Off Topic Banter Part 8

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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by AnonymousSource »

thegooseiscooked wrote:I did try to be understanding. I asked you what we could say that would make it better. I tried to calm you down by pointing out the facts. And what I said ended up being true, didn't it? You were just throwing daggers at me, its normal for me to get a little defensive.

This site does worry me. I stand by those comments. It's not sour grapes because I don't want to be a mod. I don't think that you're in a good enough place emotionally or mentally to be judging what other people say and having the power to dole out punishments at whim. I think your illness definitely clouds your judgement.
Excuse me but don't judge my ability to moderate a gossiping forum based on my illness(es). I've also got gastroparesis and IBS. Does that mean I shouldn't be a mod as well? I've made plenty of calls so far that have been perfectly fine. Being a moderator doesn't only entail banning people or doling out punishments. It includes doing things like locking topics when they hit page 40 and other mundane tasks. Until I have done something that has made you question my judgment, you have no foundation to support your theory that I will be/am a poor moderator. Stop being so damn judgmental.

And may I remind you that I could have "doled out punishment at whim" the other night when you threw shit at me for being a moderator... but I didn't. Because I don't let my illnesses cloud my judgment when it comes to moderating a gossiping forum that has nothing to do with my real life.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

I was more referring to the bipolar than the IBS ;) You've said plenty of things and flown off the handle so many times that, yes, I have questioned both your sanity and your ability to remain impartial.

I didn't throw shit at you for being a mod. I questioned your suitability to be a mod and then I bit my tongue. You didn't like that either. Other people were in that conversation and said things too but you quite often take offence at me personally.

You're completely unable to take constructive criticism. You refuse to see things from anyone else's perspective. You have an extremely short fuse.

You showed an amazing lack of empathy and understanding towards AutumnLane who was quite upset about her father having terminal cancer. Not so much as a "sorry" passed your lips. Just whining on and on about your insignificant problems with your "me me me!" attitude.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by FLOSSY77 »

I understand anxiety but have no tolerance for whining. And it really rubbed me wrong that Autumn's thoughtful post was overlooked by you and the drama.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by AnonymousSource »

I'm sorry AutumnLane's father has cancer, I truly am. But if you had anxiety and anxiety attacks, you'd understand that you don't think past your problems and panic about the situation at hand when you're having a panic attack. You don't have time to panic/empathize/post about someone else's problems. Like I fucking said, I won't be posting publicly about my anxiety issues anymore because apparently I'm a horrible person because of it.

AutumnLane, my condolences to you. Your problems are obviously much larger than mine were. I hope you find peace in this troubling time.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

No, you're not a horrible person because you suffer anxiety.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by blackbetty »

Not to be the devil's advocate but why would you post on a snarky forum like this mid panic attack?
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by AnonymousSource »

You ladies seemed helpful to other posters in their troubling times. I figured maybe you'd be helpful to me, too. You're not all bitches. Our attitude just comes out when we talk about teenagers getting pregnant and doing other stupid shit on purpose.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Well, to be fair, Anon, I DID try to be helpful. It didn't turn nasty until you told me I was ignorant.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by blackbetty »

I didn't say anything negative at all. I didn't say anything about your situation because I didn't really have anything to offer that was in any way constructive. But you have to admit it was a logical question.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by AnonymousSource »

thegooseiscooked wrote:Well, to be fair, Anon, I DID try to be helpful. It didn't turn nasty until you told me I was ignorant.
AnonymousSource wrote:
thegooseiscooked wrote: [...]Why does your boyfriend have to take time off to take you there? Why can't you go yourself? You don't drive? Take public transport. Get a taxi.

I am honestly scratching my head here. You have been the first person to argue with me, to pick a fight with someone, to be bold enough to have a different opinion and stick up for it despite the abuse you cop for it.....and now you want us to believe you are some shivering little frightened shadow too scared to venture out of the house alone? It's not adding up.

