Excuse me but don't judge my ability to moderate a gossiping forum based on my illness(es). I've also got gastroparesis and IBS. Does that mean I shouldn't be a mod as well? I've made plenty of calls so far that have been perfectly fine. Being a moderator doesn't only entail banning people or doling out punishments. It includes doing things like locking topics when they hit page 40 and other mundane tasks. Until I have done something that has made you question my judgment, you have no foundation to support your theory that I will be/am a poor moderator. Stop being so damn judgmental.thegooseiscooked wrote:I did try to be understanding. I asked you what we could say that would make it better. I tried to calm you down by pointing out the facts. And what I said ended up being true, didn't it? You were just throwing daggers at me, its normal for me to get a little defensive.
This site does worry me. I stand by those comments. It's not sour grapes because I don't want to be a mod. I don't think that you're in a good enough place emotionally or mentally to be judging what other people say and having the power to dole out punishments at whim. I think your illness definitely clouds your judgement.
And may I remind you that I could have "doled out punishment at whim" the other night when you threw shit at me for being a moderator... but I didn't. Because I don't let my illnesses cloud my judgment when it comes to moderating a gossiping forum that has nothing to do with my real life.