xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades) Part 1

Cinnamon Stick
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

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nanabanana wrote:She wants to make sure her new clothes are 'pregnancy' and 'breastfeeding' friendly

Oops! Guess I didn't even see that one.

The latest one I read after reading your post was about getting their car windshield fixed. lol
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by nanabanana »

I saw that too.. Obviously they don't have car insurance because I believe all (or most) will replace it for free.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

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Definitely not.

Gotta save that hard earned money for Etsy splurges. ;)
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by nanabanana »

*sigh* I wish my husband were as naive as Joel =(
My life sucks.

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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by Craziness »

Okay 2 things about her latest postings on fb:

1) did anyone notice how she said in the new auction the winner has to pay the 3% PayPal fee she is definitely reading this! I would not buy from her auction bc she is being annoying about having to gift the payment or pay the 3% fee.

2) then I love how when she is talking about homeschool material she wants to steer away from the Christian education, but when defending her mechanic they use him bc he is Christian.

Whatever happened from the emails sent to fairhaven about Lucy's health?
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by CountryLove »

JaneBrine wrote:I'm new to this board and I'm so glad I have found this site. I have been subbed to lucy for many years now. It's funny how lucy always seems to bring on drama.
1) Many years ago she claimed the landlord hit her and destroyed her children's toys. She made a video and showed the toys which looked perfectly fine to me.
2) She's mentioned that her parents are horrible, but yet she goes back and forth to them.
3) The whole lynsey birth photography crap....slandering a woman who went out of her way for Lucy for practically nothing
4) Treating a fellow youtuber like crap because she was going to name her daugher Jacelyn.
5) The whole falling out with Jenny. Jenny was a good friend of Lucy's and went out of her way to do nice things like make Lucy a recipe book on Chicken Spaghetti.....why did they fall out anyways? Something tells me it was on Lucy's end.
6) The general deceptiveness
I keep hearing or well...reading about Lucy bullying or falling out with other YT moms and I am SO confused because I dont remember seeing it. Can someone fill me in please? lol. What was the YT mom she bullied about using jacelyn name? And what happened to the moms lucy was friends with? Sorry for the errors im on my phone and the keyboard is a piece of crap.
Full time mommy & part time student
please excuse grammar and spelling errors, I'm using my cell phone.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

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CountryLove wrote:Sorry I havent posted in awhile been taking care of my little guy..He was sick a few weeks ago and now he's teething so it hasnt been a very good couple of weeks for us. Lots of sleepless nights. Anywho, first I just want to tell angelfacemoma that I am so sorry Lucy threw you under the bus just like she did to me when her "surprise" video came about and the whole MC. As for the CFA and the phone I believe Lucy purposely threw her phone away to say CFA stole it so she can get a new would be up her alley to jump on the band wagon of the controversial CFA issues. I mean think about it has she ever mentioned CFA before or her views on it? Who just randomly goes there to eat and then *gasp* her phone is stolen??? sounds like shes trying to make news headlines with this one girls lol
Lucy is known for not caring or knowing about companies' ethics and history. In reply to a comment about the company of a product she was endorsing or hosting a giveaway (can't recall the specific item), she said something along the lines of she didn't need to know anything about the company to talk about the product. I doubt she has an opinion for or against CFA since they ate there and since she never, to my knowledge, included the controversial issues in her rants about the phone theft. Although, like you said, I wouldn't put it passed Lucy to purposefully lose her phone there to get on the news or to get a new free phone, or both.
CountryLove wrote:As for her MC and all the recent TTC stuff..I decided to go back and watch some of her videos I think shes educated on the whole charting thing so I was curious since my better half and I are planning to do natural family planning with other birthcontrol options...and I found something really interesting....

At about 3:40/4:00 Lucy talks about past MC's [youtube] [/youtube] She talks about them like it doesn't even bother who and no where does she mention it took her a "month" to pass anything or that she was in the hospital on Vicodin (I found that comment ill post it) and then there was the one where she didn't; know she was pregnant...okay she claims to have passed a TMI WARNING a grey clot the size of a golf ball (she uses her hand) if she was only 4/5 weeks along she would not have passed something that big. She said she went to the ER and they did a urine test and it didn't show up..first of all...if it came back inconclusive they would repeat the test and or do blood-work and then a physical exam or vise versa. She said her cervix was open...your cervix is open when you're on your menstrual cycle which she said she had put a tampon in because she thought she was going to start soon and then suddenly noticed a clot.

