xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by Lynqtpie301 »

Why do mother's on online forums feel the need to "educate" though? If I want more info on breastfeeding, circ, cloth diapering than I will talk to my midwife, lactation consultant, older sister, bff, pediatrician, etc etc etc.

I think crunchy moms just enjoy hearing themselves squawk.

Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by Guest »

Lynqtpie301 wrote:Why do mother's on online forums feel the need to "educate" though? If I want more info on breastfeeding, circ, cloth diapering than I will talk to my midwife, lactation consultant, older sister, bff, pediatrician, etc etc etc.

I think crunchy moms just enjoy hearing themselves squawk.
Oh my gosh lol I so agree! Crunchy moms are also looking for a way to make their parenting style superior, they just talk to hear themselves talk I think! I'm like thanks for that awesome lesson on _______ (insert random topic here) but if I wanted to know more I'm sure I would do my own research before I come running for your "wise words"
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by Lynqtpie301 »

Mamaharrison13 wrote:
Lynqtpie301 wrote:Why do mother's on online forums feel the need to "educate" though? If I want more info on breastfeeding, circ, cloth diapering than I will talk to my midwife, lactation consultant, older sister, bff, pediatrician, etc etc etc.

I think crunchy moms just enjoy hearing themselves squawk.
Oh my gosh lol I so agree! Crunchy moms are also looking for a way to make their parenting style superior, they just talk to hear themselves talk I think! I'm like thanks for that awesome lesson on _______ (insert random topic here) but if I wanted to know more I'm sure I would do my own research before I come running for your "wise words"

Lol exactly!!!
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by Shocked123 »

Lucy is the least "crunchy" mom who claims to be "crunchy." It drives me crazy!!

Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by Guest »

Lol I know, for someone who claims she's a "hippie" she does things that are pretty mainstream

Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by junepher »

[quote="ichigo8504"][quote: Kiki]
i am well aware of the benefits of breast feeding, thank you. i'm saying in general, I'm sick and tired of hearing these "crunchy" moms go on and on about these things as if they are a life and death situation. I was NEVER breast fed, my mom never co-slept, babywore, etc. yet here i am miraculously, with no health/emotional/social problems. You don't have to do all these things for your child to become a good person or feel loved. It is not the end of the world if someone chooses not to do one or all of these things. It's not necessarily Lucy who's like this, but ALOT of these yt moms are. As long as your child is loved and nurtured, they will be just fine. Breastfeeding, babywearing, intactivism, co-sleeping, etc are not the only way of doing I just want to state that the reason why "crunchy moms" try to get other moms to breastfeed and state the truth about how it is better, because they care. Formula isn't sanitary. My three oldest weren't bf that long because of obstacles in the way so they were on formula. My oldest was on Enfamil and my second was on Similac. The year my son was on Enfamil, 4 hours away from me a baby died from a batch of Enfamil that was contaminated. I got worried that could be my baby, but luckily it was only the regular and he was on the A.R. When my daughter went to formula, a few months later Similac had a recall because of bugs!! Another problem I had to deal with. With my third child, there was the problem with babies dying from formula in China! This happened all happened within a three year time period. Now with this new baby, I was set on breastfeeding no matter what. Unfortunately, he has to be supplemented because of a low supply. I'm not giving up no matter what. And guess what? Another recall with Enfamil; metal shavings were found in the A.R kind.

Not all do it out of pride or rudeness, but because "we" care for the health of "your" baby.[/quote]

Please, get over yourself. You just stated you had issues and couldn't breastfeed. Do you think like Lucy and assume all mothers who formula feed are lazy.and selfish? No shit there are formula recalls, at times! Have you looked at the recalls on raw meat, other foods/veggies, sodas, water, or pharma meds? You just sound ignorant.

Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by junepher »

Formula isn't sanitary. My three oldest weren't bf that long because of obstacles in the way so they were on formula. My oldest was on Enfamil and my second was on Similac. The year my son was on Enfamil, 4 hours away from me a baby died from a batch of Enfamil that was contaminated. I got worried that could be my baby, but luckily it was only the regular and he was on the A.R. When my daughter went to formula, a few months later Similac had a recall because of bugs!! Another problem I had to deal with. With my third child, there was the problem with babies dying from formula in China! This happened all happened within a three year time period. Now with this new baby, I was set on breastfeeding no matter what. Unfortunately, he has to be supplemented because of a low supply. I'm not giving up no matter what. And guess what? Another recall with Enfamil; metal shavings were found in the A.R kind.

Not all do it out of pride or rudeness, but because "we" care for the health of "your" baby.

