Gardner Quad Squad

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by weed »

I think that just goes to show how stupid they are. Why delete the negative comments, but leave the positive ones defending the negative ones? I mean .. pep e must realise that the ones defending them are referring to something someone else has said! They must be very insecure if they can't handle criticism.

That video with them on the quad nikes was dreadful! Not one person in that entire clip had a helmet on. Head injuries waiting to happen! Ashley hurt her ankle and still didn't put on a helmet after she had already hd one accident! They are very irresponsible.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Sammy16 »

I feel like something has changed with them. They used to interact with their followers more and now they just post what comes off, at least to me, as obligatory pictures/videos. That's great if they're putting down the cameras and just enjoying the girls, but I get a weird vibe.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by weed »

I think that they don't feel that they have to bother too much now as they have a lot of followers who love them. They have become big-heads. LOL I've always had a bad vibe about them.

Tyson's laugh is really creeping me out!! It is really weird how creepy it sounds, and he laughs every single time he opens his mouth to speak, regardless of whether his comments are funny or not.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by weed »

I can't believe what I've just seen! Tyson is now squirting whipped cream into the babies' mouths! Those babies are going to end up fatter than he is, and that is saying something! How can he do something like that to those children?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Sammy16 »

weed wrote:I can't believe what I've just seen! Tyson is now squirting whipped cream into the babies' mouths! Those babies are going to end up fatter than he is, and that is saying something! How can he do something like that to those children?
HAHAHA I thought of you when I watched it :lol: I couldn't believe it either!!! Was that the same morning the girls had their eggo waffles and puffs for breakfast too? It really makes me sad how poor the babies' diets are. Ashley and Tyson are not juggling 4 babies and full-time jobs so I see no excuse for feeding them so much junk on a regular basis. They're both home all day and they have a TON of help so I just don't get why they can't cook something healthy for them! Everything is frozen or from a can- even their veggies!!! Scramble an egg or something!!!

Did you see the video from their vacation where they were slapping Tyson's brother across the face? Ashley hit him HARD. I couldn't believe it. They didn't post it on Facebook but it's on their channel. It also showcases Ashley in all her annoying glory. I think she has really big feet lol. Here's the video:
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by weed »

I don't know what egg waffles are, but they don't look healthy. Puffs? they look like little cheesy cracker snack things? How on earth can they feed those babies that junk? I would have thought after all the effort to get them to this stage that nutrition would have been one of their main priorities, but they don't seem to place any importance on it at all. Tyson is forever sneaking them treats, such as bits of doughnuts, etc. They are being set up with extremely bad habits and it isn't fair to those children.

I watched the two videos of their weekend away and thought they were so immature. I still don't understand what the significance of the slapping game was, but Ashley sure did revel in hitting other people. You're right, she is super annoying! They both annoy me, but she is the worst. I think when she isn't around he tones it down quite a bit and is bearable (apart from his annoying giggle( but when she isothere they both ramp it up and her voice is SO over the top!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by liz749 »

weed wrote:I don't know what egg waffles are, but they don't look healthy. Puffs? they look like little cheesy cracker snack things? How on earth can they feed those babies that junk? I would have thought after all the effort to get them to this stage that nutrition would have been one of their main priorities, but they don't seem to place any importance on it at all. Tyson is forever sneaking them treats, such as bits of doughnuts, etc. They are being set up with extremely bad habits and it isn't fair to those children.

I watched the two videos of their weekend away and thought they were so immature. I still don't understand what the significance of the slapping game was, but Ashley sure did revel in hitting other people. You're right, she is super annoying! They both annoy me, but she is the worst. I think when she isn't around he tones it down quite a bit and is bearable (apart from his annoying giggle( but when she isothere they both ramp it up and her voice is SO over the top!
I can tell you are not American lol so I'll explain! The waffles are "Eggo" brand, not egg based or anything, just some regular old toaster waffles. The Puffs are these little melt away snacks..they come in lots of different flavors and are made just for babies. I doubt they have much nutritionally value but they aren't really bad either. They're good for practicing using your hands and they melt in their mouths right away so no chocking risk...I refer to them as baby crack because babies are literally obsessed with them.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by weed »

Thank you! no, I'm not American. I was hoping that eggo waffles had lots of eggs in them and that the puffs might have been made of some sort of grains, but apparently not. It sounds as if the waffles are just white flour rubbish and the puffs must be full of chemicals. Why can't they feed them nutritious food for breakfast? Oatmeal? Eggs? there are so many good foods that they could be eating and enjoying. Instead they give them al that processed rubbish.
Tyson has just been crying in the last video because of all the support they're getting. Please! this is all just so fake! And then a message comes up on screen ... "please keep watching our videos to see more daddy tears"! I think I'm going to be sick! They are Not doing this because they love all their followers ... plain and simple .. they are doing it to be well-known and make money. All those grateful "daddy tears" are so fake!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by weed »

And now a Meet n Greet for their "fans"?? Please!! It is all about making money, not doing something nice for people. Why can't they just be honest about what they are doing?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by woahisme »

So in today's vlog they got new car seats and turned 3 of the 4 girls forward facing. And they bought/had donated expensive diono convertible seats, that could rear face them for a very long time. There's quite a few comments ripping them a new one for turning the girls before 2. And then of course plenty of minions defending them.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Acbsktbll »

woahisme wrote:So in today's vlog they got new car seats and turned 3 of the 4 girls forward facing. And they bought/had donated expensive diono convertible seats, that could rear face them for a very long time. There's quite a few comments ripping them a new one for turning the girls before 2. And then of course plenty of minions defending them.