TTC VLOG #15 Update Miscarriage? This was when she was ttcing for Kacen...[youtube] [/youtube] she was questioning a MC or "Chemical Pregnancy" because of spotting and LOOK she didn't seem as distraught as her most recent MC; Infact even in the above video she doesn't seem upset at all talking about them but in her recent MC video shes doing the pity me saying she can't go into detail and she'll never okay talking about it but here she is talking about it plain as day all nonchalant its no big deal but omg now that she in her mind is "FAMOUS" she is all show...more drama more money.

AND apparently Jacelyn never knew she was pregnant or even knew the word pregnant means but yet shes asking all those questions at Lucy's OB appointment and lucy said Jace now knows the baby is gone...I thought she didnt even know she was pregnant?

I'm usually not so "nitpicky" nor am I being mean just stating facts and my opinion. and personally I liked Lucy before all the YT views went to her head because back then she was A LOT more likable and not so show boat. and if anyone knows of OTHER YT moms that are educated in charting and NFP pleaseee send me a link so I dont have to go watch Lucys videos.
VERY INTERESTING! Thanks for finding these videos. I agree. Lucy's attitude and emotions while recounting her past miscarriages then and now seem like night and day. She seemed so nonchalant about them in those older videos. Given, she did say she was pissed/livid about the doctor's use of the term abortion, which she repeated in her baby #4 miscarriage video, but she was practically emotionless when she said it in the older videos.

I don't think the grey clot from 2004 was an empty sac or miscarried material. It could have been her endometrium or a portion of a fibroid, or even a portion of her tampon coated in uterine lining (if she wore one prior to that incident). After a quick Google search, I think she described a DECIDUAL CAST. It is usually associated with an ectopic pregnancy OR normal periods, but since she didn't have any subsequent problems that cycle, it was most likely a decidual cast as part of normal menstruation, NOT a miscarriage, but I could be wrong as I'm not a medical professional. From what I read about decidual casts, if she had a blood pregnancy test that came back negative at that time, then she was not pregnant.

I don't know of any vloggers focused on NFP aside from Lucy, but I don't follow many vloggers. But there must be some; she can't be the only NFP YTer. I did find quite a few websites about NFP, although you are probably already aware of those.
CountryLove wrote:OH BTW I dont know if anyone has mentioned this but if you watch her videos on a mobile device or tablet she doesn't get paid because its a different app for mobiles so those views dont count. Also you can put a add blocker (I use google chrome and this ... e-ntp-icon its called Adblock. first one that shows up)
I considered using AdBlock, but I usually watch her videos on my phone. How do we know she doesn't get paid for mobile views? Does it say somewhere in Google/YT's Terms? I'd really like to know for sure before watching any more of her videos. What about video hits? Does anyone know if those factor into her pay scale for AdSense or YT Partners?
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by skeptic »

Craziness wrote:1) did anyone notice how she said in the new auction the winner has to pay the 3% PayPal fee she is definitely reading this! I would not buy from her auction bc she is being annoying about having to gift the payment or pay the 3% fee.
Where did she state the winner had to pay PayPal's 3% fee or mark the payment as a gift? I can't find it. Please someone get a screenshot. I think, but am not certain, both requests violate PayPay's guidelines.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by skeptic »

Missmama wrote:Am I the only one having a hard time comprehending how a waiter's salary can comfortably(and then some) support a family of 5(+!) Maybe a hooters waitress can? I don't know. She's obviously the breadwinner and to rely on youtube for your family's financial stability is irresponsible. It may be great for now, but what about the future when she's done having kids and she's not getting as many views? Maybe she'll continue to have kids as long as possible!

I'm all for families having as many children as they wish as long as they're well taken care of(emotionally and financially)

Personally, I'm a SAHM, husband has a great, steady career, we have a son and daughter and we would LOVE to have more children,but I feel that we can comfortably give them everything they need including future financial educational needs. I'd rather them not stress about student loans or have to work a FT job while in college like we had to. It was tough :/ maybe I'm thinking way ahead. Lol but that's a good thing IMO.

Like I said before, I really hope she's saving a nice chunk of change from that money flowing in for the kids future. Someone said she mentioned it before but she probably lied about it.
You're not the only one! I can't comprehend how they afford to buy so much and eat out so often, along with rent, food, medical bills, gasoline (two SUVs + a ton of trips = $$$), car repairs, car insurance, and memberships or tickets to local attractions (zoos, aquariums, museums, train rides, The Little Gym, dance class, cooking class, trampoline park, etc), on their waiter and YT salaries, AND still have enough money set aside for the kids' bank accounts. Oh, and don't forget her manicures, hair cuts and highlights, professional photo sessions, and midwife fees. I sure hope they are saving up for the kids' future. Why hasn't she discussed this in a vlog? She claims they don't hide anything. She will talk prematurely about their TTC #4 plans but not about her kids' financial future? I don't get it. Even if they don't have any previous debt, that doesn't mean she isn't creating debts now with her current spending habits.

