Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by notyomama »

JLPC wrote:
workfromhomemom wrote:That pool had gotten absolutely disgusting. I can't believe he let the kids be in it when he pulled that bath bomb stunt. I am appalled he emptied the pool the way he did by ripping it open. I stopped watching the video after that. He could have easily flooded his house and his neighbors' homes. He is so damn irresponsible. I have always thought Sam was bipolar and I am wondering if he is cycling again. He needs to get his life in check no matter what is going on. How can Nia just let him do the things he does? He was so irresponsible with Abram in NYC. Did anyone else notice no carseat in the cab?
I definitely think Sam is bi-polar and is showing manic behaviors in the last few vlogs. I have a family member who is bi-polar. I know the signs. I hope Nia is aware and I hope Sam is being treated. It's so dangerous. I said before I would never allow my just-turned-3 yr old to go to NYC for three days with Sam. My husband is totally normal, clear thinking and responsible, but I'm not so sure I'd even be in favor of HIM doing that alone.

I also suspect that Sam has been self-medicating, maybe pot or coke. Do you ever notice his dilated eyes, for instance? And the Jack Nicholson in the shining performances that open a vlog?

Ripping that pool open with 3 little kids on the scene? The rush of water? Could have ended in emergency mode. The yard is a swamp now, with toys floating around. How does Nia feel about it, I wonder? She posted on FB and twitter that she was "running around like a chicken with it's head cut off" getting two kids to school this morning. Where was Sam? Sleeping in? All that sleeping is also a bi-polar symptom. I'm seriously worried about the kids.

Reminds me of my ex when he was abusing xanax
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by mormonts »

There's absolutely no way Nia knew he was going to do that and allowed it. I know the girl's brainwashed, but who wants a swamp in their backyard? It will take days for that to dry out.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by banananan »

Why do they eat off of paper plates?
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by JLPC »

banananan wrote:Why do they eat off of paper plates?
They are hopelessly lazy. They care nothing for environmental issues. It drives me crazy. People have been bringing this up for ages. What a bad example they are!
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by tmarieme »

I just .... can't :-o

Okay so maybe I can
Tbh one of the first things that caught my eye were the kids on the ladder, I was so nervous it was gonna push them over, that was just in the intro scene. Then he offered to have that kid lay down as it poured out. He was joking right???? What is that kid 6 or 7? That kinda force and and amount water falling out could definitely caused major issues, one being not being able to breathe. Then my reaction went to the yards including those surrounding theirs. I'd like to think they asked or at least warned their neighbors. I don't have an issue with them getting only one summer out of it. My issue is the huge amount of water they've used and the destruction it has caused. TBH I don't see them in that house for too much longer, simply because I think their taste and material status are changing, of course I could be wrong. If I'm not wrong I could see a in-ground pool in their future. Paper plates are bad, but a lot of people are guilty of using them including myself on occasion. After cooking a dinner for an hour, serving everyone, and cleaning up after everyone the last thing I want to do is more dishes besides the ones that were dirtied during cooking. They do seem to do it a lot though, is their dishwasher broke?
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by RecklessDisregard »

banananan wrote:Why do they eat off of paper plates?
Hahah, this is like the least offensive thing these nutbags do.

Nia doesn't want to wash their plates. Kinda can't blame her too much, she seems more like a domestic employee than a wife.

The paper plates (or just using a napkin/paper towel instead of a plate) were something I often saw growing up poor/"working class" in the US. It is super super common, especially for serving kids or quick, low-effort meals. For a very long time, I had no idea it was unusual at all to anyone. We had these wicker plate-shaped things to put behind our paper plates to give them more strength to hold heartier meals, lol.

Historically this may relate to busy working moms, lower income families lacking a dishwasher, etc. Even when those stereotypes don't hold true, it is sort of an intergenerational habit.

