It's easy to say something when it's hypothetical. I bet if it came down to it, Kyra would not be ok with 50/50 in reality. And if they lived in the real world where you need to work and you have kids that need to be taken to daycare/school, they need consistency and routine. They don't need to be shipped from house to house from week to week. If it came down to it, I doubt Kyra would really be ok with 50/50.Annavi04 wrote:In one of their comment of the days they said that if they broke up theyd file for 50/50 custody. I have no idea why Kyra would ever agree to that though.. No matter how great or how horrible Oscar may be, I think the kids should be primarily with Kyra. Babies need their mom (unless something is wrong like shes a drug addict or whatever). Even now, Levi looks to Kyra when hes hurt or upset. It was shocking to me that Kyra agreed to 50/50sofreakingnotok wrote:Part of me wonders, when they' ll break up, will Oscar try to take the kids just to be spiteful? Then pass them to his mom or a sitter or something of course since he doesn't seem interested in the responsability. Sometimes I feel like Kyra is enough of a doormat that she wouldn't be able to fight him off.
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