Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by vesti »

Sam is a creep. I swear he's the sort of guy that people talk about on the news like "oh wow, he was so polite and friendly, I can't believe he's a serial killer and has murdered 18 people" o_O

Maybe it's just his crazy eyes, but I think it's more. He does not seem genuine at all whereas Nia does seem like a nice person who is an unfortunate product of her environment - raised super religious and now leading a Stepford wife existence. Idk, I think Sam is probably different when that camera goes off, and not in a good way.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by usernamessuck »

A few things bothered me today in their vlog.

Why are they bringing Juliette in public so young. I was taught you wait until the baby is at least three weeks to a month before taking them out. There are numerous respiratory diseases going around right now that she can catch and could land her in the hospital. She's just so little and it freaks me out.

Another thing, why do they just film EVERYONE. Like the poor manager at IHOP. As a waitress I would never be comfortable with something like that, and it sure as heck looked like that lady was not okay with it. Even if she did say it was okay, as someone in the service industry I can probably say it wasn't sincere, and she only said yes not to offend them.

Lastly, how the HECK are they almost at 600,000 subscribers. They just hit 500,000 a few weeks ago, and besides Juliette's birth nothing major has happened in their life. I expected the birth vlog to rake in the subs, but 100,000! Just seems fishy.

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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

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It is so sketchy how they just film people. I would be extremely uncomfortable with that, especially when I am out with my own child. I wonder if that's why Sam made the comment about IHOP making them sit alone in the overflow dining area.

It makes me nervous how much of their children's lives they over share. There are some creepy goddamn people out in the world and there is just no way that I would ever feel comfortable doing what they do. All their personal info, children's full names, what their house looks like, some freak could watch their videos and know basically everything about that family. I don't know that Nia is intelligent enough to realize she is putting those precious kids in danger, and I think Sam is too full of himself and psycho to care.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by Chatabox »

usernamessuck wrote:Guys I don't even like Sam, but even I could tell that he didn't actually feed the baby. Yes the spoon was in his mouth, but we have to give him some credit. He did manage to keep two kids alive for 6 years. He might know a few basic things.

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Actually, the clip cut when the spoon was in the babies mouth. The clip I posted was the last we see before it jumps to the older kids. So no, we can't verify that he didn't feed the baby. It sure looks like it though.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by CypKitty »

Never watched them before but came up in my recommendations. Another Jess with filming everyone!
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by tmarieme »

I was a little surprised at how early they are bringing her out into public places. I know everyone is different but almost everyone I know has waited at least a few weeks before even bringing baby to church including women who have multiple children so it's not just like their scared first time moms. It's not even about mom shaming it's about the babies immune system not being ready just yet. I wouldn't call anyone a bad parent who chose to bring their baby out sooner, it just shocks me that Sam who was an RN wasn't worried

At the end of the "our marriage needs help" video it seems like Sam cut out on Nia talking. I actually was appreciating what she was saying and it transitioned in such a choppy way.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by brownprincess93 »

A few things made me nervous about the last vlog - when they all went out for a walk, Nia was wearing a dress that was really long and she was holding Juliet in her arms - one little trip and both her and the baby would have fallen and gotten hurt. Nia hasn't fully healed yet either - she should take some precaution and let both her and the baby get some proper healing time, which I believe is 6 weeks.

I found it hilarious that Nia even called out Symphony's fake laugh when they were looking at the baby book - they are all such over actor's that they now have to calm each other down Hahaha!!

Can they just go and have a nice peaceful family meal, and just maybe share a few clips of what they ordered and then continue vlogging when they are in their car? I don't think the waitress wanted to be filmed and they act like they own whatever place they are in so it makes everyone around them uncomfortable!
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by Lurker2 »

I'm afraid I'll have to stop watching their vlogs soon..
I can't stand Nia's over the top squeal-talking, it bothers me so much "OOOOOH MY GOD THAT'S SOOOO CUUUUUUUUUUUTTEEEE".
It's fine if you're excited but god damn it every time it's like a competition to squeal more than the day before.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by saltliferocks »

I literally laugh out loud when Sam discusses these self-actualization break-throughs he feels he has. Then, only moments later he shows his total lack of self awareness.

