Austin Scandal: The Facts.

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Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by rodgerdodger »

Vote here as you watch Austin Null fall from grace!
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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by KayB143 »

The embarrassment alone would make me leave. And I wouldn't want my children to think that cheating is okay.

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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by actuallydear »

I was thinking of making a similar topic the other day, when this first came out and people were saying they would/wouldn't leave their spouse if they did this.

As much as I love my husband, if he did this I would be so hurt, angry, devastated and EMBARRASSED that there would be no going back on this.

I think if it was all dealt with privately there could be a possibility of working through it, but the shame I would feel if my husband did this and everyone knew about it, all the details and pictures. There is no way.

If you love someone, you don't do that kind of shit.

He obviously doesn't love or respect Brittney. If he did, he wouldn't have had an emotional affair. It wasn't one picture and then "oh shit, I fucked up". He was consciously making the ongoing choice to break his vows and go behind his wife's back. So gross.

I would be really interested in hearing what Cullen and Katie really think about this. Cullen seems very blunt and I couldn't see him standing by Austin's side. Maybe if he was told the watered down version by A&B, but not after all this evidence has come out.

I also wonder if the reason why Missy tweeted is because this is what happened with her and Bryan and she knows how it feels. Especially if Austin was cheating with a man, like Bryan supposedly did.
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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by missparzival »

I couldn't stay. If never fully trust him again and that would cause huge issues. Plus I wouldn't want my girls thinking it ok for a man to cheat on them

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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by maplecross »

Personal: My husband works long hours, frequently doing over time as well. He travels alone to the nearest city (40 mins one way) for shopping, car stuff etc A LOT because our babies hate the long car ride.

I trust him wholeheartedly and the amount of time he has away from home causes no anxiety now.

On topic: If my husband were to breach my trust like Austin I would always be worried every time he stepped out of the house and I don't think I'd be able to forget it.

I think I'd leave.

As an aside: Austin also did stuff that steps out of what I imagine was the vanilla nature of their marriage (certainly mine).

Doing stuff with some online girl that you never think to ask of your wife would make me think there's no way to satisfy him sexually and he'd just do it again.
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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by zipadeedodah »

I would be either making him leave or I would pack my crap and move back in with my parents.

He's dug himself a huge hole that he won't ever get out of. I hope Brit takes the kids and goes.

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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by MichaelScarn »

I think I have the same generic answer, if in public, yes. If not public, would maybe try to work it out and give a second chance. But idk. I have the same crazy in love with husband problem some other people said, it'd be the worst thing to ever happen to me to separate. :(
What I really want to know, is what would y'all do if you were Austin?! I would honestly delete twitter. Delete youtube. Maybe make one final video. Then pull a Lucy Eade and lay low.
I would move, legally change my name & get a job. Did he ever go to college? Maybe I'd go to college. Idk. Join a temp agency and hopefully get my foot in the door at a decent place.
And maybe some would see name change as drastic but I would do it!
Of course I'd never be in this situation but it's fun to think about it.

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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by rd_valo »

Hell yes. He'd be out the door. Wouldn't even hesitate over it

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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by gwsb »

His affair has so many layers so I'll answer for each individually.

Just the online stuff? No
Actual sex? Probably leaning more to yes.
Giving mistress money? Definitely especially when there's kids to care for.
Having it blasted to all my family, friends, and fans? Definitely.
Doing something that could seriously tank our future income and professional standing? Yes (because again the children).
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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by Cgl33 »

I wouldn't leave over a picture or video that was private. We'd need a lot of therapy though. I would leave if my husband told another woman he loved her and/or sent her money.
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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by Koshka »

After seeing everything he has done so far... Yes I would.

I don't want to show my children it's okay to be treated like that or treat someone like that. I also want to respect myself.

It's very sad.

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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by lovelyloohh »

When this first came out, I was thinking that if this happened to me I would try to stay and work it out before coming to the decision to leave. Now that it's been a few days and I've had time to think about it, I would definitely leave him. I mean it's not like it was a one time thing. He was going behind her back for months sending these nasty videos. I have no doubt in my mind he probably met up with this person. He didn't just betray her, he publicly humiliated her and now it's not just him that has to suffer the consequences. If he were my husband I would be very hurt and it would be incredibly hard to ever trust him again. This is an incredibly sad situation. I do believe people can change, but I also believe that the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater" can be true, especially in Austin's case because he claimed he wasn't even unhappy in his marriage. He just didn't have the sense or respect for his wife to ignore this person. That's a huge red flag he could do it again.
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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by karmarosee »

