TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by prettyitalianbella »

sand and water wrote:About the baby's cord "falling off." Did anyone else notice HOW FULL that diaper was?! Also, her stomach was beet red just above the diaper. I don't think they are changing her diapers enough. Anyway about the cord/belly button. When my daughter's cord fell off, her belly button looked completely normal. Emilia's looks a bit infected, and looks like there is part of the cord still stuck on there. Also, we took the clip off once it had "dried up" a bit, because it seemed as though the clip weighed it down and I didn't want anything pulling on the cord. Everyone else that I know that has had a baby takes the clip off too once it has dried up a bit.

In other news, it seems like Anna still can't figure out how to properly hold her baby. Some classes would have taught her that. You don't shove a newborns face into your shoulder that has ALL you hair on. You can see she was trying to move her head. Poor Emilia... NEW HASHTAG GUYS..... #PoorEmilia.. lol ;)
yeah i noticed that about her belly button too...they took the clip off my sons chord at the hospital and gave the clip to me to keep...
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by MBeckham »

sand and water wrote:About the baby's cord "falling off." Did anyone else notice HOW FULL that diaper was?! Also, her stomach was beet red just above the diaper. I don't think they are changing her diapers enough. Anyway about the cord/belly button. When my daughter's cord fell off, her belly button looked completely normal. Emilia's looks a bit infected, and looks like there is part of the cord still stuck on there. Also, we took the clip off once it had "dried up" a bit, because it seemed as though the clip weighed it down and I didn't want anything pulling on the cord. Everyone else that I know that has had a baby takes the clip off too once it has dried up a bit.

In other news, it seems like Anna still can't figure out how to properly hold her baby. Some classes would have taught her that. You don't shove a newborns face into your shoulder that has ALL you hair on. You can see she was trying to move her head. Poor Emilia... NEW HASHTAG GUYS..... #PoorEmilia.. lol ;)
I don't think the diaper was really FULL, but I think it's a bit big for her and there is a lot of stuffing there. You can see she obviously peed since the line is blue, but I don't think it was as full as it looks on camera.

Also, I think her belly may be so red because in her chair that she sits in, she's sitting UP quite a bit, and I think the diaper is rubbing into her belly, or more so the tabs are. They should fold it down and it'd probably stop doing that.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by sand and water »

MBeckham wrote:
sand and water wrote:About the baby's cord "falling off." Did anyone else notice HOW FULL that diaper was?! Also, her stomach was beet red just above the diaper. I don't think they are changing her diapers enough. Anyway about the cord/belly button. When my daughter's cord fell off, her belly button looked completely normal. Emilia's looks a bit infected, and looks like there is part of the cord still stuck on there. Also, we took the clip off once it had "dried up" a bit, because it seemed as though the clip weighed it down and I didn't want anything pulling on the cord. Everyone else that I know that has had a baby takes the clip off too once it has dried up a bit.

In other news, it seems like Anna still can't figure out how to properly hold her baby. Some classes would have taught her that. You don't shove a newborns face into your shoulder that has ALL you hair on. You can see she was trying to move her head. Poor Emilia... NEW HASHTAG GUYS..... #PoorEmilia.. lol ;)
I don't think the diaper was really FULL, but I think it's a bit big for her and there is a lot of stuffing there. You can see she obviously peed since the line is blue, but I don't think it was as full as it looks on camera.

Also, I think her belly may be so red because in her chair that she sits in, she's sitting UP quite a bit, and I think the diaper is rubbing into her belly, or more so the tabs are. They should fold it down and it'd probably stop doing that.
Oh ok. Maybe it was the camera playing tricks, or the diaper is too big, but I never remember my daughter's diapers looking like that, unless I put her in the pool with a normal diaper on (not a swimmer diaper). If her tummy is red from rubbing on the tabs (those things can be pretty harsh on baby skin) because of her sitting up, then I feel so horribly bad for her. It's not like she can say OW my tummy hurts, and every time she cries Anna just assumes she is hungry. Oh dear.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by filthyanimal »

Jaeme wrote:He's all out on a GG rampage today. Comment about Health Visitor visiting to check if they have dogs and put pics of their baby on the internet, shot of the wrecked floor then dogs being brushed and them saying the dogs are going to the groomers soon.


