TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Gin0915 »

language wrote:
Gin0915 wrote: As far as her ED, I think she has issues but it's not anorexia or bulimia. I don't thinks so anyways. Many of us agreed she eats more that she admits. I forget what's that called. She clearly gained some weight with the baby so she couldn't just have been eating what she claimed unless the girls has the sluggiest metabolism ever. Food issues she has.
Eating disorders aren't actually about losing or gaining weight- it's about lying about your food intake, feeling shame and guilty and insecure and deal with that through eating or not or purging. Lots of bulimics don't even lose that much weight if they do go on for years- it slows your metabolism, confuses the hell out of your body, and makes other permanent damage, but it's not exactly a way to lose weight so much as gain control. Anorexia tends to be more obvious because most of them have obvious weight loss which most people associate with EDs. It's the trying to control your sense of self through food which makes it so damaging for both of them- the weight loss, the teeth loss, the other health problems are just symptoms. But things like counting grapes and feeling the need to either lie about what she had Tuesday or restrict her diet so it looks like Tuesday is a normal day are both symptoms of that need for a sense of self (which she obviously defines through how she thinks people see her) and control. It's a very fucked up place to be even if you don't have critical weight loss, and a lot of bulimics and anorexics get refused from hospitals because they haven't lost enough weight to count as sick enough. (Which is a truly fucked up thing that the medical profession does at times- meaning that people often die with a BMI above eighteen and outside of hospital, but still with all the same basic problems.) Weight loss isn't the key to it- that's a lie ED sufferers tell themselves and a belief that society holds which makes it harder for them to get help.
(Sorry I'm being evangelical, but it's a subject close to heart.)
No, no, I wasn't very clear. I know it's not usually about weight loss and it doesn't necessarily manifest itself that way on the outside. What I meant is that many people thought because of her WIAW posts that she eats tiny amounts and starves herself. Which if true would probably result in weight loss in her case. And major issues with the baby. I meant she may have a different form of ED (from anorexia or bulimia), that involves lying about her intake but in reality eating adequate amounts. Now she maybe lying to her readers or to herself as well. So it was more psychological but not immediately threatening to her physical health. Either that or they are milking the ED theory for comments and drama.
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by language »

Gin0915 wrote: No, no, I wasn't very clear. I know it's not usually about weight loss and it doesn't necessarily manifest itself that way on the outside. What I meant is that many people thought because of her WIAW posts that she eats tiny amounts and starves herself. Which if true would probably result in weight loss in her case. And major issues with the baby. I meant she may have a different form of ED (from anorexia or bulimia), that involves lying about her intake but in reality eating adequate amounts. Now she maybe lying to her readers or to herself as well. So it was more psychological but not immediately threatening to her physical health. Either that or they are milking the ED theory for comments and drama.
Oh, I get you now- those are EDNOS (not otherwise specified). Most people fit into that more than into the other two groups because there's really strict definitions of how fast you have to purge or how much you have to eat or how often you restrict that it's hard to be a straight one or the other. I think she probably is eating something similar to what she needs to be but doing it in a really fucked up way- like Tuesday she might only eat the "WIAW" says, but Wednesday she might be having two large meals very close together filled with all her guilty pleasures to balance that minor restriction with a minor binge. And that would be easier for her to justify because then she's not lying to her readers (apart from the date) so she feels respected and defined, but not also giving up the part of her which wants to stuff her face with cake so she feel whole and loved. So I think we're saying pretty much the same thing, I just took it differently to what you meant.

And yeah, we really can't discount that she could actually have the healthiest diet ever, eats more appropriately on Tuesdays and actually has a regular exercise routine but they felt that didn't bill as well, because about the only truth we know about these two is that they lie about every fucking thing. *sigh*
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Gin0915 »

language wrote: Oh, I get you now- those are EDNOS (not otherwise specified). Most people fit into that more than into the other two groups because there's really strict definitions of how fast you have to purge or how much you have to eat or how often you restrict that it's hard to be a straight one or the other. I think she probably is eating something similar to what she needs to be but doing it in a really fucked up way- like Tuesday she might only eat the "WIAW" says, but Wednesday she might be having two large meals very close together filled with all her guilty pleasures to balance that minor restriction with a minor binge. And that would be easier for her to justify because then she's not lying to her readers (apart from the date) so she feels respected and defined, but not also giving up the part of her which wants to stuff her face with cake so she feel whole and loved. So I think we're saying pretty much the same thing, I just took it differently to what you meant.