Does anyone find it odd that she never talks about her current kids' future, aside from blogging that they wanted a bigger house for more kids and future homeschooling? All my mom friends discuss their kids' attending grade school and college, driving, dating etc every few months, even when their kids haven't started Kindergarten, because those issues effect housing arrangements, the parents' career and higher learning choices, etc.

I also can't relate to Lucy's Day In The Life vlogs. How are they a look into a day of their life when it's: 1) not an entire day, and 2) not a typical day. What family goes somewhere exciting every single day of the week, or even weekly? And even though they are on an outing, she somehow manages to make the video boring by not editing it properly. Does she even edit OUT anything? She claims to edit videos, but leaves Joel's nipple comments and sexual innuendos IN the videos. And is there really that much going on in one day or week that it requires EIGHT parts?! SMH
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by skeptic »

Regarding her TTC Vlog #15 Update Miscarriage? (for Kacen), I find it odd that she wasn't upset at all about a possible miscarriage or chemical pregnancy that cycle when intentionally trying and hoping to get pregnant when just one or two vlog updates prior to that she was upset she didn't conceive (Jacelyn was only 5 months at the time) and was jealous of another YT mom who accidentally conceived 4 months postpartum (competitive much?), but was devastated this time after losing a surprise pregnancy? The only way that makes sense to me, personally, would be if she were TTC behind Joel's back because so many hopes/plans were riding on another baby. Or else she's faking or exaggerating emotions for her YT job. Is there any other reason to explain her inconsistent emotions?
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by skeptic »

Maeve wrote:I think her YT Channel is their main source of income, so she's no longer sharing her life to inspire or give advice to others. She's working! That's also why Joel is more and more involved: they need to keep the money machine turning! And of course this means having another child. Her pregnancy videos get way more views than the rest. I just hope she realizes YT won't last forever...
I wish her fans would realize that it's her job now, not a coffee klatch. She puts in so many hours uploading, and supposedly editing (*cough*), per her FB updates, that it definitely isn't a hobby. And her videos are no longer informative, just narcissistic (DIAL, for example), so they aren't done out of a passion to help others.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by skeptic »

Why is she obsessed with pointing out every time someone comments on how many kids she has with her, whether positive or negative? Is she bragging or annoyed? Why make a deal about it at all? I think she is either looking for that reaction or is receiving it because she doesn't appear to passers-by to be handling 3+ kids well (despite what she says about being an expert at watching 5 kids on outings).

Did anyone notice that she at first told someone on FB that she couldn't lie about telling a passer-by that she had more kids at home for shock value, as the commenter suggested, because Jace would question her about lying, then turns around and says she told another rude stranger that he should see the ones she left at home. When someone caught her lie she said it wasn't a lie, only an implication. Wow. O.o
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by Maeve »

skeptic wrote:Why is she obsessed with pointing out every time someone comments on how many kids she has with her, whether positive or negative? Is she bragging or annoyed? Why make a deal about it at all? I think she is either looking for that reaction or is receiving it because she doesn't appear to passers-by to be handling 3+ kids well (despite what she says about being an expert at watching 5 kids on outings).

Did anyone notice that she at first told someone on FB that she couldn't lie about telling a passer-by that she had more kids at home for shock value, as the commenter suggested, because Jace would question her about lying, then turns around and says she told another rude stranger that he should see the ones she left at home. When someone caught her lie she said it wasn't a lie, only an implication. Wow. O.o
She always has an excuse/answer for everything...
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by Craziness »

skeptic wrote:
Craziness wrote:1) did anyone notice how she said in the new auction the winner has to pay the 3% PayPal fee she is definitely reading this! I would not buy from her auction bc she is being annoying about having to gift the payment or pay the 3% fee.
Where did she state the winner had to pay PayPal's 3% fee or mark the payment as a gift? I can't find it. Please someone get a screenshot. I think, but am not certain, both requests violate PayPay's guidelines.

