is the extreme bare minimum - since usually they require elite level skills). At first when Lilee said that she wanted to make Level 5, I thought she was just being sarcastic. I've just never seen a situation where someone when up 2-3 level above their actual skill level. People who are really good stunters, but less experienced tumblers are usually on a 4.2 or a non-tumbling team - so this is really surprising.
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Re: Not Enough Nelsons | Cringey LDS MegaFamiLee

Unread post by Crb2024 »

So both Ellecee and Beckham have ADHD?
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