And yeah, we really can't discount that she could actually have the healthiest diet ever, eats more appropriately on Tuesdays and actually has a regular exercise routine but they felt that didn't bill as well, because about the only truth we know about these two is that they lie about every fucking thing. *sigh*
That would be a hoot, haha. But I doubt it, she has so little muscle tone so exercise is out. Either way, it's sad, all this coming from a person who so adamantly preached the importance of feeling confident, in body and mind.
Another thing that struck me, people have been complaining about all the makeup she wears. I kind of ignored it, because it's not an issue for me. I don't see why she cannot do the right thing by her daughter (not saying she is :D ) and wear too much makeup at the same time, lol. I just don't see it in this "either, or" light. But my point is, she wasn't like that before, she'd go around without makeup all the time, vlog, walk the dogs, etc. It seems like the more "cocooned" (thanks, Dofus) she became the more she clung to that made up image of herself. Correct me if I'm wrong, as I have not been watching the vlogs prior to birth for a long while, but that need seems to have increased with pregnancy. I wonder if she's striving to feel attractive or is it symptom of her emotional state. Like a lifesaver ring, something to keep herself above the waters, so to speak.
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Mabell »

GentleHerpes wrote: As far as Anna, she definitely needs to check her attitude. With the whole missing phone thing, she couldn't reach under the pillow and look for the phone on her own? She HAD to have Jofus walk around and reach under the pillow SHE was laying on? And then yell at him to put the pillows back where they were? Ungrateful.
This! She started barking at him to get her phone that was RIGHT THERE. Then she started to do the childish whinging when he didn't put the pillows back. Do something for yourself for the love of god!!!

And on parenting classes anyone notice the day Emilia was coming home Anna texted Jofus to say the nurse went through everything with her so she didn't - God forbid - have to mix with other Mums and socialise in a class.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Mabell »

Speaking of people not being able to do things for themselves...

Could someone possibly repost the Expectation v Reality of Jonathan in the leather jacket into the Picture Gallery. It was my favourite but I don't know how to do it. :?
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by prettyitalianbella »

I co-sleep with my son, hes a month tomorrow and wont fall asleep any other way...However I dont let dogs all over my bed or have any pets ATM at all, so theres not hair and dirt in the cover, plus we sleep on top of very thin sheets and only I cover myself with a blanket and he is covered by a tiny one (we are also experiencing a heat wave here though so maybe its not a fair comparison)

Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by hkl0verx0 »

I am brand new to both of them, I discovered their video of the birth and watched a few more. Still learning about them so sorry if what I mention has already been discussed

I like Anna at the moment, although she is really whiny, but GOOD LORD the way he talks irritates me so much. High pitched gibberish.

I get that they love their dogs but 6 dogs + a new baby must be so overwhelming. Did they have a reason for not giving them away??

Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by yoursandmine »

hkl0verx0 wrote:I am brand new to both of them, I discovered their video of the birth and watched a few more. Still learning about them so sorry if what I mention has already been discussed

I like Anna at the moment, although she is really whiny, but GOOD LORD the way he talks irritates me so much. High pitched gibberish.

I get that they love their dogs but 6 dogs + a new baby must be so overwhelming. Did they have a reason for not giving them away??
Oh my GOD his high pitched voice not only irritates me but TOTALLY creeps me the fuck out hahah, and the way he pokes and prods Emilia.. I can't even handle it. She's a new born baby -_- and as for them keeping the dogs.. they were wanting like 1000 euros or there abouts, per puppy.. once they realised that shady backyard breeders don't get that kinda money, they kept them. I don't know if you know cause you're new, there was a 5th puppy but she passed away due to their negligence.. :x :x
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Butterfly008 »

I agree that it is super important to have a social outlet in one way or another. Especially if you have a baby, it's gonna be feeding, changing, nursing, playing, day after day, 24/7. If you don't get out of that very small world every now and then it's gonna be tough on your personal well-being too. You need to socialize and get your mind set on something else every now and then, just to clear your mind and feel like an individual too. It's not really Jonathan and Anna and whatever they want to do anymore, the baby defines their lives now...

