Motheringthem wrote:That little bastard. What an ungrateful shit. So, this frog gets this princess pregnant three times and each time, she births each beautiful, precious baby into the universe. She not only birthed them, feeds them, keeps them clean, stimulated, looks after them, plays with them, keeps them healthy, keeps their children alive and well, all while keeping the house clean. Cooks for her children and for Sir Humps A Lot, providing healthy meals that Dwarf man often rejected and ordered take out instead (This was said in a vlog a while ago, can't remember when). Mrs Super Woman encourages her baby husband to eat healthier, live better, encourage him to be the best he can be. Gifting him with nothing besides her support and even beautifully, trust.
Meanwhile, Mr Cottage Cheese turns his nasty back on her and proceeds to have an affair with Some Bitch Who Ain't Shit. Sent his whore of a mistress money that could have gone to Princess or even better, the kids. Toys? Food? College Fund? Hello? Proceeds to lie to her, proceeds to go behind her back, proceeds to cheat on his beautiful wife and precious children.
Austin, you are shit. You are garbage and you need to be taken out.
Come on, really? I mean, Austin is a disgusting creep and no one deserves what he did to his family. But let's not go painting Britt as some saintly visage of perfection.
I could never get into their vlog, and the number one reason was because Britt is such a self-righteous, holier-than-thou nag. She's constantly throwing shade at other youtubers, she was always talking down to everyone like some know-it-all, and she seems like a massive bitch.
She's been treated abysmally by her husband, and their children certainly don't deserve to be put through this mess. But Britt isn't this picture perfect mother/wife that you're painting her to be. Far from it.
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