TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by lalaa »

Gin0915 wrote:
language wrote:
lalaa wrote: i know and they have that car mount for the camera as well but never use it. if i was anna i would tell him to stfu and put the camera down when driving. however, she won't because she has been 'taught' to believe he knows what best for them. :roll:

regarding the wooden floor in the kitchen, i hope they don't expect to get there deposit back like they did from the other place because they def will not. if i lived in ireland and had access to the owner of their place of residence now, i would report them in a heartbeat. and the minions can call me crazy stalker all they want because of it but i honestly could careless, lol. what they did to that poor woman's property is disgusting. if i were her, i would take them to court to pay for all the damage.
I would refuse to get in a car if someone was doing that. I really don't know how she doesn't take the camera off him, even for her own safety. Or fuck, even just to avoid the penalty points and risk to his licence.

I actually saw their house on daft (the biggest real estate site here) before they moved in because I was moving a few months before them, and thought it was gorgeous- I remembered it when they moved in because of all the heart wall hangings and because it had been one of the nicer ones to look at (waaay to much room for me though :P). I'm furious they did that to the place because it was obviously a landlord who cared and was offering a reasonable price... I can't remember the address or how much it was, but it was gorgeous enough at the time to stick in my mind for a few months, and I am livid how they have destroyed it.
Ooh, really? How interesting. I remember when they moved from that apartment they had before the heatless place. The one that refused to give them the deposit back. They said they wanted something less expensive. I thought it was weird that they rented a house which seemed the same size or bigger. How could a house like that be cheaper? I know you don't remember the price, but what would be an estimated price for similar place? I was always curious. It would definitely be quite expensive where I am.
i think the heat-less apt was the less expensive option they chose and the deposit was from the previous apt; 2 apts ago, the one in which he proposed. i'm not a 100% sure, tho.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Gin0915 »

lalaa wrote:
language wrote:
lalaa wrote: Yeah, most of my friends were wild- the goodie-two-shoes groups tried to treat us as pariahs, but we were too busy having fun and had social lives outside schools so it didn't really have much effect other than making them look stuck up :D I mean, you only get to be young once, there's plenty of time to be respectable later.
hahah, yes! that is what i did when i was younger as well and i often got in trouble for it. hehe
now in my late, late 20's i'm calmer and tend stay home or just go out for dinner and drinks.
Lol, "late, late 20's", there's no such thing, lady! I had strict parents myself but I did rebel sometimes, haha. Although, I had my wild times in my mid 20's, oddly enough. Anna could have done the same if she didn't sew herself to an oafish, little troll with control issues and twisted relationship ideas.
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by language »

Gin0915 wrote:
language wrote:
lalaa wrote: i know and they have that car mount for the camera as well but never use it. if i was anna i would tell him to stfu and put the camera down when driving. however, she won't because she has been 'taught' to believe he knows what best for them. :roll:

regarding the wooden floor in the kitchen, i hope they don't expect to get there deposit back like they did from the other place because they def will not. if i lived in ireland and had access to the owner of their place of residence now, i would report them in a heartbeat. and the minions can call me crazy stalker all they want because of it but i honestly could careless, lol. what they did to that poor woman's property is disgusting. if i were her, i would take them to court to pay for all the damage.
I would refuse to get in a car if someone was doing that. I really don't know how she doesn't take the camera off him, even for her own safety. Or fuck, even just to avoid the penalty points and risk to his licence.