It's just the two of em ALL the time, nobody works out of the house or has a group of friends to go out with, share ideas... nothing other than the usual happens. It's a very monotone life.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geekinthepink »

Butterfly008 wrote:I agree that it is super important to have a social outlet in one way or another. Especially if you have a baby, it's gonna be feeding, changing, nursing, playing, day after day, 24/7. If you don't get out of that very small world every now and then it's gonna be tough on your personal well-being too. You need to socialize and get your mind set on something else every now and then, just to clear your mind and feel like an individual too. It's not really Jonathan and Anna and whatever they want to do anymore, the baby defines their lives now...

It's just the two of em ALL the time, nobody works out of the house or has a group of friends to go out with, share ideas... nothing other than the usual happens. It's a very monotone life.
exactly. you could also bond with fellow mums and exchange experiences. I think, you do need more people in your life - especially with a child - than your husband.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by language »

Gin0915 wrote: That would be a hoot, haha. But I doubt it, she has so little muscle tone so exercise is out. Either way, it's sad, all this coming from a person who so adamantly preached the importance of feeling confident, in body and mind.
Another thing that struck me, people have been complaining about all the makeup she wears. I kind of ignored it, because it's not an issue for me. I don't see why she cannot do the right thing by her daughter (not saying she is :D ) and wear too much makeup at the same time, lol. I just don't see it in this "either, or" light. But my point is, she wasn't like that before, she'd go around without makeup all the time, vlog, walk the dogs, etc. It seems like the more "cocooned" (thanks, Dofus) she became the more she clung to that made up image of herself. Correct me if I'm wrong, as I have not been watching the vlogs prior to birth for a long while, but that need seems to have increased with pregnancy. I wonder if she's striving to feel attractive or is it symptom of her emotional state. Like a lifesaver ring, something to keep herself above the waters, so to speak.
She was explaining that she doesn't feel like herself without all the make-up on when she was saying other people might find it weird she was going to be in full face for the birth. And yeah, the amount of make up has stepped up- it's been over time, and I can't tell if the pregnancy triggered it off but she does seem to go through phases where she'll be thinner and more orange, but it's definitely gotten worse/more obvious with pregnancy. That could be just the products she's using, especially since it's summer and her winter foundation at times matches her skin tone- but this year in January she started turning orange again. I'm thinking it's the mask she needs so she trowels it on.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by NomNomMinionMunch »

language wrote:
Gin0915 wrote: That would be a hoot, haha. But I doubt it, she has so little muscle tone so exercise is out. Either way, it's sad, all this coming from a person who so adamantly preached the importance of feeling confident, in body and mind.
Another thing that struck me, people have been complaining about all the makeup she wears. I kind of ignored it, because it's not an issue for me. I don't see why she cannot do the right thing by her daughter (not saying she is :D ) and wear too much makeup at the same time, lol. I just don't see it in this "either, or" light. But my point is, she wasn't like that before, she'd go around without makeup all the time, vlog, walk the dogs, etc. It seems like the more "cocooned" (thanks, Dofus) she became the more she clung to that made up image of herself. Correct me if I'm wrong, as I have not been watching the vlogs prior to birth for a long while, but that need seems to have increased with pregnancy. I wonder if she's striving to feel attractive or is it symptom of her emotional state. Like a lifesaver ring, something to keep herself above the waters, so to speak.
She was explaining that she doesn't feel like herself without all the make-up on when she was saying other people might find it weird she was going to be in full face for the birth. And yeah, the amount of make up has stepped up- it's been over time, and I can't tell if the pregnancy triggered it off but she does seem to go through phases where she'll be thinner and more orange, but it's definitely gotten worse/more obvious with pregnancy. That could be just the products she's using, especially since it's summer and her winter foundation at times matches her skin tone- but this year in January she started turning orange again. I'm thinking it's the mask she needs so she trowels it on.
I used to think Anna looked much better with pale skin, really beautiful, but I definatley think she reads here as well as Jofus - because on the old board a few of the girls were saying she needed to get a tan and would look much better blonder, more makeup - comparing her to her old videos... and sure enough she reverted back to what she used to look like when she was 19. I think she's insecure and is concerned she isn't as attractive anymore now she's a mother.