More well-to-do families tend not to use them regularly for the same reasons. They largely had a parent (or maid) at home to cook and clean, and there was enough time in the day, and once dishwashers were available, they bought them. This group also tends to be better educated.

I have a roommate who eats every meal off paper plates or Styrofoam bowls. He drinks from Styrofoam cups, uses plastic utensils, a new one every time. He says he has done this his entire life and is too old to change.

Anyway, sorry for rambling, but you can actually tell a lot about a person (or a vlogger) by the meals they serve and how they serve them. I think it's interesting.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by banananan »

I'm not really sure if the backyard can be salvaged at this point. I don't think grass will ever be able to grow with all of the sitting water. Definitely a waste of a pool. If they move and had an in-ground pool, do you think they will do that same crap with that pool? It just seems really wasteful and dumb to me.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by brownprincess93 »

Look how happy that kid is right now....I'm sure anyone would be that excited to get Sam since he's such an annoying creep!

They went to the state fair and you could tell Nia was beyond irritated...she actually yelled at Sam in front of everyone on the ferris wheel....him and his brother were being idiots and rocking the seated area and she was holding a baby so naturally she was freaking out....I love how she also claimed that they are supposed to protect them...hmmm...funny how he never does that....she should have let out more anger and frustration on wast he perfect opportunity!

Symphony was in the stroller again....they should just get the triplet stroller now....poor thing never has a seat...oh well...maybe when she's 12 then they will upgrade to a 3 seater so they can all sit together :D
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by JLPC »

brownprincess93 wrote:
Look how happy that kid is right now....I'm sure anyone would be that excited to get Sam since he's such an annoying creep!

They went to the state fair and you could tell Nia was beyond irritated...she actually yelled at Sam in front of everyone on the ferris wheel....him and his brother were being idiots and rocking the seated area and she was holding a baby so naturally she was freaking out....I love how she also claimed that they are supposed to protect them...hmmm...funny how he never does that....she should have let out more anger and frustration on wast he perfect opportunity!

Symphony was in the stroller again....they should just get the triplet stroller now....poor thing never has a seat...oh well...maybe when she's 12 then they will upgrade to a 3 seater so they can all sit together :D
Sam and his brother were seriously acting like 10 yr olds. His brother is shown spitting...yes SPITTING on a ride to test the gravity, supposedly.
The guys were trying to stand up in the ferris wheel. I would have been shrieking too! smh. Whenever these shenanigans go on, the pre-teen fans love it, many exclaiming "oh, I wish he were my dad!".
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by JLPC »

Oh, P.S. at the end of the vlog Sam said he didn't get to say goodbye to Bo. I have a feeling Bo split, in disgust.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by brownprincess93 »

Ewww who wants to see this ugly bug eyed face first thing in the morning....he's so disgusting and creepy!! :x

So they got new who cares....clearly your neighbours got those dark shades so you don't peep and/or film in their house!!

Symphony was only annoying for like 75% of the vlog....she was whining about things....crying....coming in front of the video every 5 seconds and I seriously don't know why they tell her to stop talking like baby!! Nia needs to cut it out as well...Juliet probably hates her life right now hahahaha
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by Withlovefromparis »

I just watched the exploding pool video.
This guy's clearly not thinking straight, he seems really unwell mentally speaking. What did he think ??? Who does these kind of things ??? And the stupid montage of them buying the pool and so on with the sad music, has someone died ? Rednecks.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by brownprincess93 »

There is just something so weird about how they don't care for the safety of their kids! They went to Sandy's parents house and were in these little cars driving down a bumpy dirt road and Juliet was crying the whole way....none of them had any belts on and if the cars tipped over all of them would've gotten hurt real bad. She didn't even put Juliet in a car seat!

Abaram was being a brat during dinner time and they didn't even say anything to him about his's like they just shrug everything off.

