xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by cecegirl »

skeptic wrote:What is the point in posting a 9 second video (Q&A on the pitocin shot) when she barely answered the question? If you are going to devote one video per topic, at least thoroughly discuss it! Like others have said, she should have grouped related questions and answers together.

From the comments on "Q&A SERIES - Do we want more kids?":
syndeybeck95 1 day ago
Aww, from the look Joel gave you, I think he would give in to having another one, if you really wanted to. :)

Lucy Eades 1 day ago
Despite what he says on the video (which if you notice the part where he stops him self and starts to say something else but goes off into something else) he wants more... lol but as he explained our lifestyle would change and we don't know if we want to give that up currently (more so him than me) but we both dont want another w/ in 3/4 years. He also isn't sure enough to go do the big V... lol
1) Don't encourage Lucy to break Joel. He seemed pretty darn set on being done with procreating in this video. He said in the video he says NO every day since Rainbow arrived.

2) I HIGHLY DOUBT Joel is the one who would have trouble giving up their lifestyle. What does he do besides work and care for his house and family? Lucy is the one who splurges on herself and spends most of the money on unnecessary, but not necessarily bad, purchases for the kids.

This wasn't mentioned in the video, but I think Joel realizes having more kids will impact what extra curricular activities and degree of homeschooling they do. I don't think Lucy realizes this.

Is it just me, or does it almost seem like Lucy basically said she is not opposed to sacrificing her KID'S lifestyle?

Omg..I was thinking the same thing. She should stop thinking about what SHE wants and start thinking about her 4 kids' future.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by Chevbowlyn »

junepher wrote:Bullshit, ichigo8504. Don't put words in my mouth. You are the victimizing formula.
Never put words in your mouth. I read your butchy rant and answered it. I talk bad about formula because these incidents are true. I formula fed my children, but I don't get defensive when someone says "breast is best" because I know it's true. A lot of women don't even take into consideration that breastfeeding is good for the mother. We live in a time where breast cancer is becoming more and more common. Breastfeeding can help prevent it the longer you breastfeed. My mother just found she had it so it has encouged me to not stop.

In all honesty, breastfeeding mothers are the ones who are victimized by society. You don't see formula feeding moms get told to feed their baby in the restroom or at home. You don't see formula feeding moms called "disgusting", "abusive", "molesting their child", or "nasty". You don't see commercials "pushing" breastfeeding but you do with formula.

You can formula feed all you want but the facts are there. And as parents we are suppose to do and give the best to our children.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by DigThePig »

ladybug wrote:Isnt the time frame for naming her baby almost up in Texas?? Didn't someone say previously that it was like 10 days or something?
I was actually wrong in my first post after talking with my midwife, She told me that; You have 5 days to submit a birth certificate in the state of Texas before they name your child "Baby Girl Eades" and you have to go to the social security office and have it officially changed. Sorry for the confusion! :ooops:

So either she has a name (which I think she does) or Lucy will have to go through the pain of changing "Baby Girls" name.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by Kayliecoburn »

Mamaharrison13 wrote:
Lynqtpie301 wrote:Why do mother's on online forums feel the need to "educate" though? If I want more info on breastfeeding, circ, cloth diapering than I will talk to my midwife, lactation consultant, older sister, bff, pediatrician, etc etc etc.

I think crunchy moms just enjoy hearing themselves squawk.
Oh my gosh lol I so agree! Crunchy moms are also looking for a way to make their parenting style superior, they just talk to hear themselves talk I think! I'm like thanks for that awesome lesson on _______ (insert random topic here) but if I wanted to know more I'm sure I would do my own research before I come running for your "wise words"
Oh good grief...way to make it one sided. I am what you could call "crunchy" in my parenting and I do NOT push my beliefs on people or "enjoy hearing myself squawk". The mommy wars go BOTH ways and I have had plenty of formula pushers bothering me...I had a mom harass me for months on Facebook before I finally deleted her because I "hold my baby" too much and harassing me for not CIO. I've had a mom harass me and tell me I should circ because the "bible says to".

There are plenty of bitchy crunchy moms, yes, but there are plenty of bitchy regular moms too. The problem is the bitchy ones are the loudest and the only ones people notice.