I actually saw their house on daft (the biggest real estate site here) before they moved in because I was moving a few months before them, and thought it was gorgeous- I remembered it when they moved in because of all the heart wall hangings and because it had been one of the nicer ones to look at (waaay to much room for me though :P). I'm furious they did that to the place because it was obviously a landlord who cared and was offering a reasonable price... I can't remember the address or how much it was, but it was gorgeous enough at the time to stick in my mind for a few months, and I am livid how they have destroyed it.
Ooh, really? How interesting. I remember when they moved from that apartment they had before the heatless place. The one that refused to give them the deposit back. They said they wanted something less expensive. I thought it was weird that they rented a house which seemed the same size or bigger. How could a house like that be cheaper? I know you don't remember the price, but what would be an estimated price for similar place? I was always curious. It would definitely be quite expensive where I am.
Well, the government here tries to keep prices down with rent allowance rates, so most places about that size are close enough to the welfare rent limits. My friends have three kids and are currently out of work and looking to move- I think they get just under €800 as their rent limit for a family that size.
I'm checking daft right now, and a house about that size, that distance to the city, and that modern is somewhere from €800 to €1,250/month.... The upper price though there is the landlord or estate agent really pushing it though- and it'd be detached with more land...

€900/month judging by the majority of them would get them as many bedrooms (4) and maybe even more bathrooms and probably a separate dining room rather than just a dining/kitchen thing. I seriously love looking on just for all the pictures anyways so I get the curiosity :D

€900 is about $1,180 google tells me.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Gin0915 »

lalaa wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:
language wrote: I would refuse to get in a car if someone was doing that. I really don't know how she doesn't take the camera off him, even for her own safety. Or fuck, even just to avoid the penalty points and risk to his licence.

I actually saw their house on daft (the biggest real estate site here) before they moved in because I was moving a few months before them, and thought it was gorgeous- I remembered it when they moved in because of all the heart wall hangings and because it had been one of the nicer ones to look at (waaay to much room for me though :P). I'm furious they did that to the place because it was obviously a landlord who cared and was offering a reasonable price... I can't remember the address or how much it was, but it was gorgeous enough at the time to stick in my mind for a few months, and I am livid how they have destroyed it.
Ooh, really? How interesting. I remember when they moved from that apartment they had before the heatless place. The one that refused to give them the deposit back. They said they wanted something less expensive. I thought it was weird that they rented a house which seemed the same size or bigger. How could a house like that be cheaper? I know you don't remember the price, but what would be an estimated price for similar place? I was always curious. It would definitely be quite expensive where I am.
i think the heat-less apt was the less expensive option they chose and the deposit was from the previous apt; 2 apts ago, the one in which he proposed. i'm not a 100% sure, tho.
Yes, the deposit was from the apartment. The heatless may have been the less expensive, though I wonder as it was a house. But what? Did they give up the idea of a cheaper place? The house the rent now cannot be less that the apt., can it?
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by lalaa »

language wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:
language wrote:
I think she belonged to an uptight clique in that girl's school (it's a small city so there's kind of legacy cliques in different schools, and reputations and nicknames for all of them) so she got protected there largely from a lot of what was going on in the school by being part of that insular framework within the school too. Knowing the school's broader reputation for girls outside certain cliques within it, she got reaaaaally protected- she never went to a disco or got into any form of trouble she says... so it's not exactly normal for the school unless you're part of one of their more goodie-two-shoes cliques, and even then some years those girls were WILD. I don't know how she wouldn't know about that though unless she was seriously blinkered to just her clique though, because nobody else I know who attended any of those city schools would think like her without being in a very insular group. And those usually were the cliques the prefects in all those schools came from because who else wants to be in student government?
Yes, she said she had a strict curfew and was a goodie-two-shoes (that expression always makes me laugh). She did go out but never disobeyed her mother over when to come back. Already her upbringing is stunting--plus she mentioned MSD did all the cooking, laundry, probably cleaning. What I don't get is why didn't she follow that path and find a goody-goody job instead of bouncing from city to city. I think when she met Dofus she didn't realize she's just got herself a new crutch, she thought she was liberating herself.
Yeah, that's a pretty atypical upbringing here- I don't think I know anyone with a curfew, and even for little kids usually your curfew is when it gets dark (which ROCKS in summer when it might be ten or so at night when you have to think about heading home). Most teenagers are hanging round street corners in large groups til late at night, most go drinking underage much younger than would be considered normal in the US, and unless you're a boy you're probably doing your own laundry (Boys are overweened here to the point some are still living at home with their meals and laundry done at 30 like it's not a big deal.) It can be stunting for boys, but Anna's really not typical of the culture here in terms of being a teenager, let alone a female teenager/adult. It'd be more normal really if she'd gotten knocked up at sixteen to be honest. >.<
It's also really weird that she doesn't know how to cook, because even in elementary schools here most girls get basic cooking and sewing lessons and stuff. It's like she grew up in a completely different culture a lot of the time besides the orange face.
this sounds exactly like the upbringing i my family and friends had, where i live. mind you tho, i grew up in a very polish, irish and italian neighborhood. also in the US, everyone drinks underage even tho our legal age is 21 (which is ridiculous, lol). many drink at 13 or 14 and also hang out of the corners all hours of the night... anna's upbringing seems of very american upscale/high class, where a child does nothing but go to school and come home to do homework.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