Didn't realise just how ruined the floor was, poor land lady.
What I like most about this post is that you did not crop out that you "disliked" the video. :lol!: :tu:
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by dolliedays »

It makes me sad that Anna never seems to respond to her baby with any urgency. As a new mom when my son would cry, especially if I knew it was feeding time, I would drop all else I was doing and tend to him. Did you see the look she gave Emelia when she was laying there crying? It wasn't a look of love or that she felt bad and would hurry to feed her, she seemed to take her time finishing up with the dogs and commenting that they are more important AS the poor baby cries. I bet if and when she quits breast feeding atleast Jofus will get the child a before Princess even moves from her bed.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

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* get the child a bottle
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by filthyanimal »

Caaitlinxo wrote:04:34 on the new vlog "Cordless baby" she seriously did say the dogs more important than Emilia, eurgh that's not even a joke that's wrong.
What I don't understand is that after Anna says that, Emilia begins crying and Anna starts to look for her tweezers, which she comments about to Jonathan, then Anna looks at the baby and eventually walks away. Not doing anything to stop the crying.... then Jonathan films Emilia crying for a good 30 seconds and then finally when he consoles her, she stops... of course! I understand babies cry A LOT, but you shouldn't ignore it. wth? Even if Anna was going to feed her, first pick her up and let her know you're there before you walk away. Sheezus, the problem isn't commonsense, it's COMPASSION.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by filthyanimal »

Sorry, for so many posts but HOLY CRAP Anna's response to her child's umbilical cord falling off was "that is sick Jonathan!" I am dumbfounded. If that was my child I would have literally ran from whatever room I was in to come see and make sure my child was doing OK. Bahaha if she thinks that's gross wait until your cleaning up throw up... not spit up.... PUKE. When you love your kids, you don't care, but I have a feeling Anna will be one of those mothers who gets mad at their child when they get sick on the living room carpet or wipe blood on nice cloth towels etc. Have fun Anna.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by proudmama »

filthyanimal wrote:
Caaitlinxo wrote:04:34 on the new vlog "Cordless baby" she seriously did say the dogs more important than Emilia, eurgh that's not even a joke that's wrong.
What I don't understand is that after Anna says that, Emilia begins crying and Anna starts to look for her tweezers, which she comments about to Jonathan, then Anna looks at the baby and eventually walks away. Not doing anything to stop the crying.... then Jonathan films Emilia crying for a good 30 seconds and then finally when he consoles her, she stops... of course! I understand babies cry A LOT, but you shouldn't ignore it. wth? Even if Anna was going to feed her, first pick her up and let her know you're there before you walk away. Sheezus, the problem isn't commonsense, it's COMPASSION.
Seeing Anna do that to poor Emilia really breaks my heart. When my son was a newborn, as soon as he would start crying, I would immediately pick him up or run to wherever he was and comfort him. It always upsets me to hear him cry. I still do this with him (he's four months now). Anna doesn't seem to be too concerned about why her baby is crying. If Emilia is crying because she is hungry, she shouldn't ignore her and continue grooming the dogs. The dogs can wait especially since they clearly go long stretches with no grooming at all. When newborns cry, they need to be comforted shortly thereafter, as it builds trust. Besides, newborns need to eat as soon as they're hungry. A new baby can't wait. Anna's lack of sympathy for her child scares me. :cry:

Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by LiveNLearn »

I agree and agree with all of you! I'm speechless , heartbroken, angry..I dunno what to feel anymore! I'm not hating on this woman. But seriously?! Something is very wrong with Anna! My heart goes out to Emilia. Why are we the only people seeing this? How can women whom are big fan of hers claim to be loving mothers yet excuse her for the way she Has been to her own flesh and blood? How can you say that this may be post partum depression? Is something wrong with us?! Are we reading to much into all of this? I ThinkNot!! I was the one claiming she was superficial during her labor and all. But now I truly believe there are bigger issues than that! I have been depressed too. I know what is like! I was so terrified that I would feel this way with my son who is 15months old. That baby saved my life! He was all I loved from the day he was born. Every one of his cries broke my heart and all I wanted was to comfort him! Never would I say stupid jokes that would belittle him.Like Anna has said about the dogs being important than her baby while she cried her eyes out! Its not an effin joke ! I really don't understand what it is like to have postpartum depression I said my son saved me from the most terrible depression that I had all my life..but..I can assure you this woman has no Depression..she just has no heart!It's plain to see she loves herself a bit too much and it's very clear to see that her baby is just a burden for her and is pure jealous of this beautiful creation! She has given a lot of us very bad vibes around can anyone deny this?! You are all right..she tries very hard to act in front of the camera that she cares somewhat for her but her eyes and overall ways have this spiteness to's very scary and I'm feeling terrible for this baby. I just wanna hold Emilia when she cries since her mother just gives nothing but a cold shoulder! :raging: :raging: and c,mon I know Jofus can be real irritating but this man loves his baby!
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by jusayin15 »

Lolaly wrote:
jusayin15 wrote:I haven't seen, Ana, even once come running when the baby was crying to calm her down. I don't think she has postpartum depression, I think she's just not a warm, loving, person. Remember the christening of Jo's nephew, she held the baby in such an awkward way, like she wanted to be away from 'it'.

