OhHiImSam wrote:Did anyone else get a PM from Sarai or am I just the special snowflake of the hour.

OhHiImSam wrote:Did anyone else get a PM from Sarai or am I just the special snowflake of the hour.
You could have just sent it to the one's who were asking, instead of coming into the thread acting like YOU'RE a superior, attention hungry chick all like ''I've got a link lol''. I'm not even acting like I'm ''morally superior'' however I do have some boundaries and values. Sharing and spreading someone's privacy isn't high on my list of priorities. They've got enough to deal with. But hey, looks like our values aren't the same and that's A okay, but keep your damn insults the fuck down.Sarai wrote:LOL People were asking for a link, and I had one to give. Please get off your high horse. If you've said anything about it or Austin, don't act like you're so damn morally superior. You seem extra salty, is that you Austin?Motheringthem wrote: Looks more like you need to chill the fuck out.
You asked for attention by saying ''oh, look at me, I've got a link!'' what the fuck did you expect?
Exactly.I don't understand why people keep commenting that they only addressed this because it was leaked.Well,yeah.It's only their business. I don't get why people think they should have been told?OhHiImSam wrote:Why would it be C&K OR E&J's business? Or our business? YouTubers or not, what happens in a relationship should stay with the people in that relationship.ApplePie wrote:I wonder if other YTers knew about this, like C&K and E&J? I mean back when Austin said he told Britt. Or if this was as much a surprise to them? I know how Cullen feels about cheaters and I can't imagine Jared would support this either.
I think it's genuinely shitty for someone to release this kind of information when they know there's a family involved. Austin and Britt were working it out between themselves privately and that's what's important.
Not what anyone else outside the marriage thinks they should do.
Sarai wrote:I've got a link lol
Here's the thing. It didn't have to be revenge porn. Austin is fully aware of how the internet works. He's known for 7 months that pictures and videos could be released. Simply making it known that the video and pics could surface would have made the situation completely different. I feel no empathy for him. What's happening now could have been avoided.fennysmile wrote:Just going to put this out there: if the roles has been reversed and Britt's video has been spread about I think everyone would be up in arms about spreading a woman's nudes that she sent to someone in private. I agree that what Austin did was fucked up, but if their video was truthful they were working on things all year because of his fuck up. I'm sure Austin is embarrassed by this whole thing, and Britt especially is. But I do think it's wrong to treat men like dogs when if the roles were reversed people would be PISSED about a men leaking revenge porn on a woman.
Just saying.
I'm just a lurker and even I know that!firefox wrote:Can someone be so kind and send me the link please
He makes a living creating family friendly content on social media. If there is a possibly that explicit content will surface on social media, his viewers deserve the right now know.ashleyrr2k wrote:Exactly.I don't understand why people keep commenting that they only addressed this because it was leaked.Well,yeah.It's only their business. I don't get why people think they should have been told?OhHiImSam wrote:Why would it be C&K OR E&J's business? Or our business? YouTubers or not, what happens in a relationship should stay with the people in that relationship.ApplePie wrote:I wonder if other YTers knew about this, like C&K and E&J? I mean back when Austin said he told Britt. Or if this was as much a surprise to them? I know how Cullen feels about cheaters and I can't imagine Jared would support this either.
I think it's genuinely shitty for someone to release this kind of information when they know there's a family involved. Austin and Britt were working it out between themselves privately and that's what's important.
Not what anyone else outside the marriage thinks they should do.