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lalaa wrote:
language wrote:
lalaa wrote: i always thought their apartments were very nice, clean and modern, as was this one (when they first moved in). i'm unsure of the prices for ireland but they would be very expensive where i live.
Pricing's pretty crazy here, but we also have high wages (minimum wage's something like $11/hour) and really good welfare... So it kind of balances out. And there's lots of really modern places which are really affordable since the building bubble burst. =/ I prefer the old Georgian houses we have here though- massive windows, massive rooms, grand staircases and such. Love it.
yes, i've been to europe many times becasue my parents, and many family members, immigrated here to the US and i would move there in a heartbeat if i could. life is very much more relaxed,imo and from what i've seen. it is so beautiful and the history of it is amazing. i often thought anna and jonathan were/are doing a huge disservice to their international viewers by not showing how beautiful ireland is.
Yeah, they are. There's a really vibrant culture in Cork, filled with artists, markets, beautiful architecture, a wealth of history as kind of being an Austin, SF or Seattle type mentality. It's kind of a local joke that walking down the main street in the city take 4 hours despite being a four minute straight walk because you run into so many people you know and everyone wants to talk to you. And that's just the city, let alone the county- the west of the county is known for being all artisan foods and crafts, beautiful seaside villages and verdant valleys.

My god, I sound like a tourist brochure, but it's really a wonderful place to live, and having lived in the US, UK, and various places within Ireland too, I really cannot see myself moving. (No matter how much I miss snackcakes). Instead however J&A just show an English version of Walmart and their disgusting house.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Gin0915 »

language wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:
language wrote: I would refuse to get in a car if someone was doing that. I really don't know how she doesn't take the camera off him, even for her own safety. Or fuck, even just to avoid the penalty points and risk to his licence.

I actually saw their house on daft (the biggest real estate site here) before they moved in because I was moving a few months before them, and thought it was gorgeous- I remembered it when they moved in because of all the heart wall hangings and because it had been one of the nicer ones to look at (waaay to much room for me though :P). I'm furious they did that to the place because it was obviously a landlord who cared and was offering a reasonable price... I can't remember the address or how much it was, but it was gorgeous enough at the time to stick in my mind for a few months, and I am livid how they have destroyed it.
Ooh, really? How interesting. I remember when they moved from that apartment they had before the heatless place. The one that refused to give them the deposit back. They said they wanted something less expensive. I thought it was weird that they rented a house which seemed the same size or bigger. How could a house like that be cheaper? I know you don't remember the price, but what would be an estimated price for similar place? I was always curious. It would definitely be quite expensive where I am.
Well, the government here tries to keep prices down with rent allowance rates, so most places about that size are close enough to the welfare rent limits. My friends have three kids and are currently out of work and looking to move- I think they get just under €800 as their rent limit for a family that size.
I'm checking daft right now, and a house about that size, that distance to the city, and that modern is somewhere from €800 to €1,250/month.... The upper price though there is the landlord or estate agent really pushing it though- and it'd be detached with more land...