I couldn't get a screenshot but it says "If PayPal please add on 3% for their fees...." In the middle of her auction paragraph announcement. Honestly she scrimping by and that is the reason for her sudden auction bc she needs money her spending habits are catching up to her. She spent roughly 2,000 US dollars this summer: stroller about 500, camera at least 1000, camera bag 200? New laptop those cost 2000 if your lucky for a Mac probably more like3000 so I am off a little bit. Oh and new homeschool material 300 can't remember she posted it somewhere. She has a serious obsession with buying anytime she talks about the older kids it is what they are wearing!

Jace new vlog is awful she is picking up her mummy's bad filming!
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by Craziness »

Oh my goodness reviewed the first part of her random clip video! First she makes those kids wear a bib then Kacen is riding a toy barefoot she is at Peter Piper Pizza and the inside of that place is gross! You can see his bare feet at 27-28 seconds put some shoes on your kid!
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by Maeve »

skeptic wrote:
Craziness wrote:1) did anyone notice how she said in the new auction the winner has to pay the 3% PayPal fee she is definitely reading this! I would not buy from her auction bc she is being annoying about having to gift the payment or pay the 3% fee.
Where did she state the winner had to pay PayPal's 3% fee or mark the payment as a gift? I can't find it. Please someone get a screenshot. I think, but am not certain, both requests violate PayPay's guidelines.
She actually said:

"Payment must be paid via Paypal as a "gift" so it doesn't take out a fee with by Thursday, October 11, 2012 2pm central time or it goes to next highest bidder." (September 30th)

Someone said:

"It's against terms to send money as a gift when it is in fact for goods.
If the buyer for whatever reason does not receive their item, they cannot file a claim with paypal in this case."

So Lucy replied:

"Okay just add on the3% Paypal fee to ur total then, that's fine :)"
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by Str8UpTruth »

I guarantee no one even says any of this shit to her about (wow all of her 3 kids) lol it's comical really. I think she makes the shit up for attention of some sort. No one cares Lucy. "Oh gosh what should I say for a come back", fucking lamest shit I've ever read. She acts like she has like 6 kids, you just have 3, not a big deal bro. :roll:
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by nanabanana »

That's what I was thinking too. She makes a huge deal out of what people say about her. I don't get it. 3 is NOT a lot. Around here family has 6 kids... That's normal.. I have two. No one says a damn thing when the whole family is out together.
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by Craziness »

Maeve wrote:
skeptic wrote:
Craziness wrote:1) did anyone notice how she said in the new auction the winner has to pay the 3% PayPal fee she is definitely reading this! I would not buy from her auction bc she is being annoying about having to gift the payment or pay the 3% fee.
Where did she state the winner had to pay PayPal's 3% fee or mark the payment as a gift? I can't find it. Please someone get a screenshot. I think, but am not certain, both requests violate PayPay's guidelines.
She actually said:

"Payment must be paid via Paypal as a "gift" so it doesn't take out a fee with by Thursday, October 11, 2012 2pm central time or it goes to next highest bidder." (September 30th)

Someone said:

"It's against terms to send money as a gift when it is in fact for goods.
If the buyer for whatever reason does not receive their item, they cannot file a claim with paypal in this case."

So Lucy replied:

"Okay just add on the3% Paypal fee to ur total then, that's fine :)"
That was for the last auction I am talking about the new one look on her fb page it was posted yesterday!
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Re: xxxJoelPolexxx (Lucy Eades)

Unread post by Craziness »

Auction #2 *not open yet*
Updated 5 hours ago
This auction will close on 2 weeks from when it starts which is TBD.There will be a starting bid in the auction that must be meet, after that highest bidder by the end of the auction wins. If there is a FREE item it's the FIRST person who claims it who gets it, so first come first serve. If you bid on an item that is free it will not be accepted nor trump the first to claim it as free. Free is free. ;)Payments must be exact cash in person or via paypal. If paypal please add on 3% for their fees or you will have the option to send as a "gift" to avoid the 3%. It your choice.All items will be shipped from a 76036 area code. We will ship the cheapest method possible unless noted otherwise by you. Please LMK if u want DC,s signature, tracking, etc otherwise we will ship with out. If you do want it the expense will be added on to your price. All S&H cost must be paid by the buyer in ADDITION to the item bid! Will ship anywhere but you must cover all expenses. If you are local, YES we can meet up.If I don't hear from you after your invoice is sent w/ in a few days your items will be given up to someone else to claim.

I had to copy and paste this from her fb page it is under her new auction, which it appears she selling anything she can get her hands on. I do not believe her on the whole paying for storage when she was in the playgroups I was in she didn't have a storage place just the place she is renting.

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