Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by youmustbecrazy »

Sam is such an unhinged fame whore I'm dying to see how they over dramatise this labour.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by saltliferocks »

How scary it must be to be Nia.. She is such a frigging idiot. She is beyond less than smart. She has few brain cells. No wonder she believes that she was pregnant because her psycho husband told her so. People like that actually scare me. They vote, ffs!!
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by sweetpeaswallow »

So OK, late to the party I know but I've just.come back from seeing Zootropia and for the life in me I cannot see any blasphemy in it apart from a brief reference to 'Kumbaya' and discussion of evolution. It's striking me as being very like the woman who viewed Frozen as being full of LGBT references! Honestly can't understand where he is coming from here

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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by tmarieme »

sweetpeaswallow wrote:So OK, late to the party I know but I've just.come back from seeing Zootropia and for the life in me I cannot see any blasphemy in it apart from a brief reference to 'Kumbaya' and discussion of evolution. It's striking me as being very like the woman who viewed Frozen as being full of LGBT references! Honestly can't understand where he is coming from here

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Sam is just full of it. I know said it before but I truly think he says things like that so people think he is this great Christian, because being a Christian is all about the amazingness of individual and not representing Christ GAHHHH lol. I know I am being salty when it comes to him and how high and mighty he acts it just bothers me so much.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by tinker74 »

Could Sam make it anymore clear that he has a SON..and he is his FAVOURITE. Poor sam must have had his ego bruised by the news he was having a second daughter not a boy..So Abram gets pushed center and forward in the vlogs to remind the world..especially his twin who he is in competition with...that he does have a SON!
His twin was desperate for a boy but just had a win Sam. :?
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by saltliferocks »

Sam must be on his meds.. He hasn't shown us Dexter for a while.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by skyblueandblack »

If I have to hear "little man" one more time about Abram I might lose it. Not to mention- why do they think he's SOOOO FUNNY all the time? He's not that funny. He's a typical 2 year old that says typical 2 year old type stuff.

I have to admit- since I occasionally watch some of the other youtube parents- I will hand it to Sam & Nia- their vlogs are much more interesting than E & J or K & C (even if I realize K & C are youtube sweethearts.... I have to admit I find their actual content pretty boring). Sam somehow manages to keep their vlogs relatively interesting- no matter how mundane the events.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by tmarieme »

skyblueandblack wrote:If I have to hear "little man" one more time about Abram I might lose it. Not to mention- why do they think he's SOOOO FUNNY all the time? He's not that funny. He's a typical 2 year old that says typical 2 year old type stuff.

They actually kinda remind me of first time parents with Abram. They're so fascinated with everything he does, like new parents do if that makes sense. I always felt like Symphony was a little over shadowed by Abram even when it comes to Nia. I hope she doesn't feel that way and hopefully it's better off camera. I also wonder how it's going to translate to the new baby, maybe they'll learn to divide their fascination a little more evenly.

I truly hope for the sake of all of his family members that he truly is on meds now. It may make for less manic videos (which are more cringe worthy to me) which some may find more entertaining but at least people will stop thinking he is the way most adult men act.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by Withlovefromparis »

Did you watch the Disneyland vlog ? Why does he always have to yell and to make these faces on the rides ? :?
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by alygator »

Im sorry but Nia looked ridiculous in that big hat
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by flightlessbird »

Their new video is going to cause quite a controversy, which is probably what they were going for but now it's going to be for the wrong reasons.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by mac-n-cheese »

Dislike sam but the seal video actually made me happy lol. That lite guy looked happy to be back in the water
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by Withlovefromparis »

Symphony in a stroller at Disneyland, Symphony in a stroller while going at the beach... Isn't she 5 or something ?
My son is 4yo, he walks all day long at Disneyland, from 9am when we leave home to take the train to Disney to 9pm when we get on the train back after the closing show.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by flightlessbird »

mac-n-cheese wrote:Dislike sam but the seal video actually made me happy lol. That lite guy looked happy to be back in the water
You're not supposed to force a seal back into the water. It was a baby. The mom leaves baby seals on shore while they hunt for food, so she came back and her baby was gone. If the baby seal cannot hunt for food itself, it'll die. They did more harm than good.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by Lmk »