€900/month judging by the majority of them would get them as many bedrooms (4) and maybe even more bathrooms and probably a separate dining room rather than just a dining/kitchen thing. I seriously love looking on just for all the pictures anyways so I get the curiosity :D

€900 is about $1,180 google tells me.
Aah, ok, thanks much! I love looking at different countries housing prices, esp. Europe. I'm going to bookmark that site, lol. It's my dream to move back to Europe, I almost don't care which country, haha.
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by SparklingGemini »

Well you just know there is a lot more licking to come as the dogs will have daily access to Emilia's milk scented breath and drool.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by lalaa »

Gin0915 wrote:
lalaa wrote:
hahah, yes! that is what i did when i was younger as well and i often got in trouble for it. hehe
now in my late, late 20's i'm calmer and tend stay home or just go out for dinner and drinks.
Lol, "late, late 20's", there's no such thing, lady! I had strict parents myself but I did rebel sometimes, haha. Although, I had my wild times in my mid 20's, oddly enough. Anna could have done the same if she didn't sew herself to an oafish, little troll with control issues and twisted relationship ideas.
lol, there is when you are on the brink of 30 and hanging on to what is your 20’s!
and i agree! "oafish, little troll with control issues and twisted relationship ideas" :lol!:
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by lalaa »

language wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:
language wrote: regarding the wooden floor in the kitchen, i hope they don't expect to get there deposit back like they did from the other place because they def will not. if i lived in ireland and had access to the owner of their place of residence now, i would report them in a heartbeat. and the minions can call me crazy stalker all they want because of it but i honestly could careless, lol. what they did to that poor woman's property is disgusting. if i were her, i would take them to court to pay for all the damage.
I would refuse to get in a car if someone was doing that. I really don't know how she doesn't take the camera off him, even for her own safety. Or fuck, even just to avoid the penalty points and risk to his licence.

I actually saw their house on daft (the biggest real estate site here) before they moved in because I was moving a few months before them, and thought it was gorgeous- I remembered it when they moved in because of all the heart wall hangings and because it had been one of the nicer ones to look at (waaay to much room for me though :P). I'm furious they did that to the place because it was obviously a landlord who cared and was offering a reasonable price... I can't remember the address or how much it was, but it was gorgeous enough at the time to stick in my mind for a few months, and I am livid how they have destroyed it.
Ooh, really? How interesting. I remember when they moved from that apartment they had before the heatless place. The one that refused to give them the deposit back. They said they wanted something less expensive. I thought it was weird that they rented a house which seemed the same size or bigger. How could a house like that be cheaper? I know you don't remember the price, but what would be an estimated price for similar place? I was always curious. It would definitely be quite expensive where I am.
Well, the government here tries to keep prices down with rent allowance rates, so most places about that size are close enough to the welfare rent limits. My friends have three kids and are currently out of work and looking to move- I think they get just under €800 as their rent limit for a family that size.
I'm checking daft right now, and a house about that size, that distance to the city, and that modern is somewhere from €800 to €1,250/month.... The upper price though there is the landlord or estate agent really pushing it though- and it'd be detached with more land...

€900/month judging by the majority of them would get them as many bedrooms (4) and maybe even more bathrooms and probably a separate dining room rather than just a dining/kitchen thing. I seriously love looking on just for all the pictures anyways so I get the curiosity :D

€900 is about $1,180 google tells me.[/quote]

i live in nyc (not manhattan) and here their apt/house would rent for about $2500 - $3500 and a studio apt (no defined bedrooms, just one open space with a kitchen and bath) would be $1,180. and the minimum wage is $7.50 and hour. ridiculous , i tell you!
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

