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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by flippityflop »

You just need a nice, bloody steak.
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by blackbetty »

God that you think you're better than animals comment killed me. So funny. Had to come back and read it again.
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by flippityflop »

Until cows and chickens can fly into space I will continue to believe that I am ABSOLUTELY above animals.
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by grandscheme »

flippityflop wrote:Until cows and chickens can fly into space I will continue to believe that I am ABSOLUTELY above animals.
LOL. I love when people try to prove that they're smart by laying claim on the victories of others. YOU had nothing to do with any humans going into space. So maybe the scientists, astronomers, and astronauts that did deserve a better life than you. Til then, you're the same as the animals.

Secondly, I know who you are. So whatever other threads you're posting on, I'll be sure to inform those people to block you from their social media :)

Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Holy SHIT this girl is psycho
:lol: why did I not read here more often?!

Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Oh, and by the way, sweet pea.

I saw you mention God above...
He did create the animals to live peacefully with man, but after the downfall - I.e. introduction of sin into the world - they were then used for sacrifice. Which, in your way of thinking, could be considered wasteful. They didn't eat of the animals they slaughtered.
They just skinned them, and/or tied them to wooden stakes and burned them alive. :)

Fast forward to the New Testament after the death of Christ, who was the perfect sacrifice, sacrificial lambs/animals were no longer necessary.
God came to Peter in a dream, (proof for you here: ... )
And God tells Peter to kill and eat the animals.

So, in a long, round about way, God does not cast judgement for eating the animals provided, so who the hell are you to spout your self righteous propaganda about veganism or the slaughtering process?

You attract more flies with honey, sugar-pie.


Love, a past vegetarian and current pescatarian. <3
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by blackbetty »

Tina, you really do yourself a huge disservice the way you defend your beliefs with a narcissistic attack. If it was "hey, that was my personal page, my videos, if you hate it don't watch", or "this is how I feel about it because..." Instead of implying how much better you are than people who eat meat, you'd do a lot more for your cause. Just sayin.
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by grandscheme »

blackbettybamf wrote:Tina, you really do yourself a huge disservice the way you defend your beliefs with a narcissistic attack. If it was "hey, that was my personal page, my videos, if you hate it don't watch",
That's what I did say. Look:
grandscheme wrote:Whoever does not like it does not have to follow me. [...] I'm not trying to be rude, but it is entirely your choice what you look at.
blackbettybamf wrote:Instead of implying how much better you are than people who eat meat
Quote me please.
whatsername_ wrote:I saw you mention God above...
I would never bring god into anything. "God" is not even a word that is spoken in our house. I only mentioned god because someone else did.
grandscheme wrote:
Lovaleea wrote:I am a Christian, I believe in God...
God did not create all of the beautiful creatures in the world to be...
whatsername_ wrote:Which, in your way of thinking, could be considered wasteful
I never implied that "wasting" animals was wrong. I actually think that the fact that every part of an animal is used - even parts that no one would ever DREAM of eating if they knew what they were - is pretty disgusting. In the end, you kill an animal, you killed an animal. I don't care if you wasted it or not. It's actually slightly less degrading to leave the whole carcass wasted than to grind it up and put it in the intestines of other carcasses for consumption.
whatsername_ wrote:God does not cast judgement for eating the animals provided
Does he cast judgement for enslaving and raping the animals provided to create more than just what was provided in the name of gluttony? Just wondering. 70 billion land animals per year, ten times the human population of the earth...much more than what was "provided".
whatsername_ wrote:And God tells Peter to kill and eat the animals.
...and also to capture them and keep them in cages so small that they can not even turn around for their entire life span. And to beat them. And to transport them in crates to places that sometimes take over 24 hours to get to, without giving them food or water. And to let their legs get stuck in those crates and have an angry factory worker pull their legs off in an attempt to do his job quickly. And have them die of starvation or freeze to death on the way to their death.

Also, did he mention that we should kill all of the male chicks who can not produce eggs by grinding them up in a huge grinder? And to thump to death on a concrete floor all of the pigs deemed unfit to make a profit on?