Fuck it ima say it Sam looks like a crack whore who then became a broke hooker my opinion

Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by ag1116 »

I've been a longtime lurker and the time I finally decided to make a post I accidentally deleted it so I got frustrated and didn't try again...until now.
I currently live in central Texas for college and Sam and Nia are the typical young parents you see in this area of Texas. Nia obviously does everything Sam does and thinks the same way he thinks because she doesn't have the ability to have her own opinions. I remember in one of the videos Nia talked about how she went to college to study to be a teacher or something like that and I'm kind of glad she didn't continue that path. Mostly because she needs to know Sam's opinion on anything before she expresses her own e.g. the time they went voting and when they were giving their opinion on Zootopia. She just doesn't seem very smart to me tbh.
I find it so annoying how Nia squeals over everything Abram does. It's also crazy how much they favor Abram over Symphony and how obvious it is. Sam is clearly upset that they're having a girl instead of a boy, and he really showed it in the gender reveal video. Ever since then he won't shut up about what a "little man" Abram is. Recently I've been skipping over most parts of their videos because they've been turning into long montages of Abram or Sam doing something with really cheesy music playing in the background. :roll:
I don't know if you guys saw their meet up video but someone actually likes these crazies enough to make Nia a custom white gold necklace.
I probably how more to say but I think I'll stop here.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by tmarieme »

flightlessbird wrote:
mac-n-cheese wrote:Dislike sam but the seal video actually made me happy lol. That lite guy looked happy to be back in the water
You're not supposed to force a seal back into the water. It was a baby. The mom leaves baby seals on shore while they hunt for food, so she came back and her baby was gone. If the baby seal cannot hunt for food itself, it'll die. They did more harm than good.
I can't exactly knock them for doing it when I was preteen I may have done the same thing. However as I have matured I have learned that in situations involving animals specifically non domesticated animals I would call and seek help. We all know Sam is too immature to think with an adult brain and can't think past "what can get me more views". I will say this though he probably did think he was dong what was best, it's just irritating that all these minions are fawning over this and potentially could do the same thing. It's nice to see though (through comments) that people are responding mostly well to people informing them this is wrong, rather than blindly following Sam, it restores a little bit of my faith in their minions.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by mac-n-cheese »

Wow I did not know that!
I'm an adult...not a preteen and was not aware of this.
I live in North dakota. Never been to a beach so had no idea about this and seals.
I would have tried to help the baby also not realizing it could be unsafe.

Not a sam fan in the slightest but he probably had no idea either.

His friend though lives in LA and I'm assuming visits the beach frequently with the amount of kayaks and other crap he brought with him. You'd think he'd be educated on this.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by Not_Pregnant »

Woah, David Klass gave her a custom necklace? He's a huge deal on the jewelry forum Pricescope.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by brownprincess93 »

tmarieme wrote:
sweetpeaswallow wrote:Yeah I'm not going to disagree with that - complete clickbait. However if they are going to use clickbait (which every YouTuber does) at least this actually happened, rather than when he photoshopped the numbers on the thumbnail so it looked like Symphony had a temperature of 107!!

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That's kinda how I feel too. I have no issue with "click bate" like you said most youtubers do it, along with articles written on the internet and technically book titles are "read bait" lol so that doesn't bother me. Besides the whole thumbnail thing I also get bothered when the click bait is super exaggerated about something that literally takes up like 30 seconds in their videos.

I also need to add how annoyed I am at how petty Sam was about Zootopia. I actually went to see it right after I watched that part of their video. I paid close attention and could not find any blasphemous things said. They said "oh my goodness" and "cheezits and (something)", which I literally would not have noticed if I wasn't paying such close attention. So I don't know what else he could be talking about, but those aren't bad... maybe I missed it but I doubt it
I don't know why but it just eerked me so much but it's like he is trying to hard to make it sound like he is the perfect Christian who never says anything "bad" or watches anything "bad".
Considering Sam was on Ashley Madison - who is he to judge a Disney Cartoon??

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