If she really cared more for her baby than her dogs, then they would have given the puppies away. I think keeping them was Ana's idea mostly, because she always wants to walk all the puppies at once even though it makes it difficult for them to walk them, whereas, Jo didn't seem to want to. Hard to judge someone with just 20-30 minute vlogs, but we've had a whole three years of daily vlogs to get to know her frostiness.

And while, Jo lacks common sense and basic hygiene, he seems to always be there for Emilia.
This. Totally agree.
Why do even people on this board make excuses for that bitch? She doesnt have postpartum depression, shes just a bitch and always has been. She can read and find ways to get herself back in shape (BellyBandit), but she cannot read up on how to care for her baby!? So when it comes to herself and her looks (obviously the only important thing in her world) she is smart enough to use google, but not when it concerns the proper care and health of her child? This woman disgusts me so much I cant even put it into words, and Im not even a mother!

Yeah, it's sad.

She needs to stop projecting her unhappiness on an innocent baby. Suck it up, Ana, and get over yourself and your mangy dogs. The one who needs you most is you're child, and not just so you can feed her and lose your weight but as a mother.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geeklove »

sand and water wrote:About the baby's cord "falling off." Did anyone else notice HOW FULL that diaper was?! Also, her stomach was beet red just above the diaper. I don't think they are changing her diapers enough. Anyway about the cord/belly button. When my daughter's cord fell off, her belly button looked completely normal. Emilia's looks a bit infected, and looks like there is part of the cord still stuck on there. Also, we took the clip off once it had "dried up" a bit, because it seemed as though the clip weighed it down and I didn't want anything pulling on the cord. Everyone else that I know that has had a baby takes the clip off too once it has dried up a bit.

In other news, it seems like Anna still can't figure out how to properly hold her baby. Some classes would have taught her that. You don't shove a newborns face into your shoulder that has ALL you hair on. You can see she was trying to move her head. Poor Emilia... NEW HASHTAG GUYS..... #PoorEmilia.. lol ;)
I agree. when he pulled up the onesie you could see blood on her clothes. It was pulled off before it was supposed to come off.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by nickypicky »

jusayin15 wrote:
Lolaly wrote:
jusayin15 wrote:I haven't seen, Ana, even once come running when the baby was crying to calm her down. I don't think she has postpartum depression, I think she's just not a warm, loving, person. Remember the christening of Jo's nephew, she held the baby in such an awkward way, like she wanted to be away from 'it'.

If she really cared more for her baby than her dogs, then they would have given the puppies away. I think keeping them was Ana's idea mostly, because she always wants to walk all the puppies at once even though it makes it difficult for them to walk them, whereas, Jo didn't seem to want to. Hard to judge someone with just 20-30 minute vlogs, but we've had a whole three years of daily vlogs to get to know her frostiness.

And while, Jo lacks common sense and basic hygiene, he seems to always be there for Emilia.
This. Totally agree.
Why do even people on this board make excuses for that bitch? She doesnt have postpartum depression, shes just a bitch and always has been. She can read and find ways to get herself back in shape (BellyBandit), but she cannot read up on how to care for her baby!? So when it comes to herself and her looks (obviously the only important thing in her world) she is smart enough to use google, but not when it concerns the proper care and health of her child? This woman disgusts me so much I cant even put it into words, and Im not even a mother!

Yeah, it's sad.

She needs to stop projecting her unhappiness on an innocent baby. Suck it up, Ana, and get over yourself and your mangy dogs. The one who needs you most is you're child, and not just so you can feed her and lose your weight but as a mother.
Geez why oh why did she agree 2 have a baby?? *shakes head* She's clearly too selfish their both doin it 4 the wrong reasons ! :( :( :(
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by filthyanimal »

geeklove wrote:
sand and water wrote:About the baby's cord "falling off." Did anyone else notice HOW FULL that diaper was?! Also, her stomach was beet red just above the diaper. I don't think they are changing her diapers enough. Anyway about the cord/belly button. When my daughter's cord fell off, her belly button looked completely normal. Emilia's looks a bit infected, and looks like there is part of the cord still stuck on there. Also, we took the clip off once it had "dried up" a bit, because it seemed as though the clip weighed it down and I didn't want anything pulling on the cord. Everyone else that I know that has had a baby takes the clip off too once it has dried up a bit.

