BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

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BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by PrettyLittleLiar »

Missy brings this on herself. They hint about baby number two all the time so obviously their minions are going to be looking for clues every vlog. She eats like shit and never exercises and now she's chubby. If she doesn't like the criticism she should take herself off the Internet and get a real job. Maybe their crappy diet and weight gain is making it harder for them to conceive this time.
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by kmt24 »

I do NOT feel sorry for her at all for feeling that way!!! Her and Bryan brought on those questions themselves!!! Stop saying misleading things. ..or keep your TTC life private until you understand what your body is doing..especially after that surgery! We are going through IVF right now so I have zero patience for people who brag about TTC and can easily get pregnant...by shoving it in the views face (even if that wasn't what they were trying to do)...but it's always this little comments about being pregnant or next baby this...When we have baby #2... If they didn't want people to ask..then don't put that info out there....
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by shortstop »

I laughed when I read Missy's FB status. You guys brought it all on yourselves. I wonder why it was a terrible flight??
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by justarandomperson22 »

I fit two huge car seats into a small car with no problems. The only reason I say a new car might be ok, is because they leased the prius rather than buying it and their lease might be close to up. But knowing them they will buy or lease a second vehicle instead of being practical.
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by hannahbanana »

I wonder if she was late and was hoping to take a test so they could announce it as playlist, but instead got her period and is being moody and cranky because she's taking care of Ollie, is carrying everyone's luggage, all while Bryan carries nothing but his camera and is vlogging.
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

Missy was also asking for it by showing off her ovulation strips. BS she was using them to familiarize herself with her cycle. If this were truly the case she knows very little about her fertility. They detect possible ovulation, but a period will tell her the same thing since you usually have one 12-14 days after ovulation. The strips can be positive for days though, so if she wasn't trying yo get pregnant she was just peering on strips to waste money. Those things aren't cheap!

They could have easily not shown the strips if they didn't want people asking if they are pregnant.

Oh, and Bryan's tweet about being surprised preteens would read a 50 Shades book... That's your audience dude and you made a sexy video!

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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by nickole6 »

I'm sure we will hear nothing about why the flight was horrible for Missy in the vlog tomorrow. Ollie was probably not behaving bc they don't teach him right from wrong. It makes me laugh seeing her fb status. Hahaha....eat better Missy and stop faking and acting like you are pregnant and everyone wouldn't be saying that. Maybe posting that her flight was bad is her way of being able to stay in the hotel tonight so she does not need to socialize with anyone. We all know how awkward she is around everyone so this was the perfect set up for her to say she doesn't feel well and to sit in her room all night.
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by Ambrosia »

The picture of them with Rachel and Byron, Missy looks so happy to be pressed a man who isn't her husband.
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by hannahbanana »

Ambrosia wrote:The picture of them with Rachel and Byron, Missy looks so happy to be pressed a man who isn't her husband.
I still think it was a little weird when they went to their friends for that wedding and Missy had her legs wrapped up around that guys waist...
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by cats-or-die »

hannahbanana wrote:
Ambrosia wrote:The picture of them with Rachel and Byron, Missy looks so happy to be pressed a man who isn't her husband.
I still think it was a little weird when they went to their friends for that wedding and Missy had her legs wrapped up around that guys waist...
I totally forgot about that!! My hubs would be livid if I did that - regardless of how long we had been friends. But lets be real: Ain't like she can do that with fatso Bryan. So.
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by runnerduck »

Ambrosia wrote:The picture of them with Rachel and Byron, Missy looks so happy to be pressed a man who isn't her husband.
I was just coming to comment on how awkward that photo is. Why is she nuzzled into Byron like that? If I didn't know better, I would think Missy & Byron were a couple and Bryan and Rachel were their friends.
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by Amelia322 »

Who called missy fat? I can't see pic
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by actuallydear »

ButterflyB wrote:I suffer from infertility so I understand she is hurt by the comments but I'm sorry she asked for it by the way they act with constantly teasing about baby #2.
me too. 3 years, no baby... so when mithy and bryan continually throw it out there that they conceive on first cycle each time i'm not about to garner sympathy for her. it's sad she lost her 2 babies but when they don't really give much of a shit about the one they have i'm not gonna be sad that they're TTC and didn't get knocked up on the first go.

if her tweet was a FML, i'd click YDI. #soznotsoz
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BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

I wonder if someone really did PM her photos, or if she's talking about the ones that were posted here.

I hate the number of minions that keep saying "people forget getting pregnant isn't that easy". Maybe they should have told Missy that because she kept mentioning how they planned to have a baby "this year" but said they were starting in January. You figure you'll for sure be pregnant in 2 months.... A little ignorant don't you think? E&J and K&C had legit issues. If Missy starts her pity party and I were them, I'd be beyond annoyed!

