MommaLindsey2 wrote:I only know one child that potty trained before 18 months. That was my nephew but he has off the charts iq and was speaking full sentences before he was 1. Kids are not ready at Levi's age especially when they just learned how to walk and can only say a couple of words.
This is just Kyra and Oscar being lazy because they had two babies so close together, maybe they should have waited a little longer to have a second if they were worried about things like this.
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My middle son started wanting to sit on the potty right after turning one, because he has a brother that is 22 months older and has always wanted to do everything he does (my oldest potty trained right at 2, on his own accord). By 14 months he was almost completely potty trained... he wasn't a big talker so we just put a little step stool in front of the toilet and a child seat on the toilet and he would run in there and do his business without a word. I didn't push it on him whatsoever, it was just something he wanted to do and I went along with it. Since he wasn't big on communicating his needs I would put him in a pull up when we went out and just take him to the bathroom every hour or so, and it was extremely rare he would wet his pull up. By the time he was about 18-19 months he would say potty/poop and from that point on he was in undies full time.
Now my 3rd son just turned 18 months, around 16 months he started wanting to sit on the potty, for about a month he would sit on it numerous times a day and actually went pee a large handful of times. Then one day about a month ago he cried when I went to set him on the potty before a bath, so I immediately took him off. After that when I would ask if he wanted to sit on the potty he would whine, so I dropped it. He's not ready and in no way did I ever or will if ever push him to do it anyway, so we will wait until he shows interest again. No biggie.
If Levi is interested it's really not a big deal. My son has no digestive or emotional problems from being potty trained at a young age. He did his thang and we followed. Out of my 6 nieces and nephews all of them have potty trained before 3 and had zero issues. Your son doesn't set the potty training rules. And a 12-18 month old who wants to be potty trained is a hell of a lot more work than changing diapers, let me tell you. So I really don't get how it has anything to do with them being lazy.
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