Lucy Eades: Part 10

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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by dfwmom »

I figured that she 'added a clip' to replace one that she removed. I didn't watch the video until after she put it back up so I wasn't sure what the difference was. I didn't like that she went on and on about the turtles bullying one another but then she verbally berates her children for telling her the truth about getting up in the middle of the night and being awake in the house by themselves. She could have done that when the camera his was off but instead she would rather publicly embarass them and scold them while pointing a camera in their faces. Good mothering, Lucifer. Lucy, IMO, is the biggest bully on youtube. Anyone can defend her if they want to, but honestly she is. You can look at how she has handled the birth photographer, her landlord, the woman that she said 'stole' the name Jacelyn from her, and the woman who works at that community center and tell that she, by nature, is a bully. She loves drama and she will hold a grudge forever, it seems, but she is 100% by nature a bullying person, so I always get a kick out of her telling other people to stop bullying and be nice to one another. I think that she does that when its obvious that she has just finished reading here. That part of the most recently posted vlog was all about stuff that we recently talking about here. I wish that she would not make it so obvious that she reads here.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by ohaudrey »

Idk if anyone can be, by nature, a bullying person. But she is def narcissistic so that leads to these types of things

I agree, pretty fucked up to discipline a child on camera. Also fucked up to show your kids on camera for your own financial gain, so comes with the territory I guess?
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by red3head »

She hates to sleep yet she has shown in multiple videos her and E not rolling out of bed until after 10.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by mommyluvv »

Oh, of course... we were all just talking about Emersyn not getting any tummy time, and look who just posted a picture on IG with Emersyn having tummy time!!
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by ladybug »

Poor emersyn is so damn fat and has those horrible slanted eyes like Lucy.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by dfwmom »

I always feel weird when I look at pictures of her kids now because I feel like I am one of the only people in the world who don't think that Chevbo is cute. I feel like she looks like her parents but I feel like she doesn't look anything like her brother and sisters, who I feel are cute. Everyone keeps commenting that they love her cheeks and that she is so cute because she is a so chunky.

My babies were always small but as long as they were growing on a curve I didn't care... is this some sort of breastfeeding moms sense of accomplishment is having a child who is over 100% on the weight curve? Seems concerning with how much weight she is gaining to be honest with you... I mean in all of her pictures that she posts of how often she weighs her and how she is doing as far as a % is scary... in one of those she gained just shy of a lb in one week and in one she gained 4 ozs in one day. I understand that they say that a BF baby will not overeat but this seems excessive...
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by ladybug »

4 ounces in a day is insane! 5-8 ozs in a week is normal for a bf baby. My baby girl is 10 lb 5 oz at 5 weeks, and she was born at 8 lb 13 oz. Emersyn seems HUGE.

But if recall, joels family looks like obese slobs, so maybe she takes after them...
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by dfwmom »

She is huge. Right at, or right before she was two months old she was just under 15 lbs and she wasn't any heavier any your baby when she was born. There are people commenting on her IG that said that there children gained like a lb per week the first couple of months or something like that, which is insane.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by roseth »

mommyluvv wrote:Well, If Lucy didn't shove her boob in Emersyn's mouth every time she moved, she would have a chance to play. I have yet to see her have any tummy time or anything.
She answered you back on her instagram:

(sorry, don't know how to post a pic)

Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by LizLee30 »

Emersyn is not a cute baby at all. At first I thought she looked a lot like Jace (who is really beautiful), but I'm not seeing it anymore. She may grow into her looks. I don't feel bad about saying she's not a cute baby, most babies aren't exceptionally cute (it's only noticeable with Emersyn because the other three children were all quite cute at this age).
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by ohaudrey »

Don't forget, breastfed babies are not on the same growth chart as FF ones-- they are smaller. So Emmerson is 90th percentile for FF babes. She'd def be off the charts for BF.

