Off Topic Banter Part 9


Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by HelloHolaHallo »

Sending prayers your way good luck!!!! Hope you get it!
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by Yue195 »

Sending Positive vibes! Good Luck!!!
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by chelsieross7 »

so, a bit of a random rant about my life, but also some questions for you ladies. I met a guy at the beginning of this year and we started dating about 3/4 months ago. although it hasn't been long, i am head over heels in love with him! he's the best person I have ever met, he makes me feel so amazing, like i could go on forever about what an amazing, great guy he is! we've already discussed a future together and have basically decided we want to marry each other one day but neither of us are in a place where we feel comfortable enough to actually get married any time soon (we'e both students, i still depend on my parents, we don't have stable jobs, wouldn't be able to afford living together/on our own, just not in a place we would want to be when starting a life) if all of those things were figured out, i would marry him like now. it's just so crazy to feel this way about someone, like i have never been so sure about something in my life ever, but i just know that he's who i am supposed to be with and its so crazy that he feels the same way. i always thought people who said they just knew and married a person they just met were insane and stupid and don't know what they're talking about. but now i'm one of those people, i've seriously found my soul mate. anyways, no more of the sappy crap going on in my life, i'm writing this because I was curious to know if anyone else has ever felt this way about someone? like, just met them and known right away that this is it, this is who you're supposed to be with? and if you felt that way, did you or would you marry them right away? and if you did wait to marry them, would it be because you're afraid they may not be right and you're just in a really strong honey moon phase or because you're truly not ready to get married? or have any of you found someone, not felt this way at first, but then realized down the road that this is who you want to be with? i guess my question is, at what point did you guys know (and if you're single, how do you think you'd be able to know) that the person you are with is the person you were meant to spend your life with? i'm not questioning my feelings or looking for comparisons to other peoples relationships, i just think this is the best feeling ever and i'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts and experiences with finding/looking for their partner?
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by blackbetty »

I felt that way with my most recent ex. Still do. Almost 2 years in (will be a year ago on the first) he left me out of nowhere one day. Like literally just left me randomly. No idea why. We kept talking and seeing each other and saying I love you and I miss you and sleeping together til November then he literally erased me from his life. I hope it works out better for you. I am still devastated. But yeah, be careful with your heart because you never know.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by AuntieToABabyBoy:) »

Hi ladies :) I am in a bit of a turmoil right now. So my little sister is getting married next weekend and I have no idea what to get as a gift :(. I was thinking of getting a basket and just putting little goodies in there like wine, candles, maybe a photo album, but I'm not too keen on it. One thing I do want to get is monogrammed robes with their names on it. Please help me I'm so confused lol.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by gypsophila »

Betty, did you hear about the job? The job scene up here is ridiculous. It's a freaking miracle if a person finds a f/t job or even a job in their field. For that matter, there are hundreds of applicants for p/t jobs too. We're definitely in a recession. I hope you have some luck!
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by blackbetty »

Oh Lawd. Well here's the story.

Short answer, they pushed interviewing back, but yes, I did get the interview, it's Thursday at 3 pm. I'm really scared about it and I hope my outfit is professional enough. I have a suit but it looks terrible and I literally look better in slacks and a cardigan and a top than I do in the suit.

Last week I had a fender bender, my car is a piece of shit so even though my car isn't THAT bad, I'm not sure if they will total it. I hope they don't because it will be a huge setback to have to find a new car. The bad thing is I have $0 to my name so I'm facing either a) getting a check for my car and having to find a car or b) getting a rental car while my car is fixed but I have to pay $250 to get my car fixed which I DO NOT have. But that's what I'm hoping for because then I don't have the vehicle issue, my insurance will cover a rental car for up to 30 days. I've been in an almost constant state of anxiety attack since it happened. So stressful. I really hope I get this job. I've technically been looking for 3 months but I also took 3 wks off due to another car problem. I have awful luck.

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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by gypsophila »

Oh no! I really hope you get this job then! I'll send you some positive vibes. My daughter came home from an interview today where they told her "not to feel bad if she doesn't get it, don't take it personally, it's just about experience". Well, she started crying and we were trying to be all brave and put on a positive attitude about it. (Hate it when my daughters cry!!!) Then she got a call 4 hours later and she got the job. So I hope you have that luck too. She still has to have 2 jobs but both are in her field and are at the same office. Good luck! :D
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by blackbetty »

Congrats to her!!!!!

