TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by sand and water »

language wrote:
sand and water wrote:
LiveNLearn wrote:Lol...I think we were both trying to fight those minions. I was there too! Jazminad is my name on YouTube. I had to give up .just pure nonsense in my opinion:p
She is just psychotic... lol I would give up, if it weren't for the fact that she is making up stuff that I never said. I'm a strong willed person, and if some idiotic fool is going to try me at a debate, I shall bury you.
Hahaha, I think the only words she has for an argument are the ones she learnt from J&A: jealous, envious, (I'm not sure if she understands the distinction) aaaaaand HATER. Haven't read the whole section yet, but I'm waiting for brat, stupid and dumb to come through. :grrrr:
Haha I am literally astounded that there are people like that in the world. So blatantly ignorant beyond measure. It's quite entertaining for me because she actually thinks she is one upping me..... :rofl: :hee:
Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something you do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for." ~ Elder Neal Anderson.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by sand and water »

LadeeLa wrote:Just watched this clip and could this be why Emilia was in distress?

The whole induction process can be very stressful on the baby. The doctors are basically forcing the baby out in a sense, before they are ready (sometimes it is necessary because after 42+ weeks, the placenta begins to fail. Anna wasn't even there. She was 1 cm dilated when they did the "gel" so she could have waited longer to see if Emilia could have come on her own. I was induced, and never will I go through that again (unless medically necessary). I think the forcing and quickness of the labor, once they started the pitocin, caused the cord to wrap around her neck and heart rate to drop. Anna and Pudgy said the doctors thought Emilia was in distress, so I don't doubt it was the entire scenario that did it.

On another note, I was thinking.. Anna had an episiotomy AND the vacuum. So her pushing was obviously getting no where if that had to happen. It was as if she put no effort into it due to being drugged out. I had an episiotomy because the umbilical cord around my daughter's neck, but I still pushed her completely out by the 2nd push...Maybe she will exercise next time. Ladies... Kegals do wonders for helping push the baby out. I know I mentioned exercise is important, but forgot to mention that Kegals help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. (I use to write for a cosmetic gynecologist -PR related- it was incredibly embarassing, but I know a lot about the vagina from it LMAO)
Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something you do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for." ~ Elder Neal Anderson.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by language »

sand and water wrote:
LadeeLa wrote:Just watched this clip and could this be why Emilia was in distress?

The whole induction process can be very stressful on the baby. The doctors are basically forcing the baby out in a sense, before they are ready (sometimes it is necessary because after 42+ weeks, the placenta begins to fail. Anna wasn't even there. She was 1 cm dilated when they did the "gel" so she could have waited longer to see if Emilia could have come on her own. I was induced, and never will I go through that again (unless medically necessary). I think the forcing and quickness of the labor, once they started the pitocin, caused the cord to wrap around her neck and heart rate to drop. Anna and Pudgy said the doctors thought Emilia was in distress, so I don't doubt it was the entire scenario that did it.

On another note, I was thinking.. Anna had an episiotomy AND the vacuum. So her pushing was obviously getting no where if that had to happen. It was as if she put no effort into it due to being drugged out. I had an episiotomy because the umbilical cord around my daughter's neck, but I still pushed her completely out by the 2nd push...Maybe she will exercise next time. Ladies... Kegals do wonders for helping push the baby out. I know I mentioned exercise is important, but forgot to mention that Kegals help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. (I use to write for a cosmetic gynecologist -PR related- it was incredibly embarassing, but I know a lot about the vagina from it LMAO)
...cosmetic gynaecologist? o.O I mean, I know these things happen (there's some documentary I watched called The Perfect Vagina or something) but, I dunno, that phrases just sounds weird. Reconstructive, I could understand, which I guess is part of the job, but that some cases are purely cosmetic always kind of weirds me out.

And yeah, if she'd gone to classes or talked with her midwife before much at all, she would have known the importance of doing Kegels and which ones to do and why... she really made it harder on herself and Emilia by not doing the really basic things. I'd prefer to do 9 months of Kegel's everyday rather than the level of intervention Anna had to get- it's sad that she didn't have the muscle tone to do things more naturally and more safely for the baby and herself. She probably had no clue what trouble she was getting her lady bits into, let alone her kid, and probably still has none because she was so drugged.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by NomNomMinionMunch »

Agree with all of you pointing out Anna has always been a massive bitch, before they were married, after they were married, before she fell pregnant, while she was pregnant and she sure as hell will still continute with being the massive bitch.