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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by PostyMcPosterston »

Ahhh! Lurker coming out of the lurkers closet, here! I cannot believe I finally made an account on here! I found Missy when she was in the middle of her pregnancy when I was looking for vids on how to use my fetal heart Doppler. I immediately watched all Missy's vids then realized they had DailyBumps and subscribed because I liked Bryan when he made his rare cameos in her vlogs. Plus, she was pregnant, so I wanted to know what to expect during my pregnancy while I trailed behind her. I very soon realized I was half hate-watching her. Then it was absolutely hate-watching when I began watching DB.

Things I cannot stand (SEVERAL have been mentioned many, many times here)

2) Missy's granny-like face (especially thin top lip)
3) "you guiiiize"
4) The idiot way Missy slowly says certain words awkwardly. Are they too difficult for her to say? Is she trying to be funny? Cute? I cringe.
5) Bryan's ultra whiny singing
6) Missy's inability to apply make-up or do the back of her hair (though she is improving)
7) The way Missy says "Mimi" and "Papa". Gross.
8) Open gobs constantly
9) Misleading audiences always (especially pregnancy)
10) Having to tell the viewers you're "so positive" because it clearly doesn't come across in videos
11) Sick.All.The.Time.
12) Big announcements/secrets that turn out to be so lame after being hyped for weeks. Ex.: all their trips in the past. Oh wow, you live in SoCal but are going to make the massive trek to the Bay!!!! ......
13) How sheltered they seem to be! Didn't know what IKEA was until about a year ago?
14) Extremely unflattering leggings paired with a top that doesn't cover her crotch or butt. It's only acceptable if you're wearing workout leggings!
15) "cutie with a booty" WHAT BOOTY, BRYAN?!
16) Flip flops
17) Arm/shoulder cut-out tops
18) Pickiness when it comes to foods
19) General wastefulness
20) Aren't very active/involved with Oliver, from what we see
21) Bryan's teeth!!! They remind me of Mr. Dink from Nickalodeon's "Doug" Anyone???
22) Bryan's facial hair. Gross chinstrap beard and that gap in the center of his mustache
23) The shitily put together theme in Oliver's room. Woodland + Monkey + Cheapie looking crap= puke
24) The fact that I tried chicken gnocchi soup because of these people. It was bland! Meh.
25) Their terrible acting in adverts
26) Ollie's clothes being too small
27) How often Missy has mentioned she looks cute or needs to look cute for something. Fail.
28) Hideous accessories
29) Missy's "traditions" / being boss of the family
30) Their birthdays
100) Defensiveness when responding to comments

Haha, I could go on and on!

On another note: those who have read Missy's blog: I could swear that she did not get pregnant on the first cycle with all her pregnancies. I vaguely remember reading her writing about "maybe next month" Could anyone back me up here? I clearly have all the time in the world while I can't sleep. Perhaps I could reread the beginning blogs.

I also wanted to touch on her eyebrows. The first time where they looks incredibly different, I feel she may have gotten them tinted, so it was overwhelming. But one of you guys posted a photo of her not too long ago saying the shade and size was all wrong for her, I'd have to disagree. It's a huge improvement for her! Her brows before were terrible. And if I looked like Missy, I'd be highlighting my one good feature, big blue eyes. A stronger brow looks nice.

PS I registered so I could see the pictures you guys post. Oh man, worth it!!! And now I feel like I got a load off. ;)
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

^^^^^ Yes, to all of these, yes! ^^^

Welcome @lurkymclurkerston!

After the hissy fit she had yesterday on FB quite a few people have been posting saying they think B&M are being too negative or immature lately with their rants. Maybe this means more former viewers will be looking for a place to vent :)

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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by thenightowl »

Amelia322 wrote:Who called missy fat? I can't see pic
The only thing I saw was on her fb
Missy Lanning: "I just had a pretty terrible flight and am not in the best mood. Do not ask me if I'm pregnant or send me pictures of my "belly". I'm not."
"I know it's wishful thinking and you probably mean well. But it's kinda rude and it hurts my feelings. I'll tell you when it's time."
I don't feel sorry for her ONE bit for 2 reasons 1. they constantly hint around to pregnancy and baby 2. They eat crap, if she was honestly trying to lose weight or exercise I would feel a little bad but they don't even try.
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by justarandomperson22 »

You know what irks me. Why can't they shut their mouths when they take a photo. Why do they have to have the I'm getting ready to have someone shove a dick in my throat look in almost every photo? I hope a bird shits in bryans mouth. When he spit it out that would probably sound better than any "music" he could sing.
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by Whimsical Pizza »

Can someone give me a brief summary of the horse ranch incident that's been mentioned a few times? Or tell me which thread I can read about it more?
Thank yooou !
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Re: BumpsAlongTheWay Part 17

Unread post by justarandomperson22 »

Whimsical Pizza wrote:Can someone give me a brief summary of the horse ranch incident that's been mentioned a few times? Or tell me which thread I can read about it more?
Thank yooou !
I just posted a general over view on the faq section.

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