I couldn't help but think of the auditing done by the Church Of Scientology, when Sam was discussing having "all of the layers of his onion peeled back" by his church mentor. Sam has no social circle outside his church friends, and even the men in his church can hardly tolerate him.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by vesti »

The pinky promise thing at the end of the video was so dumb, even Symphony looked like "dad u dumbass I forgot about that hours ago" - but no, his stupid self-important jackass self had a little 5 year old girl up at 11pm purely so he could make himself feel like omgSuperDad bc he remembers he pinky swore to play some skeleton game with her. Just STFU, Sam.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by usernamessuck »

vesti wrote:The pinky promise thing at the end of the video was so dumb, even Symphony looked like "dad u dumbass I forgot about that hours ago" - but no, his stupid self-important jackass self had a little 5 year old girl up at 11pm purely so he could make himself feel like omgSuperDad bc he remembers he pinky swore to play some skeleton game with her. Just STFU, Sam.
I will admit the vlog about it was super narcissistic on his part. He kept building himself up as this awesome dad, but it was nice that he remembered. It showed that it meant a lot to Symphony. But I totally see how much he was trying to prove he is the best dad ever.

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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by brownprincess93 »

In the previous vlog Symphony had said that Juilet wanted Nia's "Neet Neet" - why did they put that in the vlog? We are all aware that Nia is nursing her newborn baby, but they are so public about it and even their kids keep talking about it. Once their kids get older they will be just like Sam - no filter and saying whatever they want. They even put Juliet's loud bowl movement in the vlog - are they aware their daughter is going to grow up and go to school, where hundreds of kids can laugh at her about it? The parenting skills on these two is from a different planet!

I have to say the most obnoxious scene in last night's vlog was when Symphony "accidentally" hit their friend Heith with the swimming noodle, and Sam was laughing and posted it like 10 times in the video. Not sure if there was a real apology about it after either - I heard say something to Symphony about it, but it didn't seem like they even cared!
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by RootBeerFloatie »

Calling it "neet neet" is just fucking weird
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by salviaplath »

At the end of the video Nia did "comment of the day" in Symphony's bedroom and she (the daughter) was topless. Do these people have no shame? Obviously, it'd be different if she were a baby but I'm pretty sure Symphony is at a certain age where this is no longer appropriate. I mean, people sleep or in their underwear naked all the time, I'm not shaming that. But to include it in the vlog? I used to think people were exaggerating when they said Sam & Nia's channel was a pedophile's dream but looks like that's true.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by brownprincess93 »

Didn't they just do a water balloon fight on the Shaytards channel a few days ago? Also - how in the world did they get 600K subs so fast? They were stuck at around 450K for months! That poor baby was outside in their dirty backyard for hours while they threw dirt, and chemical filled water balloons all over the place - not the mention the disgusting bugs that are crawling around everywhere!

I also found it so disturbing to see that they filmed Symphony while she wasn't wearing a shirt - they did that one time before as well when they went to New York. I'm totally confused how such a strong faith believing family has such poor values when it comes to the privacy of their home and children.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by vesti »

Do they not think about how Symphony will probably get made fun of over these videos as she gets older? They are selfish people. And yes their backyard looks nasty as hell.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by vesti »

Oh god that water balloon video...Sam and his brothers are annoying as FUCK. Holy hell, they are loud and obnoxious. If they made my lawn into a mudhole like that I would kill them.

With the backyard being so gross (and you know Oreo probably poops out there and they don't seem like the kind of people who diligently scoop their backyard every day)...just ew. Sam should have focused on getting a nice lawn back there before sticking a sandbox/play area/ weird random gazebo-ish thing/above ground pool out there, all in random ass places. Because now that yard is a hot mess like their paint color choices indoors.

I feel so sorry for Abram, Oreo, Juliet and Symphony.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by excited_nugget »

Someone said that having another kid was Sam's idea and I have to say, I definitely agree.
The vlog where they're doing family photos Sam says that he wants even more kids and Nia says she didn't even see herself with two or something. I can't exactly remember, but I feel like this needs to be said haha.
Sam is fucking psychotic.

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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by flightlessbird »

She'll be pregnant again in 2 years.
Symphony being whiny and crying is so annoying.
I'm just curious where they're getting all of their money all of a sudden when just months ago they couldn't afford to see a doctor. Sam quit photography so now YouTube is their main income.
They bought a pool but Abram is still in a crib.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by tmarieme »

For Nia's body sake I hope they consider another route if they want more kids. I know women who have had more than 3 c-sections but most doctors suggest 3 or 4 at most.

There was a comment of they day where they asked how many kids they wanted and only sam (nia was gone) answered and he said 5. I'd love to know how many Nia actually wants. If it's 5 then more power to them since they agree but I truly hope she isn't pressured into more kids.

As much as I think Sam has appeared to make more effort with the kids, he would still rather worry about himself first before anyone. It's obvious he loves his family but he is so full of himself as the head of the household. I hate speculation but I wouldn't be surprised if he constantly was pushing down his wife's throat what her duties are, while ignoring his "duties" that don't fit into his over sized ego.

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