On the old old board, I remember saying I was sick to death of all the Minions laying out their excuses for Anna's massive bitch behavior - being that she was pregnant. One month pregnant, two months pregnant.... three months pregnant... "It's because she's --- months pregnant!" on and on to the point I started to doubt myself that she was EVEN a massive bitch in the past due to being brainwashed by the minions and their incessant repetition of bullshit. But before the brainwashing, I remember saying: wait for it, the next excuse for her being a massive bitch in a few months time will be "SHE HAS JUST HAD A BABY!" seriously, it'll never end. She'll be excused of being a bitch till that kid is 18 years old.

I know we attack Johnathan on here for being a manipulative prick etc, but Anna is no innocent. I've always had a distaste for her and the way she treats her 'best friend' & 'lover'. They are both as bad as each other and are actually a perfect match.

I agree with all of you Anna seems very cold and distant from baby. She's already whining about breast feeding because god forbid she takes any responsibility for anyone else. I really hoped she would change after this, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and infact she's become worse than I could even expect. I can just hear her calling Emelia a "Brat" when crying because she wants feeding. Lets not forget what happened to the puppy that died - the week before the puppy's death Anna called the little girl a "Brat" continually because it was crying. Crying because it was DYING which they soon enough found out. Too little too late.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Lea »

What are all your opinions on co-sleeping? From the looks of their tweets it looks like Emilia is sleeping between Anna and Jonathan. I understand some parents think it's a good idea but I can't help but worry about Emilia's safety. At the end of the vlog yesterday when the three of them were lying in the hospital bed, Emilia's face was pressed right against Anna. Babies don't have the strength to turn over themselves or move their head away. All it takes is for a slight movement to cause the duvet to cover her face or for Anna or Jonathan to roll over into her. Please put her in a cot.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by language »

Lea wrote:What are all your opinions on co-sleeping? From the looks of their tweets it looks like Emilia is sleeping between Anna and Jonathan. I understand some parents think it's a good idea but I can't help but worry about Emilia's safety. At the end of the vlog yesterday when the three of them were lying in the hospital bed, Emilia's face was pressed right against Anna. Babies don't have the strength to turn over themselves or move their head away. All it takes is for a slight movement to cause the duvet to cover her face or for Anna or Jonathan to roll over into her. Please put her in a cot.
I think co-sleeping can be great if you do it well- it means that mothers don't have to get out of bed or wake up that much to feed, the baby keeps warm and has instant access to food, and can make them feel more secure, and even regulate the heart rate of premmie babies like in kangaroo care. If it's done right.

The big problem I have with J&A is that it's not just simple mistakes that co-sleeping parents slowly get over (and most co-sleeping parents know how aware they are of their child when they are asleep and can tell if the child is going to be crushed or not, is too warm or not, needs to be moved for access to a breast etc even while asleep, because their instincts are in tune with the kid so much, while the others take precautions against being too unaware to do it safely)- it's that their bed is filled with dog hair, they let their dogs in the bed, they have made no precautions for her co-sleeping, and their dogs have literally shat all over the bed and they haven't cleaned it well enough for even adult humans to be safe sleeping in it, let alone a new born with a very slight immune system. It's not co-sleeping that's the problem there, it's leaving the child sleep in anything other than healthy bedding. Which is why I wouldn't want her in the cot either, because they've put that dogs in that too. These two really need to buy a moses basket or something which is clean and untainted by their neglected dogs' shit and hair.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geekinthepink »