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noticing i am quoting wrong on some posts, i apologize!
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Gin0915 »

lalaa wrote:
language wrote:
Gin0915 wrote: Yes, she said she had a strict curfew and was a goodie-two-shoes (that expression always makes me laugh). She did go out but never disobeyed her mother over when to come back. Already her upbringing is stunting--plus she mentioned MSD did all the cooking, laundry, probably cleaning. What I don't get is why didn't she follow that path and find a goody-goody job instead of bouncing from city to city. I think when she met Dofus she didn't realize she's just got herself a new crutch, she thought she was liberating herself.
Yeah, that's a pretty atypical upbringing here- I don't think I know anyone with a curfew, and even for little kids usually your curfew is when it gets dark (which ROCKS in summer when it might be ten or so at night when you have to think about heading home). Most teenagers are hanging round street corners in large groups til late at night, most go drinking underage much younger than would be considered normal in the US, and unless you're a boy you're probably doing your own laundry (Boys are overweened here to the point some are still living at home with their meals and laundry done at 30 like it's not a big deal.) It can be stunting for boys, but Anna's really not typical of the culture here in terms of being a teenager, let alone a female teenager/adult. It'd be more normal really if she'd gotten knocked up at sixteen to be honest. >.<
It's also really weird that she doesn't know how to cook, because even in elementary schools here most girls get basic cooking and sewing lessons and stuff. It's like she grew up in a completely different culture a lot of the time besides the orange face.
this sounds exactly like the upbringing i my family and friends had, where i live. mind you tho, i grew up in a very polish, irish and italian neighborhood. also in the US, everyone drinks underage even tho our legal age is 21 (which is ridiculous, lol). many drink at 13 or 14 and also hang out of the corners all hours of the night... anna's upbringing seems of very american upscale/high class, where a child does nothing but go to school and come home to do homework.
Her upbringing sounds a lot like mine *sigh*. I had to be home at 9 o'clock during summer break, lol. My parents totally looked down at people hanging out on corners, or as they called it "ruffians polishing/buffing the corners" :lol:. It's one of the reasons Anna interested me, not for the content of her videos but because we came from similar backgrounds. I didn't drink or sneak out to hang out with the bad crowd but I did rebel more than Anna. She's so weird, how is one spoiled and bratty and yet so complacent and sheep-like?
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

— The Master and Margarita
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by lalaa »

SparklingGemini wrote:Well you just know there is a lot more licking to come as the dogs will have daily access to Emilia's milk scented breath and drool.
oh god, i know; how sad! poor little girl. and it will be plastered all over the internet for all too see. :/
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Gin0915 »

language wrote:
lalaa wrote: Yeah, they are. There's a really vibrant culture in Cork, filled with artists, markets, beautiful architecture, a wealth of history as kind of being an Austin, SF or Seattle type mentality. It's kind of a local joke that walking down the main street in the city take 4 hours despite being a four minute straight walk because you run into so many people you know and everyone wants to talk to you. And that's just the city, let alone the county- the west of the county is known for being all artisan foods and crafts, beautiful seaside villages and verdant valleys.

My god, I sound like a tourist brochure, but it's really a wonderful place to live, and having lived in the US, UK, and various places within Ireland too, I really cannot see myself moving. (No matter how much I miss snackcakes). Instead however J&A just show an English version of Walmart and their disgusting house.
Lol, it's ok. I wondered the same thing, why, oh, why? I've been all over Europe, not made it to Ireland yet but I watched plenty of travel shows, esp. Rick Steves. And it's so incredibly beautiful, how can they not see and enjoy all of it. There are amazing destinations within a short driving distance from them.
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

— The Master and Margarita
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Gin0915 »

lalaa wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:
lalaa wrote:
hahah, yes! that is what i did when i was younger as well and i often got in trouble for it. hehe
now in my late, late 20's i'm calmer and tend stay home or just go out for dinner and drinks.
Lol, "late, late 20's", there's no such thing, lady! I had strict parents myself but I did rebel sometimes, haha. Although, I had my wild times in my mid 20's, oddly enough. Anna could have done the same if she didn't sew herself to an oafish, little troll with control issues and twisted relationship ideas.
lol, there is when you are on the brink of 30 and hanging on to what is your 20’s!
and i agree! "oafish, little troll with control issues and twisted relationship ideas" :lol!:
Hahaha, yeah, but we never call it that. This is one time I hate our based-on-10 numeral system, lol. It groups us into these silly age categories, 20's, 30's, 60's and the societal expectations that come from them. Boo.
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