Sarai wrote:I've got a link lol
That is all true and I'm NOT excusing his behavior. He should have known this would happen, I fullheartedly agree. But my point is, if it was a female, mother, youtuber who sent a video of her masturbating against a wall, to a supposed man while she was married, people would be pissed that it was being shared. That's a fact. It wouldn't be spread around the forums like this because it would be deemed wrong. I haven't seen the video and I have no plans too, if I want to see a man awkwardly masturbate there's cheap porn all over the internet. I just think people need to think a little about the whole situation. I get that it's funny and weird, but if the situation was reversed there would be a whole different topic being discussed. I say talk about him being a scumbag, or how it's hypocritical for him to preach to us. But passing around the video and pictures should stop. He should get the same respect we have when women get in these situations. Thats all I'm trying to say.Lovethesnark wrote:Here's the thing. It didn't have to be revenge porn. Austin is fully aware of how the internet works. He's known for 7 months that pictures and videos could be released. Simply making it known that the video and pics could surface would have made the situation completely different. I feel no empathy for him. What's happening now could have been avoided.fennysmile wrote:Just going to put this out there: if the roles has been reversed and Britt's video has been spread about I think everyone would be up in arms about spreading a woman's nudes that she sent to someone in private. I agree that what Austin did was fucked up, but if their video was truthful they were working on things all year because of his fuck up. I'm sure Austin is embarrassed by this whole thing, and Britt especially is. But I do think it's wrong to treat men like dogs when if the roles were reversed people would be PISSED about a men leaking revenge porn on a woman.
Just saying.
If it were a female, it would spread just as much as fast. Maybe even faster. She would be slut-shamed and dragged through the mud for being an idiot. It's happened many times before. If this had been Britt, their viewers wouldn't be quick to forgive. There would be questions about the paternity of their children. I doubt Austin would sit with her and preach about Jesus to their viewers.fennysmile wrote:That is all true and I'm NOT excusing his behavior. He should have known this would happen, I fullheartedly agree. But my point is, if it was a female, mother, youtuber who sent a video of her masturbating against a wall, to a supposed man while she was married, people would be pissed that it was being shared. That's a fact. It wouldn't be spread around the forums like this because it would be deemed wrong. I haven't seen the video and I have no plans too, if I want to see a man awkwardly masturbate there's cheap porn all over the internet. I just think people need to think a little about the whole situation. I get that it's funny and weird, but if the situation was reversed there would be a whole different topic being discussed. I say talk about him being a scumbag, or how it's hypocritical for him to preach to us. But passing around the video and pictures should stop. He should get the same respect we have when women get in these situations. Thats all I'm trying to say.Lovethesnark wrote:Here's the thing. It didn't have to be revenge porn. Austin is fully aware of how the internet works. He's known for 7 months that pictures and videos could be released. Simply making it known that the video and pics could surface would have made the situation completely different. I feel no empathy for him. What's happening now could have been avoided.fennysmile wrote:Just going to put this out there: if the roles has been reversed and Britt's video has been spread about I think everyone would be up in arms about spreading a woman's nudes that she sent to someone in private. I agree that what Austin did was fucked up, but if their video was truthful they were working on things all year because of his fuck up. I'm sure Austin is embarrassed by this whole thing, and Britt especially is. But I do think it's wrong to treat men like dogs when if the roles were reversed people would be PISSED about a men leaking revenge porn on a woman.
Just saying.
Oh, I'm sorry, I guess you don't really know how friendships work. Generally, when one of my friends is having problems in their marriage, they make it known so we can all support them. You do realize all these YTers talk to each other outside of conventions, right? They text, email, FaceTime. Because they're friends.OhHiImSam wrote:Why would it be C&K OR E&J's business? Or our business? YouTubers or not, what happens in a relationship should stay with the people in that relationship.ApplePie wrote:I wonder if other YTers knew about this, like C&K and E&J? I mean back when Austin said he told Britt. Or if this was as much a surprise to them? I know how Cullen feels about cheaters and I can't imagine Jared would support this either.
I think it's genuinely shitty for someone to release this kind of information when they know there's a family involved. Austin and Britt were working it out between themselves privately and that's what's important.
Not what anyone else outside the marriage thinks they should do.