And no, she's not cute. She looks like an old person.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by ohaudrey »

Btw, very few infants are cute. They start getting cute past 6 months when they grow into their looks and start to thin out. So, she's not cute and it is so strange when ppl claim she is--- pretty much the only person who thinks most infants are cute is their family, it's innate.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by Cookiedoh »

She gives such bitchy answers, I understand her reasoning for this comment but maybe saying it a nicer way would be good

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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by Cookiedoh »

But on the other hand the clip of her and Peyson was really nice to see her just being silly
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by Lambchopandfriends »

That comment was warranted. The question was kind of rude. Usually Lucy is snappy in her responses but idk I feel like I'd say the same thing if I was asked that.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by DigThePig »

I don't know if she really wanted to it would be very easy to put her camera on a tripod and set it to record while she did those things. I think the person was trying to call her out on the fact that she does not do those things at all. (Joel does) If I remember correctly she has never done a true DITL but I haven't seen many of her videos lately.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by ohaudrey »

What a bitch
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by mommyluvv »

Cookiedoh wrote:She gives such bitchy answers, I understand her reasoning for this comment but maybe saying it a nicer way would be good

Yes, it takes her undivided attention to watch Joel Cook, clean, bathe the kids, and let them all just pass out wherever they want.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by curvycarrot »

mommyluvv wrote:
Cookiedoh wrote:She gives such bitchy answers, I understand her reasoning for this comment but maybe saying it a nicer way would be good

Yes, it takes her undivided attention to watch Joel Cook, clean, bathe the kids, and let them all just pass out wherever they want.
So where was her undivided attention when Pace Pace got that horrible burn? She acts like she is actually paying attention(or watching!) to her kids 24/7 which if you've watched her DITL videos she definitively does not.
And lol at her saying she wants to keep her sanity, she does realize this channel is her job? This is how she is able to afford all of those big a** bows for her daughters head. Her zulily shopping addiction, her honest diaper collection, and her manicures.

Her DITL videos SUCK(and Lucy I hope your reading this). They are TERRIBLE. Shes doing nothing but sitting in front of a camera and talking to herself(most days). In fact..IMHO she comes off either narcissistic or cold/stand offish in her videos. Why does she even continue these vlogs? She has no problem squeezing out every birth video she can so that she can make a few dollars but puts little effort into her average video. But I get it Lucy, as long as you upload a video and ppl click on it..thats all that matters ;)

Sorry if this came off a little crazy. I use to like Lucy and her family but I am starting to realize she is nothing but a mosquito of YouTube.
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Re: Lucy Eades: Part 10

Unread post by dfwmom »

curvycarrot wrote:
mommyluvv wrote:
Cookiedoh wrote:She gives such bitchy answers, I understand her reasoning for this comment but maybe saying it a nicer way would be good

Yes, it takes her undivided attention to watch Joel Cook, clean, bathe the kids, and let them all just pass out wherever they want.
So where was her undivided attention when Pace Pace got that horrible burn? She acts like she is actually paying attention(or watching!) to her kids 24/7 which if you've watched her DITL videos she definitively does not.
And lol at her saying she wants to keep her sanity, she does realize this channel is her job? This is how she is able to afford all of those big a** bows for her daughters head. Her zulily shopping addiction, her honest diaper collection, and her manicures.

Her DITL videos SUCK(and Lucy I hope your reading this). They are TERRIBLE. Shes doing nothing but sitting in front of a camera and talking to herself(most days). In fact..IMHO she comes off either narcissistic or cold/stand offish in her videos. Why does she even continue these vlogs? She has no problem squeezing out every birth video she can so that she can make a few dollars but puts little effort into her average video. But I get it Lucy, as long as you upload a video and ppl click on it..thats all that matters ;)

Sorry if this came off a little crazy. I use to like Lucy and her family but I am starting to realize she is nothing but a mosquito of YouTube.

And don't forget about Kacen's broken arm, or his broken nose, or Jacelyn busted out teeth, or the fact that three of them got up in the middle of the night the other night, ate a snack, set off the car alarm, and played around for hours and neither Lucy nor Joel noticed. But yet she watches over them like a hawk 24/7.... right. :|

She always claims that youtube comes after all other items in importance but she is forgetting that she makes money from youtube and the whole reason why she has any 'fame' in her pathetic life is because of youtube. she is cold/standoffish in real life as well. ask anyone who has seen her in person or in public - she is rarely playing with the kids and most of the time is holding one of them looking miserable. you can see it in some of their videos as well - i can't remember which one it was but they were recently (possibly in vlogtember) were in a bounce house place and joel turns the camera on her and she looks miserable telling one of her older children not to act out or something like that.

her videos are terrible, especially recently and i don't watch unless i am expecting a gigantic train wreck to happen in one of them. is she still posting about the dog or have they 'lost' this one as well?

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