— The Master and Margarita
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by lalaa »

Gin0915 wrote:
lalaa wrote:
language wrote:
Yeah, that's a pretty atypical upbringing here- I don't think I know anyone with a curfew, and even for little kids usually your curfew is when it gets dark (which ROCKS in summer when it might be ten or so at night when you have to think about heading home). Most teenagers are hanging round street corners in large groups til late at night, most go drinking underage much younger than would be considered normal in the US, and unless you're a boy you're probably doing your own laundry (Boys are overweened here to the point some are still living at home with their meals and laundry done at 30 like it's not a big deal.) It can be stunting for boys, but Anna's really not typical of the culture here in terms of being a teenager, let alone a female teenager/adult. It'd be more normal really if she'd gotten knocked up at sixteen to be honest. >.<
It's also really weird that she doesn't know how to cook, because even in elementary schools here most girls get basic cooking and sewing lessons and stuff. It's like she grew up in a completely different culture a lot of the time besides the orange face.
this sounds exactly like the upbringing i my family and friends had, where i live. mind you tho, i grew up in a very polish, irish and italian neighborhood. also in the US, everyone drinks underage even tho our legal age is 21 (which is ridiculous, lol). many drink at 13 or 14 and also hang out of the corners all hours of the night... anna's upbringing seems of very american upscale/high class, where a child does nothing but go to school and come home to do homework.
Her upbringing sounds a lot like mine *sigh*. I had to be home at 9 o'clock during summer break, lol. My parents totally looked down at people hanging out on corners, or as they called it "ruffians polishing/buffing the corners" :lol:. It's one of the reasons Anna interested me, not for the content of her videos but because we came from similar backgrounds. I didn't drink or sneak out to hang out with the bad crowd but I did rebel more than Anna. She's so weird, how is one spoiled and bratty and yet so complacent and sheep-like?
there is nothing wrong with that type of upbringing. my parents, particularly my father, were strict but i found ways around it, lol. when i have kids one day i will bring them up more so like anna, with some differences, tho. when she became an adult she should have branched out more, not cling to jonathan and follow his lead. that way she would have been a more well rounded human being and not the complacent and sheep-like like one she is today.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

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Gin0915 wrote:
language wrote: Yeah, they are. There's a really vibrant culture in Cork, filled with artists, markets, beautiful architecture, a wealth of history as kind of being an Austin, SF or Seattle type mentality. It's kind of a local joke that walking down the main street in the city take 4 hours despite being a four minute straight walk because you run into so many people you know and everyone wants to talk to you. And that's just the city, let alone the county- the west of the county is known for being all artisan foods and crafts, beautiful seaside villages and verdant valleys.

My god, I sound like a tourist brochure, but it's really a wonderful place to live, and having lived in the US, UK, and various places within Ireland too, I really cannot see myself moving. (No matter how much I miss snackcakes). Instead however J&A just show an English version of Walmart and their disgusting house.
Lol, it's ok. I wondered the same thing, why, oh, why? I've been all over Europe, not made it to Ireland yet but I watched plenty of travel shows, esp. Rick Steves. And it's so incredibly beautiful, how can they not see and enjoy all of it. There are amazing destinations within a short driving distance from them.
I don't get how they can miss it either, besides being so set in a really sad routine. I mean, I see more interesting things in a week, and I'm bedridden half the time =/ Watching their lives actually makes me feel good about how often I leave the house. :) But you'd practically have to put in effort to be so asocial here without living far out in the country. There's been a couple of times where they've been forced out into the world, like when Anna's friends brought her horseriding as a bachelorette party, and even those they didn't show much of on the vlog. I guess they want the show to be more about them than anything interesting or engaging.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