I just wish they never had a child in the first place...
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by language »

geekinthepink wrote:I just wish they never had a child in the first place...
Aye. Sadly for her they did, and they're too codependent for him to leave her or her to leave him for benefit of the child. I hope they shape up soon, or Johnathan does something like move in with a family member who knows something about childrearing. I can't see Anna ever caring for the kid as more than just an accessory really. She didn't get the hormonal flood of bonding because she was too drugged up to even know what was happening, so the bonding within 6 seconds of birth that happens with most mothers isn't there. Seeing how she's treated Johnathan and those puppies without that hormonal instinct being kicked in to that level makes me worried for the baby. At least Johnathan looks like he's trying somewhat even if he's wholly inept at actually taking care of her, it'd be better to have one parent who actually loves her and might put in the effort when he needs to, rather than one who would call a starving puppy a brat.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geekinthepink »

language wrote:
geekinthepink wrote:I just wish they never had a child in the first place...
Aye. Sadly for her they did, and they're too codependent for him to leave her or her to leave him for benefit of the child. I hope they shape up soon, or Johnathan does something like move in with a family member who knows something about childrearing. I can't see Anna ever caring for the kid as more than just an accessory really. She didn't get the hormonal flood of bonding because she was too drugged up to even know what was happening, so the bonding within 6 seconds of birth that happens with most mothers isn't there. Seeing how she's treated Johnathan and those puppies without that hormonal instinct being kicked in to that level makes me worried for the baby. At least Johnathan looks like he's trying somewhat even if he's wholly inept at actually taking care of her, it'd be better to have one parent who actually loves her and might put in the effort when he needs to, rather than one who would call a starving puppy a brat.
it made me really sad to see how much anna doesn't care about her baby.
the only one that posts pictures on youtube like a mad person is jonathan. the only thing she tweets is: "oh look UGUYZ, emilia and me are like wearing the same outfits."
woman, if it wasn't for your braindead minions: you wouldn't have half as much shit for your baby as you have now. be thankful.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geekinthepink »

didn't mean to say "youtube" but "twitter". sorry.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Kidd4ever81 »

I thought you werent supposed to bring the baby out of the house to often when they're newborns? On twitter jofatso says him and emiliamare going on an adventur
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geekinthepink »

Kidd4ever81 wrote:I thought you werent supposed to bring the baby out of the house to often when they're newborns? On twitter jofatso says him and emiliamare going on an adventur
I've just seen that. probably going to tesco's because anna needs to put on her 34 layers of make up.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Lea »

Emilia looks more adorable every time I see a new pic haha. Glad to see her and Jonathan spending time together away from Anna's negativity.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Dandelion »

By the way, has anyone reported that picture of Emilia in the bath on facebook? They have an option to report photos for nudity (for example). I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. Might report the vlog that has her naked in it as well.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geekinthepink »

Dandelion wrote:By the way, has anyone reported that picture of Emilia in the bath on facebook? They have an option to report photos for nudity (for example). I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. Might report the vlog that has her naked in it as well.
there's no vlog with her being naked in it.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Dandelion »

geekinthepink wrote:
Dandelion wrote:By the way, has anyone reported that picture of Emilia in the bath on facebook? They have an option to report photos for nudity (for example). I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. Might report the vlog that has her naked in it as well.
there's no vlog with her being naked in it.
Yes, there is. The labor vlog has a scene in which the umbilical cord is cut. The camera goes right over her vagina.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by savetheempire »

Wow, I really did not expect this.

Jonathan just tweeted a photo of Emilia in her carseat saying, "First adventure solo with dad."

So already Anna is letting Jonathan take her alone. Didn't someone also say newborns shouldn't leave the house for the first 2 weeks?

I was getting ready to write a response defending Anna--how we can't judge her from just the last 3 vlogs. I take that entirely back. Wow. Just wow.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geekinthepink »

Dandelion wrote:
geekinthepink wrote:
Dandelion wrote:By the way, has anyone reported that picture of Emilia in the bath on facebook? They have an option to report photos for nudity (for example). I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. Might report the vlog that has her naked in it as well.
there's no vlog with her being naked in it.
Yes, there is. The labor vlog has a scene in which the umbilical cord is cut. The camera goes right over her vagina.
oh, come on. she was born. he filmed his child. whatever.
the picture he posted on twitter was worse because you could basically see everything.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by BexyBumbleBee »

Baby's can leave the house, they're not puppies who need shots first.

However, as a breastfed baby she should be in the vicinity of her mother at all times, that is unless she's already quit breastfeeding which wouldn't surprise me.

Remember breastfeeding is a 2 way thing so if Anna's boobs feel engorged she can put emilia on the boob to relieve the pressure, otherwise she'll just end up with mastitis :grrrr:
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Dandelion »

It's in "Lives Changed Forever," at approximately 13:13. :-(
It's true, it's not as obvious, but I wish it weren't out there.

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