I would 100% be out the door! i hate how some people make it it seem like only having sex counts as cheating. What he did was disgusting and disrespectful to his family, i have no idea how brit could be so chill about the whole thing. Then he wants to act like it "just happened" & because he never met her, according to him, that what he did wasnt that bad. So basically he's trying to say that he loves brit, is happy and yada yada yada but still cheated because the opportunity fell on his lap..? -.-
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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by karunohana »

If he would tell me the whole truth then I guess I'd try counseling so I wouldn't keep wondering if this could've worked out. (Though I don't think I would be able to do this, so I'd leave in the end)
If I found out the whole truth on my own (like Britt probably does right now) I would leave without a second thought. (I know that she know of an online affair, but I don't think she knew the extent of the situation)
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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by Deadhead_kay »

If he never physically cheated, showed complete remorse and desire to change and completely stopped once he came clean to me, then yes. Will need couples counseling and the like to begin to trust once again but I think it's all about how willing they are to fix what they did and to never do it again.
Just the opinion of an internet stranger. Don't take anything personally, for your own sake as well as mine.
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Austin Scandal: The Facts.

Unread post by rodgerdodger »

The Players

Austin Null: Family vlogger, #CoolDad, #JesusIsMyHomeboy, married to Britt and they have three kids. Recently came to light he had an emotional affair.
Britt Null: Family vlogger, resting bitch face, #HolierThanThou, married to Austin and has three kids. Claims to totally forgive Austin because that's what Jesus would do or something. She's praying for us tho.
Queenofshadenudes: A gay porn blogger that can be found on tumblr and snapchat. The videos and pictures have been leaked by them via their snapchat (queenshadenudes)
@ScumbagaustinN: A twitter account where a vast majority of the videos/pics/memes have been reposted.
@Rebeleflor: A twitter account that claims to have had multiple vloggers DM her about Austin, Britt included. Claimed Britt made a fake account and asked for screenshots of bank reciepts. Claims to know the mistress, and also claims that there is more than one mistress.
@null_mistress: A twitter account claiming to be the mistress, was recently deleted but leaked a few photos of Austin and a text convo.
@taliloveonutube: A twitter/YouTuber who claimed to have interviewed the mistress.

What we know for sure
  • 1. Austin had an emotional affair on Britt
    2. There are, currently, six NSFW videos of Austin that have been leaked; the wall, the toilet, the pillow, the finish, the fingering, and the toilet pt. 2. Most of which can be found on twitter or a few free porn sites.
    3. Austin sent a $700 Amazon gift card to his mistress
    4. Britt, as soon as the scandal broke, deleted her Twitter
    5. 2/5 videos were recorded during playlistlive
What is being speculated
  • 1. Audri met the mistress at VlogerFair (although Audri was not at VloggerFair)
    2. There are multiple mistresses
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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by westwuff »

I would leave him because the shit he did was so stupid and I would have no respect for him.

I would also leave him for lying. I don't have the patience to be jerked around.

That being said, I told my hubby he could go get laid if he really needed to as long as it was one time and he didn't exchange personal info with his parter. Heck, he could do it with a guy, whatever. But I won't share his sexy brain and our intimate connection with anyone.
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Re: Would you leave Austin?

Unread post by RootBeerFloatie »

I would. I'd want to set an example for my daughter and show her that disrespect of that kind is not tolerated
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Re: Austin Scandal: The Facts.

Unread post by rodgerdodger »

Lipstick Alley Situation
Austin, in his wonderful wisdom, has been obsessively checking his thread on Lipstick Alley (a forum where all things african american are discussed, has become almost famous as of late) and has even decided to reply to his own thread on there! Hoooo boy....

(taken from the ever lovely Thegoatsmeow, who trudged through Lipstick Alley to find this. This is Austin's conversation on Lipstick Alley with some other posters).

"Here are Austin's Posts from LSA, I will just copy and paste so anyone see. I've included the LSA members post he is replying to.

LSA Member:
You know what, imma just spill the tea. The person Laina has been emailing is the same person who did the interview as well leaking a brand new photo for proof. We've concluded that Queen of Shade is the Mistress based on them saying they are Queen in the DM but then lying about it the interview, yet they made a Tumblr stating otherwise.

Tea: This person is SICK they were tossing around Austins home address to Laina as if to prove that if they wanted shit to go down they have control, which is sick as hell. In addition to that they have a WEIRD affinity towards his daughter Audri. Their email name is Audri XXXXXXX - And in the emails they were talking a lot about Austin and Audri, but the daughter has nothing to do with all this. -- This is why I say it was creepy because only true sickos believe they have a relationship with a child when in reality they do not.