I did not bring god into this, someone else did. There is no god in this system.
whatsername_ wrote:You attract more flies with honey, sugar-pie.
I am a vegan. I would not steal honey from a bee to feed it to a fly.
whatsername_ wrote:Love, a past vegetarian and current pescatarian
Fish aren't vegetables. And there is a lot more cruelty in a glass of milk than many of the "meat" products out there.
whatsername_ wrote:Holy SHIT this girl is psycho
Calling someone crazy, the last resort of anyone who can't think of anything else to say.
whatsername_ wrote:who the hell are you to spout your self righteous propaganda about veganism
I never said anything self righteous. I have actually said that I am no better than the animals. Being vegan is not about being self righteous, it is about assuming that every living being is equal. If anyone said anything self righteous, it was this:
flippityflop wrote:I am ABSOLUTELY above animals.

Love, self righteous psycho <3
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by flippityflop »

Omg, this girl. Ya killin me smalls.

Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Yeah, you are a self righteous psycho who just proved my point.

I don't care who mentioned God first, YOU did in a previous post.
Which I decided to address since your post started with, "God didn't place animals here..."

Again, all you're spewing is propaganda.
Which doesn't help your case.

You sound like an ignorant toddler throwing a temper tantrum because someone disagrees with your opinion on what animals are here for.

Where the fuck did I say fish was a vegetable? Lol, I'm a pescatarian, and that means, since you're too dense to understand, that I eat fish and or fowl, but don't partake in red meat or pork.
I also don't drink cows milk.
But since you know everything about my diet, I'm glad you let me know about my "cruelty" filled glass of calcium.

I'm sorry for the pain I put those almonds through.
Their little almond udders ripped off and their little almond screams heard throughout the country side.
The soybean who will never know it's mother or father as I drink it through my carnivorous mouth hole.

I'm a monster.
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by grandscheme »

whatsername_ wrote:all you're spewing is propaganda.
Which doesn't help your case.
I'm not here to make a case. I responded to the "cases" made before me, but never did I come here to say anything about being a vegan without being prompted, asked, or spoken harshly about.
whatsername_ wrote:You sound like an ignorant toddler throwing a temper tantrum because someone disagrees with your opinion on what animals are here for.
I have called nobody names, and added nothing extra other than response to what was written. If anything, the people who came on here to speak ill of me for being vegan in the first place are the ones who are doing exactly that.
whatsername_ wrote:since you're too dense to understand
I am just as dense as you are. Science.
whatsername_ wrote:I'm a monster.
You said it, not me.
whatsername_ wrote:Yeah, you are a self righteous psycho who just proved my point.
I already said I was when I last signed off.
grandscheme wrote:
Love, self righteous psycho <3
Geez, you're just being angry and taking this in circles. It's not even fun now.

Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by whatsername_ »


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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by grandscheme »

whatsername_ wrote:"Science."

you made me go check to see if i spelled it wrong. phewf.
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by blackbetty »

grandscheme wrote:
blackbettybamf wrote:I suddenly want a cheeseburger.
This doesn't make me angry. It doesn't show me that you hate me or that you want to fight. It just shows that you have been brought up to believe that you are better than other living things and that you believe it is okay for them to suffer for your palette preference. That's okay. I was brought up that way too. I can only hope that one day something will happen around you that will give you back your empathy. But this doesn't make me upset. You are just me, two years ago. Instead it gives me hope. In two years, perhaps you will feel the way I do now. It is beautiful learning how to love after being taught it's okay to participate in hate.
Here's your quote. Implying that you are so much better. You're the one coming off crazy here. Different strokes for different folks. I personally am against disposable diapers. They create a ton of pollution, they take hundreds of years to biodegrade, they are a waste of trees if you ask me. I think theyre gross and they're chalk full of chemicals. But do I jump all over someone who chooses disposables? Hell no. They can make their own lifestyle choices and if they want my opinion or advice, I will give it to them in a respectful way without guilting them or using scare tactics or acting self righteous because I feel that my choices are right. All I'm saying if you're hoping to educate, you're going about it all wrong.

