Playsinrain wrote:Ya'll it makes me feel so much better that my dog isn't the only one that acts a hot mess at the vet. No matter how many times we go she cries and whines the WHOLE time and she's just like Ada, we have to muzzle her to get her nails trimmed. She acts like and sounds like you are cutting her whole foot off. Drama queen dogs!!
I have the same issue with 16 yr old cat; when we walk in the vet's door all the techs scatter so they don't have to deal with her. She goes mental and has an anti-anxiety med I give her on vet days, but it doesn't matter, she fights through the sedation but at home she's a sweet, loving lap-cat.
I also liked that C&K admitted Ada's nails were an issue and thanked the folks that called them out on it. Probably shouldn't have waited as long as they did, but I dread taking my little one in too knowing how traumatic it is for her and vet staff.
MG's bite looked painful; anyone had something similar?
My mom is a realtor and she always suggests her sellers paint over bright colors and put away 75% of what is out on a daily basis. I don't have a ton of stuff but she tells me it would still take 2-3 weeks to get my house ready to sell; she'd have a hissy fit in C&K's house.