Off Topic Banter Part 7

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Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by dfwmom »

Please continue here...

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by FLOSSY77 »

Sounds fun!! Go for it!
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by Shameless »

cakewalked wrote:has anyone here up and moved to a new city by themselves?
i'm applying for jobs in cities 3+ hours away because I want to get away, but it seems kind of reckless and random. but also intriguing. just wondering if anyone has experience with it.
I am right about to do this. I really want to attend college and the closet one is 2 hours away, so that is where I am moving. I have managed to get a transfer with my job so that is covered and by some kind of miracle I have found a place to rent that is only $180 per week with 2 bedrooms (although one is more like an office).

It has been a long time coming, I have been trying to do this for like 3 years now and it is finally happening. It's so true that everything happens for a reason.

I am scared because I have no friends there, although I do have two aunts that live there, one that I am very close to, so I don't think I'll be too lonely. And I'll have my work colleagues too.

Do you live with your parents still Cake? I do.

It does seem a little reckless but as long as you have a job to go to I think it's okay. There's nothing quite like being on your own to make you take life and whatnot seriously.

Are you going to rent? Live by yourself or with roomies? Tell me everything.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by LizLee30 »


I moved across the world (21 hour flight) by myself at 19. I have a roommate though (for the moment, our lease is up in November and I'm moving out on my own then) and I knew people in NYC through my work. My situation was different because I was already established in my job and it was going to be beneficial (even imperative) for me to move to either NYC or Paris to continue that.

I'm so glad I did it. There is a lot I miss about Australia and I miss my family and best friend every day, but with modern technology, it's not such a big deal. I FaceTime my mum every day and my best friend and I are in a permanent text conversation thanks to iMessage.

If it doesn't work out, you can always move back. That's the mindset I have. It doesn't have to be permanent.

My mum did the same thing when she was 20: moved from Sweden to Australia. She actually had no intention of moving to Australia permanently; she was doing a study exchange but she met my dad and decided to stay on.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by Shameless »

cakewalked wrote:I love it! that's great that you're finally doing it and have the opportunity. that sounds great! will you be living alone?
I just graduated and moved home from college so yes I am with my parents currently. my boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, he's two hours away currently. where I want to move, I would probably live alone and rent a one bedroom. the places are very small towns in the middle of no where so its very cheap, like 450 a month. i have a dog and thats the only thing i would know wherever i move to. the city where my boyfriend lives is also an option. the two places i'm looking at would be 4 hours away from home, 4-5 away from him. i was originally going to move cross-country temporarily but i just can't see that yet.
i have some weird emotional issues going on that make me want to leave this place. and be even farther away from my boyfriend. i know, sounds weird. but i need to be independent. depression is making me angry at him for being so far away at college. i am very irrational in my thinking. i just can't decide what would be best for me.
Cake I swear you and I are on the same wavelength or something.

Yes I will be living alone as I can't stand other people lol. I totally know what you mean when you say you need to be alone. I too have some weird emotional issues. I think a lot of it comes from living with my mother, even though she isn't technically *that* bad, there's something about living with your parents that really holds you back. I feel like I can't do anything without asking her permission, even though she technically has no say and doesn't really care what I do.

How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

And like Liz said, you can always move back to your parents place if it doesn't work out, although it's not ideal.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by Shameless »

Cake I will be 21 in December. I hear ya with the dependant thing. Just try to get a job and see how you go.

I used to really worry about money, but the way I see it is there are plenty of people who have done it on less money than you before and plenty will do it in the future.

Do you have any savings? Do you have a car (do you need one?)

As long as you don't get into debt or waste money on silly things then I think you'll be okay.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by Shameless »

cakewalked wrote:i have some money saved, yes. i try REALLY hard not to spend money. i have a car with no payments and i have no loans at all. so in that aspect i am set.
I think you will be okay.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by LizLee30 »

cakewalked wrote:Liz I remember you talking about that before. Modeling right?
That's a crazy move. I'm glad it worked out!