I would never ever insult someone's parenting and just keep my thoughts to myself...what works for one doesn't work for all. Everyone should just mind their own damn business and quit worrying what other people are doing. Maybe if moms focused on their own families, we wouldn't have so many screwed up adults.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by 143kc »

Sheesh, will whether your child was...
Breast fed vs. formula fed
Circumcised vs. not
Cloth diapered vs. not

Make any major difference? No. Get over yourselves...
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by mommyluvv »

Funny.. This reminds me of Lucy ! Hahahaha
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by daisyisabella1 »

When her kids are in high school, you bet one of their classmates mothers will recognize their names and tell their kids alllll about how their entire childhood is on the internet. I mean, if I were them I wouldn't want all of that out there at 15... Can you just imagine Kacen's 17 year old friends watching a video of him being breastfed at 2 and a half? (Not that theres anything wrong with breastfeeding for that long I'm just saying most people wouldn't have video evidence plastered on the internet with 300,000+ views.)
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by flippityflop »

143kc wrote:Sheesh, will whether your child was...
Breast fed vs. formula fed
Circumcised vs. not
Cloth diapered vs. not

Make any major difference? No. Get over yourselves...
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by crazycrazy »

I dont care how a baby is fed or diapered, I just care if they do get fed and have a diaper of some sort and a safe place to sleep. The details are only the mother's business.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by wasteoftime »

I'm not sure about the days thing but she uploaded a vlog 12 days pp with Peyson saying that she had a middle name but she wasn't sharing it until they received a shirt and then she'd make another vlog about it, sounds familiar eh.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by kiki »

flippityflop wrote:
143kc wrote:Sheesh, will whether your child was...
Breast fed vs. formula fed
Circumcised vs. not
Cloth diapered vs. not

Make any major difference? No. Get over yourselves...
amen... sure there are pros and cons to all - as with everything. there is no way to guarantee that you will be free from any type of illness in the future. part of your health is lifestyle, but a huge part of it is genetics and just plain luck. there are plenty of women with and without breast cancer who breast fed. it makes probably little to no difference, none of it does!
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by YTMommy3 »

Did anyone else see that Lucy commented on Jeni's (CandidMommy) last photo on Instagram? What happened to them hating each other?
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by blackbetty »

Shocked123 wrote:Lucy is the least "crunchy" mom who claims to be "crunchy." It drives me crazy!!
While I agree that Lucy is not crunchy, Jess definitely takes the cake of moms who arent crunchy but claim to be.

Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by Guest »

I don't know, I think Jess is pretty crunchy. I feel like some of the moms are just trying to be crunchy because its the "cool" thing to do and gets you attention. But Jess I actually feel like she does what she says as far as being "crunchy" goes, I do t like Jess at all, but put of all the moms I feel like she's the only one who is actually true to parenting style she claims to be.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by flippityflop »

Mamaharrison13 wrote:I don't know, I think Jess is pretty crunchy. I feel like some of the moms are just trying to be crunchy because its the "cool" thing to do and gets you attention. But Jess I actually feel like she does what she says as far as being "crunchy" goes, I do t like Jess at all, but put of all the moms I feel like she's the only one who is actually true to parenting style she claims to be.
If Jess was truly "crunchy" she would cloth diaper the twins, or at least use earth-friendly disposables like Lucy does. I don't like either of them, but Jess is not as crunchy as she wants to portray herself. Neither is Lucy.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by ladybug »

Neither Lucy or Jess are "crunchy", WTF are you talking about.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by mommyluvv »

For the one's saying Jess is "crunchy".. Please explain how. All I know that she does is extended breastfeeding and extended rear-facing. I do that, does that make me crunchy? lol. I just don't see how she is crunchy at all.

Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Mamaharrison13 wrote:I don't know, I think Jess is pretty crunchy. I feel like some of the moms are just trying to be crunchy because its the "cool" thing to do and gets you attention. But Jess I actually feel like she does what she says as far as being "crunchy" goes, I do t like Jess at all, but put of all the moms I feel like she's the only one who is actually true to parenting style she claims to be.

Just curious, in what way do you think she is crunchy? She breast feeds, that's about all I can come up with.

Women have actually been doing that since time began.

What else is there? ERF. Well, that's a new one but I don't think that car safety is really a crunchy issue, if she was truly crunchy, she wouldn't drive a car at all but would walk everywhere.

Circumcision. I don't even want to get into that again. It's been debated to death and I really don't think it's that big an issue. Yes, it's unnecessary surgery that is slowly being phased out. It's not particularly crunchy not to get it done, it actually takes less effort than getting it done.

She doesn't cook, she rarely cleans, she uses disposables.

Crunchy? No.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by marinewife0920 »

Every meal Jess serves is on a paper plate! Not crunchy.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 9

Unread post by Lambchopandfriends »

The term crunchy is beyond stupid.

Jess is not crunchy, she is not natural, she's somewhat educated as to what is best for her family.

Lucy is not crunchy, or natural. She WANTS to be. However she can't get past her lifestyle to actually BECOME crunchy, wholistic, natural.


Also lookup the actual definition. It literally means to be politically and enviromentally liberal. these women are NOT crunchy.

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