Playsinrain wrote:"It's actually pretty chilly....and it's way too cold!!"
"We're like, bundled up.. it's freezing.." Yes, everyone is bundled up EXCEPT Finn who is stark naked except for a diaper. Who cares if the baby is cold?? #FinnWho?
"Only throw them in the grass!" annnd ollie throws them all over the porch while Bryan laughs..
How much clutter can they have? Have they even been in this house 6 months? This is a sure sign of excessive shopping.
All the kids but Finn allowed to play with the bowling set that FINN got for Xmas.. Seriously, can this kid PLEASE play with his toys? Missy was literally holding him back from playing! Who cares if he can't play "right" LET HIM PLAY WITH THEM!!!!
Kid's christian music in the car, SEE WE DO LOVE JESUS GUYS!!!
OMG ya'll they figured out that they can sit a child on either side of them so they can both watch the kids and still sit beside each other, give them a Nobel prize guys.. I'm amazed.
Bryan's going to be addicted to Afrin like Arthur on King of Queens.. LMAOOOOO
"My entire family.." so his mom and sister finally get to see the kids a month after Christmas? Oh but it's not to see the kids its to see Bryan.. I forget who's the most important around there.
You hit everything right on! I couldn't believe that they were complaining g about the cold but had the baby out there in only a diaper because prince Ollie wanted to do water balloons. What about telling him no? He really is a bratty little boy. I really don't think they ever tell him no about anything.
Why they would t let Finn play is beyond me. I noticed that Liv had a funny look on her face. Of course Ollie gets to cut in front of her and go first...he's the prince.
Missy your house wouldn't look so cluttered if you took (or had someone) take down all the Christmas stuff. What are they waiting for?
Today's vlog...started out in the "morning" then nothing until they were out to dinner again. What do these people really do all day? Oh I forgot Bryan said he had to take the rubbish out. Yet they have their employees there all day.
I've lost all respect for both of the johnsons. There comes a time when you have to have some dignity and self-worth. They've sold themselves to the bumps.
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