She said she had lots of leaks with cloth diapers. They stopped when Ollie started solids. I assume because they did not want to deal with the poop as well (breastfed baby poop doesn't need to be rinsed off, but once they start solids it does).ellie- wrote:Did they say why they stopped cloth diapering? Wonder how long they'll use Honest.calichic29 wrote:I think they also made some snobby comment about diapers in a parking lot.KimKardashian wrote:THMELLTH LIKE PROTHETHED CRAP .
I like the smell of diapers lol
Uh that's about the time that I started to get annoyed with them. The whole anti disposable diaper crap.
I LOL so hard when she stopped cloth diapering.
I watched her wash routine and it sucked. Not enough detergent, the wrong detergent, way too many rinses... I am not surprised she had leaks and problems.
I am pretty anti-disposable diaper and will actually be a little annoyed if they don't cloth diaper this baby because they absolutely have the resources to do so.