In 1998. So someone else who said it was all breathing the 90ties was right . Me too, I also like the kitchen area a lot, as well as the kids playroom. I feel like since today I completely see why this is their home. Also I can understand the sense in which the black marble is beautiful (especially quality-wise) and completely understand Katie when she says it will be less pompous when the gold is taken out. You know what the weird thing is, I am not a gold person (neither black marble), but I am catching myself liking the gold faucet in the kitchen, and I don't mind the gold knots on the drawer in the closet room, I think it's actually cute, I live in Europe and I am not used to golden accessories like that, so I wouldn't be able to tell it is outdated, it is completely new to me and I'm actually quite liking it surprisingly.Deadhead_kay wrote:I absolutely love that house and ugh that kitchen is sort of my dream. I would like to know the year the house was built because it's quite beautiful imo. Also those rooms are huge holy crap I'm definitely not used to bedrooms so large.
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Lol, Cullen stating today they had a swimming pool in the "neighborhood".
I was quite surprised Gaines didn't take "no" so well today in the background of the video, when Cullen was showing an extra laundry room.