EDIT: typos!
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geekinthepink »

NomNomMinionMunch wrote:
language wrote:
Gin0915 wrote: That would be a hoot, haha. But I doubt it, she has so little muscle tone so exercise is out. Either way, it's sad, all this coming from a person who so adamantly preached the importance of feeling confident, in body and mind.
Another thing that struck me, people have been complaining about all the makeup she wears. I kind of ignored it, because it's not an issue for me. I don't see why she cannot do the right thing by her daughter (not saying she is :D ) and wear too much makeup at the same time, lol. I just don't see it in this "either, or" light. But my point is, she wasn't like that before, she'd go around without makeup all the time, vlog, walk the dogs, etc. It seems like the more "cocooned" (thanks, Dofus) she became the more she clung to that made up image of herself. Correct me if I'm wrong, as I have not been watching the vlogs prior to birth for a long while, but that need seems to have increased with pregnancy. I wonder if she's striving to feel attractive or is it symptom of her emotional state. Like a lifesaver ring, something to keep herself above the waters, so to speak.
She was explaining that she doesn't feel like herself without all the make-up on when she was saying other people might find it weird she was going to be in full face for the birth. And yeah, the amount of make up has stepped up- it's been over time, and I can't tell if the pregnancy triggered it off but she does seem to go through phases where she'll be thinner and more orange, but it's definitely gotten worse/more obvious with pregnancy. That could be just the products she's using, especially since it's summer and her winter foundation at times matches her skin tone- but this year in January she started turning orange again. I'm thinking it's the mask she needs so she trowels it on.
I used to think Anna looked much better with pale skin, really beautiful, but I definatley think she reads here as well as Jofus - because on the old board a few of the girls were saying she needed to get a tan and would look much better blonder, more makeup - comparing her to her old videos... and sure enough she reverted back to what she used to look like when she was 19. I think she's insecure and is concerned she isn't as attractive anymore now she's a mother.

EDIT: typos!
so much for her "healthy" body image. you can influence her so easily.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by language »

NomNomMinionMunch wrote: I used to think Anna looked much better with pale skin, really beautiful, but I definatley think she reads here as well as Jofus - because on the old board a few of the girls were saying she needed to get a tan and would look much better blonder, more makeup - comparing her to her old videos... and sure enough she reverted back to what she used to look like when she was 19. I think she's insecure and is concerned she isn't as attractive anymore now she's a mother.

EDIT: typos!
I should edit for typos more :) And yeah, she looked, well, like she wasn't wearing make-up. Or at least like only wearing it in the right places like on the eyes etc. Rather than actually coated in it which is never a good look. It's like stage make-up or something at the moment.

It's definitely not an enhancement of the features any more, or a concealment of flaws- it's a bright loud flashing sign saying, I cannot bring myself to show my face in public so here's one I made earlier.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Bluewolf »

Has he ever actually said that he has something to mount the camera on on his dashboard?
Seriously, SERIOUSLY annoyed if he is driving one handedly and concentrating on broadcasting the minutiae of his everyday life while trying to control his car....
Hand has hovered over Douglas Garda station phone number more than once....
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by MakeupGirly »

I felt really bad for Emilia when Jonathan was bringing her to the hospital. Ireland is cold. It couldn't have been more then about 10-13 degrees (about 50 farenheit) that day, and the baby had no hat or blanket on her. Plus, for the heel prick test you are supposed to keep them warm so the blood is easier to get out. I'm suprised the hospital didn't tell them that.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geeklove »