Side note - after months, I finally fixed my signature bad to my old siggie - I bet all you ytmd vets remember it!
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by fossilfinger »

I hope the interview goes well!
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by mommaof2cuties »

Do you guys think someone has a right to be pissed off when they buy themselves certain things to eat and they go to the fridge and it's gone? I'm due in a freaking week and this is the second time in over a week that I have went down to eat whatever I'm craving and it's gone. You know you weren't the one who bought it so why would you eat it knowing it's someone elses? I shouldnt have to go back to the store to replace something of mine that someone else took >:( if people would ask it would be different.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by Yue195 »

mommaof2cuties wrote:Do you guys think someone has a right to be pissed off when they buy themselves certain things to eat and they go to the fridge and it's gone? I'm due in a freaking week and this is the second time in over a week that I have went down to eat whatever I'm craving and it's gone. You know you weren't the one who bought it so why would you eat it knowing it's someone elses? I shouldnt have to go back to the store to replace something of mine that someone else took >:( if people would ask it would be different.
Yep. I started hiding my monthly uterus tantrum stash because my siblings are pigs and never ask. It's annoying as fuck.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by HelloHolaHallo »

Question for anyone willing to share their opinion:

I've been watching my niece for my brother in law and his wife free of charge while they wait to get a place in preschool. Well today we were in a boutique and she wanted something. She threw a huge fit and I tried to put her in the stroller and in a fit of rage she ran and pushed products off a shelf. She was kicking and screaming and knocking things over and I tried to calm her down I was just wearing my son so it was hard to hold her down without her hitting my baby. The store owner was called and demanded to be compensated (rightfully so). It was very expensive perfumes and little glass things.

He estimated it'll be between 500-1,000 euros but he'll get back to me on the amount. Her mom picked her up and we got into an argument about who will pay this. She was mad that I left their information with the store owner. She feels that I should pay half as I was watching her? I feel like I shouldn't have to, at the end of that was their child not mine. Anybody experience something similar? should I pay half? I'm open to suggestions :-( I'm also scared of ruining a relationship but I'm also not going to be forced to do something I don't feel is right. Help!
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by chelsieross7 »

mommaof2cuties wrote:Do you guys think someone has a right to be pissed off when they buy themselves certain things to eat and they go to the fridge and it's gone? I'm due in a freaking week and this is the second time in over a week that I have went down to eat whatever I'm craving and it's gone. You know you weren't the one who bought it so why would you eat it knowing it's someone elses? I shouldnt have to go back to the store to replace something of mine that someone else took >:( if people would ask it would be different.
I grew up with 4 brothers and I am the only girl. This has been an issue my entire life and pisses me off so much!! It's even worse when you're eating dinner with your family and you hold off on a side dish or pace your eating and by the time you want to get more food you realize someone ate it all without considering others. Like they'll have much more than a serving with no regard for others and without asking before finishing something off. Oh girl I could go on forever about this haha very passionate about the foods I've been deprived of throughout my life thanks to my brothers haha
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by chelsieross7 »

blackbettybamf wrote:I felt that way with my most recent ex. Still do. Almost 2 years in (will be a year ago on the first) he left me out of nowhere one day. Like literally just left me randomly. No idea why. We kept talking and seeing each other and saying I love you and I miss you and sleeping together til November then he literally erased me from his life. I hope it works out better for you. I am still devastated. But yeah, be careful with your heart because you never know.
I'm so sorry Betty :( I hope that things get better and you know you don't need a man to be happy, but one day you'll find one who will fill your life with joy when you least expect it :) I've had horrible exes in the past so I understand that too. Thanks for sharing your story/warnings. Also, good luck with the interview!! :)
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by gypsophila »

Betty, wishing you luck on your interview today!!

HelloHolaHallo, yikes, that's a bad situation to have to deal with. I think it would be fair to split the cost 3 ways. The store, your BIL/wife and you. But I wouldn't just pay what the store says. You can negotiate. They are out what they paid for the items, not the retail price they would get for the items. Does that make sense? Also, is it possible they have loss insurance or something in your country? It was nice of you to offer to pay, but you may not be legally obligated to do so. ;)
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by placebo »

I would not pay. The child's parent is ultimately responsible for the costs if their child does something. Ie. here if someone would break my daughter's phone at school, their parents would have to buy a new one or get it fixed.

Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by HelloHolaHallo »

Thank you Gypso and Placebo! We have insurance if we would destroy others property and so does BIL but I don't know too much about it but my husband sent out an email yesterday. BIL's wife is blaming me for not "watching her good enough" but how the heck do you prevent a toddler from freaking the hell out like that? Placebo I too feel the same way, if the situation were reversed I would pay for it no doubt about it. This blows lol lets see how this turns out.

Has this every happened to anyone? My nephew broke my Sidekick II and my sister bought me a new one directly.
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by gypsophila »

The store should be able to write off the damaged product as a loss. In that case, I doubt they could get any money out of you. In order for them to get money from you (in general), they'd have to go through the legal system in your country. It is likely that they won't even bother with that, because it would cost them far more than the lost product that they can write off. Your BIL could argue these points with the store if necessary, or just tell them to take it to court. They can ban you from the store if they want. I think that's no big deal though, right? I doubt anything will come of this honestly. ;)
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Re: Off Topic Banter Part 9

Unread post by queenofhearts »

When I worked retail we used to chuck away things what were damaged literally all the time, but I worked in a chain so it might be different than if it was a small business. If my child was responsible for breaking it, I would offer to pay though.

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