Shameless that's so weird! I am really picky about who I live with too. I am just afraid I will go broke if I do this. I will be 21 in a couple weeks. What about you? You guys are right I could definitely move back. I think the really hard part will be getting a job so that I can support myself. But I just hate being so dependent and living here. They want me to start paying rent. It's not much but still.
Yep! I recommend getting out on your own, even if it's just for 6 months or so, because you will gain a lot of perspective. :)

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by Medic »

I'm the same as you girls. I've wanted to be on my own since I was like 15, I probably would be now too but my son was born when I was 17 and I'm still at home because I can't afford my own place work and support my son and myself. Just these past few months I've been thinking when my sons older we just pick up and move FAR away I've always wanted to go to austrailia but I might just move across the country. I love canada but I want to experience new things. If it was just me now I'd be traveling the world. Now I'm saving for a car and the start up fees of an apartment/house (couches kitchen stuff etc) I say you should do it! If you are financially set you should be fine. :)

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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by FLOSSY77 »

One thing at a time medic and you can do it! :)
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by kingoflove21vher »

Currently pissed off because even though my school lists me as a junior in their attendance records/etc and I went to the JUNIOR class assembly I got listed as a sophomore in an article on the website and sent a sophomore class paper with all my other junior ones a few weeks ago. I'm probably being irrational, I just feel cheated because I busted my ass all summer to make up for what happened last year and being labeled a sophomore (when I know I'm not) feels like slap in the face. :|

"I suppose the story of my life is a search for love, but more than that, I have been looking for a way to repair myself from the damages I suffered early on ..."

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by FLOSSY77 »

Chinese take out on the floor sounds fun!

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by Medic »

FLOSSY77 wrote:One thing at a time medic and you can do it! :)
But but I don't wanna wait! Jk lol just mainly focused on a car right now and then start up apartment fees :)

Furniture I see all the time for good prices but I have no where to store it all.

I'm considering letting one of my best guy friends move in with me when I chose to move out he offered to help with bills so we'd split the cost but we'd have to share a room because it's impossible to find a decent priced 3 bedroom in the area.

I don't know how sharing a room would go over lol that would be interesting.

King just try to ignore it best as you can, I understand your frustration I'd be pissed too. :) in the us for high school is each grade called something different (ie. juniour and sophomore?) here grade 9&10 are Juniours then 11&12&fifthyears are seniors

This is a reallllly long post sorry but someone just tole me the other day that in America you guys can't buy bags of milk is that true is it the same in like austrailia? I find things like this fascinating!

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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by whatsername_ »

9th grade is a freshman. 10th is a sophomore. 11th is a junior. And 12th is a senior.

What's a fifth year!?

And nope! Our milk comes in jugs or plastic bottles.
We don't have ketchup chips either. :( I found a brand where I am that thankfully makes them but they're so hard to find.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by FLOSSY77 »

What the hell is a bag of milk? lol
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by blackbetty »

FLOSSY77 wrote:What the hell is a bag of milk? lol

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by Medic »

That's so funny I had no idea you guys didn't have this stuff!

Ketchup chips:

This is What you buy bags of milk in inside the big bag is three individual bags that you put in a jug like this then you just cut a tiny corner off the bag and you pour it.

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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by Madhatter42 »

I don't post that much but you guys talking about moving out made me want to join in. I'm 19 and currently living with my mom. Me and her don't get along very well so I really want to move out. My brothers offered for me to move in with him but I'm really wanting to move away for college next August and I feel like I should spend this time at home since I won't see my mom as much after that. But I also really want my freedom. And my mom doesn't even want me to go to the college I really want to go to. Any suggestions on how to talk her into letting me move across the states for college?
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by MamaJoAnna »

I'm sick. *cough cough* I can't go out.

(Seriously though, my throat is IRRITATED. And it's very annoying...nothing helps. From hubby saying he can see white, he claims he's given me a virus, but I swear this is strep minus the fever and puking)
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 7

Unread post by Yue195 »

Has your relationship with your mum always been quite rocky-ish or has it been a couple of recent months or years? Me and my mum never got along between the time I was 10 to 17 and a half. When I left school she was we had constant rows over it, she thought I was over reacting to everything, it wasn't til I had my incident with a bunch if pills she really saw I was so unhappy with my life that we actually sat down and talked and not yell and insult eachother. She told me she was scared me leaving school would affect my future since her friends son couldn't continue his apprenticeship since he didn't have a year 12 certificate. And I told her if I continue going I probably won't have a future. When she relented and let me go to uni for my certificates, it turned out to be the better for me and now I have a job, building a career and decent savings. I even but my mum lunch now every second weekend. She classifies my uni days equivilant to my year 12, even better than year 12.

Point of the story, have a heart to heart with your and find out her reasoning and tell her yours. It can't hurt.
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