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She stated they didn't all fit RF. Do people expect them to buy a new vehicle instead? I'm sorry but to me the whole RF thing is up to the parents (I even say this to friends in real life). As long as they followed the kaw, to me the rest/decision is up to them
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by fortwendy »

woahisme wrote:So in today's vlog they got new car seats and turned 3 of the 4 girls forward facing. And they bought/had donated expensive diono convertible seats, that could rear face them for a very long time. There's quite a few comments ripping them a new one for turning the girls before 2. And then of course plenty of minions defending them.

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I don't watch them but why 3/4? Do they like one the best or what?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by weed »

I think only one would fit to rear face and they had to forward face the others because of space. She said that they chose Indie to rear face because she is the smallest. I'm no expert on car seats, but that made sense to me. I can't really blame them for forward facing though, as it is all they can do with that car. The thing that intrigues me is that how they simply ignore all the negative comments instead of addressing the issue. They are good at just ignoring anyone who doesn't praise them.

Is that normal for firefighters to install car seats in the US? I don't understand the connection between the two.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by woahisme »

I've had 3 of those same car seats rear facing with the angle adjusters and had no issues, and that was in an even smaller vehicle than theirs. That is a total excuse that they won't fit. The AAP recommends a minimum of rear facing until 2, and state laws have already starting changing until 2. There have been many cases of internal decapitation from forward facing too early.
And those seats can be used from infant up till booster age, what would they have done if they had skipped the carriers and used these from birth?
And if they truely could not get them rear facing, there are many seats on the market today that can rear face for a long time. They could have returned those seats and found ones that worked. Most babies r us stores will let you try seats in your vehicle to make sure they work before you buy.

And for the fire fighters installing seats in the us, yes there are some that do take training to become certified child passenger safety technicians. But there are also many that are not certified but still install seats.
Your best bet is to find your local safe kids and have them help you.
They should teach you how to install your seats, not just do it for you. That way you can be confident you can install your seat every time.
If they just do it for you and you have to move it to another vehicle, you could reinstall it incorrectly.
Safe kids will also check your seats while your there to make sure they're not expired or have any recalls.
They will also teach you how to make sure your kids are buckled properly and that the harness/seat belt are in the correct position.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by weed »

Then it sounds like those firemen maybe didn't know what they were doing and that Ashley didn't try hard enough? There are so many people are criticising them both on YouTube and Facebook.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Sammy16 »

So sad really. I'm assuming Diono donated the car seats based on the few plugs made by Ashley and Tyson but safety should be a higher priority than free products. They could have researched which car seats would work best with their vehicle and/or tested out different seats at a local store before soliciting for donations (based on their history, I'm confident enough to make that statement!). I agree that the choice to turn FF or keep RF is up to the parents but Ashley stated they preferred to have all seats RF but couldn't, and that's what gets me. The seats could always be returned for seats that would fit their vehicle and meet their needs. Car seats are not something that anyone should just settle on. You can't control everything while you're driving but you can do everything in your power to make sure your children are as safe as possible so I'm surprised they would just let it go so easily. People leaving comments really do seem to care and want to educate them further on car seat safety but the minions are getting crazier by the day!!!!

Is everyone just ignoring the big elephant in the room? Those eyelashes are ridiculous! She's going to take flight if she blinks too fast! Also, did she say she got colored contacts? I thought her eyes were a greenish blue and now all of a sudden they're REALLY blue. Maybe I missed something since I click "mute" every time she speaks haha.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by weed »

I'm so glad that you mentioned the eyelashes!! LOL They are dreadful. She wears so much makeup that I didn't think she could really look any worse, but she does. They look ridiculous. I noticed the blue eyes too. I will go back and look at earlier videos to compare them ... gee that's sad, isn't it? :?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by KatB11182014 »

// ... 7ea1c4.jpg

Compared them to when the girls were born until now.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Sammy16 »

The pic didn't show up so I copied and pasted the url. I do think they are a deeper blue compared to that earlier picture and in the video of her eating her breakfast in bed :roll: her eyes are definitely not the same color as later on in the day. She has such an unbelievable cushy life. I wish Tyson and his family would go away for just 24 hours to give her a huge reality check. I always seem to think their videos are of their weekends but I have to remind myself they record daily and every day is like a Saturday for them!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by weed »

They certainly look different. You are right ... I never thought of it that way .... EVERY day to them is Saturday! LOL

She does certainly live a charmed life. Once again in the latest video she is off doing other things for the day while Tyson is at home with the girls. She seems to do whatever she wants and has a lovely social life. I don't imagine any other mother of multiples has it that easy. She doesn't really do much apart from sitting around all day playing with the babies and going out. They have visitors every single day to help and Tyson does the cooking, cleaning and laundry. I ask again ... what work she actually do!?! I think you're right .. her world would fall apart if he and to go back to work and his family disappeared.

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