Can you email me about this? I know you guys hate me and believe a bunch of lies that people make up but this isn't funny and I take it very seriously. I can deal with people illegally uploading terrible videos of me (it's a repercussion of my mistakes, albeit illegal) but if someone is trying to do anything regarding my kids and mentioning my address I'm not gonna take that lightly. Please email me to discuss more: thenivenulls@gmail.c om
LSA Member:
The safety of children is no joking matter. Anyone who knows that information needs to help Austin, regardless of what he did. All mistakes aside, when you start messing with the children that's when it goes too far.

Another thing I will say that is kind of strange, I think some of you are taking it way too far when you accuse Austin of pedophilia. That's not funny, cool or even right to say.

Leave the kids out of it.

Finally someone says it. Thank you. The far fetched ideas some of you come up with are entertaining to me but the sick, twisted idea that I have a pedo obsession with my own daughter is mind boggling and disturbing
LSA Member: do you ever take responsibility for anything?
We hate on you because we believe lies that people make up? What was discussed about you prior to all of this was taken directly from what you chose to portray in your Vlogs. And then you make sure to mention twice that the video leak is illegal so that fault can again be placed elsewhere. Since your job is to vlog, and your address was public, it doesn't seem that your children's safety was much of a priority, but now that someone else has mentioned it, again the blame and fault is deflected away from you. Smh. Maybe instead of pursuing legal action you should pray on it, haven't you been preaching and tweeting all about the word of God and how Jesus saves?

I've taken responsibility for my actions. With my wife and now with people who were, unfortunately, exposed to my private mistakes because of ILLEGAL revenge porn. It's not deflecting it's just truth. I've always taken my kid's safety VERY seriously. The only reason I even found this dumb blog in the first place is because I did Google searches for our name to make sure no one was ever talking about us in a way that could be considered dangerous
LSA Member:
people ALWAYS go too far! light drama and gossip isn't enough for some people, they have to find people addresses and start doing too much! that's why i groaned a font who was bragging about driving pass the family's home. don't be surprised if the feds come knocking down doors and getting fonts together. why are people targeting children? this whole saga has taken a turn that has crossed a line of no return...all in the name of LOLs and THANKs! it's fucking disgusting. i pray for the children of that family. please God protect them from the sickos of this world. Austin, i don't agree with your actions and think that you brought this on yourself, but you need to do something to protect your family. this thing has crossed over into the land of the creepy. some of you fonts are seriously obsessed and sociopathic!

Austin: Thank you. This is the last comment I'll make because I don't have time to argue with some of the ignorance in here but THIS is why I take issue with most (not all, because some of you discuss logical things) of you on this many of you saw something ILLEGAL being done to me and pounced on it and BLEW IT UP (began tweeting all of my friends, family members, etc), which allowed it to start spreading the way it has now. You realize this exact thing (these nude videos) happened over a month ago but I was able to contain the situation with my lawyer since only a small amount of people on Tumblr saw it? But this time around, LSA found some dirt and took it and posted it everywhere. And you all thought you had some exposing secret and couldn't wait to "fill Brittany in" to let her know how terrible I was when in reality she knows EVERY SINGLE THING THAT I DID and none of this is news to her, it's just re-opening old wounds. THIS is why I'm annoyed with so many of you.

We are fine and we aren't going anywhere. Our marriage has never been better. Every day I have to deal with the repercussions of my terrible choices. And I'm ok with that. My actions made that happen. But when I see people spew hate and ignorance with the sole intent of trying to ruin my family as if you know everything about us and to do that you decide to start sharing and posting illegal revenge porn of me ALL OVER THE INTERNET, that is a low blow and no matter how much you may be annoyed with me or just not like me, in general, that just isn't ok.

THAT is my issue with this blog. On that note, I'll be continuing to monitor to make sure nothing unsafe or illegal is being discussed about my family and I'll continue on with my life with my amazingly loving wife and beautiful children. God bless...


From this we can confirm a few things:
  • Austin clearly is trying to do his own weird version of damage control when he thinks fighting with strangers on the internet is the answer
    Austin claims his marriage is "stronger than ever"
    QueenOfShadesNude is claiming to be the actual mistress, which is odd considering they were a tumblr for awhile before this all broke.
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Re: All of Austin's LSA Posts/OT Discussion

Unread post by Metalheadmama666 »

Why can't Austin come here. Jeez. We're nicer
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