In other news, it seems like Anna still can't figure out how to properly hold her baby. Some classes would have taught her that. You don't shove a newborns face into your shoulder that has ALL you hair on. You can see she was trying to move her head. Poor Emilia... NEW HASHTAG GUYS..... #PoorEmilia.. lol ;)
I agree. when he pulled up the onesie you could see b :boohoo: lood on her clothes. It was pulled off before it was supposed to come off.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee the thought of having someone or something rip an umbilical cord (or anything slightly attached) off of me makes me wince in pain! :boohoo: Even if it was an accident. Ouchies!!! x 100
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Taffy03 »

I don't like how there is so much stuff in her crib. There are so many stuffed animals and even boxes of unopened things which is just gross cuz you don't know where those boxes have been and the bottoms could be dirty. Also, I was (not) surprised they put her diaper bag in the crib with her. I mean that bag has probably been on the floor in the hospital or or dirty places as it is like a purse almost (which are quite dirty and germy) and they put it in her crib =/ not surprised considering the dogs were placed in the crib as well. It was really saddening for me as well to see Emilia crying on the bed while just went about her business and didn't even care or pick her up. I kinda felt like Jofus was trying to get her to feed Emilia and Anna was just like whatever idk really =/. It seems like Jofus is the main one to do everything with her besides feeding her and I feel like if he was able to then Anna wouldn't do anything. I agree her belly button/cord area looks kinda irritated and I feel so bad that her tummy was all red and there was some blood on her clothes =/. It is getting really saddening to watch on a whole new level. I cannot believe when she say the cord she said it was disgusting on camera. Yeah it is kinda weird looking but it came from your body Anna and played an important role in the life of your daughter. she really needs to grow up, like other people said, if she thinks that is gross then idk what she will do when the actual gross stuff starts happening (actually I am pretty sure just like when the puppies had nasty issues, she just handed them over to Jofus and she will do the same with emilia). I am so surprised people still defend her even after the dog importance comment and how she generally acts around Emilia. They must be really jaded/naive :-?
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Taffy03 »

and as for the comments saying she is a busy mother, well she would be even busier if her husband had to actually go back to his job and she was home alone all day with the baby and if she didn't get to go to her mommy's house everyday for a home cooked meal. -_-
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by Butterfly008 »

In one of her earlier videos she mentioned something about not having children and that she probably never will... She always came off to me as someone who is enjoying their freedom in a way. In that same video she mentioned LA as a place to visit one day, seeing she had dreams of becoming a fashion stylist, that would be the perfect place.

Back then she had dreams and it seemed she was really into making a career for herself. To be honest that is what I see her doing better than sitting at home taking care of a baby... she just doesn't seem like such a homely body who feels comfortable setting their own needs aside for the family. Plus, she is still young. Some 24-year-olds aren't ready for such a life-changing thing yet...
I don't know when she dropped her fashion styling plans along the way. I was really surprised when she announced the pregnancy.

She has it good though. Jonathan kicks in anytime she wants, she can rely on him all the time. I remember when my husband was out working every day til 8, and there I sat with a baby who was constantly nursing and crying from cramps... pretty rough.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by NomNomMinionMunch »

After 5 minutes of letting the kid cry...


I can almost hear the inner vocabulary: "Little Brat!"
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by NomNomMinionMunch »

I can just see it now, 16 years down the line...

Anna, newly divorced, knocking back a gin and tonic at the kitchen table with four sixteen year old boys, all Emelias friends.

"Don't you think I look like her sister?!"


Anna downs a little more gin.

"I mean, like, totally - how old do you think I am? I look about 21, right? Right?"

"Uh...totally Mrs Saccone..."


Anna hiccups, and rearranges her satin leopard-print dressing gown, revealing a little more of the boob!

"I was skinnier than Emelia at her age. She's a little fat. I mean even now, don't you think I'm skinnier?"

Anna shuffles about in her pink, fluffy heeled slippers and reaches to get more glasses for the boys.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTv- Part 13

Unread post by geekinthepink »

NomNomMinionMunch wrote:I can just see it now, 16 years down the line...

Anna, newly divorced, knocking back a gin and tonic at the kitchen table with four sixteen year old boys, all Emelias friends.

"Don't you think I look like her sister?!"


Anna downs a little more gin.

"I mean, like, totally - how old do you think I am? I look about 21, right? Right?"

"Uh...totally Mrs Saccone..."


Anna hiccups, and rearranges her satin leopard-print dressing gown, revealing a little more of the boob!

"I was skinnier than Emelia at her age. She's a little fat. I mean even now, don't you think I'm skinnier?"

Anna shuffles about in her pink, fluffy heeled slippers and reaches to get more glasses for the boys.

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