LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Yue195 wrote:If this site bothers you or seems to have that much affect on your life you constantly come back saying your leaving for good, how about I just ban in everyway possible. Less temptation then.
I triple dog dare you.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by Littlewaltz »

whatsername_ wrote:*Cue her coming back, claiming she doesn't have time for this nonsense*

I also think it's hilarious how you know for a fact that LittleWaltz is IN FACT in the medical field, I mean, you were one of the ones to defend her when she was being scrutinized for it, and yet now when she proves you wrong, you claim that she isn't.
I mean, you even were in the clubhouse with her, saw her constantly talking about it - had conversations about it, but no, she clearly cannot be in the medical field because she proved your ass wrong.

All it would take are those papers, Ashley. You know it.
I'd be one of the first to apologize, but I know that it won't ever be posted.
Let's add the fact that she was on my personal facebook with my family and friends where we openly discussed things to do with my field of work, don't you think if I was lying someone would have been like "what the fuck are you talking about?" She is caught in a lie, a very horrible lie and instead of owning it she is projecting onto others.

Not going to work Ash-lie. So yeah....about that paperwork.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by gypsophila »

Littlewaltz, how often do you see cases of ectopic pregnancies that go beyond 9-12 weeks that DON'T result in tubal ruptures? Is that a fairly common outcome? So if they do surgery right away, even though it's quite far along, it's normal or even possible to expect a full recovery of the fallopian tube? Also, what are the risk factors for having an ectopic pregnancy? I read that it was far more common in women who had had STI's for instance.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by Guest »

Most ectopics don't make it past 8 weeks to begin with because of the extreme, and I'm stressing how excruciating pain it is for the patient. A rupture usually calls for a partial hysterectomy. Even very early on, even when it's too early to tell for sure because the fetus is too small to pick up on an ultrasound, a doctor will allow the patient to choose to either continue with the early mild cramping and risk dangering the tube because the cramping may just be normal cramping and a healthy, normal pregnancy, or allow the patient to go ahead and take medicine (usually mexotrexate-- Waltz, correct me if I'm wrong) to terminate any pregnancy because of the belief that the pregnancy could be an ectopic and the patient doesn't want to take any risk with endangering the tube. If it's not a rupture, a slit can be made in the tube if surgery is needed.

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by Guest »

Keeping up with her ever-changing stories makes my head spin.

She first came on saying that she was 13-14 weeks and was far enough along that they could SEE the sex as a boy.

When called out on that....her story changed.

Then the story became that the hospital had misjudged and it was really 7-8 weeks, but this doesn't line up with her story of when she only had sex that one time a few days before her back surgery. I remember you saying it somewhere along the lines of "the day before Josh and know." So, if shew knew the only time she had sex with Josh was the day before the back surgery (Around August 9th), and she told me on October 17th that she had the ectopic surgery the night before, then that's about a 9 week difference and technically, since pregnancy is counted from ovulation, she would have been 11 weeks pregnant by the time she had the surgery. So, how that equates to 6-8 weeks, which she later changed it to, is beyond me.

And she also said at some point, she said that they caught it at her gall bladder surgery.

At some points, she said they tested the actual fetus DNA/genetic analysis, but back on February 27th, she said that it wasn't until her mother told her about the testing did she even remember having the test done on her.

So, going based on the fact that she is saying they tested her, it would have been a blood test to identify a y chromosome in her blood that is present because of the baby.

Waltz, correct my biology here, but a y chromosome would not be present in the mother's blood until it is able to pass on to the mother. Blood crossing does not occur until the placenta and umbilical cord forms and the villi from the placenta forms to allow the passage of that blood, which is around 6 weeks. This is the very reason why it isn't the most accurate testing on the maternal blood until after 7 weeks.

tl; dr....Ashley is full of shit and her dates don't line up and trying to keep up with the umpteenth amount of stories she tells will make your head spin.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by Littlewaltz »

You are correct ORN, the reliability is around 95% at 7 weeks and 99% by 20 weeks.

@Gypsophila I have only personally dealt with 1 ectopic pregnancy and it was early on, roughly 5 weeks and this poor woman was doubled over in pain, large amounts of vomiting, screaming, crying, etc etc. She arrived in the ER with a suspected appendix issue and that is when she found out it was an ectopic pregnancy. She didn't even know she was pregnant and because I was on call that day she was referred to me. She had been feeling ill for 4 days prior to coming in and after some investigation we discovered her tube was at high risk of rupture. Her surgery was not done by me but I did meet with her a few times during her FIVE DAY hospital stay and she was not walking or mobile at all until the 3rd day. There is no way an ectopic pregnancy would go to 7-8-13-14 however many weeks undetected. So she either has tubes of titanium or she is full of shit, I am putting my money on that latter.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by momto6 »

Correct me if I'm wrong but an ectopic pregnancy refers to any pregnancy outside of the uterus. Typically in the Fallopian tubes. Did she say it was for sure in her tube? Trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but still... Her lying is catching up to her. 24 hours for testing?? Really??? You made your bed, Ashliar. Now you need to lie down in it!
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by MommyToASweetie »

*Ashley comes back and claims it would be pointless for her to dig up the "paperwork" even though we've all said we'd love to see it*
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by ClutchthePearls »

My face every time I see Ashley bump her own thread.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by placebo »

All her other bullshit aside, hospitals have protocols.

Such as this.

"Before a person has a genetic test, it is important that he or she fully understands the testing procedure, the benefits and limitations of the test, and the possible consequences of the test results. The process of educating a person about the test and obtaining permission to carry out testing is called informed consent. “Informed” means that the person has enough information to make an educated decision about testing; “consent” refers to a person’s voluntary agreement to have the test done.
In general, informed consent can only be given by adults who are competent to make medical decisions for themselves. "

So, which was it? It wasn't done without your informed consent or it was and the magic VIP hospital skipped some important protocols? What a nurse, risking their career for you :-o

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by whatsername_ »

I'm sure she's going to come back and claim that someone was appointed her healthcare surrogate because she was "inconsolable", which is ddebatable in and of itself, but even in that case, it's usually for extreme circumstances. I.e. people who are suicidal and cannot make decisions regarding their health either physical or mental.
Not because you're having a panic attack or "freaking out".
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by placebo »

With her, nothing surprises me.

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by whatsername_ »

Guys. I may get banned for this but it has come to light on GG that LULU PASSED away.

Morgan has been running her account for some time now.
He has made major changes to her website and has been posing as her for some time now.

I am saddened. There are a few threads with some info, but nothing really yet.
They have a reddit going right now but I haven't been linked yet. I'm posting this on random threads so you have an idea of how your website has been run.

I have Morgan's arrest records too. I found them a while ago and shared them with a couple members here. He is unstable. They're shared on a post on gg as well. I have screenshots.

He is running this site into the ground.
He has banned and deactivated many mods who were hand picked by Lulu and is basically being a dictator.

Please read the threads. I think the sites are going down.

Scroll down a bit until you see blue text. ... &start=550
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by aalinebahb_ »

The reddit is just the r/foreverkailyn
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by AutumnLane »

If I click on the link I get nothing. Lulu died? What?
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by whatsername_ »

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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by AutumnLane »

Show me someone who never gossips, and I'll show you someone who isn't interested in people. ~Barbara Walters

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by whatsername_ »

You're welcome. I'm still trying to gather info.

Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by TaylorKnows »

Oh Ashley. How happy are you? Morgan is stealing your batshit thunder.
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Re: LyingFamilyOf3 part 6

Unread post by kisses »

i read a person named deep shave banned and deleted all of ORN's posts on the other forum along with a few others. just crazy.
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