LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Well she had to wait for Josh to finish with the computer first ;) Wipe that keyboard down, Ash.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by gypsophila »

From the horse's mouth, June 2013:
thelittlefamilyof3 wrote: HIPAA laws are not like criminal laws. Think of them like the speeding tickets of law.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thelittlefamilyof3 »

Sure I come here every so often to see what's new. It's why we're all here isn't it? But I've honestly been so busy working and furthering my career that I really haven't even had time to think about this place. But last night when my mind was racing and I couldn't sleep, it was a good opportunity to peek in.

Bottom line- 2 years ago I did something incredibly wrong and stupid. Since then I never have and never will do anything like that ever again. Not a single one of you can say every decision you've made is perfect and you've never made a bad one. The important thing is to learn from it, which clearly I have. That's all anyone can do.
I'm not allyshia. I would never wish ill on anyone here. Truth be told, I would be perfectly happy to carry on pleasant conversations with everyone here without holding a grudge or bringing up the past. I have too many blessings in my life to dwell on the things that bring my spirits down. I have a husband who loves me unconditionally, a daughter who is blossoming before me every day, a home in the works, and a career I will have until I retire. I know there are people here who have those things too and feel just as blessed. Why can't we all just be civil and get along? Life is too short.
Whew... That turned into something much longer than j intended!

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

You want to be friends? You do? :-o

Weren't you the one that was "above all this"? Didn't you say you were never coming back?

From your own admission, life is full and wonderful for you now. Why would you want to slum it in here with us bitches?

Feeling lonely, Ash?
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thelittlefamilyof3 »

I never said anything about friends goose. I said I wkuld have no problem being civil. I have never had a problem being civil. I still have an opinion on certain things. Especially videos I watch regularly.

Gypsy obviously I hadn't fully grasped the seriousness of my actions at that point. I don't know how else to say it. Do I need to say it in a dozen other languages? Will I need to say it every day for the rest of my life? Do you still rehash bad choices you made years ago?

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Yeah, sure, I'll be civil. What the hell.

As soon as you admit you lied about the ectopic pregnancy.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by gypsophila »

thelittlefamilyof3 wrote:I never said anything about friends goose. I said I wkuld have no problem being civil. I have never had a problem being civil. I still have an opinion on certain things. Especially videos I watch regularly.

Gypsy obviously I hadn't fully grasped the seriousness of my actions at that point. I don't know how else to say it. Do I need to say it in a dozen other languages? Will I need to say it every day for the rest of my life? Do you still rehash bad choices you made years ago?
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit Ashley. LOL! That was, according to you at least 2 months after the incident where you got fired. You didn't know the importance after getting FIRED? You are in denial girl. If only we could contact your new employer and show them your own words. Oh wait, damn, you're the one who does that, not us. :D
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

Gypso! You sure crawled out of the woodwork. Haven't seen you for months!
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thelittlefamilyof3 »

Oh me oh my. were not going there again. I did not lie. I was extremely emotionally and physically fucked up when I posted what happened to me. Lots of things were left out, lots of things were admittedly misspoken by myself. By the time I was even fully filled in by my family what happened, the damage had already been done here. Haven't you ever had a blackout moment where you remember things one way but they may have happened another? Multiply that by 100 and add in a slew of anesthesia, IV narcotics and painkillers after having several major surgeries. I was more doped up than Judy garland.
It will never matter what I say goose. Honestly what if I did come out and say "hey guys. So I really lied about the whole thing. Sorry."? What then. You would treat me the same way as you do now lol. So in sorry but no. I just can't say something to appease you.

Gypsy- I will fully admitt it took me a long while and a lot of research of similar instances to make me realize what I did was fucked up and not a gokd way to go about things at all.

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thegooseiscooked » that's a no.

So, I'll be civil if you admit that you lied about Josh's non-alcoholic alcoholism.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thelittlefamilyof3 »

I lied about josh not drinking when he really was. That is the one thing I did lie about. He had been doing well, messed up once or twice and I knew you would hone in on his mistakes rather than what he is doing well. So I Tried to cover it up. However I am thrilled to report that since then, he has gotten a great deal of help with his issue and is right on track.

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by Guest »

You weren't doped up when you perpetuated the story and stuck to it for months.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thelittlefamilyof3 »

Except I didn't. My story never changed. But the details did as I went back in and read my old posts, and filled in the correct information.

Oy. It will never matter. I was fully prepared to even post the paperwork here until before I even posted it there were "it's fake!" Comments flying around. So
Fuck it. Nothing I do or post will ever prove to you what happened. Gone with the wind is back on! Time to get my Scarlett on :)!
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by Iammrsnesbitt »

From what you just posted you seem

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

thelittlefamilyof3 wrote: Fuck it. Nothing I do or post will ever prove to you what happened. Gone with the wind is back on! Time to get my Scarlett on :)!
That's simply not true, Ashley. I believe you've said you have proof in the form of hospital documents but you refuse to share them. That would end it. That would shut us all up. I wonder why you don't/can't post it. Black out your name, even though we already know it, black out your address, even though we already know it. Black out your date of birth, even though we don't care. All I want to see is proof that Ashley M was transferred from such and such a hospital to VIP Hospital Maryland suffering suspected ectopic pregnancy and what treatment you received. Surely that's not so hard to do. The ultimate revenge is in your hands.

Yes, back you go to Gone with the Wind. Keep on dreaming about a life that isn't yours.

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

thelittlefamilyof3 wrote:I lied about josh not drinking when he really was. That is the one thing I did lie about. He had been doing well, messed up once or twice and I knew you would hone in on his mistakes rather than what he is doing well. So I Tried to cover it up. However I am thrilled to report that since then, he has gotten a great deal of help with his issue and is right on track.
Help from whom? Not his family obviously, who were the ones who quickly put a beer in his hands the minute your ass was gone.

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Can you stop calling Gypsophila gypsy? That's a slur and is offensive whereas her actual name is a flower - if I'm not mistaken.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by Iammrsnesbitt »

Idk why my post got fucked up but I meant you seem awfully nice. From your post about moving on and being civil. Like I said, I have my hands too full to read all your pages so I guess I'll just fill in bits and pieces of you from here on out lol
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by thelittlefamilyof3 »

whatsername_ wrote:Can you stop calling Gypsophila gypsy? That's a slur and is offensive whereas her actual name is a flower - if I'm not mistaken.
Oh for Pete's sake...I was on my phone and it autocorrected to that. But of course I was intentionality trying to be derogatory and inflammatory. :roll:

Mrsnesbitt- Thanks =) I honestly try to get along with everyone. All I've ever done here is call things like I see them, even if my opinion is in the minority. Being like that doesn't always make you popular, but you stay true to yourself.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by truffles92 »

Yeah, Ashley. You've always been a peach!

You were a cunt who thought they belonged on a really high pedestal when everyone here was kissing your ass and didn't see through your vapid personality.
Truffles92: Portraying my own context since 2012
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