And you can think I'm a hater if that makes you feel better but I've defended your nutty ass before. But I'm not going to just blindly agree with you and bow to you because I respect you on any level. Just keeping it real and keepin' it fair.
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by grandscheme »

blackbettybamf wrote:I personally am against disposable diapers. They create a ton of pollution, they take hundreds of years to biodegrade, they are a waste of trees if you ask me. I think theyre gross and they're chalk full of chemicals. But do I jump all over someone who chooses disposables? Hell no. They can make their own lifestyle choices and if they want my opinion or advice, I will give it to them in a respectful way without guilting them or using scare tactics or acting self righteous because I feel that my choices are right.
On some level, don't you think that if you really truly believed that they were that bad, that you wouldn't want other people using them either?

This is not just a matter of landfills. This is a matter of depletion of resources at a more alarming rate than any other industry in the world. It's a matter of literally taking food out of the mouths of other babies - When 1/4 to 6/10ths of the food in countries where kids starve to death is fed to livestock in other countries. It's a matter of an industry that is creating gasses that are 310% more harmful than any other, at a rate faster than that of all of the cars, trucks, planes, busses, and machines combined. It's a matter of the rainforests disappearing solely to grow soybeans JUST to be fed to livestock (as many countries find them unsuitable for human consumption). It's a matter of land being made totally barren by overgrazing and other meat industry related practices - already 1/3rd of US soil is gone - never to grow anything again. It's knowing that if people continue to eat meat, there will be no water, no fresh air, and no food left for our children. We have made children that will see the end of life as we know it, because the world can not support what we are doing to it. We have created children who will literally see wars over food - and possibly die - because of our constant demand for more. And that kills me. And so I DO express how I feel.
blackbettybamf wrote:All I'm saying if you're hoping to educate, you're going about it all wrong.
I am NOT on here hoping to educate. Like I said before, I came on here ONLY to respond to other people being angry about the things I post on my own personal facebook.
blackbettybamf wrote:And you can think I'm a hater if that makes you feel better but I've defended your nutty ass before.
I don't need anyone to defend me. I have said it before, I am NOT on the internet to create some mindless army of followers who love me for anything that I am not, in order to make money or gain fame or otherwise.
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by blackbetty »

I don't think being pushy or in your face gets results. When I used FB, I would post about it. Some where annoyed. They either unfriended or hid my posts. That's cool. That's what's wonderful about the world, people can have different lifestyles and that's okay. Some people publicly share their lifestyles and that's okay too. But don't get your panties in a wad when someone talks about it. Not trying to win any brownie points for defending you because I honestly don't care. Just making a point that I don't have some vengeance against you and talk crap on everything you do just because Im not a fan of your conduct or approach.

But hey, if having someone to fight with about how superior you are for being vegan makes you feel good about yourself and your choices, get it girl.
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by grandscheme »

blackbettybamf wrote:I don't think being pushy or in your face gets results. When I used FB, I would post about it. Some where annoyed. They either unfriended or hid my posts. That's cool.
That's exactly what I told people to do.
blackbettybamf wrote:But don't get your panties in a wad when someone talks about it.
They're not in a wad. If you look, even when you made comments that were ONLY made to try to anger me (the cheeseburger comment had no value other than that), I did not respond with anger.

Also, I'm not wearing panties.
blackbettybamf wrote:But hey, if having someone to fight with about how superior you are for being vegan makes you feel good
Like I said, I am not superior. I have just seen things which you have not yet. Those things have changed the way I feel. If you see things that change the way you feel, you will be in the same boat as me. That doesn't make me superior. It just means you haven't seen them yet.

And once AGAIN, I'm not fighting you and have displayed no anger nor written anything with the intent to anger you. Only you have tried to do that to me.
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by blackbetty »

I found your frantic guilt trip rant on meat eaters to be definitely inflammatory, arrogant, and insulting. But there's really no arguing with you or agreeing to disagree because you're always right. Adios!
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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by flippityflop »

This butch is fucking crazy.

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Re: Tweedletee10

Unread post by ApplePie »

I wonder if she researched as thoroughly the food they actually do eat. Unless you yourself are actually and growing everything you put in your mouth, there's no way to know how it's made or where it comes from. I use to really like Tina, but I'd more likely listen to someone who wasn't so aggressive towards other people's dissenting opinions. I find it ironic that she came on here with her "can't we all just get along" and "mothers should support mothers" attitude and now her view is that if you eat animal products you're essentially a murderer and a rapist.
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