If all of the above is true, I would suggest that this site is perhaps not the best place for you to be. Not a healthy place for someone who is suffering their own issues. And yet you were made a mod. Geez....this site worries the heck out of me sometimes.
There are many things wrong with your post, but I'll just point this out in particular. 1. Not that it's much of your business but, I don't have the money to use public transport and public transport sucks in America. No, I don't drive. I stopped driving after my anxiety became crippling basically. I'm literally scared to death that if I drive I will get into a car accident and die. So, yes, my boyfriend takes off work and drives me.

2. I can be as bold as I want on the internet. I'm ANONYMOUS on here after all. I'm definitely not this bold on Facebook or Instagram or any of my real life social media. Just because I appear bold and argumentative and I stick up for myself here doesn't mean I don't have crippling anxiety and problems within my own life that I'm dealing with. Your whole post sounded pretty ignorant.

3. Never once did I ask to be a mod or was I consulted about being a mod. I was just "promoted" randomly by Morgan after talking to him in the shout box a few times. If you have a problem with that, take it up with him.

I'll remember not to bring my personal problems into the off topic banter for future reference because unless it involves "beans in a muff" or getting drunk off your ass, people don't seem as sensitive.
You were saying?..

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

What did I say that was nasty or untrue?

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

And don't think that it escaped my attention that you chose not to quote all the reassuring things I said and the advice I gave immediately prior to that. You certainly want to change history to suit your argument, don't you?

If you're going to quote me, do it fully, not just the edited version to try and make me look bad.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by AnonymousSource »

thegooseiscooked wrote:And don't think that it escaped my attention that you chose not to quote all the reassuring things I said and the advice I gave immediately prior to that. You certainly want to change history to suit your argument, don't you?

If you're going to quote me, do it fully, not just the edited version to try and make me look bad.
I quoted exactly what I quoted the first time. I'm not trying to make anything look like anything. I'm simply pointing out that I didn't call you ignorant until after your whole spiel about me being able to stick up for myself online and therefore I must be lying about having anxiety. Or if I'm not lying, I shouldn't be a mod even though I didn't ask to be one. You were far from helpful before I called you ignorant and if you think that post of yours was helpful, you must be mental, too.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by Yue195 »

... Woah... This is getting a bit tedious now.
In the name of the moon, I shall gossip about you.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by FLOSSY77 »

I saw advice given. Questions were asked to get a better understanding.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Where did I say you lied? Please highlight that bit. Because I don't believe I did.

I merely suggested that this absolute panic over nothing was out of character for a girl who was usually very collected and opinionated. It was strange. I found it strange. You're reading between the lines now and putting words in my mouth.

Fine. I thought I made the best suggestions that I could given that I had no concept of what you were talking about. If you didn't find it helpful or constructive, then I'm sorry. I did my best. I didn't see anyone else rushing to your aid but okay. No need to be rude. I won't respond to your self-centred, "poor me" cries of woe again.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by blackbetty »

*chants* box-ing ring! Box-ing ring!


Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Nah, I'm done. :?
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by AnonymousSource »

thegooseiscooked wrote:Where did I say you lied? Please highlight that bit. Because I don't believe I did.

I merely suggested that this absolute panic over nothing was out of character for a girl who was usually very collected and opinionated. It was strange. I found it strange. You're reading between the lines now and putting words in my mouth.

Fine. I thought I made the best suggestions that I could given that I had no concept of what you were talking about. If you didn't find it helpful or constructive, then I'm sorry. I did my best. I didn't see anyone else rushing to your aid but okay. No need to be rude. I won't respond to your self-centred, "poor me" cries of woe again.
I apologize that I may have looked further into what you were saying than I should have and taken offence to things that weren't even implied. Thank you for actually trying to help. But I still find a lot of what you said to be abrasive during my crisis period. I'm trying to get you to understand that. But if you don't it's whatever. Panic attack is over with. Situation has been resolved. There was no need for you to bring it up again, goose. But I guess you wanted an apology, so here it is.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 8

Unread post by AnonymousSource »

And HAHA no need to be rude? Coming from you goose, really? I should frame that.

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