The only good thing about this vlog was that Sam was hardly in it...but as usual when he was he had to make it all about him :?
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by brownprincess93 »

Abarham is always barefoot when playing today they let play in his underwear? I must say getting over 1M subscribers surely gives them some wonderful ideas :)

Symphony took her doll with her and was imitating Nia by doing baby talk the entire vlog.....what was even more annoying was Nia was doing baby talk with Juliet....Sam was useless as usual so that pretty much sums up the vlog for today. Oh yeah....the girls also went and gone their nails done (isn't taking a baby in a place where they do shellac nails not a good idea? so many chemicals...even the nail girl had her mouth covered!!)

I feel like the church they go too is overly generous to tolerate Sam and do they even want to be shown all the time in the vlogs? Neither of them have enough respect to politely ask first or blur people out....they feel everyone just has to do what they say....get real!!
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by Neener1304 »

Sorry I am basically just lurking, but what happened to all these orbeez (?) things? Last thing I know was that he dumped them behind their property. Did he ever properly got rid of them? You know, like maybe in an environmental friendy way?

For me, it's one thing to be selfish, narcissistic and shallow, but it irrationally angers me, seeing them being so goddam wasteful. Don't like washing dishes? Get a maid!! I think it's a "cultural" thing though, I am from Germany and we have a lot of laws to protect the environment.

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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by mormonts »

Neener1304 wrote:Sorry I am basically just lurking, but what happened to all these orbeez (?) things? Last thing I know was that he dumped them behind their property. Did he ever properly got rid of them? You know, like maybe in an environmental friendy way?

For me, it's one thing to be selfish, narcissistic and shallow, but it irrationally angers me, seeing them being so goddam wasteful. Don't like washing dishes? Get a maid!! I think it's a "cultural" thing though, I am from Germany and we have a lot of laws to protect the environment.

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As far as we're aware, no, he didn't. He said they were biodegradable which was his excuse for shoveling them behind their property. Surprisingly, he isn't wrong and the name brand Orbeez at least are non toxic and biodegradable, but it's still sort of a lazy and ridiculous way to get rid of such a large quantity of them. A lot of people use them in their garden when they're done with them because they won't harm the soil. They could have planted a little garden in that mess of a backyard. Might have spruced things up a bit.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by brownprincess93 »

Sam got hurt....what else is new....he's so irresponsible I have no idea why Nia even leaves her kids with him! Symphony helped make breakfast today...that was actually kind of cute..but knowing how lazy and disorganized Sam and Nia are I'm not sure it's such a good idea because they will have that poor girl making 3 course meals before she's even 10 years old!

I just don't understand why a trip to the park can't be made into private time for their kids so they can focus on them - they spend way too much time vlogging all day and only show 10 minutes....but you can tell a lot of attention is taken away from their kids. Which explains why Symphony is crying for attention and Abarahm is getting to be a brat!

Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by ag1116 »

I guess Sam wanted to jump in the bandwagon of everyone talking about this election and he used Oreo as a transition to talk about this topic. He literally said "Speaking of Oreo have you been watching this presidential race..." like what? And then of course he had to ramble about a bunch of nonsense. Like how god is still in control of America....I'm so confused. And then he fed the kids chili straight from the can, heated in the microwave, and with a side of m& gross.
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by mac-n-cheese »

Why the hell was he taking the pit out with a knife? ??

Those poor kids are going to have gut aches before disgusting
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Re: Sam & Nia: Do It For the Views

Unread post by usernamessuck »

Literally when he said how he cut himself I thought "who the F takes out the pit with a knife?" also, I'm disgusted by that dinner. I understand it's probably just for the vlog, but seriously? Better vlog material would be to actually make something for your kids. Hell, pizza rolls would have been more effort than that monstrosity.

The scene where he was biking on whatever stupid toy he has with both kids while vlogging made me so nervous. I was worried he was going to break the camera or worse, hurt one of the kids.

I'm glad they played with oreo, but how Is the dog a good Segway to politics? I also hate when Sam tries to be religious and philosophical. Like anyone wants advice from him.

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