That is all true and I'm NOT excusing his behavior. He should have known this would happen, I fullheartedly agree. But my point is, if it was a female, mother, youtuber who sent a video of her masturbating against a wall, to a supposed man while she was married, people would be pissed that it was being shared. That's a fact. It wouldn't be spread around the forums like this because it would be deemed wrong. I haven't seen the video and I have no plans too, if I want to see a man awkwardly masturbate there's cheap porn all over the internet. I just think people need to think a little about the whole situation. I get that it's funny and weird, but if the situation was reversed there would be a whole different topic being discussed. I say talk about him being a scumbag, or how it's hypocritical for him to preach to us. But passing around the video and pictures should stop. He should get the same respect we have when women get in these situations. Thats all I'm trying to say.[/quote]Lovethesnark wrote:
Here's the thing. It didn't have to be revenge porn. Austin is fully aware of how the internet works. He's known for 7 months that pictures and videos could be released. Simply making it known that the video and pics could surface would have made the situation completely different. I feel no empathy for him. What's happening now could have been avoided.
Sorry,I just disagree with this one but we all have our opinionsLovethesnark wrote:He makes a living creating family friendly content on social media. If there is a possibly that explicit content will surface on social media, his viewers deserve the right now know.ashleyrr2k wrote:Exactly.I don't understand why people keep commenting that they only addressed this because it was leaked.Well,yeah.It's only their business. I don't get why people think they should have been told?OhHiImSam wrote: Why would it be C&K OR E&J's business? Or our business? YouTubers or not, what happens in a relationship should stay with the people in that relationship.
I think it's genuinely shitty for someone to release this kind of information when they know there's a family involved. Austin and Britt were working it out between themselves privately and that's what's important.
Not what anyone else outside the marriage thinks they should do.
He makes a living creating family friendly content on social media. If there is a possibly that explicit content will surface on social media, his viewers deserve the right now know.ashleyrr2k wrote:Exactly.I don't understand why people keep commenting that they only addressed this because it was leaked.Well,yeah.It's only their business. I don't get why people think they should have been told?OhHiImSam wrote:Why would it be C&K OR E&J's business? Or our business? YouTubers or not, what happens in a relationship should stay with the people in that relationship.ApplePie wrote:I wonder if other YTers knew about this, like C&K and E&J? I mean back when Austin said he told Britt. Or if this was as much a surprise to them? I know how Cullen feels about cheaters and I can't imagine Jared would support this either.
I think it's genuinely shitty for someone to release this kind of information when they know there's a family involved. Austin and Britt were working it out between themselves privately and that's what's important.
Not what anyone else outside the marriage thinks they should do.
Sarai wrote:I've got a link lol
He makes a living creating family friendly content on social media. If there is a possibly that explicit content will surface on social media, his viewers deserve the right now know.OhHiImSam wrote:Exactly.I don't understand why people keep commenting that they only addressed this because it was leaked.Well,yeah.It's only their business. I don't get why people think they should have been told?ashleyrr2k wrote:
I completely agree. I do feel bad that thousands of people are now gossiping about this. I also think its wrong to say that Britt should/deserves to leave him. What he did isnt THAT wrong in my book. Im betting that he was at a low place in his self esteem and that attention made him feel better. I genuinely think he loves Britt and is a great father. So yea he screwed up, but I hope they forgive and forget.fennysmile wrote:Just going to put this out there: if the roles has been reversed and Britt's video has been spread about I think everyone would be up in arms about spreading a woman's nudes that she sent to someone in private. I agree that what Austin did was fucked up, but if their video was truthful they were working on things all year because of his fuck up. I'm sure Austin is embarrassed by this whole thing, and Britt especially is. But I do think it's wrong to treat men like dogs when if the roles were reversed people would be PISSED about a men leaking revenge porn on a woman.
Just saying.
lurkymclurkerston wrote:Watched their video they posted last night... I normally really like Britt and her DGAF kind of attitude, but that video gave me a bad taste in my mouth toward her. The preaching and condescending, "I'm going to pray for you guys" in reference to haters or whatever. I would have respected her more if she hadn't put on this fake preachy, saving face BS act and been more realistic with "I wanted to beat and leave Austin, but we decided to work on things. And I still get pissed about it, so it sucks that it's all public now." Her tone of voice was SO different and fake compared to her normal self. Who knows... Austin fucked up majorly, but Britt seems to be putting on a front. HOWEVER, given the humiliating situation for her, perhaps she's too hurt to be real about her feelings about the situation with viewers.
That's the vibe I got as well..
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