someoneelse wrote:Meanwhile, B&M don't give a shit about Oliver that way or the fact he is their "rainbow baby" after her 2 miscarriages (I wouldn't call Gabriel a stillbirth)
lizyfignewton wrote:What gets me is that they named Gabriel but not the other miscarriage. Gabriel wasn't much further along than the other one if I recall correctly
Gabriel was twice as far along as the first baby (10 weeks then 20 weeks). That's a big difference, they had only known about their first pregnancy for a few weeks but they were halfway through the pregnancy when they lost Gabriel. Another couple weeks and he could have been born alive, if only for a little while. I can definitely see why a couple might want to name or not name a lost pregnancy, it was a more impactful loss and maybe naming the baby didn't occur to them with the first pregnancy.
As far as stillbirth vs. miscarriage, I believe that after 20 weeks it's considered a stillbirth, so she's right on the cusp. She still had to deliver him and he was pretty big. I don't know if you guys meant anything by your comments but of all the things to nitpick about them, I don't think this is the right thing.