Bluewolf wrote:Has he ever actually said that he has something to mount the camera on on his dashboard?
Seriously, SERIOUSLY annoyed if he is driving one handedly and concentrating on broadcasting the minutiae of his everyday life while trying to control his car....
Hand has hovered over Douglas Garda station phone number more than once....
He has a mount but he doesn't use it. Look into his sunglasses the next driving bit. You can see his arm stretched out holding the camera.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Bluewolf »

geeklove wrote:
Bluewolf wrote:Has he ever actually said that he has something to mount the camera on on his dashboard?
Seriously, SERIOUSLY annoyed if he is driving one handedly and concentrating on broadcasting the minutiae of his everyday life while trying to control his car....
Hand has hovered over Douglas Garda station phone number more than once....
He has a mount but he doesn't use it. Look into his sunglasses the next driving bit. You can see his arm stretched out holding the camera.

That makes me VERY angry, not only is he playing with fire with his own and his daughters' life, he also show utter contempt for other road users. The prick. Warming to him a little less knowing that.

With regard to her and her make up, I have to hand it to her, when my baby was that small I was lucky if I was showered never mind in a full face of make up but then again my husband was back to work after 1 week so I didn't have a gofor.

Also I'm wondering a they are both effectively unemployed do the claim state benefits? Realistically what kind of a living can be made from You tube videos?
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by magicdragon »

geeklove wrote:
Bluewolf wrote:Has he ever actually said that he has something to mount the camera on on his dashboard?
Seriously, SERIOUSLY annoyed if he is driving one handedly and concentrating on broadcasting the minutiae of his everyday life while trying to control his car....
Hand has hovered over Douglas Garda station phone number more than once....
He has a mount but he doesn't use it. Look into his sunglasses the next driving bit. You can see his arm stretched out holding the camera.
With a newborn in the back of the car. Shame on him. He really is stupid. I haven't posted until now because I wanted to observe them after the birth for a while. First off, either the birth vlog was heavily edited to make Anna look like the calmest birthing mum in the world or fair play to her - she was very controlled.
I wish Jofus would stop poking the baby. The poor little thing. She's trying to sleep and he's poking at her like she's one of the puppies or something. It's really awful to watch. Also when his family came to visit and his father gave the gift of the bracelet, his reaction was deplorable. He never says thank you to anybody for gifts, he'll always make a 'smart' comment or criticism. Even in stores etc, I've observed that he has zero manners. A very bad role model for his daughter.

Anna and the dressing up of Emilia, I hope is just a novelty that will go away. When the going gets tough, hopefully she'll back off on this a bit. Also, the screaming by her from the bed re. her phone. Was it necessary with the poor little baby lying there trying to sleep. I already sense that Anna will make few changes to her behaviour to accommodate this poor little baby being in her life. I had hoped otherwise but there are already a few signs.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by MakeupGirly »

Bluewolf wrote:
geeklove wrote:
Bluewolf wrote:Has he ever actually said that he has something to mount the camera on on his dashboard?
Seriously, SERIOUSLY annoyed if he is driving one handedly and concentrating on broadcasting the minutiae of his everyday life while trying to control his car....
Hand has hovered over Douglas Garda station phone number more than once....
He has a mount but he doesn't use it. Look into his sunglasses the next driving bit. You can see his arm stretched out holding the camera.

That makes me VERY angry, not only is he playing with fire with his own and his daughters' life, he also show utter contempt for other road users. The prick. Warming to him a little less knowing that.

With regard to her and her make up, I have to hand it to her, when my baby was that small I was lucky if I was showered never mind in a full face of make up but then again my husband was back to work after 1 week so I didn't have a gofor.

Also I'm wondering a they are both effectively unemployed do the claim state benefits? Realistically what kind of a living can be made from You tube videos?
I don't think they would be eligible for any kind of welfare payments. They definitely can't claim job seeker's allowance because they aren't looking for work. There is also family income supplement, but if you are self employed you can't get that. Don't know if they are classed as self employed or not. Of course, they will get child benefit for Emilia, €140 ($183) a month. Every family in Ireland with kids gets that though. I don't know if there are welfare payments for people who chose to make Youtube videos or not lol.

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