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Gin0915 wrote:
lalaa wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:
Lol, "late, late 20's", there's no such thing, lady! I had strict parents myself but I did rebel sometimes, haha. Although, I had my wild times in my mid 20's, oddly enough. Anna could have done the same if she didn't sew herself to an oafish, little troll with control issues and twisted relationship ideas.
lol, there is when you are on the brink of 30 and hanging on to what is your 20’s!
and i agree! "oafish, little troll with control issues and twisted relationship ideas" :lol!:
Hahaha, yeah, but we never call it that. This is one time I hate our based-on-10 numeral system, lol. It groups us into these silly age categories, 20's, 30's, 60's and the societal expectations that come from them. Boo.
i agree i hate it, too. but i am glad that 30 is the new 20! hahha :D
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

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language wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:
language wrote: Yeah, they are. There's a really vibrant culture in Cork, filled with artists, markets, beautiful architecture, a wealth of history as kind of being an Austin, SF or Seattle type mentality. It's kind of a local joke that walking down the main street in the city take 4 hours despite being a four minute straight walk because you run into so many people you know and everyone wants to talk to you. And that's just the city, let alone the county- the west of the county is known for being all artisan foods and crafts, beautiful seaside villages and verdant valleys.

My god, I sound like a tourist brochure, but it's really a wonderful place to live, and having lived in the US, UK, and various places within Ireland too, I really cannot see myself moving. (No matter how much I miss snackcakes). Instead however J&A just show an English version of Walmart and their disgusting house.
Lol, it's ok. I wondered the same thing, why, oh, why? I've been all over Europe, not made it to Ireland yet but I watched plenty of travel shows, esp. Rick Steves. And it's so incredibly beautiful, how can they not see and enjoy all of it. There are amazing destinations within a short driving distance from them.
I don't get how they can miss it either, besides being so set in a really sad routine. I mean, I see more interesting things in a week, and I'm bedridden half the time =/ Watching their lives actually makes me feel good about how often I leave the house. :) But you'd practically have to put in effort to be so asocial here without living far out in the country. There's been a couple of times where they've been forced out into the world, like when Anna's friends brought her horseriding as a bachelorette party, and even those they didn't show much of on the vlog. I guess they want the show to be more about them than anything interesting or engaging.
i haven't been to ireland either but i have seen thru friends how beautiful it is and how much it has to offer. and too think how many more viewers they would have if they would just show some of it! most of their subbies are american and many americans have never stepped outside the town they live in, so, instead of educating them on what another country has to offer they sit around at home, watch t.v and go to tesco. pathetic!
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Gin0915 »

lalaa wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:
lalaa wrote: this sounds exactly like the upbringing i my family and friends had, where i live. mind you tho, i grew up in a very polish, irish and italian neighborhood. also in the US, everyone drinks underage even tho our legal age is 21 (which is ridiculous, lol). many drink at 13 or 14 and also hang out of the corners all hours of the night... anna's upbringing seems of very american upscale/high class, where a child does nothing but go to school and come home to do homework.
Her upbringing sounds a lot like mine *sigh*. I had to be home at 9 o'clock during summer break, lol. My parents totally looked down at people hanging out on corners, or as they called it "ruffians polishing/buffing the corners" :lol:. It's one of the reasons Anna interested me, not for the content of her videos but because we came from similar backgrounds. I didn't drink or sneak out to hang out with the bad crowd but I did rebel more than Anna. She's so weird, how is one spoiled and bratty and yet so complacent and sheep-like?
there is nothing wrong with that type of upbringing. my parents, particularly my father, were strict but i found ways around it, lol. when i have kids one day i will bring them up more so like anna, with some differences, tho. when she became an adult she should have branched out more, not cling to jonathan and follow his lead. that way she would have been a more well rounded human being and not the complacent and sheep-like like one she is today.
That's just it, for her that kind of upbringing was equivalent to crippling. It didn't do much good for me either. If it's a more independent, wilder child, they could benefit. But even if one has strict guidelines, I think it's important to have responsibilities. Her mother should have made her do her own laundry, her own as well as some house chores, etc. The people that I know to be the most independent and wise adults were actually given a lot of freedom. But it was instilled in them that their decision will have consequences and that they'll be smart to review those before making the wrong choice, lol.
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

— The Master and Margarita

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