Sorry, for some reason this site will not work mobile. This is the quote from "ichigo8504
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by ApplePie »

I think Lucy attempting the hippie, crunchy thing is attention-seeking behavior. She even said in one of her Q&A vlogs that their families thought they were crazy for choosing to home birth. Sometimes I feel like her thought process is to pick the weirdest, kookiest behavior or idea just to see if she can get a reaction out of someone.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by SherbertConfetti »

It did make me chuckle in one her million videos where asked if they'll cloth diaper and Joel said he won't because he (does all the housework) and doesn't want to be washing them - good on the guy! Lucy said Rainbow will wear sposies when Joel changes her and cloth when she does.. I think we can safely say rainbow will be in a disposable 99% of the time then...
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by Chevbowlyn »

junepher wrote:
ichigo8504 wrote:[quote: Kiki]
i am well aware of the benefits of breast feeding, thank you. i'm saying in general, I'm sick and tired of hearing these "crunchy" moms go on and on about these things as if they are a life and death situation. I was NEVER breast fed, my mom never co-slept, babywore, etc. yet here i am miraculously, with no health/emotional/social problems. You don't have to do all these things for your child to become a good person or feel loved. It is not the end of the world if someone chooses not to do one or all of these things. It's not necessarily Lucy who's like this, but ALOT of these yt moms are. As long as your child is loved and nurtured, they will be just fine. Breastfeeding, babywearing, intactivism, co-sleeping, etc are not the only way of doing I just want to state that the reason why "crunchy moms" try to get other moms to breastfeed and state the truth about how it is better, because they care. Formula isn't sanitary. My three oldest weren't bf that long because of obstacles in the way so they were on formula. My oldest was on Enfamil and my second was on Similac. The year my son was on Enfamil, 4 hours away from me a baby died from a batch of Enfamil that was contaminated. I got worried that could be my baby, but luckily it was only the regular and he was on the A.R. When my daughter went to formula, a few months later Similac had a recall because of bugs!! Another problem I had to deal with. With my third child, there was the problem with babies dying from formula in China! This happened all happened within a three year time period. Now with this new baby, I was set on breastfeeding no matter what. Unfortunately, he has to be supplemented because of a low supply. I'm not giving up no matter what. And guess what? Another recall with Enfamil; metal shavings were found in the A.R kind.

Not all do it out of pride or rudeness, but because "we" care for the health of "your" baby.

Please, get over yourself. You just stated you had issues and couldn't breastfeed. Do you think like Lucy and assume all mothers who formula feed are lazy.and selfish? No shit there are formula recalls, at times! Have you looked at the recalls on raw meat, other foods/veggies, sodas, water, or pharma meds? You just sound ignorant.
How do I sound ignorant? Every single post you make, you act like there is a huge stick up your ass. All I was saying is if you can, you should do it because of risks... Just because you turned out fine, your friends baby turned out fine... so on and so on... doesn't mean your baby will be fine- there are recalls for a reason. Yes, I formula fed, but I also didn't have knowledge or support when it came to breastfeeding. These incidents are what make me scared to use formula. It didn't happen in one year and then nothing happened in the next 5 years. My children born 09, 10, 11, and 13 and each year there was a recall. Veggies, meat, fruit can be avoided as an adult, but if it is a baby who's only main source of food is formula, it can't be avoided. Not all babies can adapt to a different brand or a different type of that brand. My son who is supplement can only take Similac because he gets constipated and has hard stools with Enfamil.

I was never in anyway pushing my views on anyone or trying to "sound" like Lucy! Actually you sound more like Lucy with that bitchy attitude.

Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by junepher »

Bullshit, ichigo8504. Don't put words in my mouth. You are the victimizing formula.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by skeptic »

What is the point in posting a 9 second video (Q&A on the pitocin shot) when she barely answered the question? If you are going to devote one video per topic, at least thoroughly discuss it! Like others have said, she should have grouped related questions and answers together.

From the comments on "Q&A SERIES - Do we want more kids?":
syndeybeck95 1 day ago
Aww, from the look Joel gave you, I think he would give in to having another one, if you really wanted to. :)

Lucy Eades 1 day ago
Despite what he says on the video (which if you notice the part where he stops him self and starts to say something else but goes off into something else) he wants more... lol but as he explained our lifestyle would change and we don't know if we want to give that up currently (more so him than me) but we both dont want another w/ in 3/4 years. He also isn't sure enough to go do the big V... lol
1) Don't encourage Lucy to break Joel. He seemed pretty darn set on being done with procreating in this video. He said in the video he says NO every day since Rainbow arrived.

2) I HIGHLY DOUBT Joel is the one who would have trouble giving up their lifestyle. What does he do besides work and care for his house and family? Lucy is the one who splurges on herself and spends most of the money on unnecessary, but not necessarily bad, purchases for the kids.

This wasn't mentioned in the video, but I think Joel realizes having more kids will impact what extra curricular activities and degree of homeschooling they do. I don't think Lucy realizes this.

Is it just me, or does it almost seem like Lucy basically said she is not opposed to sacrificing her KID'S lifestyle?
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by NightFox »

She's crazy if she thinks that man actually wants more kids. He couldn't have made it more clear, not only in that video but also others. The only reason he's not confident in having the big V is because Lucy seems to want more so badly. Even when asked if he'd "have a doula again" he straight up said something to the effect of "NO. If you asked me if I'd recommend it for someone else...yes, but we're never having one again"
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by PinkGlitter82 »

Mamaharrison13 wrote:
Lynqtpie301 wrote:Why do mother's on online forums feel the need to "educate" though? If I want more info on breastfeeding, circ, cloth diapering than I will talk to my midwife, lactation consultant, older sister, bff, pediatrician, etc etc etc.

I think crunchy moms just enjoy hearing themselves squawk.
Oh my gosh lol I so agree! Crunchy moms are also looking for a way to make their parenting style superior, they just talk to hear themselves talk I think! I'm like thanks for that awesome lesson on _______ (insert random topic here) but if I wanted to know more I'm sure I would do my own research before I come running for your "wise words"
We aren't all crazy like that :) I live a "crunchy" lifestyle (honestly, I HATE saying it in those terms lol) because that is what I feel is best for my family. It is not my job to shove what works for my family down anyone else's throat. However I am always more than happy to help another mother/family out when they ask me. Which I have had people come to me for advice, that is probably because I'm not running around shoving it down their throat. Just had to put my two cents in, that we are not all like that. There are some of us who live this life style because it's whats best for us, not so we can try to one up other mothers or try to be best. :)
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by curvycarrot »

dfwmom wrote:And Joel's half-rant about if people don't have anything nice to say then they should stop watching the videos because they didn't ask us to watch their videos... Um, you are asking people to watch your videos by putting videos online, dummy. Otherwise, why would you have videos online? So you only want people to watch your videos that share your beliefs and views on things and totally agree with you 100%? Hitler called and he wants his ideologies back...

And did he forget that they(well LUCY) have ask these ppl to buy things for their rainbow baby? Online baby shower? Baby Registry in the Info Box? P.O Box address? And lets not forget their subscribers have sent other stuff to their kids just because.
OH and lets not forget those very same ppl who are leaving "not so nice" comments are paying Lucy one click at a time. So he and his wife should accept everyones opinion, good or bad. Thats the least they can do.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by dfwmom »

curvycarrot wrote:
dfwmom wrote:And Joel's half-rant about if people don't have anything nice to say then they should stop watching the videos because they didn't ask us to watch their videos... Um, you are asking people to watch your videos by putting videos online, dummy. Otherwise, why would you have videos online? So you only want people to watch your videos that share your beliefs and views on things and totally agree with you 100%? Hitler called and he wants his ideologies back...

And did he forget that they(well LUCY) have ask these ppl to buy things for their rainbow baby? Online baby shower? Baby Registry in the Info Box? P.O Box address? And lets not forget their subscribers have sent other stuff to their kids just because.
OH and lets not forget those very same ppl who are leaving "not so nice" comments are paying Lucy one click at a time. So he and his wife should accept everyones opinion, good or bad. Thats the least they can do.

Who cares what other people think? They seem to forget that they are getting paid even if people are leaving bad comments and ALL youtube moms are going to get bad comments from time to time. I think that she gets comments that she views as bad more often because she lies about EVERYTHING and she makes people out to be the villian if they don't agree with her, etc etc. She has the ability to be likeable and she chooses not to. If you will ask anyone who watches her now and hates her the way that she is right now, we all weren't nearly as annoyed by her before she had Kacen. She was a genuine person who made honest videos, asked people's opinions and seemed like she valued them, and answered people's questions honestly and not like it was a chore.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by sillylilly80 »

Just saying Lucy could name the baby Iris. It means rainbow in Greek, after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, and it's not matchy-matchy like her other kids names.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by mommyluvv »

Lucy said in her "Does Rainbow have a name yet" video, that she doesn't have a name but they have 5 first names, and 5 middle names, and that she will share them in a separate video. I think what she meant to say is:
"We have 5 first names, and 5 middle names to choose from, but we want to make a video for just that so I can get so many more views on that video and get more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by ladybug »

Isnt the time frame for naming her baby almost up in Texas?? Didn't someone say previously that it was like 10 days or something?
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by ButterflyB »

mommyluvv wrote:Lucy said in her "Does Rainbow have a name yet" video, that she doesn't have a name but they have 5 first names, and 5 middle names, and that she will share them in a separate video. I think what she meant to say is:
"We have 5 first names, and 5 middle names to choose from, but we want to make a video for just that so I can get so many more views on that video and get more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"
I bet you she makes a separate video for each name LOL

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